Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0029: Bureau of the Census

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Housing Vacancy Survey (HVS), Survey of Market Absorption (SOMA), and the New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey (NYCHVS) Records DAA-0029-2013-0001
Decennial Census Special Tabulation Program DAA-0029-2013-0003
Surveys Collected Under U.S. Code Title 15 DAA-0029-2013-0004
Company Statistics Division DAA-0029-2013-0006
Population Estimates and Projections DAA-0029-2013-0007
Community Address Updating System DAA-0029-2014-0002
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) DAA-0029-2014-0004
Records of the Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications DAA-0029-2014-0005
American Community Survey Records for 2007 and Thereafter DAA-0029-2015-0001
Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (CSRM) Research Report and Annual Report DAA-0029-2015-0002
Office Records of the Director, Deputy Director, and Associate Directors or Comparable Positions DAA-0029-2016-0003
American Community Survey Data Products DAA-0029-2017-0002
Records for the Center for Behavioral Science Methods DAA-0029-2018-0001
2020 Decennial Census Records Schedule DAA-0029-2019-0004
Bureau of Census Ombudsman Records Schedule DAA-0029-2020-0001
Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0029-2023-0001
Census 2000 Records System N1-029-00-001
2000 Dicennial Cenus Records N1-029-00-002
Census Transportation Truck Inventory, Use Survey of 1977, and Commodity Transporation Survey of 1977 Inactive N1-029-00-003
Scanned Images of Census 2000 Questionnaires and Forms N1-029-00-004
Economic Surveys N1-029-03-001
Microfilm Copies of 2000 Census Individual Response Forms Inactive N1-029-03-002
Geography Division Cartographic Records N1-029-03-004
Respondent Data from the 2004 Overseas Enumeration Test N1-029-05-001
American Community Survey 2005 Records Inactive N1-029-05-002
Questionnaires - Survey of Compact of Free Association Migrants, 2008 N1-029-09-001
Survey of Business Owners & Self-Employed Persons Program Records N1-029-10-001
Business Register System N1-029-10-002
Standard Economic Processing System (StEPS) N1-029-10-003
Micro Analytical Database (MADb) N1-029-10-004
2010 Census Records Schedule N1-029-10-005
Foreign Trade Division Records N1-029-11-001
Current Population Survey (CPS) - Electronic Records N1-029-12-001
Index of General Industrial Worth (1-95 IGIW) - Paper Records Inactive N1-029-12-002
Small Area Model - Based Estimates - Electronic Records N1-029-12-003
Economic Directorate Document Management System (EDMS) N1-029-12-004
Geographic Base File N1-029-86-001
Master Enumeration District List (MED List) N1-029-86-002
Current Population Survey (CPS) Electronic Records Inactive N1-029-86-003
Census of Agriculture - Public Use File N1-029-86-004
Census Bureau Publications Inactive N1-029-86-005
Population Division Records N1-029-87-001
Income Survey Development Survey (ISDP) - Electronic Records Inactive N1-029-87-002
Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation, 1980 and Later - Electronic Records Inactive N1-029-87-003
Methods Development Survey N1-029-87-004
English Language Proficiency Survey N1-029-87-005
Microfilm Copies of the 1929 and 1935 Censuses of Manufactures Inactive N1-029-88-001
Import and Export Concordances Master Tapes Inactive N1-029-88-002
Geography Division Records, ca. 1910-70 Inactive N1-029-89-001
County and City Data Book N1-029-89-002
Surveys Collected Under Title 15 of the U.S. Code N1-029-89-003
American Housing Survey Records N1-029-89-005
Office of Director, Records of A. Ross Eckler Inactive N1-029-91-001
1990 Decennial Census Computer Plot Tapes Inactive N1-029-91-002
Business Division Records Schedule N1-029-92-001
Decennial Census Planning and Management Files Partially Superseded N1-029-93-001
Population Division, 1950 Decennial Census Data Inactive N1-029-93-002
Foreign Trade Division Records Schedule Partially Superseded N1-029-94-001
Geography Division, 1980 Census Cronoflex Maps Inactive N1-029-95-001
