Military Records

OSS Glossary of Initialisms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

Office of Strategic Services Records (Record Group 226)

Glossary of Initialisms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

This glossary lists initialisms, abbreviations, and acronyms that are found in the Office of Strategic Services records. To learn more about the records, visit The Office of Strategic Services Records pages.

A-2 Air Intelligence, US Army
AAF Army Air Forces
ABDA American-British-Dutch-Australian Command
Abwehr German military intelligence
ACC Allied Control Commission

Allied Forces Headquarters (operations in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations)

AFO Anti-Fascist Organizations, Burma
AFPFL Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League, Burma
AGFRTS Air Ground Force Resources and Technical Staff, one of three OSS China commands
AI Air Intelligence, British Air Ministry
AIB Allied Intelligence Bureau
AKAK Trans-Pyrenees chain of agents operated by OSS, Spain
ALFSEA Allied Land Forces Southeast Asia
ALIU Art Looting Investigative Unit, OSS
ALOT American Liaison Officer Team (re: partisans in Italy)
AMZON American Zone of Germany
ANVIL Plan for the invasion of southern France, see later DRAGOON
APC Alien Property Custodian, U.S.
ATC Air Transport Command
BAAG British Army Aid Group, China
Baker Street Special Operations Executive (SOE) Headquarters in London
BAM British Air Ministry
BCRA French Gaullist intelligence and operational services
BIA Burma Independence Army
Birch OSS agent that penetrated Germany through Scandinavia in 1945
BIS Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland
Black Series

Kappa messages dealing with the Balkans (1944); questionable reports coming from the Vatican

Blue Sweden in 1943 Kappa messages
BEW Board of Economic Warfare, U.S.
BMEW British Ministry of Economic Warfare
BNA Burmese National Army
Bonty Lisbon, Portugal in Kappa messages
Boston Series Intelligence reports based on George Wood/Kappa information
BPF Burma Patriotic Front
Breakers German opposition groups
Broadway British intelligence (MI6 Headquarters)
Brown Spain in Kappa messages
BSC British Security Coordination
Buffalo OSS agent in Iraq
Bunny OSS agent in Iraq
Burns Allen Dulles (1942-1943)
CAPS Intelligence network in Geneva, Switzerland; reporting to the OSS
Carat OSS agent in Lebanon
Carib F.L. Mayer
Cassia Anti-Nazi underground group in Vienna, Austria
Castle Indicator for messages dealing with the German threat to Switzerland
CBI China-Burma-India Theater of Operations
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff (US-UK)
C&D Censorship and Documents Branch, OSS
CE Counter Espionage
Cereus Circle

Well connected individuals in Istanbul, Turkey; who provided information to the OSS

CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIB Counter Intelligence Branch
CIC Counter Intelligence Corps (Army G-2)
CID Central Information Division, OSS R&A Branch
CIG Central Intelligence Group
CLNAI Committee of National Liberation of Northern Italy

Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center (Allied interrogation service, pooled effort; pooled result

Coachman Ernst Kaltenbrunner
COI Coordinator of Information
Cousins The British
Critic German SS General Karl Wolff
Crossword British Designation for Operation Sunrise, a series of secret negotiations conducted in March 1945 in Switzerland between representatives of Nazi Germany and the Western Allies to arrange a local surrender of German forces in northern Italy
Crown Jewels Germans deemed to be important during the postwar period
CT or CTO China Theater of Operations
The Cub Hans Bernd Gisevius
Culber Hans Bernd Gisevius
Deuxieme Bureau French Intelligence Service
DGER Direction Generale des Etudes et Recherches (French intelligence unit)

Division of Intelligence Procurement; unit of OSS London in charge of German Penetration

Division 19-SW

National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) unit created for the purpose of 19-SW developing weapons and devices for the OSS


National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) unit created for the purpose of developing weapons and devices for the OSS

Dogwood Source in Turkey (Alfred Schwarz) and head of the Cereus Circle

OSS staff member in Bern, Switzerland; and point of contact for Drum messages early in the war

