Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973. 聽Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.聽 Please聽see the FAQ聽for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the聽agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA鈥檚 process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.

RG-afu: Air Force

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Assignment Records AVDO DAA-AFU-2015-0001
Base and Installation Planning, Development, and Operation Files, primarily 1942 -1946 DAA-AFU-2016-0001
Heat Treatment DAA-AFU-2017-0001
Air Force Costs DAA-AFU-2017-0002
Emergency Mass Notification System (EMNS) Global Positioning System (GPS) Data DAA-AFU-2017-0003
NEADS 9/11/2001 Records DAA-AFU-2017-0004
Genetic Laboratory Studies (cytogenic/molecular) DAA-AFU-2017-0005
Temperature Uniformity Survey (TUS) and System Accuracy Tests (SAT) Records DAA-AFU-2017-0006
Chaplain Activities (52 Series) DAA-AFU-2017-0010
Nursing (46 Series) DAA-AFU-2018-0002
Special Management (90 Series) - Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program (Table 90-04) DAA-AFU-2018-0006
Developmental Engineering (62 Series) Manufacturing Methods (T62-01) DAA-AFU-2019-0001
Law (51 Series) - Legal Assistance (T51-05) DAA-AFU-2019-0007
Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS)(T17-05) DAA-AFU-2019-0010
Deployment Records (T17-09) DAA-AFU-2019-0014
Law (51 Series) -Claims Records (T51-04) DAA-AFU-2019-0023
Secretary Donald Rice's Calendars (T33-45) DAA-AFU-2019-0027
Special Investigations (71-Series) DAA-AFU-2020-0008
Personnel (36 Series) -Enlistment and Reenlistment Records (T36-14) DAA-AFU-2021-0003
Financial Management (65 Series) -Financial Management -Auditing (T 65 -03) DAA-AFU-2021-0005
Armed Forces Radio and Television (AFRT) Records N1-AFU-00-002
United States Air Force Recruiting Service Records N1-AFU-00-003
Emergency or Special Leave Orders N1-AFU-00-004
Survivor Benefit Plan System of Records N1-AFU-00-005
Facility Ground or Lightning Protection Systems N1-AFU-00-006
Programming Civil Engineer Resources for Asbestos Project Cases N1-AFU-00-008
Personnel Identification and Pass Records for Ration Control Accountability N1-AFU-00-009
Student Training Records N1-AFU-00-010
Air Force (AF) Form 4031 N1-AFU-00-011
Collateral Training N1-AFU-01-001
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Preparatory School Records N1-AFU-01-002
Medical Logistics Records N1-AFU-01-004
Secretary of Air Force F. Whitten Peters Schedules of Daily Activities Inactive N1-AFU-02-001
Extended Ambulatory Records N1-AFU-02-002
Supply and Transportation Functions N1-AFU-02-003
Member Services, Public Affairs, and Information Management N1-AFU-02-004
Logisitics and Maintenance Records N1-AFU-02-005
Accounting and Finance Records N1-AFU-02-006
Government-wide Purchase Card (GPC) Program N1-AFU-02-008
Developmental Engineering, Acquisition, Contracting, and Financial Management Records N1-AFU-02-009
Security, Medical, Chaplain, Historical Programs and Command Policy Records N1-AFU-02-010
Personnel N1-AFU-02-011
Personnel Records N1-AFU-02-012
Civil Engineering Records N1-AFU-02-013
Command and Control Operations Records N1-AFU-02-014
Communications Records N1-AFU-02-015
Health and Medicine Records N1-AFU-02-016
Intelligence, Weather, Operations, Manpower, and Legal Records N1-AFU-02-017
Standardization, Research and Development, Investigations, and Safety Records N1-AFU-02-018
Clemency and Parole Board Records N1-AFU-02-019
Daily Activity Schedules for Air Force Acting Secretary, January 20, 2001 to June 5, 2001, and Under Secretary, 1999-2001 Inactive N1-AFU-03-002
Individual Research and Development Projects N1-AFU-03-003
Time and Attendance Records N1-AFU-03-004
Biographical Information System N1-AFU-03-005
Contract Manpower Equivalent (CME) Records N1-AFU-03-006
Appointment of Transportation Officers and Agents Records N1-AFU-03-008
Certificate Management Authority (CMA) Records N1-AFU-03-009
Biographical Information on Members of U.S. Congress and Key Congressional Staff N1-AFU-03-010
Aviation Resource Management System (ARMS) N1-AFU-03-011
Educational and Developmental Services and Special Needs Files N1-AFU-03-013
Medical Illustrations and Photographs N1-AFU-03-014
Litigation Cases N1-AFU-03-016
Legal Assistance N1-AFU-03-017
H-1 Helicopter Crewmember Flight Evaluations Records N1-AFU-03-020
Lodging Accommodations Electronic System N1-AFU-03-021
Incident-Based Reporting N1-AFU-03-022
Test Material for Courses N1-AFU-03-023
Civil Engineering Records N1-AFU-04-001
Air Mobility Command Electronic Messages, 1991-2000 Inactive N1-AFU-04-002
Student Collegiate Academic Records N1-AFU-04-003
Disposition of Remains of Deceased Personnel N1-AFU-04-004
Fitness Program Case Files N1-AFU-04-006
Performance Management N1-AFU-05-002
Deceased Personnel Records N1-AFU-05-003
Industrial Hygiene Records N1-AFU-05-004
Student Academic Records N1-AFU-06-002
Officer Recall and Interservice Transfer Cases N1-AFU-06-003
Air Force Health Study (AFHS) - Agent Orange Records N1-AFU-07-001
Combat-Related Special Compensation Claims N1-AFU-10-001
Industrial Facilities Records N1-AFU-84-032
Fire Protection Welding, Cutting and Brazing Permits Inactive N1-AFU-86-001
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Data on Hazardous Air Traffic Reports Inactive N1-AFU-86-002
Standard Reporting Designators Code Elements Records N1-AFU-86-003
Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Administrative Management Records Partially Superseded N1-AFU-86-004
General Administrative Records of Medical Activities Nonavailability Statements Inactive N1-AFU-86-005
Master Copy of Tests and Annual Test Inventories Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-006
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Acquisition Management N1-AFU-86-007
Contractor Performance Records (Table 70-5) Inactive N1-AFU-86-008
Unsolicited Proposals Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-009
Fire Protection Water Flow Tests Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-010
Libraries Annual and Semiannual Reports Inactive N1-AFU-86-011
Administrative Records Support Agreements Inactive N1-AFU-86-012
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Records (Table 123-2) Inactive N1-AFU-86-013
Occupational Therapy Treatment Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-014
Communications Service Leasing Records (T100-12) Inactive N1-AFU-86-015
Daily or Weekly Thermometer/Hygrometer Recordings N1-AFU-86-016
Engineering Data Distribution and Control Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-017
Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force (PRIME BEEF) Reports N1-AFU-86-018
Family Support Centers (Table 30-7) Inactive N1-AFU-86-019
Air National Guard Incentive Program Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-020
Personnel Identification and Pass Applications Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-021
Meteorological Data Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-022
Air Force Operations Resource Management System (AFORMS) Partially Superseded N1-AFU-86-023
Unaccompanied Personnel Housing Inactive N1-AFU-86-024
Manpower Standards Application and Reapplication; Commercial Activities Cost Comparison Studies Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-025
Family Services Program Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-026
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Records at Base Level Inactive N1-AFU-86-027
Numbered Contracting Letters Inactive N1-AFU-86-028
Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP)/Military Standard Billing System (MILSBILLS) Inactive N1-AFU-86-029
Commissary Store Records (T145-2) Inactive N1-AFU-86-030
Commissary Records (T145-1) Inactive N1-AFU-86-031
Civil Air Carrier Contracts Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-032
Air Force Personnel Selection Panel (PSP) Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-033
Annual Summary of Real Property Transfer Actions Inactive N1-AFU-86-034
Radiac Equipment Maintenance Records; Information Systems Maintenance Instructions (ISMI) Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-035
Transportation Requests Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-036
Electronic Security Command Maintenance Bulletins and Equipment Installation Standards Records N1-AFU-86-037
Contraband Drugs and Paraphernalia as Training Aids Inactive N1-AFU-86-038
Medical Quality Assurance (QA) Records (Table 168-12) Inactive N1-AFU-86-040
Air Base Survivability (Table 360-1) Partially Superseded N1-AFU-86-041
Medical War Reserve Materiel (WRM) Quality Assurance (Table 167-4) Inactive N1-AFU-86-042
Medical War Reserve Materiel (WRM) Quality Assurance Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-044
Drug Abuse Testing Program (Table 160-7) Inactive N1-AFU-86-045
Personnel Data System Change Requests Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-046
Record Sets of Publications Partially Superseded N1-AFU-86-047
Daily Audit Lists Inactive N1-AFU-86-048
Specialized Publications of Technical Instructions and Laboratory Procedures Records N1-AFU-86-049
Approved Requests for Use of Air Force Installations by Non-Department of Defense Aircraft N1-AFU-86-050
Weather Environmental Technical Studies N1-AFU-86-051
Aircraft and Munitions Maintenance Badge Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-052
Airdrop Inspection Records/Malfunction and Activity Reports (Table 55-14) Inactive N1-AFU-86-053
Air Transportation Records (Except Logair) (T76-1) Inactive N1-AFU-86-054
Automated Travel Record Accounting (ATRAS) Management Listings Inactive N1-AFU-86-055
Clinical Records of NATO Military Personnel and Dependents and Foreign National Military Personnel Inactive N1-AFU-86-056
Medical Health Records for Other than Active Duty Military Personnel Inactive N1-AFU-86-057
Allowance/Authorization Change Requests and Custodian Request/Receipt Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-058
Disaster Preparedness (Table 355-1) Inactive N1-AFU-86-060
Daily Document Registers and Project Fund Management Report (PFMR/OCCR) Update and Reconciliation Inactive N1-AFU-86-061
Continuing Health Education (CHE) Program Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-062
Internal Controls (T15-1) Inactive N1-AFU-86-063
Space Badge Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-064
Permissible Motor Vehicle Operating Distance (POD) Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-065
Peacetime Program Records (Table 27-1) Partially Superseded N1-AFU-86-066
Civilian Pay Individual Retirement Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-067
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Records at Base Level Substantiating Information Inactive N1-AFU-86-068
Unaccompanied Public Housing Records Inactive N1-AFU-86-069
Records Subject to Audit or Inspection Inactive N1-AFU-87-001
Internal Audit and Control Records N1-AFU-87-002
Reports of Survey, Registers, Charges, Collections, and Notices of Exception Records Inactive N1-AFU-87-003
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Records at Base Level Rejected Transaction Listings Inactive N1-AFU-87-004