1990 Decennial Census, Time and Attendance Records Inactive N1-029-96-001
Consolidated Federal Funds Reports N1-029-96-002
International Database, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Database, and Global Population Database N1-029-97-001
American Community Survey Records, 1996- Inactive N1-029-98-001
Papers of Joyce Ancillio, and 1950 Indian Reservation Schedules Inactive N1-029-99-001
Records of the Director, Deputy Director, and Associate Directors Partially Superseded N1-029-99-002
Survey of Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises Questionnaires Inactive N1-029-99-004
National Prisoner Statistics Program Capital Punishment (NPS-8) Reports N1-029-99-005
Exports/Imports Forms Inactive N1-029-99-006
Planning and Management Files, 1970 and Preceding Decennial Census Inactive N1-029-99-007
Transportation Records Schedule Inactive NC-174-000235
1960 Decennial Related Data Files on II-A Tapes Inactive NC1-029-77-01
Census Data Files on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-77-02
Economic and Demographic Related II-A Tapes Inactive NC1-029-77-03
Decennial Census Staff Records on III-A Tapes Inactive NC1-029-77-04
Electronic Files Related to the 1960 Census Inactive NC1-029-77-05
Agriculture Division, Electronic Tapes Inactive NC1-029-77-06
Electronic Mail Lists, Trace Files, Agriculturual Microdata Files, Tabulation Coverage Check Records for the 1969 Census of Agriculture Inactive NC1-029-77-07
Demographic Survey Division Electronic Tapes Inactive NC1-029-77-08
Advance Text Reports NC1-029-78-01
Electronic Tapes Related to the 1972 Census of Manufacturers Inactive NC1-029-78-02
1960 Decennial Census - Unpublished Printout Tabulations of Population Counts Inactive NC1-029-78-03
1960 Decennial Census - Intermediate and Enumeration District Maps Inactive NC1-029-78-04
Bureau Utilization Records and Reports and Machine Operations Logs (BURR System Logs) Inactive NC1-029-78-05
Files Related to Standard Statistical Establishment List Directory Inactive NC1-029-78-06
1972 Economic Census of Services Compact Records File Inactive NC1-029-78-07
Extracts from Commodity Transportation Surveys, 1963-72 Inactive NC1-029-78-08
1962-65 Annual Sum/Annual Building Permits Tapes Inactive NC1-029-78-09
Industry Division Data Files on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-10
1960 Census of Population and Housing Data Files on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-11
Housing Division Data Files on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-12
Population Division Data Files on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-13
Census of Business Data Files on II-A Tape Files Inactive NC1-029-78-14
Economic Surveys Division Data Files on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-15
Current Population Surverys (CPS) Data Files, 1960-71, on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-16
Foreign Trade Division Data Files, 1961-71, on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-17
Census of Business Data Files on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-18
Business Division Data Files on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-78-19
Sample Revision Surveys and Monthly Business Surveys Data Files on III-A Tape Files Inactive NC1-029-78-20
Import and Export Data Files on III-A Tapes Inactive NC1-029-78-21
International Statistics Program Files, 1946-65 Inactive NC1-029-78-23
1973 Import and Export Summaries and Shipping Data Files on III-A Tapes Inactive NC1-029-78-24
Foreign Trade Data Files Inactive NC1-029-78-25
1976 Foreign Trade Data Files Inactive NC1-029-78-26
1975 Foreign Trade Data Files Inactive NC1-029-78-27
1970 Overseas Census Reports Inactive NC1-029-79-01
1974-1976 Import and Export Trade Data Inactive NC1-029-79-02
Current Industrial Report (CIR) Data Files, 1968-71 Inactive NC1-029-79-03
Economic Census and Organization Survey Data Files, 1972-74 Inactive NC1-029-79-04
Statistical Methods Division (SMD) Permit Registers on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-79-05
