Holocaust-Era Assets

Civilian Agency Records RG 59

State Department and Foreign Affairs Records

General Records of the Department of State (RG 59)

Records of The Legal Adviser

The Legal Adviser, Green H. Hackworth, handled all matters of a legal nature for the Department throughout the war.

Records Relating to Postwar Settlement Issues, 1939-1963

Includes records relating to the postwar Paris Conference on Reparations, the Inter-Allied Reparations Agency (IARA), restitution of monetary gold, and defrosting of previously frozen assets.

Boxes 1-26 (Lot File 70D516)

Box # File Titles
1 Paris Conference Preparations
Paris Conference on Reparations Documents; II
Paris Conference on Reparations Minutes 11/10/45-12/45; 12/5/45-12/21/45
2 Paris Conference Final Report
IARA (Inter Allied Reparations Agency) IA; IB; IC
7-8 IARA X; XI vol 1; XI vol II; XII vol III 1950; XIII vol IV 1950;
XIV vol V 1951; XV vol VI 1951-1952
9-10 IARA XVI 1953-1955; IARA XVII 1956-1959; IARA XVIII 1956
10 IARA Brassert
IARA Committee of Experts
11 IARA Dismantling Unit
12 Gold Declaration 1941
Gold General
Gold Netherlands
Gold Pot and Distribution
Gold Protocol
Rumania Gold and Private Loans
Gold Turkey
Looted Gold
Non Monetary Gold
Siamese Gold; Siamese Gold Claim
13 Spanish Gold Loan to Portuguese
IARA Gold I 1945 March 1948; IARA Gold II April-October 1948; IARA
Gold III November 1948-October 1949
14 IARA Gold IV November 1949-November 1950; IARA Gold V April
1950-December 1950; IARA Gold VI January 1950; IARA Gold
VII January 1951-1952
15-18 IARA Gold VII August 1, 1952; IARA Gold VIII1952; IARA Gold IX;
IARA Gold X 1955-1956; IARA Gold XI 1957; IARA Gold XII
January-May 1958; IARA Gold XIII June-December 1958; IARA
Gold XIV January-August 1959; IARA Gold XV September 1959
18-19 IARA Gold Albano Italy 1945-1951 I; 1952II; IARA Gold Albano Italy
1953 III; 1954 IV; 1954-59 V;
19 Albanian Gold Claim June 1958
19-20 I-AF Albanian Gold Claim 1945-1950 I; I-AFAlbanian Gold Claim 1951-1952 II
20 I-AF Albanian Gold Claim III Gold Arbitration
I-AF Albanian Gold Claim 1953 IV
21 I-AF Albanian Gold Case V
Documents Concerning the Monetary Gold of the Bank of Albania
APC (Alien Property Custodian) General 1945-1946
22 APC General 1947-1957
22-23 APC Exec Comm I; II; III
23 APC Judicial Representations
APC Letters Abroad (copies)
APC Litigation
APC Subversive Activities in Latin America
APC Orders
APC Patent License to Government
APC Property Liquidation
APC Property Liquidation pending
APC Patent Policy
24 APC Religious and Charitable Property; APC Repatriates
Property; APC Reports; APC Trip; APC Vestings
Defrosting I 1939-1946; Defrosting I-A Securities 1944-1945
25 Defrosting II Feb. 1947-Oct. 1948; Defrosting III Nov. 1948-1950
25-26 Defrosting IV Legislation; Defrosting V Legislation;Defrosting VI 1955-
26 Defrosting VII General License and Rulings
Defrosting VIII 1950

Records Relating to German Assets, 1942-1959 (Lot File 60D139)