Indemnity Agreements between Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Contractors and the Government Inactive N1-AFU-87-005
Approved Retraining Applications Inactive N1-AFU-87-006
Inspections of Airfield Facilities Records Inactive N1-AFU-87-007
Drinking Water Records and Corrective Actions Inactive N1-AFU-87-009
Hospital Recovery Claims Records N1-AFU-87-010
Child Care Pre-employment Screening Records Inactive N1-AFU-87-011
Atomic Energy Detection System (AEDS) Records (Table 55-17) N1-AFU-87-012
Completed Answer Sheets for AFCT Inactive N1-AFU-87-013
Graphics Partially Superseded N1-AFU-87-014
Index for Retired Dental Health Records Inactive N1-AFU-87-015
Still Photography Inactive N1-AFU-87-016
Real Property Accountable Records (Table 87-5) N1-AFU-87-017
Environmental Planning (Table 19-1) N1-AFU-87-018
Operational Test and Evaluation (OT& E) Records Partially Superseded N1-AFU-87-019
Ground Weapons Historical Data N1-AFU-87-020
Threatened Airman Program and Criminal Alert Notices N1-AFU-87-021
Honors and Awards Outstanding Personnel Programs Records Inactive N1-AFU-87-022
AFOSI Applicant Investigative Processing Records N1-AFU-87-023
Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System (MEPRS) Records Inactive N1-AFU-87-024
Federal Register Air Force Material N1-AFU-87-025
Active Duty and Reserve Military Personnel Health Records N1-AFU-87-026
Equipment Custodian Files Inactive N1-AFU-87-027
Foreign Attache Information Folders N1-AFU-87-028
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Source Records N1-AFU-87-029
Food Service Records (Table 146-1) N1-AFU-87-030
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Forensic Services Records N1-AFU-87-031
Museum Program Records (Table 210-2) N1-AFU-87-032
Procurement Authorizations for Materiel Procurement Program N1-AFU-87-033
Flight Operations Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) Records N1-AFU-87-034
Evaluations of Officers for Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel Predating 1982 Inactive N1-AFU-87-035
Polygraph Examinations N1-AFU-87-036
Travel Records N1-AFU-87-037
Technical Control Functions N1-AFU-87-038
Switching System Operations N1-AFU-87-039
System Software Case Files N1-AFU-87-040
Frequency Management N1-AFU-87-041
Telephone and Telegraph Services and Accounting Records N1-AFU-87-042
Child Care Centers N1-AFU-87-043
General Operations N1-AFU-88-001
Position Descriptions Records N1-AFU-88-002
Request for Discharge Records Inactive N1-AFU-88-003
Short Term Promotions Records N1-AFU-88-004
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Evaluations Records N1-AFU-88-005
Weight Management and Fitness Evaluations and Improvement Records Inactive N1-AFU-88-006
Program Management and Acquisition N1-AFU-88-007
Security Police Military Working Dog Training and Health, Narcotic Training Aids, and Resources Protection Records N1-AFU-88-008
Information Processing Center Operations N1-AFU-88-009
Air Force Academy Candidate Folders N1-AFU-88-010
Air Force Academy Physical Education Performance/Counseling and Squadron Athletic Advisor's Records N1-AFU-88-011
Cadet Pay N1-AFU-88-013
Education and Training Documents for Mishap Prevention Records N1-AFU-88-014
Fuels, Propellants, and Chemical Records Partially Superseded N1-AFU-88-015
Missile System ICBM Code/Targeting System Records Inactive N1-AFU-88-016
School Quotas/Course Project Files N1-AFU-88-017
Material Movement Routing Orders N1-AFU-88-018
Communications and Computer Systems Records N1-AFU-88-019
Air Force Automated Military Justice Analysis and Management System (AMJAMS) N1-AFU-88-021
Personnel Status Reports and Duty Status Change Message Records N1-AFU-88-022
AFCOS Output Documents N1-AFU-88-023
Pest Management Services (Table 91-12) N1-AFU-88-024
Reserve Forces Training Participation Records N1-AFU-88-025
Communications-Computer Systems Records N1-AFU-88-026
Unit Organization and Materiel Control Supply Zero Overpricing Records N1-AFU-88-028
Solicitation Cases N1-AFU-88-029
Host-Tenant, Interservice, and other Support Agreements N1-AFU-88-030
Career Enhancement Plan (CEP) Records N1-AFU-88-031
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Records N1-AFU-88-032
Air Force Excess/Surplus Property Records N1-AFU-88-033
Emergency Room Control Registers N1-AFU-88-034
Nuclear Reactor Records N1-AFU-88-035
Postal Accounts Financial Adjustment Memorandum (FAM) Records N1-AFU-88-036
Information Security Program Records N1-AFU-88-037
Industrial Security Program Records N1-AFU-88-038
Medical Facility Incidents Records N1-AFU-88-039
Health Clinic Index Cards N1-AFU-88-040
Joint Surveillance System (JSS) N1-AFU-88-041
Weather Radar Logs N1-AFU-88-042
Occupational Safety and Health Standards and AFROTC All Units/Area Unit Letters Record Sets N1-AFU-88-043
Mental Health Clinic Child Advocacy Records prior to 1989 and Child and Spouse Abuse Reports Partially Superseded N1-AFU-88-044
Operational Support Aircraft Records N1-AFU-88-045
Visual Information (VI) Property and Equipment Records N1-AFU-88-046
Still Photography N1-AFU-88-047
Daily Strength Data N1-AFU-88-048
In Plant Reprographic Requisitions Records N1-AFU-88-049
Food Service Squadrons Service Information Management System (SIMS) and Site Automated System (SAS) Records N1-AFU-88-050
Claims Fund Logs N1-AFU-88-051
Motion Picture Photography/Video Recordings N1-AFU-88-052
Claim Collection, Missing-in-Action (MIA), Killed-in-Action (KIA), and Prisoner-of-War (POW) Case Files Fraud or Forgery Records N1-AFU-88-053
Depot Maintenance and Inspection Records N1-AFU-88-054
Weight Management and Fitness Evaluations and Improvement Records Partially Superseded N1-AFU-89-001
Air Force Originated Purchase Requests/Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (PRs/MIPRs) Records N1-AFU-89-002
Automated Commissary Operations System (ACOS) N1-AFU-89-003
Military Standard Requisitioning & Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP)/Military Standard Billing System (MILSBILLS) N1-AFU-89-004
Commissary Records N1-AFU-89-005
Commissary Store Records N1-AFU-89-006
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) testing program N1-AFU-89-007
Civil Aviation and Military Flight Plan Records N1-AFU-89-008
Leave Transfer and Sharing Programs Records N1-AFU-89-009
Laboratory Special Basic Research Programs Records N1-AFU-89-010
Missile System ICBM Code/Targeting System Records N1-AFU-89-011
Visual Information (VI) Library Services Records N1-AFU-89-012
Meal Card Control Register or Computer Generated Equivalent Forms N1-AFU-89-013
Ground Weapons Equipment Maintenance Inspection Reports Historical Data N1-AFU-89-014
Contractor Independent Research & Development (IR&D) Program Records N1-AFU-89-015
Ground Weapons Equipment Maintenance Historical Firing Data N1-AFU-89-016
Radiology Records (Table 160-4) N1-AFU-89-018
Government-Owned Telephone Service Records (Table 66-14) N1-AFU-89-019
Approval to Hold Classified Communications Security (COMSEC) Material Records N1-AFU-89-021
Individual Dental Health Records for Other than Active Duty Military Personnel N1-AFU-89-023
Applications for Intelligence Education Programs Records N1-AFU-89-024
Personal Foreign Travel Reports N1-AFU-89-025
Humanitarian and EFMP Applications N1-AFU-89-026
Unit, Organization and Material Control Supply Records N1-AFU-89-027
Information Management Workload Reports and Source Data Records N1-AFU-89-028
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Operational Data Records N1-AFU-89-029
Miltary Honors Checklist N1-AFU-89-030
Reviews of Contractor Price Proposals Records N1-AFU-89-031
Base Civil Engineer Real Property Records N1-AFU-89-032
Clinical Hyperbaric Treatment Records N1-AFU-89-033
Humanitarian and EFMP Applications N1-AFU-89-034
Core Automated Maintenance (CAM) System Output Products Records N1-AFU-90-001
Over-the-Counter Handout Medication Requests Records N1-AFU-90-002
Umbrella Schedule for Temporary Records Partially Superseded N1-AFU-90-003
Slot Machine Status Reports N1-AFU-90-004
Chaplain Activities Partially Superseded N1-AFU-90-005
Policy, General Authority and General Management Basic Program Records and Wage Administration Records N1-AFU-90-006
Disaster Preparedness Training Records N1-AFU-90-007
Air Base Operability (ABO) Records N1-AFU-90-008
Air National Guard Supervisor's Employee Work Folders N1-AFU-90-009
Publications and Forms Requirements and Distribution (Table 7-1) N1-AFU-90-011
Communications Security (COMSEC) Policy, Plans, Reports, and Collateral Data (Table 56-3) N1-AFU-90-012
Logistics Command Safety Proposals, Program Reports/Technical Reports, and Program Proposals N1-AFU-90-013
Allowance/Authorization Change Requests and Custodian Request/Receipt Records N1-AFU-90-014
Air Force Discharge Review Board Final Action Records N1-AFU-90-015
Unit Leave Control Log and Authorization Numbers N1-AFU-90-016
Copies of Retirement Applications N1-AFU-90-017
Record of Travel Payments prior to 1960 Inactive N1-AFU-90-018
Authority to Keep Cash on Hand Records N1-AFU-90-019
Statements of Accountability N1-AFU-90-020
Interment Reports N1-AFU-90-022
Printing Plants, Duplicating Centers and Microform Production Facilities Records N1-AFU-90-024
Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR) Proficiency Training Records N1-AFU-90-025
Air Force Operations Resource Management Systems (AFORMS) Individual Data Summary, Flying History Reports N1-AFU-90-026
Administrative Patient Records Master Index of Patients N1-AFU-90-027
Court Reporter's Recordings for Formal Hearings of the Physical Evaluation Board N1-AFU-90-028
Obsolete Publications N1-AFU-90-029
Equipment Management System Equipment Custodian Files N1-AFU-90-030
Air Force Operations Resource Management Systems (AFORMS) Records N1-AFU-90-031
Secretary of the Air Force and other High Ranking Officials' Chronological Files N1-AFU-90-032
Weight Management Program or Fitness Improvement Training Case Files N1-AFU-90-033
Temporary Orders Partially Superseded N1-AFU-90-035
Resources Conservation (RECON) Program Records, Cost Reduction Reports, 1963-1968 Inactive N1-AFU-90-036
Operational Test and Evaluation (OT & E) Records N1-AFU-90-037
Intrusion Detection Alarm Systems Records N1-AFU-90-038
U.S. Air Force Personnel Plans N1-AFU-90-040
Family Support Centers Volunteers Service Records N1-AFU-90-042
Inspector General Administrative Reports N1-AFU-90-044
Trials of U.S. Personnel in Foreign Countries N1-AFU-90-045
Personnel Deployment Information Package (PDIP) Records N1-AFU-90-048
Cataloging Project Files N1-AFU-90-049
Centrally Managed Intern Program Case Files N1-AFU-90-050
Civilian Personnel Promotions and Recruitment Records N1-AFU-90-051
Economic Resource Impact Statement (ERIS) Reference Copies N1-AFU-90-052
Environmental Protection Committee Meeting Minutes N1-AFU-90-053
Blood Transfusions and Blood Donor Medical Histories and Blood Bank Agreements Inactive N1-AFU-91-002
Defense Courier Service N1-AFU-91-003
Graphic Work Orders N1-AFU-91-004
Photographic Work Orders N1-AFU-91-005
Traffic Safety Education (TSE) Records N1-AFU-91-006
Psychiatric Treatment and Child Advocacy Records N1-AFU-91-007
Airman Demotions N1-AFU-91-008
International Standardization Agreements and Case Files N1-AFU-91-009
