The National Declassification Center Releases Records Relating to Human Rights Abuses in Argentina

A Presidential Tasking from the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) on June 13, 2016, directed various Executive branch departments and agencies, including the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), to search for records relating to human rights abuses committed in Argentina between January 1, 1975, and December 31, 1984, and to review responsive records for public access. In response, NARA assembled staff, including archivists from the National Declassification Center (NDC), the Presidential Libraries, and the Center for Legislative Archives to conduct this search and review. Responsive Presidential records were made available in previous releases and all identified Legislative records were already publicly available. This release represents responsive Executive Branch agency records that have been accessioned into the National Archives and have not been previously released. The NDC coordinated review of the records and prepared them for public release. Records that were released in full or in part may be accessed by using the search form below. Questions may be directed to


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Found 990 records.
Case IDRecord GroupDOCIDHMS REIDHMS EentryFromTo Document TypePagesSubject
570675933069199HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Philiip M. KlutznickVP, SECSTATE, SECDEF, SECAG, SECDOE, ACDMemorandum5 PDFPRC Meeting on Argentona: Bilateral Trade Factors that Merit Consideration
570675933069187HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Christine DodsonVP, SECSTATE, SECDEF, SECAG, SECDOE, ACDMemorandum22 PDFPRC on Argentina
570675933065552HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Petyer TarnoffVaky, Derian, Bowdler, LakeMemorandum0 PDFHuman Rights in Argentina
570675933067480HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Mark L. SchneiderViron P. VakyMemo of Conversation4 PDFLunch, Wednesday, April 25-12:30 p.m. PARTICIPANTS: Schneider, Cerda, Huergo, Listre
570675933065501HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Irving G. TragenViron VakyMemorandum3 PDFIAHRC Visit to Argentina
570675933065531HS1-413915044UD-18D 5A. Denis CliftViron VakyMemorandum5 PDFMemorandum of Conversation
570675933067469HS1-413915044UD-18D 5David D. NewsomWARREN CHRISTOPHERMemorandum2 PDFRailway Loan for Argentina
570675933069209HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PATRICIA M. DERIANWARREN CHRISTOPHERPaper10 PDFProposed U.S. Human Rights Strategy Toward Argentina
570675933065534HS1-413915044UD-18D 5David D. NewsomWarren ChristopherMemorandum4 PDFArgentina and Eximbank
570675933067528HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Patricia M. DerianWilliam G. BowdlerMemorandum2 PDFArgentine Publicity Campaign/Lobbying Efforts
570675933064681HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Luigi EinaudiWilliam Luers, Frank Devine, Stephen RogMemorandum6 PDFGuidance on Southern Cone Bloc Initiatives
570675933065356HS1-413915044UD-18D 5STATEZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum3 PDFInitial Reaction of Latin American Leaders to Presidential Bilaterals
570675933069184HS1-413915044UD-18D 5TIM DEALZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum3 PDFYour Meeting with Martinez de Hoz
570675933069250HS1-413915044UD-18D 5LINCOLN P. BLOOMFIELDZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFU.S.-Argentine Relations
570675933065316HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Warren ChristopherZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFThe President's Interest in Argentine Human Rights Improvements
570675933065315HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Warren ChristopherZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFThe President's Interest in Argentine Human Rights Improvements
570675933065271HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ROBERT A. PASTORZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFHuman Rights in Argentina
570675933065436HS1-413915044UD-18D 5JESSICA TUCHMAN MATTHEWS, ROBERT PASTORZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum12 PDFState Department Report Concerning Human Rights Policy and the IFIs
570675933067481HS1-413915044UD-18D 5THOMAS THORNTONZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum5 PDFArgentinian Human Rights
570675933067462HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ROBERT PASTORZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFU.S. Policy to Argentina
570675933067452HS1-413915044UD-18D 5LATIN AMERICA/CARIBBEAN (Pastor)ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFEvening Report
570675933065504HS1-413915044UD-18D 5JESSICA TUCHMAN MATTHEWSZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum3 PDFRegional Human Rights Assessment
570675933064683HS1-413915044UD-18D 5GLOBAL ISSUESZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum3 PDFEvening Report
570675933064675HS1-413915044UD-18D 5THOMAS P. THORNTONZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFYour Meeting with Martinez d Hoz, Argentine Economic Minister
570675933064674HS1-413915044UD-18D 5THOMAS P. THORNTONZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFYour Meeting with Martinez d Hoz, Argentine Economic Minister
570675933065464HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Warren ChristopherZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFStance in Argentina
570675933069191HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Peter TarnoffZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum0 PDFPRC Meeting on Argentina
570675933069170HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Peter TarnoffZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum3 PDFPossible Invitation for General Vaquero to Visit the Uniited States
570675933064624HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PETER TARNOFFZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFHuman Rights Policy Impact: Latin America
570675933067503HS1-413915044UD-18D 5LINCOLN P. BLOOMFIELDZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFDepartment of State Request for Meeting between Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Timerman
570675933067464HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ROBERT PASTORZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum5 PDFU.S. Policy to Argentina
570675933065318HS1-413915044UD-18D 5JESSICA TUCHMANZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum10 PDFHuman Rights--Argentina
570675933069322HS1-413915044UD-18D 5LINCOLN BLOOMFIELDZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum5 PDFClasified Annex
570675933069313HS1-413915044UD-18D 5THOMAS THORNTONZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum6 PDFM-B-B Lunch--Argentina And Chile
570675933069213HS1-413915044UD-18D 5THOMAS THORNTONZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFSummary of Conclusions--Argentine PRC May 14, 1980
570675933067502HS1-413915044UD-18D 5LINCOLN P. BLOOMFIELDZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFDepartment of State Request for Meeting between Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Timerman
570675933067492HS1-413915044UD-18D 5GLOBAL ISSUESZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum3 PDFEvening Report
570675933067459HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ROBERT PASTORZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKINote/Notes7 PDFChange in U.S. Policy to Argentina
570675933067458HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ROBERT PASTORZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum5 PDFU.S. Policy to Argentina
570675933065275HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Peter TarnoffZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum6 PDFHuman Rights Policy Impact: Latin America with routing slip to The Cabinet from Jack Watson
570675933069196HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Peter TarnoffZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum13 PDFPRC Meeting on Argentina
570675933069190HS1-413915044UD-18D 5THOMAS THORNTONZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFBriefing Memorandum-Argentine PRC
570675933069188HS1-413915044UD-18D 5THOMAS THORNTONZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum9 PDFBriefing Memorandum-Argentine PRC
570675933069183HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Peter TarnoffZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum12 PDFYour Meeting with Argentine Minister of the Economy Jose Martinez de Hoz
570675933069160HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Peter TarnoffZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFPresidential letter to President Videla of Argentina
570675933065392HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ROBERT PASTORZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFPresident Videla's Call to Persident Perez on Oil Price Increase
570675933067463HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ROBERT PASTORZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFU.S. Policy to Argentina
570675933069130HS1-413915044UD-18D 5TOM THORNTONZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFBabies and Bathwater
570675933069114HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Peter TarnoffZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum5 PDFConsultation with Argentina on Human Rights