Boxes 1-43

Box # File Title
1 Legislation 82nd Congress, 83rd Congress
Legislation 83rd Congress Correspondence
2 Legislation 84th Congress; Legislation 84th CongressCorrespondence
2-3 Legislation 84th Congress Satellite Assets
3 Legislation 85th Congress; Legislation 85th CongressCorrespondence
Extension of Time 1949-1954
4 Legislation General 1949-50, 1951
5 Legislation First Decontrol Act of 1947; Legislation1943-1944;
Legislation Miscellaneous 1945-1946; Legislation
6 Legislation HR 5089 (1946)
Legislation Creditor's Bill HR 5089, HR 6890 (1946)
Legislation Patents Boykin Act (1946)
7 Legislation Returns (1946); Legislation Claims (1945)
Legislation Trademarks (1943-1946)
Legislation Claims (1942-1947); Legislation Claims (1946)
8 Legislation Gearhart Bills 1944
Legislation Transfer of German and Japanese Assets from Treasury to APC
and Recommendations to Congress
9 Albania APC; Albania Defrosting
Argentina APC; Argentina Defrosting
Australia APC
Belgium APC; Belgium Claims; Belgium Controls; Belgium
Defrosting though 1945; Belgium Defrosting through 1946;
Belgium Desequestration; Belgium general; Belgium patents
Bolivia APC; Bolivia Controls
Brazil APC; Brazil Controls
Canada APC; Canada Claims
Chile APC
China Claims
Colombia APC; Colombia Trade
Costa Rica Niehaus Case E. Mauer's APC
10 Czechoslovakia Defrosting
Czechoslovakia Sudeten, Status of
Denmark APC; Denmark Claims; Denmark Defrosting
Egypt Blocking
El Salvador APC
Estonia APC; Estonia Defrosting
Finland APC; Finland Claims; Finland Defrosting
11 France APC; France Claims; France Controls 1939-1950;
France Defrosting 9/44-6/45; France Defrosting July-December 1944;
France Defrosting 1948-1950
11-12 France Claims
12 Greece APC; Greece Defrosting
Guatemala APC
Haiti APC; Haiti Replacement Program 1946-1948
Iraq APC
Ireland APC
Korea APC; Korea Claims; Korea Defrosting
Latvia Defrosting; Latvia APC; Latvia Claims
Lebanon APC; Lebanon Currency
Liechtenstein APC
Lithuania APC; Lithuania Defrosting
Luxembourg APC; Luxembourg Defrosting; Luxembourg Patents
Malaya Defrosting
12-13 Mexico APC
13 Antitrust Files SYNTAX Mexico SA
Mexican Claims
Netherlands Claims 1946-1947; Netherlands Claims 1948;
Netherlands Claims 1949-1950; Netherlands Claims APC 1950;
Netherlands Claims October 1950; Netherlands Defrosting 1945- 1946; Netherlands Defrosting Loans; Netherlands Defrosting 1947;
Netherlands Looted Securities
14 Netherlands Decrees; Netherlands APC 1946-1949;
Netherlands Looted Securities
Norway APC; Norway Claims; Norway Controls; Norway Defrosting;
Norway Intercustodial; Norway Patents
15 Panama Trade
Peru APC
Philippines APC
Poland APC; Poland Claims; Poland Defrosting
Portuguese Accord
16 Portuguese Accord Surrey File
Portugal Accord; Portugal Accord Post File
17 Portugal Accord; Portugal Defrosting; Portugal E. Mauer
18 Portugal E. Mauer
Portuguese Accord EMS File
Rumania Claims 1946-1948; Rumania Claims 1948-1950;
Rumania Defrosting
Spain Accord; Spain Accord 1947; Spain Accord 1950-1952; Spain Accord 1953-1956; Spain Accord 1956
Spain Defrosting
19 Sweden Accord; Sweden Accord 1949-1954; Sweden Accord; Sweden
Accord 1955-1956; Sweden Accord Supplement
Svensk-Amerikanska Tradkompaniet SAB Bergslags Vardin AB
Sweden Defrosting
Swiss Accord Claims
Switzerland Patents
Thai Claims
Turkey Accord
United Kingdom Patents
USSR Committees
Venezuela APC
Yugoslavia Claims
Yugoslavia Defrosting 1945-1947; 1948-1950
20 Austria APC
German Assets in Austria Final Report Oil; (Annexes)
Austrian Contracts; Austria Defrosting
German Assets in Austria Final Report Banks
Austrian Looted Securities
Austria Restitution
21 Austrian Trade
German Assets in Austria Final Report-Insurance
German Assets in Austria Final Report-State Property
German Assets in Austria Final Report-Creditor Claims
German Assets in Austria Final Report DDSG
German Assets in Austria Final Report Industry
22 German Assets in Austria Final Report Industry (Annexes)
Austrian Treaty Commission U.S. Delegation Special Industry Reports
German Assets in Italy; German Assets in Italy 1954; German Assets in Italy 1955-1956; German Assets in Italy 1957
German Assets in Italy Claims
23 German Assets Claims
23-24 Germany APC
24 Germany Claims; German Controls 1949-1950
24-25 German Assets in Latin America
26 Germany Copyrights
Germany Divesting Law
Germany Immigration
Germany Patents; German Patents June 1946; German Patents 1947-1948
Accord on German Owned Patents
German Patents
27 German Refugees
German Restitution 2/50-4/50; 5/50-8/50; 9/50-10/50; 10/50-12-50
28 German Rolling Stock 11/46-11/47; 1/48-12/48; 1/49-3/50; 4/50
Germany Trade
Germany Trademarks 1946; 1947; 1948-8/50; 9/50-1955
29 German Treaty
German Validation Ordinance
German Assets in Austria 1946; 1948; 1948-1950
German External Assets
30 German Assets in Hungary
German Assets in Italy 1946-7/48; 1/49-7/49; 8/49-12/49
Intercustodial Agreement US-UK-Canada I; II; III
Intercustodial Documents I; II
31 Intercustodial Preparations I; II; III; IV; V
32 Intercustodial Problems I; II; III
Intercustodial Meetings I; II; III
32-33 Intercustodial ARA Assembly
33 Maurer Intercustodial I; II
34-35 Maurer Intercustodial III; IV; V; VI; VII; (no VIII was located); IX; X; XI; XII; XIII; XIV; XV; XVI
36 Simsarian Intercustodial I: II: III: IV: V: VI: VII: VIII: (no IX was located) X
Surrey Intercustodial I
M H Cardozo Intercustodial
Intercustodial I January 1947
37-39 Intercustodial I; Intercustodial II 1947;III 1947; IV December 1947;
I 1948; II 1948; I 1949; II 1949; III 1949; I 1950; II1950;
I 1951; July 1951
39 Intercustodial Current
Reichsmark I Mr. Maurer; Reichsmark II Mr. Maurer;
Reichsmark III Mr. Maurer
40-42 Reichsmark IV (V and VI were not located);VII; (VIII and IX were not located); X; XI; XII; XIII; XIV; XV; XVI; XVII
42 Cover Accounts Vol I A-K; Cover Accounts Vol II L-Z
U.S. Issued Securities-Certificates in Holland as Claimed by the U.S.