Honors and Awards Memorialization Program Records Partially Superseded N1-AFU-91-010
Autopsies and Associated Indices and Ledgers N1-AFU-91-011
Revolving Fund Records N1-AFU-91-012
Foreign Military Sales Seller and Buyer Interfund Bills N1-AFU-91-013
Contract Performance Debarment/Suspension Case Files N1-AFU-91-014
Travel Records and Reconciliation Listings N1-AFU-91-015
Personnel Data System - Military (Base Level Military Personnel System)(BLMPS) N1-AFU-91-016
Unliquidated or Discrepant Payments and Collections Records N1-AFU-91-019
Communications Security (COMSEC), Maintenance Bulletins (MB), and Equipment Installation (EI) Standards Publications N1-AFU-91-020
Manpower Awards Records N1-AFU-91-021
Mission Capability Checklists N1-AFU-91-022
Claims Files for Agent Orange Litigation Cases Inactive N1-AFU-91-023
Pay Record Jackets N1-AFU-91-024
Overseas Base Closure Records Inactive N1-AFU-91-025
Space Operations Records N1-AFU-91-026
Career Information and Counseling Records N1-AFU-91-027
Allowance/Authorization Change Requests and Custodian Request/Receipt Records N1-AFU-91-028
Fixed Communications Computer System Supply Records N1-AFU-91-030
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Reports N1-AFU-91-032
Child Care Centers N1-AFU-91-033
Curriculum Materials for Formal Training Courses and Periodic Curriculum Histories N1-AFU-91-034
Biweekly Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Products N1-AFU-91-035
Disaster Preparedness for Natural Disasters; Military Assistance to Civil Authorities (MACA) Records N1-AFU-91-036
Collection Case Files N1-AFU-91-037
Wherry Act Housing and Capehart Act Housing Records N1-AFU-91-038
Listing Output from EOD Processing Records N1-AFU-91-039
Air Force Blood Program Technical Letters (AFBPTL) Records N1-AFU-91-040
Rejected Unsolicited Proposals Records N1-AFU-91-041
Temporary Private Vehicle Registrations Records N1-AFU-91-042
Flying Training Qualification Answer Sheets and Written Exams Records N1-AFU-91-043
Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program Records N1-AFU-91-044
Closed or Suspended Search and Rescue Mission Records, Monthly Reports, and Operations Logs N1-AFU-91-046
Medical Illustration Files N1-AFU-92-005
Test Accountability/Control Records N1-AFU-92-006
Wastewater Discharge Applications and Permits and Halon Use Records N1-AFU-92-007
Telephone Toll Calls; Telephone, Telegraph, Telautograph, and Nontactical Radio Accounting Records N1-AFU-92-008
Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Records N1-AFU-92-009
Reserve Forces Overgrades/Undergrades and Overages Records N1-AFU-92-010
George Air Force Base Closure Records Inactive N1-AFU-92-012
Reserve Forces Evaluations, Scholarships and Weighted Professional Officer Selection System (WPSS) Records N1-AFU-92-013
PIDP (Programmable Indicator Data Process) Submission Data N1-AFU-92-014
Applications for AF Junior ROTC Instructor Duty N1-AFU-92-016
Standard Digital Mapping Charting and Geodesy Products and Simulator Databases N1-AFU-92-017
Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy (MC&G) Records (Table 96-1) N1-AFU-92-018
Aeronautical Information (Table 96-3) N1-AFU-92-020
Personnel Identification and Pass Records (Table 30-2) N1-AFU-92-021
Civilian Personnel Data System Requirement/Change Request Records N1-AFU-92-022
Special Honors, Trophies and Awards, and Memorialization Program Records N1-AFU-92-023
Reserve Cadet Personnel Action Packages N1-AFU-92-024
Food Service Evaluations and Customer Survey Records N1-AFU-92-025
Manufacturing Methods Project Files Inactive N1-AFU-92-026
Base Closure Records for HQ Strategic Air Command Offutt Air Force Base Nebraska Inactive N1-AFU-92-027
Flying Training Tactics, Techniques and Doctrines Instruction Records N1-AFU-92-028
Authorization Requests to Wear Uniforms by Civilian Employees N1-AFU-92-030
Aerospace Vehicle Utilization Records N1-AFU-92-031
Weather Observation, Forecasts, and Analysis Records N1-AFU-92-032
Base Closure Records for Sondrestrom Air Base Greenland Inactive N1-AFU-92-033
Journal of Military Assistance Records N1-AFU-93-001
Requests for Tuition Assistance Records N1-AFU-93-002
Environmental and Natural Resources Data Training Records N1-AFU-93-004
Depot Maintenance Records N1-AFU-93-005
OPM Form 1495 Financial Eligibility Statements N1-AFU-93-006
Administrative Grievance and Classifications Appeals and Adverse Actions Records N1-AFU-93-007
Offices of Attache Affairs Mission Records N1-AFU-93-009
Base Closure Records for Grissom Air Force Base Indiana Inactive N1-AFU-93-013
Individual Management Augmentee (IMA) Folders N1-AFU-93-016
Officer or Enlisted Trained Personnel Requirement (TPR) Records N1-AFU-93-017
Base Closure Records for RAF Upper Heyford United Kingdom Inactive N1-AFU-93-018
Organization Fuel Tank Records N1-AFU-93-019
Personnel Data System - Military and Civilian (HQ AFMPC) N1-AFU-94-002
Foreign Military Sales (FMS) N1-AFU-94-003
Base Closure Records for Sembach Air Base Germany Inactive N1-AFU-94-005
Civil Engineering Resources Minutes of Meetings and Strategic Plans N1-AFU-94-006
Acquisition Awards Records N1-AFU-94-008
Inactivation of Headquarters Air Combat Camera Service (HQ AIRCCS) N1-AFU-94-009
Inspection of Permanently Installed Base Fuel Storage Systems Records N1-AFU-94-010
Medical Logistics -Records of Personal Property Left at Closing Bases N1-AFU-94-011
Supply Management Records -Records of Personal Property Left at Closing Bases N1-AFU-94-012
Punishment Imposed under Article 15 UCMJ and Written Materials Considered when Imposing Article 15 UCMJ N1-AFU-95-001
C4 Policy Development, Plans, and Reviews of Operations Records N1-AFU-95-002
Base Closure Records for RAF Chicksands United Kingdom Inactive N1-AFU-95-003
Administrative Discharge or Separation from Service for Cause and Requests for Discharge Records N1-AFU-95-004
Administrative Temporary Orders Inactive N1-AFU-95-005
Base Closure Records for K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base Michigan Inactive N1-AFU-95-006
Wake Island Vital Statistics and Notarial Records (Table 11-3) N1-AFU-95-007
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Zero Files N1-AFU-96-001
Captured or Confiscated Enemy Records N1-AFU-96-003
Blood Donor Medical Histories and Blood Bank Agreements N1-AFU-96-005
Personnel Support for Contingency Operations (PERSCO) Contingency Reports N1-AFU-96-006
Medical Waste Management Records N1-AFU-96-007
Industrial Hygiene Surveys and Required Occupational Health Cases N1-AFU-96-009
Claims Records (Table 112-1) N1-AFU-96-011
Fire Department Training and Daily Fire Activities Records N1-AFU-96-012
Summary Court Martial Records N1-AFU-96-013
Unfavorable Information Files (UIF) on Officers and Airmen, Control Rosters on Officers and Airmen, Line of Duty Determination Files Partially Superseded N1-AFU-96-014
Base Closure Records of Newark Air Force Base, OH Inactive N1-AFU-96-016
USDA Food Program, Emergency, and Privately Funded Food Programs, Women-Infant and Child (WIC) Program Records N1-AFU-96-017
Medical Expenses and Performance Reporting System (MEPRS) Records N1-AFU-96-018
Special Cardiographic Procedures Records N1-AFU-96-019
Temporary Administrative Orders N1-AFU-96-020
Base Closure Records for Reese Air Force Base Texas Inactive N1-AFU-97-001
Psychiatric Treatment Records Inactive N1-AFU-97-002
Hospital Delivery Room Logs Inactive N1-AFU-97-003
Implant Device and/or Medical Equipment Log/Database Records N1-AFU-97-004
Medical Provider Activity Files N1-AFU-97-007
Mental Health Treatment Records N1-AFU-97-008
Base Closure Records of 928 Mission Support Squadron at O'Hare International Airport and Other Base Closings Inactive N1-AFU-97-010
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Honor Hearing Cases N1-AFU-97-013
Communicable and other Reportable Disease Reports N1-AFU-97-017
Community College of the Air Force Courses and Applied Science Degree Program Development Records N1-AFU-98-001
Job Safety Training N1-AFU-98-002
Weapons and COMSEC Serial Number Data N1-AFU-98-003
One-Time Disposition for Litigation Cases at the Washington National Records Center (WNRC) Inactive N1-AFU-99-001
Training Instructor Records (Table 36-37) N1-AFU-99-003
Status of Resources and Training System (SORTS) N1-AFU-99-004
Architectural and Engineering Records of U.S. Air Force Installations in Panama, 1920-Present N1-AFU-99-005
Training Instructor Evaluation Records (Table 36-37) N1-AFU-99-006
Turkish Customs Clearance and Personal Property Inspection and Clearance Records N1-AFU-99-008
Hazardous Material Authorization and Environmental Planning Records N1-AFU-99-009
Unfavorable Information Files (UIFs) on Officers and Airmen N1-AFU-99-010
Security Police Anti-Robbery Plan and Resource Protection Plan Records Inactive NC-174-000104
Dependents' School Records Inactive NC-174-000106
Operations Security Records Partially Superseded NC-174-000107
Information Activities Records Inactive NC-174-000108
Technical Orders Inactive NC-174-000114
Individual Student Training and Achievement Records Inactive NC-174-000127
Election Forms for the Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan Inactive NC-174-000132
Air Force Institute of Technology Training Records Inactive NC-174-000143
Joint Chiefs of Staff Briefings Partially Superseded NC-174-000151
Pharmacy Bulk Compounding Records Inactive NC-174-000152
Compression Chambers Treatments Records Inactive NC-174-000157
Security Systems Performance Data Partially Superseded NC-174-000159
Postal and Courier Operations Inactive NC-174-000160
Dependents' School Records Inactive NC-174-000167
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Pay Accounts, Leave and Earning Statements, Data, and Daily Transaction Records (DTR) Inactive NC-174-000168
Casualty Records, Missing-in-Action Data, and Prisoner's of War Records Inactive NC-174-000173
Drug/Alcohol Abuse Control Statistics Partially Superseded NC-174-000177
Quality Assurance (QA) Stamp Documentation Records Inactive NC-174-000178
Air Force Retired Military Pay Records Maintained at AFAFC Inactive NC-174-000195
Congressional Travel Records Inactive NC-174-000196
Wind Recorder Rolls Inactive NC-174-000197
Contract Services Funding Records Inactive NC-174-000201
R&D Job Order Cost Accounting System (JOCAS) Inactive NC-174-000202
Home Town News Center Records Inactive NC-174-000207
Accounting UNIVAC 1050-II Documentation Inactive NC-174-000209
Materiel/Equipment Individual Historical Files Inactive NC-174-000210
Equipment Maintenance Records Inactive NC-174-000216
Aircraft Flight Data Inactive NC-174-000219
Establishment of Senior and Junior AFROTC Partially Superseded NC-174-000224
Academic Instructor Course Waivers Inactive NC-174-000243
Microfilm Copies of DLT-55-6 Analyses Inactive NC-174-000244
Air Force Academy Academic Requirements, Graduate Programs and Cadet Scores NC-174-000248
Specific Data System Records Inactive NC-174-000249
Satellite Tracking and Impact Predication (TIP) Data Inactive NC-174-000250
Clinical Record Cover Sheet Tabulations Inactive NC-174-000251
Air Force Consolidated Cryptologic Program Records Inactive NC-174-000252
Search and Rescue Agreements and Support Control Documents Inactive NC-174-000262
