The National Archives Catalog


Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Level Available A/V Only Public Element
No No Variable Character Length (60) Color Authority List Series
File Unit
No Yes


Definition: The absence or presence of colors, besides black, white and gray, of the specific media type.


Purpose: Informs the user of the color characteristics for the specific media type.


Relationship: This element is dependent on Specific Media Type. Each media occurrence of the archival materials must have a specific media type specified to create Color.



Choose the correct term from the Color Authority List.

Use "Black-and-White" when images are recorded or printed in black-and-white. Also applies to black-and-white images that have been hand-tinted or toned.

Use "Black-and-White and Color" when describing materials that have both black-and-white and color images where the black-and-white images make up the bulk of the materials. For example, a motion picture item may have three reels of film - two of which are black-and-white, one of which is color.

Use "Color" when images are recorded or printed in more colors than black, white and gray.

Use "Color and Black-and-White" when describing materials that have both color and black-and-white images where the color images make up the bulk of the materials. For example, a set of photographs consisting of color prints and a few black-and-white images, or the movie the Wizard of Oz, which is mostly color with black-and-white sequences at the beginning and end.








Black-and-White and Color

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