Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973. 聽Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.聽 Please聽see the FAQ聽for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the聽agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA鈥檚 process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.

RG-0374: Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Classified Investigative Case Files DAA-0374-2012-0002
Force Protection Program DAA-0374-2014-0002
Inspector General Audit Case Files DAA-0374-2014-0003
210.01 b Policy and Precedence - Administrative DAA-0374-2014-0006
210.02 Organizational Charts DAA-0374-2014-0007
210.07 Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) Documentation DAA-0374-2014-0008
212.02a Stockpile Program Planning DAA-0374-2014-0009
212.02b Stockpile Program Planning - Unique Issues DAA-0374-2014-0010
Stockpile Reports - DTRA-ABQ DAA-0374-2014-0012
212.06 Emergency Relocation Site Administration DAA-0374-2014-0015
212.07a Stockpile Emergency Verification (SEV) Instructions DAA-0374-2014-0016
212.09b Nuclear Surety Program - QA DAA-0374-2014-0019
213.03 Nuclear Accident Response Capability DAA-0374-2014-0022
213.04 Nuclear Accident Training Exercise (NUWAIX) DAA-0374-2014-0023
501.09 Installation Clearance Program DAA-0374-2014-0024
1102.14 Meteorological Observations DAA-0374-2014-0025
1201.02 Transportation Officer Appointment Files DAA-0374-2014-0026
213.02 Emergency Planning and Reporting (Natural Disasters) DAA-0374-2014-0029
1402.27 Strategic Plans DAA-0374-2014-0030
1404.01 Controlled Materials Allocation and Reporting DAA-0374-2014-0031
1404.02 Priority Rating Cases DAA-0374-2014-0032
1404.03 Material Stockpile References DAA-0374-2014-0033
1404.04 Manufacturing Quality Control DAA-0374-2014-0034
1404.05 Tool Drawings DAA-0374-2014-0035
1404.06 Preservation and Packing DAA-0374-2014-0036
1404.07 Materiel Quality Control DAA-0374-2014-0037
1405.01 Materiel Standardization Plans DAA-0374-2014-0038
1405.02 Standardization Document Formulation DAA-0374-2014-0039
1405.03 Military Supply Standards DAA-0374-2014-0040
1405.04 Standardization Reporting DAA-0374-2014-0041
1406.08 Due-In Documents DAA-0374-2014-0042
1406.18a Nuclear Inventory Management and Cataloging System (NIMACS) DAA-0374-2014-0043
1406.18b Nuclear Inventory Management System (NIMS) DAA-0374-2014-0044
1406.18c Nuclear Integrated Data System (NIDS) DAA-0374-2014-0045
1503.02 Projects Control Register DAA-0374-2014-0046
1504.06 Enewetak Records Collection DAA-0374-2014-0047
Human Research/Animal Use Oversight DAA-0374-2015-0002
212.07b Stockpile Emergency Verification (SEV) History DAA-0374-2017-0002
212.04b Stockpile Reports DAA-0374-2017-0004
Defense Integration and Management of Nuclear Data Service (DIAMONDS) Database DAA-0374-2017-0013
Integrated Weapons of Mass Destruction Toolset (IWMDT) DAA-0374-2017-0015
Nuclear Management Information System (NUMIS) Database DAA-0374-2017-0016
Cooperative Threat Reduction Reporting System (CTRRS) DAA-0374-2017-0017
DTRA Learning Management System (LMS) DAA-0374-2018-0008
Defense Threat Reduction Agency Counterintelligence Activities DAA-0374-2019-0002
Action/Operations Files DAA-0374-2020-0003
Exchanged Atomic Information Files DAA-0374-2020-0008
Military Assistance Advisory Groups DAA-0374-2020-0010
604-02 Radiation Material Licensing DAA-0374-2021-0001
Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction Modeling (CWMD) DAA-0374-2022-0010
2301-01-06 - Weekly Arms Control Report DAA-0374-2022-0011
Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0374-2023-0001
On-Site Inspection Records N1-374-01-001
Chemical-Biological Defense Records N1-374-01-002
Acquisition Management Records N1-374-02-001
Office of the Director N1-374-02-002
Treaty Inspection Management System (TIIMS) N1-374-02-003
Operating Records of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Information Analysis Center (DTRIAC) N1-374-02-004
Safety and Health Records N1-374-02-005
Research and Development Testing Activities N1-374-02-006
Defense Nuclear Weapons School Records N1-374-02-007
Radiation Experiments Command Center (RECC) Records N1-374-02-008
Audiovisual Records N1-374-03-001
Cooperative Threat Reduction N1-374-05-001
Publications, Protocols N1-374-05-002
Scientific and Technical Information Library Automation System (STILAS) N1-374-05-003
Data Archival and Retrieval Enhancement (DARE) and STI Archival and Retrieval System N1-374-05-004
Electronic Radiation Response Information Center (ERRIC) N1-374-05-005
Manpower On-Line Management (MOM) Electronic Information System N1-374-09-001
Directed Investigation Case Files N1-374-09-002
Arm Control Enterprise System (ACES) N1-374-09-003
Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) and Veteran Board Dose Review (VBDR) Records N1-374-09-004
Comprehensive Cost and Requirement System - Enterprise (CCARS-E) and Comprehensive Cost and Requirement System - Chemical Biological (CCARS-CB) N1-374-09-005
Centralized Accounting and Financial Resources Management System (CAFRMS) N1-374-09-006
Automated Grants Management System (AGMS) N1-374-09-007
Counter-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction N1-374-10-001
Chronological Reading Files N1-374-88-001
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) General Correspondence, ca. 1952-57 N1-374-88-004