U.S. Savings Bonds Series E Bond Sales Records Inactive NC-174-000263
Recruiting Hometown News Releases Inactive NC-AFU-75-001
Bowling Alley Score Sheets Inactive NC-AFU-75-002
Department of Transportation Special Permits Inactive NC-AFU-75-003
Explosive Facilities Licenses, Waivers, and Site Plans Inactive NC-AFU-75-004
Airman Promotion Documents not part of Selection Board Proceedings Inactive NC-AFU-75-005
Historical Research and Reference Documents used as Feeder Reports Inactive NC-AFU-75-006
Physical Examination Reports Inactive NC-AFU-75-007
Medical Food Service Production and Service Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-008
Data Elements and Related Features for Standardized Programs for All Systems Inactive NC-AFU-75-009
Variable Reenlistment Bonus (VRB) Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-010
Reserve Forces Training Cadet Evaluations Inactive NC-AFU-75-011
Clearance Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-012
Explosives Safety Project Control Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-013
Military Aircraft Ground Handling Actions Inactive NC-AFU-75-014
Armament Related Covenant Not to Sue Agreements Inactive NC-AFU-75-015
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Documentation Inactive NC-AFU-75-016
Military Pay Documentation Created Prior to Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Inactive NC-AFU-75-017
Pay Allotment Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-018
Communications-Electronics (C-E) Program Status Reports and Communications-Electronics -Meteorological Board Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-019
Not Operationally Ready Supply (NORS) Summary Listings Inactive NC-AFU-75-020
Personnel Data System for Officer and Airmen Point Credit Accounting And Reporting System (PCARS) Inactive NC-AFU-75-021
Security Container Check Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-022
Personnel Security Investigations for Contractors Inactive NC-AFU-75-023
Release of Documents to Foreign Governments and Nationals Inactive NC-AFU-75-024
Airfield Flight Line Vehicle Authorization Inactive NC-AFU-75-025
Extension Course Institute Course Materials Inactive NC-AFU-75-026
Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-027
Food Service Menu Board Committee Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-028
Technical Control Facility (TCF) Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-029
Security Police Violation Notices Inactive NC-AFU-75-030
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-031
Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-032
Air Force Junior ROTC Instructor Pay Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-033
Fire and Water Damaged Research and Development Records, 1951-63 Inactive NC-AFU-75-034
Heating Plant Daily Operating Logs Inactive NC-AFU-75-035
Affiliation Agreements with Civilian Medical/Training Education Institutions Inactive NC-AFU-75-036
Airdrop Inspection Records / Malfunction and Activity Reports Inactive NC-AFU-75-037
Administrative Inquiries Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-038
Uniforms Commutation for AFROTC Cadets Inactive NC-AFU-75-039
Housing Rental Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-040
Air University Educational Source Documents NC-AFU-75-041
Flying Training Records for Tactics Techniques and Doctrines Instruction Inactive NC-AFU-75-042
Counterintelligence (CI) Special Inquiry Cases and Reciprocal Investigations Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-043
Reciprocal Criminal Investigations Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-044
Office of Security Investigation Fraud Investigations Inactive NC-AFU-75-045
Internal Security Investigations (ISIs) for DOD Affiliated Personnel Inactive NC-AFU-75-046
Personnel Security Investigations Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-047
Office of Security Investigations (124-2) Inactive NC-AFU-75-048
NAF Financial Management Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-049
Joint Uniform Military Pay (JUMPS) Documentation at Base Level Inactive NC-AFU-75-050
History of Individual Exposure to Ionizing Radiation Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-051
Manpower Authorization Voucher (MAV) Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-052
Flight Crew Information Files (FCIF) Inactive NC-AFU-75-053
Record Sets of Recurring Periodicals NC-AFU-75-054
Chaplain Funds Non-Appropriated Financial Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-055
Recommendations for Promotion within Academic Ranks Inactive NC-AFU-75-056
Allowance/Authorization Change Requests Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-057
Clinical Record Cover Sheet Tabulations Inactive NC-AFU-75-058
Individual Retirement Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-059
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Documentation Inactive NC-AFU-75-060
Individual Academic Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-062
Tactical Requirement Cases for Communications Electronic Equipment Inactive NC-AFU-75-063
Various Special Intelligence Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-064
Training Materials (50-4) Inactive NC-AFU-75-065
Peacetime Program Command Control and Communications Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-066
Navigators Logs Inactive NC-AFU-75-067
Intrabase Radio Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-068
Deployment Documentation Inactive NC-AFU-75-069
Travel Payments Records Inactive NC-AFU-75-070
Presidential Support Nomination Files and Assignment Records Inactive NC-AFU-76-001
Weather Forecasting Briefing Records Inactive NC-AFU-76-002
Air Transportation Records (Except Logair) Inactive NC-AFU-76-003
Military Pay Documentation Created Prior to Joint Uniform Military Pay (JUMPS) Inactive NC-AFU-76-004
Individual Academic Records Maintained by Unit Quality Control Inactive NC-AFU-76-005
Community College of the Air Force Records (53-3) Inactive NC-AFU-76-006
Medical Equipment Maintenance Test Records Inactive NC-AFU-76-007
Congressional Travel Records Inactive NC-AFU-76-008
Veterinary Records (163-1) Inactive NC-AFU-76-009
Position Identification Guides for Positions Requiring Continuing Access to SIOP Material Inactive NC-AFU-76-010
Access Requests from Foreign Nationals Inactive NC-AFU-76-011
Joint Uniform Military Pay (JUMPS) Daily Register of Transactions (DROT) Inactive NC1-AFU-76-12
Ground Accident Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-76-13
U.S. Savings Bond Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-14
Special Court Martials Not Involving a Bad Conduct Discharge Inactive NC1-AFU-76-15
Cargo/Passenger Manifests Inactive NC1-AFU-76-16
Counterintelligence Operations and Publications Inactive NC1-AFU-76-18
Technical Support Operations Inactive NC1-AFU-76-21
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Source Documents Inactive NC1-AFU-76-22
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Investigative Support Records Partially Superseded NC1-AFU-76-23
Documentation about Visitors Inactive NC1-AFU-76-24
Government Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-25
Commissary and Commissary Store Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-27
Internal Audit and Control Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-28
Electronic Warfare Systems and Aerial Gunnery Activity Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-29
Changes in Utilization of Buildings Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-30
Missile Alert Duty Orders Inactive NC1-AFU-76-31
Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-32
Defense Communications Agency (DCA) Evaluation Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-76-33
FICA Wages for Military Staff Inactive NC1-AFU-76-34
Manpower Change Requests Inactive NC1-AFU-76-35
Rapid Engineering Deployable Heavy Operations Repair Squadrons, Engineering (RED HORSE) Program Records Partially Superseded NC1-AFU-76-36
Motor Vehicle Operator's Inspection Guide and Trouble Report Forms Inactive NC1-AFU-76-37
Frequency Management Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-38
Government Owned Telephone Service Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-39
Community College Air Force Course Documentation and Career Education Certificate/Instructor in Technology Certificate Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-40
Physical Examination Records and Medical Board Proceedings for Applicants to Service Academy or ROTC Scholarship Program Inactive NC1-AFU-76-41
Trials of U.S. Personnel in Foreign Countries and Reports of Violations of Law of Armed Conflict Partially Superseded NC1-AFU-76-42
Drug Abuse Testing Program Inactive NC1-AFU-76-43
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-44
Research and Development Independent Research Fund Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-45
Operational Requirements Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-46
Motor Vehicle Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-47
Still Photography Inactive NC1-AFU-76-48
Historical Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-49
Research and Development Unsolicited Proposals Inactive NC1-AFU-76-50
Air Force Occupational Safety and Health (AFOSH) Standards Inactive NC1-AFU-76-51
Individual Procurement Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-76-52
Bids or Proposal Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-53
Contract Performance Records for Civil Air Carrier Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-54
Fuels, Propellants and Chemical Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-55
Casualty Reporting, Notification and Assistance Records Partially Superseded NC1-AFU-76-56
Grave Site Reservations Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-57
Personnel Security Program Inactive NC1-AFU-76-58
Quality Assurance Inactive NC1-AFU-76-59
Inspector General Reports And Interviews Inactive NC1-AFU-76-60
Special Subjects for Inspection Inactive NC1-AFU-76-61
Revolving Fund Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-62
Reports of Survey, Registers, Charges, Collections and Notices of Exception Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-63
Base Materiel/Supply Automated System Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-64
Military Pay Documentation Prior to the Joint Uniform Military Pay (JUMPS) System Inactive NC1-AFU-76-65
Defense Contract Financing Program Guaranteed Loan Contract Negotiations Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-66
Disbursements, Reimbursements, Collection and Contract Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-67
General Ledgers and Reconciliation Listings Inactive NC1-AFU-76-68
Losses of Appropriated Funds Inactive NC1-AFU-76-69
Claim Collection, Missing-in-Action, and Prisoner-of-War Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-76-70
Quality Assurance Program Inactive NC1-AFU-76-71
Ocean Terminal and Inland Linehaul Cargo Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-76-72
Civilian Pay Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-73
Air Reserve Pay Supporting Documentation (ARPAS Computerized Payments) Inactive NC1-AFU-76-74
