Brown v. Board of Education

Correlating Executive Branch Records

Part III: Records Correlating to the Brown Decision, 1955-1977

Records of Executive Agencies

Records of the Office of Education, RG 12

National Archives at College Park, MD
Division of Equal Educational Opportunity
Division of Higher Education
Records Relating to Desegregation in Education, 1962-1974 (Finding Aid, A-1, Entry 35)
This series includes materials pertaining to segregation in 1955; the Supreme Court decision in Brown (1954); and desegregation in Norfolk, VA, that reference the Brown decision in legal documents, newspaper clippings, and correspondence.

Office of the Commissioner
Division of Higher Education
Office Files of the Commissioner of Education, 1939-1980 (Finding Aid, A-1, Entry 122)
This series contains progress reports, legal documents, correspondence, and newspaper and magazine articles relating to desegregation in Prince Edward County, VA, and the Brown (1954) decision.

General Records of the Department of Justice, RG 60

National Archives at College Park, MD
Civil Rights Division, 1960-1967
Records of St. John Barrett, Deputy Assistant Attorney General
This series includes legal memorandum, correspondence, and copies of state legislation from Virginia in 1959. Within the series are references to the Supreme Court decisions in the Bolling et al. v. Sharpe et al.; Davis et al. v. Board et al.; and Brown et al. v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, et al. cases.

Records of John Doar, Assistant Attorney General
This series contains the 1967 annual report, legal memorandums on schools, and correspondence that references the Brown (1954) decision.

Records of Burke Marshall, Assistant Attorney General
This series includes files on school integration in 1961, the sit-ins in 1962, the proposed Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1966, and annual reports for 1955-57 and 1961 that reference the Brown (1954) decision.

Files of Joseph M. F. Ryan, Jr., Acting Assistant Attorney General
This series contains correspondence relating to the impact of the Brown (1954) decision in schools.

Files of W. Wilson White, Assistant Attorney General
This series includes reports, memorandums, and correspondence on school integration, school closings, tuition grants-laws, and segregation laws that reference the Brown (1954) decision.

Classified Subject Files, 1930-1987
Case File: 144-100-79-1, Sections 1-15
This series includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, telegrams, and legal documents regarding the closing of Prince Edward County, VA, public schools in 1959 as a result of the Brown (1954) decision's prohibition of segregation.
