The National Declassification Center Releases Records Relating to Human Rights Abuses in Argentina

A Presidential Tasking from the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) on June 13, 2016, directed various Executive branch departments and agencies, including the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), to search for records relating to human rights abuses committed in Argentina between January 1, 1975, and December 31, 1984, and to review responsive records for public access. In response, NARA assembled staff, including archivists from the National Declassification Center (NDC), the Presidential Libraries, and the Center for Legislative Archives to conduct this search and review. Responsive Presidential records were made available in previous releases and all identified Legislative records were already publicly available. This release represents responsive Executive Branch agency records that have been accessioned into the National Archives and have not been previously released. The NDC coordinated review of the records and prepared them for public release. Records that were released in full or in part may be accessed by using the search form below. Questions may be directed to


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Found 990 records.
Case IDRecord Group DOCIDHMS REIDHMS EentryFromToDocument TypePagesSubject
558106533004376HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message5 PDF109-12-201-3090
558106533004373HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message3 PDF109-12-201-3085
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558106533004382HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message3 PDF109-12-201-3097
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547396532989105HS1-282347794UD 16D 15- -- -Message6 PDF109-HQ-12-201
547396532989075HS1-282347794UD 16D 15- -Director USSSMemorandum26 PDF109-HQ-12-201
547396532987668HS1-282347794UD 16D 15- -- -Message27 PDF109-HQ-12-201
547396532986704HS1-282347794UD 16D 15- -Director, FBIMemorandum24 PDF109-HQ-12-201
547396532986507HS1-282347794UD 16D 15- -Director, FBIAirgram10 PDF109-12-201-2899
547558432455646HS1-79813475UD-10D 22Amembassy BUENOS AIRESSecstate WASHDCTelegram3 PDFThe Future Role of Armed Forces in Argentina
529688432735134HS1-187628901UD-14D17AmEmbassy BUENOS AIRESSecState WASHDCTelegram4 PDFSenator Helms Talks to President Videla
529688432734690HS1-187628901UD-14D17MChaplinThe AmbassadorMemorandum2 PDFViews on the Secretary's Visit to Argentina
529688432734689HS1-187628901UD-14D17Amembassy BUENOS AIRESTelegram7 PDFMrs. Peron Versus the Military
529688432734687HS1-187628901UD-14D17Ambassador, DCM, USMILGP/COL RUSSELLMemo of Conversation2 PDFMinister of Defense Brigadier Mayor (Major General), Retired, Jose Maria Klix
529688432734682HS1-187628901UD-14D17AmEmbassy BUENOS AIRESTelegram9 PDFLabor Minister Discusses Trade Union Reorganization Plans
529688432734677HS1-187628901UD-14D17RondonThayerLetter9 PDFLetter of February 11
547558432455645HS1-79813475UD-10D 22AmEmbassy BUENOS AIRESSecState WashDCTelegram2 PDFTensions in Armed Forces
547558432455642HS1-79813475UD-10D 22Amembassy Buenos AiresSecState WashDCTelegram2 PDFTerrorist Activities on the Upswing
547558432455639HS1-79813475UD-10D 22Burnos AiresSecstate WASHDCTelegram4 PDFKidnapping of US Official
547558432455636HS1-79813475UD-10D 22Amembassy SantiagoSecState WashDCTelegram1 PDFVisit of Argentine Foreign Minister
529688432735135HS1-187628901UD-14D17AmEmbassy BUENOS AIRESSecState WASHDCTelegram2 PDFRequest for Instructions
529688432735130HS1-187628901UD-14D17AMEMBASSY BUENOS AIRESSECSTATE WASHDCTelegram252 PDFPresident Videla's First Anniversary Address
529688432734691HS1-187628901UD-14D17Amembassy BUENOS AIRESSecState WASHDCTelegram2 PDFSecretary's Visit - Possible Items to Raise
529688432734678HS1-187628901UD-14D17LuersThe Deputy SecretaryMemorandum7 PDFYour Meeting with Argentine Charge Prat Guy
529688432734676HS1-187628901UD-14D17RondonHillLetter10 PDFWorthwhile Visit
529678432734612HS1-148714898UD-13W-2CrossFalzoneMemorandum45 PDFStaff Meeting, Monday, August 4, 1980
547558432455649HS1-79813475UD-10D 22Amembassy Buenos AiresSecState WashDCTelegram7 PDFAAA Wasrning to Pepsico Executive
547558432455648HS1-79813475UD-10D 22Amembassy BUENOS AIRESSecstate WASHDCTelegram2 PDFTerrorists Kill Five Policemen and Attack Chrysler Plant
529688432735140HS1-187628901UD-14D17HitchcockMemorandum104 PDFLetter from Amconsul Cordoba
529688432735138HS1-187628901UD-14D17News Article/Clippings131 PDFConsul sent Plea for help before execution