Drumbee Harold Drumbee was a code name for an Italian opposition figure
EAM Greek resistance movement
Ebert OSS agent in Mozambique
ECONIC Economic Intelligence
EDES Greek resistance
ELAS Greek Resistance
Elmer Elmer Davis, Director of the Office of War Information
Emperor German Field Marshal Albert Kesserling

Enemy Objectives Unit of the Economic Warfare Division of the U.S. embassy, London, England

ESD44 Economic Survey Detachment Group 44
ETO European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, United States Army
FAAA Units OSS First Allied Airborne Army Detachment (activated August 1944)
Fat Boy German Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering
FEA Foreign Economic Administration, US
FEB Far Eastern Bureau, British Political Warfare Executive (PWE) mission in India
FED Foreign Exchange Division, OSS
FET Far Eastern Theater of Operations
FEU Field Experimental Unit, OSS


Forces Francaises de l’Interieur (Free French Forces)
FIDES OSS field detachment headquarters in France, 1944-1945
FIME Forces in Middle East, British Army
Flash Allen Dulles evening radiotelephone transmission
Flute Professor Paul Scherrer
FNB Foreign Nationalities Branch, OSS
FO Foreign Office, British

Code name for a German Jew residing in Ascona, Switzerland; who was a Source for Allied intelligence

FP Field Photograph Branch, OSS
Friends British
FTP Communist controlled French resistance groups
G-1 US Army personnel
G-2 US Army intelligence
G-3 US Army operations
G-4 US Army supply
G-5 US Army civil affairs
Garbo War Refugee Board
Gensis Direct Rome-Bern communication system for Operation Sunrise
Gerplan General Donovan’s plan for infiltration of Germany in 1944
Grand German Foreign Ministry or German Government in Berlin (Kappa messages)
Gray Kappa indicator for Finland
Green Kappa indicator for Italy
Gregory OSS chief in Lisbon, Portugal
Grimm Germany
Handel und Wandel

Weekly business publication produced by the OSS in Sweden

Harvard Plan German language propaganda periodical produced in Washington and Distributed by OSS Stockholm
HIHI Trans-Pyrenees chain of agents operated by OSS Spain
HO Hydrographic Office, US Navy
HOHO Trans-Pyrenees chain of agents operated by OSS Spain
IAMM Independent American Military Mission to Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia
IB or IBT India-Burma theater of Operations (beginning in 1944)
Iceland Category of material transmitted between Bern and Italy in 1944
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
IDC Interdepartmental Committee for the Acquisition of Foreign Publications
IIU Insurance Intelligence Unit, OSS
INA Indian National Army
ITF International Federation of Transport Workers
ISLD Inter-Service Liaison Department, British (SIS/MI6 in Middle East and Far East)
JA Jewish Agency for Palestine
Jack and Jill German opposition group associated with Breakers
Jadwin Mission Operation designed to achieve the withdrawal of Bulgaria from the war
JANIS Joint Army-Navy intelligence studies, Army-Navy-OSS joint project
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
J-E (Joan-Eleanor) Communication device used between OSS ground agents and OSS personnel flying in an aircraft
Jennings, Charles B Fictitious name of Washington recipient of Dulles radiotelephone transmissions
JIC Joint Intelligence Committee
JICA Joint Intelligence Collection Agency, US intelligence pools in theaters of operation
Johnston, Bertram Cover name used to place Allen Dulles evening radiotelephone transmissions
Jones Series Relates to military deception
Jonny Left-wing resistance movement in Vienna, Austria
JSSC Joint Strategic Survey Committee, planning committee of the US JCS
K-28 Austrian source that provided information to OSS Bern, Switzerland

Indicator for messages containing information and documents obtained from the German Foreign Ministry by Frtiz Kolbe (code named George Wood)