Pay Allotment Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-75
United States Savings Bond Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-76
Individual Case Folders for FHA Mortgages Inactive NC1-AFU-76-77
Air Force Retired Military Pay Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-78
Aerospace System Security Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-79
Aero Club Documentation Inactive NC1-AFU-76-80
Point Credit Accounting and Reporting Systems Inactive NC1-AFU-76-81
Merged Accountability and Fund Reporting System Records Inactive NC1-AFU-76-82
FICA Wages and/or FITW Deductions Inactive NC1-AFU-76-83
Leave Certifications and Servicemen's Group Life Insurance Elections or Declinations Inactive NC1-AFU-76-84
Basic Information Activities Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-001
Inspection Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-002
Traffic Management Data Inactive NC1-AFU-77-003
Materiel/Equipment Individual Historical Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-004
U.S. Air Force Academy Academic Waivers and Textbook Requirement Records NC1-AFU-77-005
Individual Academic Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-006
Equal Opportunity Files Inactive NC1-AFU-77-007
Food Service Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-008
Packaging and Materials Handling Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-009
Exchange Privilege Authorization Letters for Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard Members Inactive NC1-AFU-77-010
On/Off-Base Housing Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-011
Documentation of Requests for Student Dependent School Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-012
Applications for Educational Programs Inactive NC1-AFU-77-013
Peacetime Reports, 1946-1949 and Combat Operations Reports, 1950-1953 NC1-AFU-77-014
Housing Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-015
Daily Air Force Strength Data Inactive NC1-AFU-77-016
Personnel Surveys Inactive NC1-AFU-77-017
Legal Opinions which Establish Precedents NC1-AFU-77-018
Chapel Records, 1949-1958 Inactive NC1-AFU-77-019
Military Justice Records NC1-AFU-77-020
Designation and Termination of Contracting Officials Inactive NC1-AFU-77-021
Contract Termination and Settlement Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-022
Bio-Enviromental Surveys and Medical Inspection Reports (Table 161-5) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-023
International Accounting Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-024
Foreign Military Sales Cases Inactive NC1-AFU-77-025
Casualty Reporting Notification, and Assistance Records (Table 30-3) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-026
Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) Records - Analysis and Evaluation Records (Table 66-4) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-027
Recurring Inspection Reports on Traffic Control and Landing Systems (TRACALS) Equipment (Rule 3.12) and Ground Weapons (Rule 8.1) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-028
Depot Maintenance Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-029
Deficiency Records and Reporting Inactive NC1-AFU-77-030
Non-destructive X-ray Inspections and Battery Inspections Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-031
Honors and Awards Records (Table 900-1) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-032
Periodic Curriculum Histories Inactive NC1-AFU-77-033
Forms Management Documentation (Table 9-1) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-034
Materiel/Equipment Individual Historical Files and Ground Weapons Historical Data Inactive NC1-AFU-77-035
Supervisory Appraisals Inactive NC1-AFU-77-036
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Records (Table 60-1) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-037
Real Property Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-77-038
Motor Vehicle Operators' Records (Table 77-2) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-039
Blood Transfusion and Blood Donor Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-040
Record Sets of Publications NC1-AFU-77-041
Base Wire Communications System (BWCS) Program Data Inactive NC1-AFU-77-042
Flight Plans for all Air Force Aircraft Inactive NC1-AFU-77-043
Base Wire Cables Installed under Commercial Contract Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-044
Waiver of Discharge Processing and Recruiting Prospect Card Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-045
Chaplain Professional and Religious Facility Utilization Reports NC1-AFU-77-046
Not Operationally Ready Supply (NORS) Summary Listings Inactive NC1-AFU-77-047
Equipment Management Reporting Organizational Files (ROF) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-048
System Acquisition Program Files and Selected Acquisition Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-77-049
Personnel Selected for Relocation and Out-Processing Forms for Basic Military Training Graduates Inactive NC1-AFU-77-050
Master and Command Military Personnel Records Groups NC1-AFU-77-051
Wake Island Vital Statistics and Notorial Documentation NC1-AFU-77-052
Wherry and Capehart Act Housing Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-053
Equipment Maintenance Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-054
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Criminal Records (Table 124-1) NC1-AFU-77-055
Investigative Collections and Surveys Inactive NC1-AFU-77-056
Consolidated Financial Statements and Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-77-057
Revolving Fund Financial Statements Inactive NC1-AFU-77-058
Air Logistics Centers (ALCs) Cost Accounting Records (Table 177-14) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-059
U.S. Air Force Academy Athletes and Football Program Covers NC1-AFU-77-060
Material Utilization Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-061
U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Athlete Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-77-062
Customer Integrated Automated Procurement System (CIAPS) Records (Table 70-16) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-063
Nuclear Weapons Stock Record Accounts Inactive NC1-AFU-77-064
Employee Management Relation Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-065
Federal Employees Compensation Act Log and Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-77-066
Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) (Table 35-8.1) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-067
Promotion and Demotion Records (Table 35-8) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-068
Military Personnel Testing Records (Table 35-6) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-069
Lecturer Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-77-070
Security Investigations and Operations (Table 124-4) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-071
Defense Investigative Review Council (DIRC) Sensitive Investigations Inactive NC1-AFU-77-072
Accountable Communications Control Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-073
Accreditation of Air Force Technical Training Schools' Courses and Memoranda of Understanding with Universities and Colleges Inactive NC1-AFU-77-074
Operational Support Airlift Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-075
Collections Records (Table 200-2) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-076
Medical Facility Equipment Reporting System (Table 167-3) Inactive NC1-AFU-77-077
Performance Reporting and Quality Control Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-079
Security Container Check Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-080
Wherry and Capehart Act Housing Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-081
Professional Credentials Review Files of Medical Staff Members Inactive NC1-AFU-77-082
Forensic Service Provided by an Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Regional Forensic Consultant Inactive NC1-AFU-77-083
Article 138 (UCMJ) Complaints Inactive NC1-AFU-77-084
Army Air Corps Officer Personnel Reports, 1917-33 Inactive NC1-AFU-77-085
Veterinary Origin (Class 3) Inspection Files Inactive NC1-AFU-77-086
Permanent Traffic Records, 1949-1954 Inactive NC1-AFU-77-087
Manpower Standards Study Report Schedules Inactive NC1-AFU-77-088
Purchase Request Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-089
Dental Health Records and X-Rays NC1-AFU-77-090
U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Personal Information Forms Inactive NC1-AFU-77-091
United States Air Force Academy Programmed Activities Records NC1-AFU-77-092
Pollution Documentation Inactive NC1-AFU-77-093
United States Air Force Academy Teachers and Applicants for Air Force Institute of Technology Training NC1-AFU-77-094
Air Force Communications Service (AFCS) at Richards-Gebaur AFB, MO Inactive NC1-AFU-77-095
Passports and Visas Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-096
Data Automation Analysis Source Data Inactive NC1-AFU-77-097
Private Motor Vehicles Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-098
Enlistment and Reenlistment Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-099
Radar Bomb Scoring Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-100
Personnel Security Investigations 1962-1965 Inactive NC1-AFU-77-101
Base Stock Record Accounts Inactive NC1-AFU-77-102
Individual Modification Records for Air Force Weapons Systems Inactive NC1-AFU-77-103
Counterterrorism Services, Briefings, and Training Records Inactive NC1-AFU-77-104
United States Air Force Academy Board Records NC1-AFU-77-105
Information Releases NC1-AFU-78-01
Communications Security Systems and Accountability Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-02
TEMPEST Policy Planning and Engineering Technical and Analysis Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-03
Ground C-E Facility Cancelled Programming Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-04
Communications Security (COMSEC) Policy Planning and Reporting Records and Collateral Data Inactive NC1-AFU-78-05
Standardization Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-06
Statement of Designated Depository Account Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-07
Public Vouchers of Medical Services Inactive NC1-AFU-78-08
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Pay Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-09
Personnel Status Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-78-10
Meaconing, Interference, Jamming and Intrusion Records NC1-AFU-78-11
Correspondence, Message and Project Files Inactive NC1-AFU-78-12
Joint Uniform Military Pay Inactive NC1-AFU-78-13
Communications-Electronics, Computer Programming Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-14
Fuels Management Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-78-15
Military Affiliate Radio System Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-16
Biographical Files of Retired General Officers Inactive NC1-AFU-78-17
Space Defense Logs Inactive NC1-AFU-78-18
Strategic Air Command Civil Engineering Manuals (SAC CEMS) Inactive NC1-AFU-78-19