Records of the Legal Adviser Relating to War Crimes

Records Relating to German War Crimes 1942-1946 (Entry 1368)

Boxes 1-5

Box # File Title or Subject
1 Asylum in Neutral Countries (3 folders)
4 War Crimes-Industrialists
War Crimes-Jewish Atrocities
5 Attrocities against Jews

Records Relating to U.S. Participation in the U.N. War Crimes Commission 1943-1949 (Entry 1369)

Boxes 6-16 - United Nations War Crimes Commission

Lists of War Criminals 1944-1948 (Entry 1370) - Boxes 16-21

Records of the Assistant Legal Advisers

Subject Files of the Assistant Legal Adviser for European Affairs relating to Germany and Austria, 1945-1960 (Entry 1311) (lot File 59D609)

Boxes 2-26


Box # File Title or Subject
5 Claims files 1953-1958
10 Restitution - Internal 1958


Box # File Title or Subject
20 Property Claims of U.S. Citizens
Claims Settlement Agreement

General Records of the Assistant Legal Adviser for German Affairs relating to Germany and Austria 1946-1956 (Entry 1314) (Lot File 57D54)

Boxes 27-40

Austria - Box 30 - Whole box on Austrian Looted Securities

Records of the Personal Representative of the President to Pope Pius XII 1942-1950

President Roosevelt appointed Myron C. Taylor as his personal representative to Pope Pius XII on December 23, 1939. Taylor arrived in Rome in February 1940 and spent several months investigating civilian refuge problems and the possibilities for peace. Thereafter he visited Rome periodically and became President Truman's personal representative to Pius XII in 1946. During Taylor's absences from Vatican City, relations with the Vatican were maintained by a small staff of Foreign Service officers. His assistant from 1941-1946, Harold H. Tittman, Jr., was Charge d'Affaires on various occasions; thus much of the correspondence described below is with Tittman. (Note 22)

Index to Decimal File 1944 and 1945 (Entry 1065)

An index on 3x5-inch cards, to records in the 1944 and 1945 portion of the decimal file in Entry 1068. Each entry gives the classification under which the document was filed. Some entries include a brief description of the document. Arranged alphabetically by subject or name. Box 1.

