CD-R Output [AUD-D1]
Record Type: Audio Recordings
Expected Use: Distribution Copy
Product Name: CD-R Output [AUD-D1]
Product Purpose: This file is burned to a CD-R as a Digital Audio Compact Disc and served in National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Moving Image and Sound research rooms as a distribution copy.
Nature of Source Material: Any digital preservation or reproduction master file.
File Properties
Delivery Mechanism |
Capture Information |
Typical file size: ~ 10.5 MB/minute or .635 GB/hour |
Quality Control
Quality Control for CD-R Output Products
The Audio Video Lab relies on auditory quality control (QC) and spot checks to confirm completeness of CD-R.
Reproduction masters are at a high enough quality that they may be used in a production context. Distribution copies are at a low enough bitrate that they are able to be easily streamed or downloaded via an internet connection.