Research at the National Archives

Microfilmed at Alexandria, Virginia

Captured German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Virginia, USA

Records of various German central, regional and local government agencies, military headquarters, commands and units; the Nazi Party, Party formations, affiliated associations and supervised organizations; papers of some private businesses, institutions and persons. The period covered is chiefly from 1920 to 1945.

Finding aids: Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Virginia (National Archives, 1958-1993), Nos. 1-98. The Guides are out-of-print but are available for use or purchase on Microfilm Publication T733, roll 1 (Guides 1-20); roll 2 (Guides 21-40); roll 3 (Guides 41-55): roll 4 (Guides 56-65); roll 5 (Guides 66-70); roll 6 (Guides 71-73); roll 7 (Guides 74-78); roll 8 (Guides 79-84); roll 9 (Guides 85-88). Guides 85-97 are also available on individual microfiche. Relevant Guides are indicated by "GG" numbers below. See also:

  • Data Sheets to Microfilmed Captured German Records. Microfilm Publication T176. 34 rolls.
  • Guide to Captured German Documents (Maxwell AFB, Alabama, Dec. 1952) and Supplement (National Archives, 1959). Microfilm Publication T1183. 1 roll.


  • Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, 1936-1944 (Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda [RMVP]). Microfilm Publication T70. 133 rolls. (GG 22, 93 and T176/rolls 10 and 24)
  • Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium [RWM]). Microfilm Publication T71. 149 rolls. (GG 1 and T176/rolls 1 and 24)
  • Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichsministerium für Rüstung und Kriegsproduktion). Microfilm Publication T73. 193 rolls. (GG 10)
  • Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom (Reichskommissar für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums [RKFDV]). Microfilm Publication T74. 20 rolls. (GG 2 and T176/roll 1)
  • Records of the Office of the [Reich] Deputy for Serbian Economy [Bevollmächtige für Serbische Wirtschaft]. Microfilm Publication T75. 89 rolls. (T176/roll 32)
  • Records of the Todt Organization (Organization Todt [OT]). Microfilm Publication T76. 7 rolls. (GG 4 and T176/roll 1)
  • Miscellaneous German Records Collection, 1892-1945. Microfilm Publication T84. 491 rolls. (GG 5, 8, 36, 90, 98 and T176/rolls 6 and 29)
  • Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium). Microfilm Publication T177. 52 rolls. (GG 13 and T176/roll 7)
  • Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices, 1919-1945. Microfilm Publication T178. 28 rolls. (GG 11 & T176/roll 8; see also roll list below):
Reich Ministries and Offices Roll Numbers
Reichsforschungsrat (RFR) 1-5
Auswärtiges Amt (AA) 6-8
Reichsjustizministerium (RJM) 9-13
Reichsfinanzministerium (RFM) 14-16
Devisenstelle des Oberfinanzpräsident Berlin R17
Reichsarbeitsministerium (RAM) 18-19
Reichsministerium des Innern (RMdI) 20
Der Beauftragte für den Vierjahresplan 21-22
Reichsamt für Wetterdienst (RAfW) 23
Der Generaldirektor für das deutsche Strassenwesen 24
Wiener Infanterieregiment Alt-Starhemberg Nr.2 25
Reichsministerium für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung 26-27
  • Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates, 1890-1945. Microfilm Publication T179. 78 rolls. (GG 15 and T176/roll 13)
  • Records of the Reich Office for Soil Exploration (Reichsamt für Bodenforschung).
  • Microfilm Publication T401. 7 rolls. (GG 26 and T176/roll 16)
  • Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete) 1941-1945. Microfilm Publication T454. 167 rolls. (GG 28, 97 and T176/rolls 20 and 24)
  • Records of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States (Reichskommissar für das Ostland), 1941-1945. Microfilm Publication T459. 45 rolls. (GG 31 & T176/roll 16)


  • Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW). Microfilm Publication T77. 1,687 rolls. (GG 7, 17-19, 78, 80, 84-86, 94, 99 (draft) and T176/rolls 2, 26-27)


  • Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH). Microfilm Publication T78. 993 rolls. (GG 12, 29, 30, 82, 87, 91, 96 and T176/rolls 18 and 28)
  • Records of German Army Areas (Wehrkreise). Microfilm Publication T79. 344 rolls. (GG 34 and T176/rolls 22 and 24)
  • Records of German Field Commands: Army Groups. Microfilm Publication T311. 305 rolls. (GG 40, 52 and T176/roll 21)
  • Records of German Field Commands: Armies. Microfilm Publication T312. 1,696 rolls. (GG 14, 42-44, 47-50, 54, 56 and T176/rolls 12-12A)
  • Records of German Field Commands: Panzer Armies. Microfilm Publication T313. 489 rolls. (GG 51, 53 and T176/roll 17)
  • Records of German Field Commands: Corps. Microfilm Publication T314. 1,670 rolls. (GG 46, 55, 58-62)
  • Records of German Field Commands: Divisions. Microfilm Publication T315. 2,379 rolls. (GG 41, 45, 63-74 and 76)
  • Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories and Others. Microfilm Publication T501. 363 rolls. (GG 38, 57 and T176/roll 25)
  • German Military and Technical Manuals, 1910-1945. Microfilm Publication T283. 162 rolls. (Roll list available; T176/roll 14 covers only rolls 1-126)

Air Force

  • Records of Headquarters, German Air Force High Command (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/OKL). Microfilm Publication T321. 274 rolls. (GG 24, 92 and T176/rolls 15, 30-31)
  • German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumänien. Microfilm Publication T405. 64 rolls. (GG 25 and T176/rolls 16 and 24)
  • The Von Rohden Collection of Research Materials on the Role of the German Air Force in World War II, 1911-1947. Microfilm Publication T971. 73 rolls. (T176/roll 32)

Navy (see also page 3 for German Navy records filmed in London)

  • Records of Headquarters, German Navy High Command (Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine/OKM). Microfilm Publication T608. 8 rolls. (GG 37 & T176/roll 23-24)

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