The National Declassification Center Releases Records Relating to Human Rights Abuses in Argentina

A Presidential Tasking from the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) on June 13, 2016, directed various Executive branch departments and agencies, including the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), to search for records relating to human rights abuses committed in Argentina between January 1, 1975, and December 31, 1984, and to review responsive records for public access. In response, NARA assembled staff, including archivists from the National Declassification Center (NDC), the Presidential Libraries, and the Center for Legislative Archives to conduct this search and review. Responsive Presidential records were made available in previous releases and all identified Legislative records were already publicly available. This release represents responsive Executive Branch agency records that have been accessioned into the National Archives and have not been previously released. The NDC coordinated review of the records and prepared them for public release. Records that were released in full or in part may be accessed by using the search form below. Questions may be directed to


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Found 990 records.
Case IDRecord GroupDOCIDHMS REIDHMS EentryFromTo Document TypePagesSubject
558096034282646302491UD WW 5118Memorandum2 PDFTAB 5
558096034282520302491UD WW 5118Memorandum1 PDFTAB 1
558086034282478302472UD WW 5113Memorandum3 PDFTAB 16
558086034282300302472UD WW 5113Memorandum6 PDFTAB 10
570675933064668HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation3 PDFPARTICIPANTS: , Patricia Derian, Fernando Rondon, Jacobo Timerman, Hector Timerman, Enrique Jara, Michael O'Brien
570675933064667HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation5 PDFPARTICIPANTS: Jose Luis de Imaz, Patricia Derian, Fernando Rondon, James Buchanan
558106533004387HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message3 PDF109-12-201-3128
558106533004383HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message5 PDF109-12-201-3103
570675933065426HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Airgram6 PDFArgentine Ratification of Treaty pf Tlatelolco and U.S. Government Policy Towards Argentine Navy PARTICIPANTS: Massera, Luchetta, Montemayor, Harris
540895932453521HS1-76850684UD-10D 3Memo of Conversation6 PDFMignone's Trip and Human Rights Developments in Argentina
540895932453516HS1-76850684UD-10D 3Memo of Conversation3 PDFHUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN ARGENTINA
540895932453515HS1-76850684UD-10D 3Memo of Conversation3 PDFCONCERNS OF THE ARGENTINE JEWISH COMMUNITY
540885932451974HS1-76850586UD-10D 1Emilio Mignone, F. Allen HarrisMemo of Conversation2 PDFAdmiral Massera's attitude towards GOA
540885932451967HS1-76850586UD-10D 1J.C. Mallery, Student InternReport28 PDFArgentina: A Human Rights Alternative
540875932477446461434UD-06D 28Telegram4 PDF...relations with the United States and the Soviet Union, human rights matters, and the Non-Aligned Movement
529705932735951746914UD-09D5News Article/Clippings37 PDFWashington Post Rodolfo Zanlungo escapes kidnappers
529688432735140HS1-187628901UD-14D17HitchcockMemorandum104 PDFLetter from Amconsul Cordoba
529688432735138HS1-187628901UD-14D17News Article/Clippings131 PDFConsul sent Plea for help before execution
529688432734672HS1-187628901UD-14D17Amembassy BUENOS AIRESTelegram8 PDFCGT SecGen Casildo Herreras
528325932732648593170UD-07D 107Report4 PDFARGENTINA
570675933069201HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Meeting3 PDFSummary of Conclusions--PRC Meeting on Argentina
570675933069124HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Meeting4 PDFIran, Olympics, Pakistan, Argentina, Yugoslavia, Intelligence, Militayr Deployments and Bartholomew/Murray Mission
570675933065550HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation3 PDFSeeking Support from Other Governments for NO Votes and Absentions in the IFI's with note PARTICIPANTS: Spiegel, Derian
570675933065544HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation3 PDFHUMAN RIGHTS AND ARMS SALES TO ARGENTINA PARTICIPANTS: Derian, Cohen, Rozenblum, Shillto, Strong
570675933065533HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Paper2 PDFU.S.-Argentine Relations-Next Steps Issues for Decision
570675933065529HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation5 PDFPARTICIPANTS: Videla, Mallea Gil, Yofre, Mondale, Clift, Hervas
570675933065520HS1-413915044UD-18D 5LAD/ORPAIntelligence Synopsis/Summary14 PDFSOUTHERN CONE PERCPTIONS OF US POLICIES
570675933065513HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation2 PDFArmy Politics, Government Indecision, Massera PARTICIPANTS: John Corr and a journalist
570675933065510HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation7 PDFHuman Rights and Argentine Politics PARTICIPANTS: Santa Maria, Meyer, Harris
570675933065383HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation4 PDFCourtesy Call on President Videla PARTICIPANTS: Vance, Castro, Todman, Videla, Montes, Aja-Espil
570675933065381HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation11 PDFPrivate Meeting Between the Secretary and Foreign Minister Montes PARTICIPANTS: Vance, Seidenman, Montes, Magnacca, Ferrari
570675933065377HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Briefing Paper2 PDFARGENTINA--Your meeting with President Jorge Rafael VIDELA
570675933064689HS1-413915044UD-18D 5CYRUS VANCENote/Notes4 PDFOAS meeting June 14-17 Genada
570675933064669HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation5 PDFPARTICIPANTS: , Robert Muller, Guy Prim, Patricia Derian, Fernando Rondon, Yvonne Thayer
570675933064663HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation5 PDFPARTICIPANTS: Miguel Angel Espeche, Juan Carlos Arlia, Fdgardo Enrique Flores, Atilo N. Molteni, Patricia Derian, Maxwell Chaplin, Fernando Rondon, Anthony Freeman, Yvonne Thayer
570675933064612HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Memo of Conversation4 PDFARA/CIA/INR Weekly Meeting Observations on Cuba, Haiti, Argentina, and Brazil Participants: Ambasador Todman, Joseph Grunwald, Ray Warren, George Lauder, and James R. GardnerFernando Rondon, and Anthony G. Freeman
5685721833059353543659UD 08D 1Legal Document4 PDFPercy Amendment
558106533004393HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message12 PDF109-12-201-3855
558106533004390HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message7 PDF109-12-201-3228
570675933069234HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Meeting2 PDFSummary of Conclusions--PRC Meetingon Argentina,
570675933065355HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Report11 PDFStatus Report Follow-up to Panama Week Presidential Bilaterals
570675933065323HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Briefing Paper6 PDFUS-Argentinian Issues Participants: Jorge Rafael Videla, Oscar Montes, US President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and Assistant Secretary of State, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Maxwell Chaplin, Robert Pastor
570675933065262HS1-413915044UD-18D 5J BuchananMemorandum3 PDFReview of the Human Rights Situation in Argentina
558106533004361HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message5 PDF109-12-201-3048
558106533004354HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Message5 PDF
558106533004351HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Letter1 PDFPepsi Threat letter
558096034282652302491UD WW 5118Memorandum4 PDFTAB 8
558096034282648302491UD WW 5118Memorandum1 PDFTAB 6