Security Police Firearm/Ammunition Inventory Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-20
Motion Picture Photography Inactive NC1-AFU-78-21
Airspace Management Inactive NC1-AFU-78-22
Relay Center Operations Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-24
Air Traffic Control Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-25
Communications Service Leasing Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-26
Transportation Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-27
Fetal Monitor Strips and Locator Cards Inactive NC1-AFU-78-28
Extension Course AFU Institute (ECI) Testing and USAF Job Inventory Program Inactive NC1-AFU-78-29
Automated Data Procession (ADP) Management Information System, Computer Systems Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-30
Individual Military Presonnel Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-31
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Control Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-78-32
Animal Clinical Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-33
Child Advocacy Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-34
Health Consent Forms Inactive NC1-AFU-78-35
Communications Security Certification Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-36
Requests for Retaining/Laterial Training Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-37
Inspection Documents for Bulk Fuel Storage Systems Inactive NC1-AFU-78-38
Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) Adjustment and Pay Adjustment Authorizations Inactive NC1-AFU-78-39
National Communications Security COMSEC/EMSEC Policy, Guidance, and Planning Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-40
Military Leave and Earning Statements and Extracts Inactive NC1-AFU-78-41
Installation Private Vehicle Registration Identification Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-42
Nonappropriated Funds (NAF) Recreational Services Membership Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-43
Base Materiel/Supply Automated System Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-44
On/Off-Base Housing Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-45
Geodesy Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-46
Aeronautical Information Publications Inactive NC1-AFU-78-47
Mapping and Charting Records NC1-AFU-78-48
Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-49
Switchboard Confidentiality Statements Inactive NC1-AFU-78-50
Data Automation Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-51
Management Engineering Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-52
Productivity Measurement Evaluation and Enhancement Inactive NC1-AFU-78-53
Operation Readiness Plans Inactive NC1-AFU-78-54
Resources Conservation Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-55
Pocket Dosimeter Results Log Inactive NC1-AFU-78-56
United States Air Force Frequency Aeronautical Station Records NC1-AFU-78-57
Patient or Clinical Service Questionnaires/Surveys Inactive NC1-AFU-78-58
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Voucher Balancing/Reconciliation Inactive NC1-AFU-78-59
Revolving Fund Air Force Stock Fund and Financial Statements Inactive NC1-AFU-78-60
Security Police Records Project Identification Participation Notice Inactive NC1-AFU-78-61
Quality Control Records for Personal Property Movement and Storage Inactive NC1-AFU-78-62
Public Dockets for Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) International Cases Inactive NC1-AFU-78-63
Military Pay Documentation Created Prior to Joint Uniforms Military Pay Systems Inactive NC1-AFU-78-64
Air Reserve Pay and Allowance System Documentation Inactive NC1-AFU-78-65
Aerospace Security Systems Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-66
Missile Security Records Inactive NC1-AFU-78-67
Administrative Internal Inspections/Inventories Inactive NC1-AFU-78-68
Budget Documents Inactive NC1-AFU-79-01
Wartime Planning Records NC1-AFU-79-02
Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service Mission Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-03
Defense Contract Financing Program Inactive NC1-AFU-79-04
Reproduction Records (Table 6-1) Inactive NC1-AFU-79-05
Security Classification Guides Inactive NC1-AFU-79-06
Aerospace Vehicle and Equipment Inventory, Status, and Utilization Reporting Documents NC1-AFU-79-07
Military Personnel Testing Records (Table 35-6) Inactive NC1-AFU-79-08
Supply Management Records (Table 67-1) Inactive NC1-AFU-79-09
Educational Services Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-10
Unsolicited Proposals Inactive NC1-AFU-79-11
Armament Training Record Inactive NC1-AFU-79-12
Temporary Master Audiotapes Inactive NC1-AFU-79-13
Data Automation Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-14
Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) Entitlements Inactive NC1-AFU-79-15
Cadet Pay Records at Air Force Accounting and Finance Center Inactive NC1-AFU-79-16
Security Police Inspection Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-79-17
Customer Integrated Automated Procurement System Bidder's Mailing List Applications Inactive NC1-AFU-79-18
Communications- Electronics Documents Inactive NC1-AFU-79-19
On / Off - Base Housing Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-20
Legal Documents (Tables 110-1, 110-2, 111-1, 112-1) NC1-AFU-79-21
Contractor Technical Representative Personnel Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-22
Retiree and Annuitant Pay System Documentation Inactive NC1-AFU-79-23
Real Property Accountable Documentation Inactive NC1-AFU-79-24
Aviation Fuel and Ground Petroleum and Cryogenic Products Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-25
Instructor's Flight/Dive Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-26
Labor Relations Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-27
Voting Assistance Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-28
Medical, Statistical, and Related Reports (168-6) Inactive NC1-AFU-79-29
Automated Data Processing Systems (ADPS) Security Records (300-5) Inactive NC1-AFU-79-30
Command and Control (55-12) Inactive NC1-AFU-79-32
Histopathology Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-79-33
Communications Trouble and Restoral Records and MINUTEMAN Communications Cable Affairs Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-34
Nonappropriated Fund Financial Management Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-35
Weather Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-36
Emergency Room Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-38
Discharge and Separation Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-39
Medical Recommendation for Flying or Special Operational Duty Logs Inactive NC1-AFU-79-40
Welder Qualifications Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-41
Relay Center Operations Control Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-42
Air Reserve Pay and Allowance System Inactive NC1-AFU-79-43
Maintenance Inspection Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-44
Historical Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-45
Maintenance Management, Deficiency Records and Reporting Inactive NC1-AFU-79-46
Legal Administration Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-47
Aerospace Engine Analysis and Evaluation Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-48
Personal Property Movement and Storage Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-49
Public Exhibits Cases Inactive NC1-AFU-79-50
Supply Management Mission Capability (MICAP) Daily Summaries Inactive NC1-AFU-79-51
Industrial Equipment Historical Files Inactive NC1-AFU-79-52
Inspector General Semiannual Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-79-53
Priorities and Allocations Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-54
Air/Ground Communications Records Inactive NC1-AFU-79-55
Government Owned Telephone Service Monthly Battery Storage Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-01
Air Force Fraud and Criminal Briefing Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-02
Duty Status Change Messages and Relocation Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-03
Security Police Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-04
Nonappropriated Fund Personnel Records for Filipino and Turkish Employees Inactive NC1-AFU-80-05
Aircraft Maintenance Weight and Balance Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-06
Security Police Patrol Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-07
Listing of Permanent Records Series NC1-AFU-80-08
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Pay Records Accessibility Roster Inactive NC1-AFU-80-09
Noncommissioned Officer Status Inactive NC1-AFU-80-10
Promotion and Demotion Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-11
Mail Acceptance and Delivery Files Inactive NC1-AFU-80-12
Armed Forces Couriers Service (ARFCOS) Documentation Files Inactive NC1-AFU-80-14
Educational Support Documentation and Student Research Theses Inactive NC1-AFU-80-15
Training Records for Foreign Trainees Inactive NC1-AFU-80-16
Equipment Maintenance Records for Planes, Missiles, Communications, Meteorological Equipment Inactive NC1-AFU-80-17
Motor Vehicle Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-18
Performance Reporting and Quality Control Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-19
Air Force Manual 300-4 NC1-AFU-80-20
Research Animal Service Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-22
Administration Of Postal Accounts Inactive NC1-AFU-80-23
Small Parcel Shipment Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-24
Security Police Patrol Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-25
Air Traffic Handling Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-26
Equipment Custodian Files Inactive NC1-AFU-80-27
Enlistment and Reenlistment Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-28
Air Force Military Personnel Records NC1-AFU-80-29
Major Air Command Drug Abuse Control Data Inactive NC1-AFU-80-30
Child Care Operations Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-31
Built-Up Roof Management Program Inactive NC1-AFU-80-32
Food Quality Assurance Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-33
U.S. Government National Credit Card Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-34
Education Services Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-35
Household Goods Non-temporary Storage Accounts System (NOTEMPS) Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-36
Consolidated Base Personnel Office Letters Inactive NC1-AFU-80-37
Messages Sent to Personnel Offices NC1-AFU-80-38
Prisoner Reports and Rosters NC1-AFU-80-39
Internal and Self Inspection Checklists and Inventories NC1-AFU-80-40
Alcohol Abuse Control Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-80-41
Prisoner Reports and Rosters NC1-AFU-80-42
Military Working Dog Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-43
Postage Meter Operations and Permit Imprint Mailing Statements Inactive NC1-AFU-80-44
Individual Dental Health Records for Non-Military Persons Inactive NC1-AFU-80-45
Personal Financial Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-46
Defense Contract Financing Program Inactive NC1-AFU-80-47