Index To The Decimal File 1947 (Entry 1066)

An index on 3x5-inch cards, to the 1947 portion of the decimal file in Entry 1068. Each entry gives a short summary of the document and the classification under which it was filed. Arranged alphabetically by subject or name. Box 1.

Index to Instructions Received April 20, 1944-February 25, 1947 (Entry 1067)

An index on 3x5-inch cards, to instructions from the Department of State to the personal representative of the President. Each entry gives the date of the instruction, its subject, the classification under which it was filed, and its security classification. Arranged numerically. Box 1.

Decimal File 1944-1950 (Entry 1068)

Telegrams, despatches, reports, and letters between Taylor and his staff and the Department of State, other U.S. Government agencies, the Vatican, and the Italian Government. Also included is some semipersonal correspondence. Included in the records is information on political affairs, Jews, refugees and relief activities, German-owned property in Rome, property rights, the Vatican Bank. Arranged chronologically by year and thereunder according the Foreign Service Classification Manual. Records for 1944 and 1945 are filed together. A box and folder list is available in the consultation area in Room 2600. Boxes 1-27.

Year Box# File# File Title
1944-1945 4 310 Jews
  6 711
German diplomats in Vatican City
Axis diplomats residing in Vatican
  7 711.4
German-owned property
Enemy diplomats in Vatican City
  8 800 Hungarian refugees in Austria and Bavaria
  9 800.1 Pope Pius XII's addresses
  11 840.3
850 851
Boticelli's Madonna
Economic matters
Financial conditions
Vatican banks, banking, and black list
1946 13 711.3
German-owned property in Rome
Displaced persons
  14 840.3
Fine arts
Economic matters
Financial matters and lands

Confidential Correspondence File 1944-1947 (Entry 1069)

Letters, reports, memorandums that were kept separate from the main body of the 1944-1950 decimal file in Entry 1068. Most, but not all, of the documents were originally security classified. Arranged chronologically. Box 28

Register of Telegrams Sent and Received 1944-1949 (Entry 1070)

Lists of telegrams sent--August 20, 1944-July 22, 1948, July 11-December 31, 1948, and January 2, 1949-January 9, 1950; and telegrams received--January 3-October 31, 1949. Each entry gives the number of the telegram, its classification, the date, and the subject. Arranged numerically by telegram number.
Box 29

Telegrams and Airgrams Sent January-December 1942 and June 1944-December 1949 (Entry 1071)

Copies of official telegrams and airgrams sent to the Department of State and various Foreign Service posts. Arranged as telegrams or airgrams and thereunder chronologically, except for one set of 1948 telegrams that is arranged by Foreign Service post and thereunder chronologically.
Boxes 29-30

Telegrams and Airgrams Received 1942-1949 (Entry 1072)

Copies of official telegrams and airgrams received from the Department of State and various Foreign Service posts. Arranged chronologically, except for the 1948 telegrams from various Foreign Service posts that are arranged by post and thereunder chronologically. Those for 1946 and 1947 are arranged as telegrams or airgrams and thereunder chronologically. Boxes 31-32

Miscellaneous Subject Files 1944-1949 (Entry 1073)

Copies of letters, memorandums, reports, telegrams, and invitations to social functions. Included are such subject as Axis diplomats, war criminals, protocol, and statements and peace efforts of the Pope. Arranged alphabetically subject.
x Boxes 33-34

Records of the Special Interrogation Mission to Germany, 1945-1946

In 1945, the Department of State sent a mission to Germany to interrogate former German government officials regarding German foreign relations, propaganda, the Nazi Party, and other subjects for the period 1939-1945. The mission, headed by DeWitt C. Poole, functioned from August 1945 to January 1946. Its purpose was to acquire political information from participants in the Nazi regime; to fill in gaps in the Department's knowledge of Nazi foreign policy and of Nazi activities abroad; reveal certain aspects of the operation of the Nazi administrative machine; and fix personal responsibility for major decisions and policies in the Third Reich.