Individual Radiation Protection Files N1-374-88-006
Johnston Atoll Per Diem Files N1-374-89-002
Committee and Conference Files N1-374-89-003
Procurement Operations Records Partially Superseded N1-374-89-004
Procurement Policy N1-374-89-005
Programing and Budget Partially Superseded N1-374-89-006
Fire Prevention and Environmental Pollution Files N1-374-89-007
Military Planning Design, Construction, Facilities Engineering N1-374-89-008
Energy Conservation Files N1-374-89-009
DODIG Audit Reporting Files N1-374-89-010
Competition in Contracting and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Program Records Inactive N1-374-89-011
Facilities Security and Protective Services N1-374-89-013
Physical Security and Facility Control N1-374-89-014
Classification Review Files N1-374-89-015
Signal Security Files N1-374-89-016
Security Briefings and Debriefings N1-374-89-017
Signal Communications Services Files N1-374-89-018
Supply Control and Quantitative Material Standardization Files N1-374-89-021
Operational Manuals N1-374-89-022
Training Records N1-374-89-023
Non-Appropriated Fund Accounting N1-374-89-024
Headquarters Medical Unit Files N1-374-89-027
Congressional Hearings N1-374-89-028
Personnel Files N1-374-89-029
System Administration Records N1-374-89-030
Personnel Movement and Travel Records N1-374-89-031
Management Improvement and Feasability N1-374-89-032
Civilian Personnel Management Records N1-374-89-034
Publications Distribution Records N1-374-89-035
Equal Employment and Opportunity (EEO) Files N1-374-89-036
Storage Reporting Files N1-374-89-037
Emergency Action Files Partially Superseded N1-374-89-038
Publications Management N1-374-89-039
Manpower Authorization Files N1-374-89-040
Military History Program and Operations Files N1-374-89-041
General Supply Accounting N1-374-89-042
Atmospheric Nuclear Testing Program Official Photography, 1946-58 Inactive N1-374-93-001
Interservice Nuclear Weapons School Records N1-374-95-001
Base Operations at Johnson Atoll Partially Superseded N1-374-95-002
Defense Nuclear Surety Inspection Conducted by FCDNA N1-374-95-004
Common Mission Files NC1-374-78-01
Administrative Files NC1-374-78-02
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Office (CTBTO) Program Records NC1-374-81-01
Manpower and Organization Planning Records NC1-374-81-03
Inspector General and Command / General Inspection Files NC1-374-81-06
Records Management and Publications NC1-374-81-07
Publications Management Files NC1-374-81-08
Annual Historical Summary and Installation Historical Files NC1-374-81-09
Data Processing Systems, Procedures, and Operations Files NC1-374-81-10
Finance and Accounting General Operations NC1-374-81-13
GAO Audit Reporting and Non-Appropriated Fund Audits Records NC1-374-81-14
Accounting Classification Audit Files NC1-374-81-15
Legal Opinion Precedent Files and Legal Assistance Case Files NC1-374-81-16
Claim (Investigating and Processing) and Litigation Files NC1-374-81-17
Intellectual Properly Opinion Files NC1-374-81-18
Congressional Liaison Files NC1-374-81-19
Information Services and Command Information Files NC1-374-81-20
Counterintelligence, Personnel, and Industrial Security NC1-374-81-22
Signal Security Files NC1-374-81-23
Classified Information Dissemination, Safekeeping, and Control Records NC1-374-81-24
Awards and Recognitions NC1-374-81-25
Safety Program and Accident Files NC1-374-81-26
Military Awards NC1-374-81-27
Equal Employment and Opportunity Files NC1-374-81-28
Civilian Personnel Program and Inspection Files NC1-374-81-29
Civilian Personnel Action, Position and Pay Files NC1-374-81-30
Civilian Personnel Files NC1-374-81-31
Official Personnel Folders and Related Records NC1-374-81-32
Civilian Employment Application and Career Management Files NC1-374-81-33
Military Personnel Files NC1-374-81-34
Radiobiological Effects Files NC1-374-81-35
Occupational Health Nurse Facility Investigations and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Records NC1-374-81-36
Administrative Motor Vehicle and Traffic Management Files NC1-374-81-38
Signal Communication Files NC1-374-81-39
Telephone Services Records NC1-374-81-40
Postal and Mail Services Files NC1-374-81-41
Procurement Policy and Individual Procurement Transaction Files NC1-374-81-44
Small Business Program Files NC1-374-81-45
Labor Relation and Industrial Equal Employment Opportunity Files NC1-374-81-46
Supply Cataloging and Disposition, Stock Control and Requisition, and Storage Files NC1-374-81-49
General Supply Accounting Files NC1-374-81-51
Library Voucher Files NC1-374-81-52
Petroleum Supply Reporting Files NC1-374-81-53
Port Supply Files NC1-374-81-54
Installation Selection, Evaluation, Master Planning and Real Property Acquisition Files NC1-374-81-55
Real Property Management, Utilization, and General Maintenance Files NC1-374-81-56
Fire Prevention and Environmental Pollution Files NC1-374-81-58
Conservation of Natural Resources Files NC1-374-81-59
Nuclear Surety Files NC1-374-81-60
Radiological Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll, 1968-1980 NC1-374-81-61
Radiation Protection Program Files NC1-374-81-62
Standards of Conduct Files NC1-374-81-63
Individual Radiation Protection Files NC1-374-81-64
Joint Atomic Information Exchange Group (JAIEG) Records Partially Superseded NC1-374-84-01