Peacetime Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-48
Commercial or Industrial (CI) and Contract Service (CS) Data System Records Inactive NC1-AFU-80-49
Management Studies and Reports NC1-AFU-80-50
Equipment Requirements Central Secondary Item Stratification (CSIS) Records NC1-AFU-80-52
Privacy Act Reports NC1-AFU-81-02
Privacy Act Documentation NC1-AFU-81-03
Designating and Naming Defense Equipment NC1-AFU-81-04
Laboratory Records NC1-AFU-81-05
Characteristics Guides and Design Handbooks NC1-AFU-81-08
Greek Customs Records, Area Clearances for Overseas Theaters, Travel Orders and Authorizations NC1-AFU-81-09
Engineering Evaluations NC1-AFU-81-10
Characteristics Guides of Weapons Systems NC1-AFU-81-11
Personnel Identification and Passes NC1-AFU-81-13
Reciprocal Library System Records NC1-AFU-81-14
Management Studies and Reports NC1-AFU-81-15
Special Security Files NC1-AFU-81-17
Security Police Records NC1-AFU-81-18
Interagency and Intergovernmental Coordination of Land, Facility, and Environmental Plans, Programs, and Projects NC1-AFU-81-19
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Infrastructure Program Records NC1-AFU-81-20
Routine Congressional Inquires NC1-AFU-81-21
Safety Program Administration Records NC1-AFU-81-22
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Records NC1-AFU-81-23
Administrative Systems Studies NC1-AFU-81-24
Dependent Care Responsibilities NC1-AFU-81-25
Officers and Airman Personnel Data System Records NC1-AFU-81-26
Private Vehicle Registrations NC1-AFU-81-27
Material Safety Data Sheets NC1-AFU-81-28
Service Contract Standardization and Improvement Records NC1-AFU-81-29
Documentation Management Reports NC1-AFU-81-30
Customer Integrated Automated Procurement System Records NC1-AFU-81-31
Communications Security Education Program (CSEP) Records Inactive NC1-AFU-81-32
High Frequency Radio Station Records NC1-AFU-81-34
Non-destructive Inspection Radiographs NC1-AFU-81-35
Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) Switching Center Operations Records NC1-AFU-81-36
Communications Electronics Computer Programming Records NC1-AFU-81-37
Telecomm Center Communications Terminal Operations Records NC1-AFU-81-38
Education Services Program Report Records NC1-AFU-81-40
Congressional Travel Records NC1-AFU-81-41
Privacy Act Records NC1-AFU-81-42
Position Descriptions and Surveys NC1-AFU-81-43
Employee and Career Development Records NC1-AFU-81-44
Employee Management Relations Records NC1-AFU-81-45
Individual Academic Records NC1-AFU-81-46
Union and/or Associations of Supervisors and Management Officials Management Records NC1-AFU-81-47
Policy, General Authority, and General Management Records NC1-AFU-81-48
Personnel Identification and Pass Applications NC1-AFU-81-49
Staffing Documentation NC1-AFU-81-50
Operating Officials Civilian Personnel Records NC1-AFU-81-52
Energy Monitoring and Control Systems Records NC1-AFU-81-53
Forensic Hypnosis Interviews NC1-AFU-81-54
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Case Files NC1-AFU-81-55
Disposition of Remains of Deceased Personnel Military Honors Checklist NC1-AFU-81-56
Ground Communications Electronics Equipment Status Reports NC1-AFU-81-57
Pollution Monitoring and Abatement Plans NC1-AFU-81-58
Enlisted Aide Assignments NC1-AFU-81-59
Equipment Custodian Files NC1-AFU-81-60
Security Police Pick Up/Restriction Orders NC1-AFU-81-61
Forms Registers NC1-AFU-81-62
Documentation Management Program Records NC1-AFU-81-63
Hospital Incidents or Unusual Occurrences Records NC1-AFU-81-64
Munitions Allowances NC1-AFU-81-65
Career Information and Counseling Records NC1-AFU-81-66
Nuclear Weapons Stock Record Accounts NC1-AFU-81-67
Disaster Preparedness Records NC1-AFU-81-68
International Accounting Records NC1-AFU-81-69
Leased Real Property Case Files NC1-AFU-81-70
Zero Overpricing Records NC1-AFU-81-71
National Scouting Organizations Records NC1-AFU-81-72
Identification Codes for Aerospace Systems Security Records NC1-AFU-81-73
Security Police Competition Records NC1-AFU-81-74
Foreign Government Gifts Records NC1-AFU-81-75
Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) Property Records NC1-AFU-81-76
Classification and Assignment Records NC1-AFU-81-77
Adjusted Stock Level Records NC1-AFU-81-78
Funding Documentation (Table 172-3) NC1-AFU-82-002
Panama Official Decals/Military Vehicles Control Register Records NC1-AFU-82-003
Space Defense and Missile Warning Logs NC1-AFU-82-005
Ammunition and Explosive Material Inspections Records NC1-AFU-82-006
Open Mess Program (Table 215-6) NC1-AFU-82-007
Pest Management (Table 91-12) NC1-AFU-82-009
Morale, Welfare and Recreation NC1-AFU-82-010
Control, Procurement and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages NC1-AFU-82-011
Civilian Personnel Performance Appraisals NC1-AFU-82-012
Civilian Personnel SES Performance Appraisals NC1-AFU-82-013
U. S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) Physical Aptitude Exam (PAE) Testing Records NC1-AFU-82-016
History Tapes of Originated and Received Messages NC1-AFU-82-017
Personnel Data System - Civilian (PDS-C) NC1-AFU-82-018
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Reports of Investigations NC1-AFU-82-019
Non-Resident Students Training Progress NC1-AFU-82-020
Intergovernmental Personal Act (IPA) Assignments NC1-AFU-82-021
Informational Personnel Records NC1-AFU-82-022
Security Police (Table 125-1) NC1-AFU-82-023
Student Critiques of Training, Base Support Facilities and Services and School Squadron Support Records NC1-AFU-82-024
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) NC1-AFU-82-025
Revolving Fund Documentation NC1-AFU-82-028
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Evidence Logs NC1-AFU-82-029
Investigative Collections and Surveys (Table 124-3) NC1-AFU-82-030
Pay Allotment Documentation Dependency Folders NC1-AFU-82-031
Child Care Operations Records NC1-AFU-82-032
Trials of U.S. Personnel in Foreign Countries NC1-AFU-82-033
Electronic Warfare Reports NC1-AFU-82-034
Military Personnel Testing Records NC1-AFU-82-035
Individual Annual Physical Fitness Tests and Weight Control Forms NC1-AFU-82-036
Electrical Utility Distribution Systems Operations Records NC1-AFU-82-037
Air Force Established Non-Commissioned Officer Academy Graduate Associations NC1-AFU-82-038
Community College of the Air Force NC1-AFU-82-039
Fuels, Propellants, and Chemicals (Table 144-1) NC1-AFU-82-040
Propulsion Centralized Accounting Records NC1-AFU-82-041
Claims Records (Table 112-1) NC1-AFU-82-042
Sonic Boom Data NC1-AFU-82-043
Automated Data Processing Systems (ADPS) Entry Control Records NC1-AFU-82-044
Air Force Inventory of Real Property NC1-AFU-82-045
Trials of U.S. Personnel in Foreign Countries NC1-AFU-82-046
Administration of Postal Accounts NC1-AFU-82-047
Postal Directory NC1-AFU-82-048
Small Parcel Shipment Records NC1-AFU-82-049
Emergerncy Generation Inventory Records NC1-AFU-82-050
Child Care Operations Registration and Daily Registers NC1-AFU-82-051
Civilian/Military Service Review Cards NC1-AFU-82-052
Facilities Board Meeting Minutes NC1-AFU-82-053
Enlistment Records for the Air Force Reserve NC1-AFU-82-054
Allowance/Authorization Offices Custodian Receipts and Designation Letters NC1-AFU-82-055
Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Annual Status Reports NC1-AFU-82-056
Newsclippings NC1-AFU-82-057
Command Control and Communications Programs Background Source and Feeder Material NC1-AFU-82-058
Unit, Organization, and Material Control Supply Customer Complaints/Inquires NC1-AFU-82-059
Personnel Reliablity Program Decertification Actions and Certificates NC1-AFU-82-060
Maintenance and Operation of Electric Power Generating Plants (Prime and Emergency) (Table 91-4) NC1-AFU-82-061
Aero Club Documentation NC1-AFU-82-062
Stock Control and Distribution Records NC1-AFU-82-064
General Membership Clubs NC1-AFU-82-065
Pest Control Management Services (Table 91-12) NC1-AFU-82-066
Cost Estimating Relationship/Cost Factor Program Records NC1-AFU-82-068
Air Force Maintenance Awards Records NC1-AFU-82-069
Motor Vehicle Records (Table 77-1) & Vehicle Operations Documents (Table 77-2) NC1-AFU-82-070
Basic Policies and Procedures Pertaining to Air Force Information Requirements Management Program NC1-AFU-82-072
Nonappropriated Personnel Documentation NC1-AFU-82-073
ICBM Code/Targeting System and Missile Crew Logs NC1-AFU-82-074
Weapons and COMSEC Equipment Control Files NC1-AFU-82-075
Air Force Law Enforcement Terminal (AFLETS) NC1-AFU-82-076
Surveys of Commercial Facilities and Commissary Stores NC1-AFU-82-077
C-E Operation, System, and Facility Evaluation Studies and Related Records NC1-AFU-82-082
Committee Management Officers' Control Files NC1-AFU-83-002
Symposia, Conferences, Exhibits, Scientific and Technical Convention Records NC1-AFU-83-003
Manpower Change Requests NC1-AFU-83-004
Training Aids Activity Case Files NC1-AFU-83-005
407L/412L Computer Systems Program Data NC1-AFU-83-006
Civil Engineer Design Data Exceptions NC1-AFU-83-007
American Forces Radio and Television (AFRT) Records (Table 190-3) NC1-AFU-83-009
Management of Contractor Data (Table 310-1) NC1-AFU-83-010
Environmental Quality Awards Records NC1-AFU-83-011
Flight Operations (Table 60-3) NC1-AFU-83-013
Selective Reenlistment and Retention Records NC1-AFU-83-014
Initial Spares Support Lists (!SSL) NC1-AFU-83-015
Budgetary Analyses Records NC1-AFU-83-016
Real Property Management (Table 87-1) NC1-AFU-83-019
Community Service Program Records NC1-AFU-83-021
Control Logs of Microfilmed Documents NC1-AFU-83-022
Local Purchase Receipt Documents NC1-AFU-83-023
Architect-Engineer Contract Awards NC1-AFU-83-024
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Fraud Evaluations NC1-AFU-83-025
Military Personnel Testing Records NC1-AFU-83-026
Data Elements and Code Standardization Records NC1-AFU-83-027
Audiometric Exams NC1-AFU-83-028
Morning Reports and Indexes, 1947-66 NC1-AFU-83-029
United States Air Force Recruiting Service Records NC1-AFU-83-030
Inventory and Spot Checks of Master and Functional Publication Libraries NC1-AFU-83-031
Physiological Training Records NC1-AFU-83-032
Disclosure of Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations NC1-AFU-83-033
Emergency Room Records NC1-AFU-83-034
Nonappropriated Fund Financial Management NC1-AFU-83-035
Real Property Inventory Records NC1-AFU-83-036
Emergency Information for Active Duty Personnel NC1-AFU-83-037
Allowance/Authorization Records NC1-AFU-83-038
Disaster Preparedness Records (Table 355-1) NC1-AFU-83-040
Family Housing Construction Records (Table 90-2) NC1-AFU-83-041
Air Force Transition Program NC1-AFU-83-043
Reprographics NC1-AFU-83-044
Individual Military Personnel Records NC1-AFU-83-045
Advanced Academic Degree Requirements NC1-AFU-83-046
Air Force Medical Material Letters NC1-AFU-83-047
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Specialized Crime Reports and Studies NC1-AFU-83-049
Environmental Planning Records NC1-AFU-83-050
Air Attache Informational Personnel Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-051
Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC) Tool/Equipment Control and Accountability Program NC1-AFU-83-052
International Flight Plan Form 1801 NC1-AFU-83-053