Extracts from Address Register File (ARF) and Master Reference File (MRF) on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-79-06
Demographic Fields Area (DFA) Records Schedule Partially Superseded NC1-029-79-07
Word Coding and Synthetic Estimates Files on Tape Inactive NC1-029-79-08
Statistical Methods Division Files on Tape Inactive NC1-029-79-10
1968 Housing Vacancy Survey Inactive NC1-029-79-11
Urban Employment Survey (UES), 1969-70, on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-79-12
1967 Censuses of Government on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-79-13
Surveys and Supporting Data Related to Disabled Adults on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-79-14
1970 Decennial Census - Tabulation for Spanish Origin Persons in Census Tracts Inactive NC1-029-79-15
Completed Sample Survey Questionnaires and Supporting Documentation Inactive NC1-029-79-16
New York HVS From 1970 20% Decennial on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-80-01
General Revenue Sharing - Stripped Detail Files on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-80-02
Address Registers for Special Censuses, 1975-77 Inactive NC1-029-80-03
Current Population Survey (CPS) Files and AHS SMSA Sample on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-80-04
Surveys of Manufacturers, 1960, Sample Detail File, Backup File and Survey of Persons with College Degrees on II-A and III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-80-05
Secondary Use Sampling Records NC1-029-80-06
Current Population Survey (CPS) Completed Questionnaires NC1-029-80-08
1975 and 1976 Special Population Enumeration Books Inactive NC1-029-80-09
Records Related to the Decennial Census Partially Superseded NC1-029-80-10
Historical Reference Collection of Ed Goldfield, the Assistant Director for Program Development and Chief of the Statistical Records Division Inactive NC1-029-80-11
Records Schedule - Foreign Trade Division Partially Superseded NC1-029-80-12
Unrecoverable Extracts of 1964/1969 Census of Agriculture, Farm Enterprise Survey, UDSA Labor Files on III-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-80-13
Export/Import Forms Partially Superseded NC1-029-80-14
Records Schedule - Economic Surveys Division (ESD) Partially Superseded NC1-029-80-15
1974 Annual Retail Trade Survey NC1-029-81-02
1972 Capital Expenditures Survey Files Inactive NC1-029-81-03
1973, 1974, 1975 Commercial Crime Victimization Survey Inactive NC1-029-81-04
County Maps and City Maps Inactive NC1-029-81-05
1970 Address Coding Guides; Block Lists Inactive NC1-029-81-06
1960 Population and Housing Counts By Enumeration District (ED) Inactive NC1-029-81-08
Boundary and Annexation Survey Files, 1951-70 Inactive NC1-029-81-09
Records Schedule - Construction Statistics Division NC1-029-81-10
1974 Age Search Microfilm and 1970 Polk Addresses Inactive NC1-029-81-12
Enumeration District (ED) Maps (1950-70), Computed Enumeration District (ED) Maps (1970), and Crime Survey Maps (1972) Inactive NC1-029-81-13
Demographic Fields Area Records NC1-029-81-14
Industry, Economic, Population, Demographic, and Foreign Demographic Analysis Divisions Files on II-A Tape Inactive NC1-029-81-15
Records Schedule - Industry Division Partially Superseded NC1-029-82-01
Budget Estimates and Justifications NC1-029-82-02
Bureau of the Census Accessions at the Washington National Records Center Inactive NC1-029-82-03
Administrative Schedule I - Administration and Management NC1-029-82-04
Bureau of the Census Records, 1920, 1925, 1935, 1939-47 Inactive NC1-029-83-02
Bureau of the Census Records in Accession at the Washington National Records Center (WNRC) Inactive NC1-029-83-03
Administrative Schedule I - Adminstration and Management Partially Superseded NC1-029-84-01
Miscellaneous Records of the Budget and Management Division, 1948-58 Inactive NC1-029-84-02
Agriculture Division Records Schedule NC1-029-84-03
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 1979 and Thereafter Inactive NC1-029-85-01
Special Program Information Tape (SPIT), 1978 and Thereafter NC1-029-85-02
Correction, Update, and Extension (CUE) Program NC1-029-85-03