KMT Koumintang, Chinese Nationalist party
Latte Kappa indicator for Budapest, Hungary
Lavender Kappa indicator for China
Luber Hans Bern Gisevius
MA Military Attache
Macgregor Mission OSS operation in Italy
Manet Great Britain
MPAJA Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army
Marie Series of Allen Dulles reports on France, beginning in December 1943
MEDTO Mediterranean Theater of Operations
Medusa Large OSS intelligence gathering operation targeting France and Spain
MEW Ministry of Economic Warfare, British
MID Military Intelligence Division, US Army
MILORG Norwegian resistance
MI5 British Counter-Intelligence
MI6 British Secret Intelligence Service
MIS Military Intelligence Service, G-2, War Department general staff
MO Morale Operations, OSS psychological warfare unit
Motto OSS morale operations in London
MRL Maryland Research Laboratory, established to conduct research for the OSS
MU Maritime Unit, OSS
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, US Army
Nabors The Germans, neighbors to the Swiss
NEI Netherlands East Indies
NETO Near East Theater of Operations
Nicholson General Lyman Lemnitzer during Operation Sunrise
NATO North African Theater of Operations
OB Order of Battle, organization or hierarchy of military forces for battle
OELR Office of European Labor Research, New York City
OG Operational Groups (commando units), OSS
OI Oral Intelligence Branch, OSS
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence, US
Orange Kappa indicator for Bulgaria
ORI Italian resistance
Orlan Antonescu
OSO Office of Special Operations
OSS Office of Strategic Services
OVRA Italian secret police
OWI Office of War Information, US
Oysters Leader of an Austrian resistance movement coordinating committee
Paradise Certain Kappa cables involving the penetration of Germany

Mrs. Pestalozzi

Mary Bancroft, Ascona, Switzerland
Phillips, Carr Cover name for an Italian opposition figure
Pink Kappa indicator for Tangiers
Porto Kappa indicator for German diplomatic post
Prado Kappa indicator for Madrid
Proust Project

Auxiliary operation to the Sussex Mission to build up a reserve pool of agents for any unforeseen situations of the post D-Day period

Pupin Brig. General Barnwell Legge, US Military Attache in Switzerland
PWB Psychological Warfare Board
PWD Psychological Warfare Division
PWE Political Warfare Executive, British
R&A Research and Analysis Branch, OSS
R&D Research and Development Division, OSS
Ralph Erwin Respondek
Raz Code name for a Swiss source in Basel
Red Eric Ericson, OSS agent in Stockholm, Sweden
Redbird OSS plan to establish contact with the Austrian resistance
Remus Morris “Mo” Berg
Rocky Person involved with the Breakers

Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force, activated by SHAEF on March 29, 1945; to send to various POW camps in enemy territory

SACMED Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean
SACO Sino-American Cooperative Organization

The overriding goal of SAFEHAVEN was to make it impossible for Germany to start another war. Specific goals included the restriction of German economic penetration, the prevention of Germany from sequestering assets in neutral countries, the assurance that German assets would be available for postwar reparations and the rebuilding of Europe, and the prevention of escape for members of the Nazi ruling elite who had been marked down for war crimes trials.