Manpower Standards Application and Reapplication Records NC1-AFU-83-054
Air War College Materials Used in Formal Training NC1-AFU-83-055
Nursing Service Records (Table 168-10) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-056
Equipment Maintenance Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-057
Technical Support Operations NC1-AFU-83-058
Ground Weapons Training and Maintenance Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-059
Applicants to Service Academy/ROTC Scholarship Program/Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences NC1-AFU-83-060
Personnel Radiation Exposure Documentation Inactive NC1-AFU-83-061
Commercial Activities Cost Comparison Studies NC1-AFU-83-062
Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Training Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-063
Flight Operations (Table 60-3) NC1-AFU-83-064
Personnel Data System - Military Base Level Military Personnel System (BLMPS) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-065
Technical Control Functions (Table 100-17) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-066
U.S. Federal Magistrate Court Completed Criminal Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-83-067
Information Security Program Records NC1-AFU-83-069
Individual Academic Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-071
Sanitation and Custodial Service Records (Table 91-5) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-072
Industrial Engineering (Table 85-3) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-073
Pharmacy Records (Table 168-7) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-076
Environmental Quality Awards Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-077
Museum Program Records NC1-AFU-83-078
Casualty Reporting, Notification, and Assistance Inactive NC1-AFU-83-079
Nuclear Ordnance Shipping Schedules (NOSS) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-081
Digest Files on Officers Inactive NC1-AFU-83-082
Prime RIBS (PR-Prime Readiness in Base Services) (Table 140-2) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-083
Armed Forces Courier Service (ARFCOS) NC1-AFU-83-084
Civil Engineering Resources and Work Force Management (Table 85-4) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-085
Public Affairs NC1-AFU-83-086
Leased Real Property Case Files (Table 87-3) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-087
Civil Engineer Design Data Inactive NC1-AFU-83-088
Commercial Activity Inventory and Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-089
Financial Audits and Reviews of Private Organizations Inactive NC1-AFU-83-093
Special Intelligence Documentation (Table 55-6) NC1-AFU-83-095
Sales Contract Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-096
Weight Management and Fitness Evaluations NC1-AFU-83-097
Nuclear Weapon System Safety Group (NWSSG) Documents and Safety Rules (Table 122-1) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-098
Union and/or Associations Recognition and Official Time Usage Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-100
Intern and Resident Training Records Inactive NC1-AFU-83-101
Suggestion Program (Table 900-2) Inactive NC1-AFU-83-102
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) at Base Level Management Cases and Permanent Change of Station NC1-AFU-83-103
Civilian Pay Gross-to-Net Register Inactive NC1-AFU-83-104
Reserve Forces Training (Table 45-2) NC1-AFU-84-001
Antiterrorism Documentation Inactive NC1-AFU-84-002
Productivity Enhancing Capital Investments Records Inactive NC1-AFU-84-003
Semi-Annual or Other Inventories of Test Material Inactive NC1-AFU-84-004
Counseling Records Regarding Defense-Related Employment Inactive NC1-AFU-84-005
Semiautomatic Ground Environment (SAGE)/Backup Intercept Control (BUIC) System Technical Manuals NC1-AFU-84-006
Assessment Screening Records for High Risk Jobs NC1-AFU-84-007
General Officer Promotion Records NC1-AFU-84-008
Service Number Register Files, 1947-69 NC1-AFU-84-009
Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Decertification Action Records Inactive NC1-AFU-84-010
Personnel Identification and Pass Records (Table 30-2) Inactive NC1-AFU-84-011
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Records NC1-AFU-84-012
Management Engineering NC1-AFU-84-013
Fire Protection (Table 92-1) NC1-AFU-84-014
Security Police Property Receipts Inactive NC1-AFU-84-015
Roster of Very Seriousluy Ill and Clearance Checklists at Hospitals Inactive NC1-AFU-84-016
Space Defense Tactical Operations Room Activity Logs NC1-AFU-84-017
Review Board Corrections of Military Records of Officers and Airmen Inactive NC1-AFU-84-019
Colonel Halsey Dunwoody Files NC1-AFU-84-020
Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC) Tool/Equipment Control and Accountability Program Records NC1-AFU-84-021
Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreements (NDA) Inactive NC1-AFU-84-022
On/Off Base Housing Records Inactive NC1-AFU-84-023
Food Service Records (Table 146-1) Inactive NC1-AFU-84-025
Excess Aircraft Disposal Under Air Force Special Defense Property Disposal Account Inactive NC1-AFU-84-027
Fort Crook Medical Records, 1906-08, 1922-34, and 1938-45 NC1-AFU-84-028
Correction of Military Records of Officers and Airmen Inactive NC1-AFU-84-029
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Surveys Inactive NC1-AFU-84-030
Faculty Board Proceedings and Adminstrative Disenrollments Inactive NC1-AFU-84-031
Civil Engineering Awards Program Records Inactive NC1-AFU-84-033
Standard Base Supply Systems Coversion Audit List Inactive NC1-AFU-84-034
Commercial Services - Financial Documentation Cancelled Commitments and Obligations Inactive NC1-AFU-84-035
Disaster Preparedness (Table 355-1) NC1-AFU-84-036
Unit Records from Air Force Technical Applications Center Geographically Separated Units NC1-AFU-84-037
Missile Crew Logs Inactive NC1-AFU-84-038
Air Force Administration Awards Records Inactive NC1-AFU-84-039
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Interagency Group International Aviation (IGIA) Documents and Related Papers NC1-AFU-84-040
Strategic Air Command Personnel Quality Control Inspection/Evaluation Records Inactive NC1-AFU-84-041
Security Police Inspection Reports Inactive NC1-AFU-84-042
Individual Consent Forms for Influenza Immunizations Inactive NC1-AFU-84-043
Food Inspections and Food Service Medical Evaluation Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-002
Stock Control and Distribution Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-003
Administrative Orders NC1-AFU-85-004
Diagnostic X-Rays NC1-AFU-85-005
Air Force Occupational And Environmental Health Laboratory Radiation Exposure Data NC1-AFU-85-006
Recruiting Enlistment Case Files, Market Surveys, and Commissioning Case Files Inactive NC1-AFU-85-007
ICBM Code/Targeting System NC1-AFU-85-008
Aviation Fuel and Ground Petroleum and Cryogenic Products, and Test Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-010
Annual Base Level Plans for Current and Future Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs Inactive NC1-AFU-85-012
Base Stock Accountable Registers Inactive NC1-AFU-85-013
Officer Quality Force Management Records NC1-AFU-85-014
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-015
Administration of Postal Accounts Inactive NC1-AFU-85-016
Mail Acceptance and Delivery Inactive NC1-AFU-85-017
Mail Movement Inactive NC1-AFU-85-018
Postal Administration Inactive NC1-AFU-85-019
General Correspondence (Permanent) NC1-AFU-85-020
Military Construction Program and Budget Authorization Records NC1-AFU-85-021
Air War College Materials Training Prgress Records of Non-Resident Students Inactive NC1-AFU-85-022
Air Force Engineering and Services Center (AFESC) Techdata and Services Letters Inactive NC1-AFU-85-023
Vehicle Dispatch Documents Inactive NC1-AFU-85-024
Personnel Data System (Base Level Personnel System) (Military and Civilian) Inactive NC1-AFU-85-025
Personnel Data System Records at HQ AFMPC NC1-AFU-85-026
Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Evaporative Cooling and Mechanical Ventilation Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-027
Real Property Inventory (Table 87-2) Inactive NC1-AFU-85-028
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-029
Tissue and Cytology Examination Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-030
Personnel Action Forms Inactive NC1-AFU-85-032
Nuclear Weapons Movement Off-Base Inactive NC1-AFU-85-034
PRIME BEEF (PB-Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force) Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-035
Joint Travel Documentation NC1-AFU-85-036
Decorations to Individuals (Military and Civilian) NC1-AFU-85-037
Applicants to Service Academy/ROTC Scholarship Program/Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Inactive NC1-AFU-85-038
Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) Records at Base Level Inactive NC1-AFU-85-039
Individual Military Personnel Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-040
Armed Forces Courier Service (ARFCOS) Authorization Records Inactive NC1-AFU-85-041
Status Reports of Systems Circuits and Equipment NN-173-000242
Motor Vehicle Records Inactive NN-173-000244
Merged Accounting and Finance Reporting (MAFR) NN-173-000249
Military Airlift Cargo and Passenger Scheduling Records Inactive NN-173-000311
Personal Property Movement and Storage Records Inactive NN-173-000312
Value Engineering NN-173-000313
Management and Conservation of Land Records NN-173-000316
Communications Security (COMSEC) Systems and Accountability Records NN-173-000319
Staff Meetings and Conferences Records Inactive NN-173-000327
Claims Records Inactive NN-173-000331
Claims Records Inactive NN-173-000338
Congressional Budget Hearing Documentation NN-173-000340
Base Medical Stock Record Accounts NN-173-000342
Intern and Resident Training Records NN-173-000343
Family Housing Survey and Programming Records Inactive NN-173-000344
Operating Room Schedules Inactive NN-173-000345
Hospital Incidents or Unusual Occurrences NN-173-000348
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Control Case Files Inactive NN-174-000004
Motion Picture Photography Inactive NN-174-000008
Marine Masters Operation and Maintenance Logs Inactive NN-174-000009
Air Force Microfilm Records NN-174-000014
Commissary Selection Committee Records Inactive NN-174-000035
Financial Management Air Reserve Pay and Allowance System (ARPAS) Documentation Inactive NN-174-000039
Communications- Electronic Activities Inactive NN-174-000040
Master Military Personnel Records NN-174-000042
Drug Abuse Testing Program (160-7) NN-174-000043
Foreign Miltary Sales Billing Documentation Inactive NN-174-000046
Signature and Tally Records, REPSHIP Messages and Tracer Actions on Classified or Sensitive Materials Inactive NN-174-000047
Communications Security (COMSEC) Education Program (CSEP) Records Inactive NN-174-000050
Inspection Records (123-1) Inactive NN-174-000056
Joint Uniform Military Pay Systems (JUMPS) Documentation Accumulated at Base Level Inactive NN-174-000059
Veterinary Food Inspection Stamp Records Inactive NN-174-000071
Weapons System Pouch (WSP) Service Records NN-174-000080
PCAM Accounts Control Records Inactive NN-174-000081