Interrogations of Former High-LevelNazi Diplomatic and Military Officers 1945-1946 (Entry 1082)

The records are arranged alphabetically by surname. Reports on the Interrogations of Former German Government Officials. Each report includes biographical information of the person interrogated, the date, place and language(s)of the interrogation; the interrogator(s); the method of recording the interrogation and related pertinent materials concerning the subject of the interrogation and the person being interrogated. Most of the first three boxes of this material have been microfilmed as NARA Microfilm Publication M679, 3 rolls. The fourth box consists of material transferred to the National Archives in 1980. Although some of the folders have the same surname title as in boxes 1-3, the material is complementary and does not contain duplications. Boxes 1-4

Roll # Person Interrogated (note 23) Microfilmed Pages
1 Backe, Herbert 12
  Blaskowitz, Johannes 4
  Blomberg, Werner von (note 24) 14
  Boettichler, Friedrich von 9
  Bohle, Ernst Wilhem 120
  Borchers, Hans 9
  Bormann, Martin see note
  Brandt, Karl 1
  Brauchitsch, Walter Heinrich von 7
  Busch, Walter 6
  C (Herwarth) 19
  Daluege, Kurt 5
  Darre, Walter (note 25) 16
  Dieckhoff, Hans Heinrich (note 26) 18
  Dirksen, Herbert von 144
  Doenitz, Karl von (note 27) 8
  Eberstein, Karl von 25
  Epp, Franz Ritter von 4
  Feldtange, Hanna (note 28) 5
  Frank, Hans 35
  Frank, Karl Hermann 2
  Frick, Wilhelm 19
  Funk, Walter 2
  Gienanth, Ulrich von (note 29) 9
  Goering, Hermann 179
  Gottfriedsen, Bernd (note 30) 13
  Guderian, Heinz 7
  Haushofer, Karl 15
2 Hencke, Andor (note 31) 159
  Hepp, Ernst Adolf (note 32) 11
  Herwarth, Hans Heinrich (note 33) 75
  Hess, Rudolf 7
  Hessen, Philip von Prinz 3
  Hewel, Walter 1
  Hilger, Gustav 4
  Horthy, Nicholaus 9
  Hoyningen-Huene, Oswald (note 34) 8
  Jodl, Alfred (note 35) 9
  Kaltenbrunner, Ernst 3
  Keitel, Wilhelm (note 36) 11
  Keppler, Wilhelm 27
  Klee, Eugen (note 37) 7
  Kleeberg, Gerhard Johannes Georg 5
  Koecher, Otto 8
  Koerner, Paul 2
  Kolbe, Fritz 8
  Kordt, Erich (note 38) 27
  Kritzinger, Friedrich Wilhelm 1
  Kuehlmann, Richard von 5
  Lahousen, Erwin 9
  Lammers, Hans Heinrich 32
  Ley, Robert 17
  Loesch, Karl Heinrich von 21
  Meissner, Otto (note 39) 90
  Mentizinger, Joseph Hermann F. (note 40) 7
  Nagel, Jacob (note 41) 3
  Heubacher, Hermann (note 42) 36
  Neurath, Constantin von 11
3 Niebuhr, Dietrich (note 43) 16
  Ohnesorge, Wilhelm 1
  Paeffgen, Theodor 9
  Papen Franz von 100
  Prittwitz, Friedrich Wilhelm von 4
  Rekowski, Carl Berthold Franz 7
  Reinecke, Hermann see note
  Ribbentrop, Joachim von 32
  Riecke, Hans J see note
  Ritter, Karl (note 44) 8
  Rosenberg, Alfred see note
  Sauckel, F see note
  Schacht, Horace Greely Hjalmer 7
  Schmidt, Paul Otto Gustav 96
  Schirach, Baldur von (note 45) see note
  Scholz, Gerda (note 46) 37
  Schwarz, Franz Xaver 5
  Schwerin Kosigk von see note
  Seldte, Franz see note
  Seyss-Inquart, Arthur see note
  Six, Franz Alfred and Mahnke, Horst 179
  Speer, Albert see note
  Steengracht, Moyland von 16
  Steinhaeuser, Conrad (note 47) 3
  Strempel, Heribert von 8
  Streicher, Julius see note
  Stroelin, Karl 22
  Stukant, Wilhelm see note
  Tannenberg, Wilhelm Ernst August (note 48) 7
  Tannenberg, Wilhelm Ernst August Box 4
  Thomas, George (note 49) 11
  Thomas, George Box 4
  Thomsen, Hans (note 50) 8
  Thomsen, Hans Box 4
  Tuetzechler, Heinz von Falkenstein (note 51) 26
  Tuetzechler, Heinz von Falkenstein Box 4
  Twardowski, Fritz Ernst 3
  Veesenmayer, Edmund 30
  Veesenmayer, Edmund Box 4
  Warlimont, Walter 48
  Warlimont, Walter Box 4