Saint OSS indicator for messages containing security and counter-intelligence
SBS Special Bari Section, OSS Balkan Operations
SCI Special Counter-Intelligence, joint operation of MI5 and X-2
SCI/A Special Counter-Intelligence, Austria
SEAC Southeast Asia Command
SEATIC Southeast Asia Translation and Interrogation Center, SEAC
SEPALS OSS base camps in Scandinavia
SF Detachments SFHQ units attached to each of the army groups and ETO armies
SFE Survey of Foreign Experts, OSS
SFHQ Special Forces Headquarters, SO/SOE combined activities
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
SI Secret Intelligence Branch, OSS
SIFE Security Intelligence Far East, British MI5/SIS
SIM Servizio Informazioni Militare, Italian military intelligence service
SIME Security Intelligence Middle East, British
Simpson Code name for unofficial representative of the Czech government
SIS Secret Intelligence Service, British MI6
SITREP Situation Report
SO Special Operations Branch, OSS
SOA Special Operations Australia
SOE Special Operations Executive, British
Sorel Slovakia
SOU Ship Observer Unit, OSS
The Spider Man of Moorish extraction who passed mail to Lisbon for OSS Bern, Switzerland
Spinster Code name for an important source on France in Geneva, Switzerland
Spirit Geneva, Switzerland
SPOC G-3 Special Project Operations Center, joint British-American organization in Algiers established to conduct operation in France
SR Intelligence section of the French professional secret service, the Deuxieme Bureau; separate from the Gaullist BCRA
SSO Strategic Services Operations, chief OSS officer for a theater
SSS Security Services Section, OSS SI tactical intelligence teams attached to the 7th Army Force 163
SSU Strategic Services Unit
S&T Schools and Training Branch, OSS
Stallion OSS agent in Lebanon and Syria
Stork Gerhard Van Arkel
Squirrel OSS agent in Syria
Sunrise Series of secret negotiations conducted in March 1945 in Switzerland between representatives of Nazi Germany and the Western Allies to arrange a local surrender of German forces in northern Italy
Sussex Mission Combined OSS-MI6-French operations in France
SWPA South-West Pacific Area
Ted Eduard Schulte
Teton OSS agent in the Belgian Congo
T-Forces Target-Forces developed under SHAEF G-2 for the exploitation of enemy material and documents
Toledo Indicator for messages dealing with chemical and biological warfare intelligence
Tompus Baron Anthony Radvanssky
Top Zurich, Switzerland
ULTRA Designation adopted by British Military Intelligence for wartime signals intelligence obtained by breaking high-level encrypted enemy radio and teleprinter communications at the Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park. Ultra eventually became the standard designation among the western Allies for all such intelligence.
Uncolored Kappa indicator for Denmark
UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency
USFETO United States Forces European Theater of Organization
USTRAVIC Indicator for and recipient of many OSS messages in London
Varlin Mission London SI/Labor Desk mission to France in 1944
Vessel Indicator for a series of reports from a source (now regarded as probably spurious) in the Vatican
VP Visual Presentation Branch, OSS
Waldo Kappa indicator for a German consul
Wally Vaclav Hradecky, Czech radio operator who assisted the OSS in Operation Sunrise
WD War Department, US
Werewolves Nazi organization trained to wage guerilla warfare after the defeat to German military forces
Wood, George Fritz Kolbe
Wood Traffic Material received from George Wood, and related messages
WRB War Refugee Board
X-2 Counter-Intelligence Branch, OSS
Zulu The British
105 Colonel David K.E. Bruce
106 Colonel G. Edward Buxton
109 William J. Donovan
110 Allen W. Dulles
154 Whitney H. Shepardson
284 Max Shoop
300 Colonel Ellery Huntington
304 George Pratt
305 Arthur Goldberg
334 William A. Eddy
339 Gerhard van Arkel
452 Robert D. Murphy
476 Geo von Schulze Gaevernitz
488 Dr. Carl Jung
511 Swiss Intelligence Service
512 Hans Bernd Gisevius
518 Marcel Pilet-Golaz
520 Brig. General Bernwell Legge
521 British intelligence in Switzerland
523 Henry Hyde
621 Head of British SIS in Switzerland
643 Eduard Schulte

Thomas H. McKittrick

645 British SOE in Switzerland
659 Admiral Wilhelm Canaris
660 Adriano Olivetti
674 Fritz Kolbe (George Wood), also assigned number 805
678 Gerald Mayer
760 Colonel Edward J.F. Glavin
805 Fritz Kolbe (George Wood), also assigned number 674
827 Professor Paul Scherrer
6th AG Detachment OSS unit attached to the 6th Army Group
Detachment 101 India-Burma, based in Assam (India) and advanced to points in Burma
Detachment 202 China, Kunming
Detachment 203 China, Chungking, SACO
Detachment 205 China, Chengtu
Detachment 303 India, New Delhi
Detachment 404 Ceylon, Kandy
Detachment 505 India, Calcutta
SF Detachment 10 Attached to the 1st Army
SF Detachment 11 Attached to the 3rd Army
SF Detachment 12 Attached to the 12th Army Group
SF Detachment 13 Attached to the 9th Army
31st Special Counterintelligence (SCI) Unit Served in France beginning with the Normandy landings
69th Special Counterintelligence (SCI) Unit Served in France beginning with the Normandy landings
2671st Battalion Company A, Italian Operations
2671st Battalion Company B, French Operations
2671st Battalion Company C, Balkan Operations
2671st Battalion Company D, attached to 2677th Regiment
2677th Regiment Company A, OG Operations
2677th Regiment Company B, French Operations
2677th Regiment Company C, Balkan Operations
2677th Regiment Company D, Italian Operations
