Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0058: Internal Revenue Service

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Frivolous Return Program (FRP) DAA-0058-2012-0002
Form 4506-A, Request for Public Inspection or Copy of Exempt or Political Organization IRS Form DAA-0058-2012-0003
Form 8886, Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement DAA-0058-2012-0004
Chief Counsel Records DAA-0058-2012-0005
Updates to Records Control Schedule 29, Item 69(5) Direct Debit Installment Agreements DAA-0058-2012-0006
Title 31 Non-Banking Financial Institution Database (Title 31), Bank Secrecy Act DAA-0058-2012-0007
Information Technology - Security Compliance Monitoring (IT SCM) DAA-0058-2012-0008
Pseudonym Master Listing DAA-0058-2012-0009
User Agreements DAA-0058-2013-0001
Embedded Quality Submission Processing System DAA-0058-2013-0002
Interactive Networking Site Use Records DAA-0058-2013-0003
Tax Return Database (TRDB) DAA-0058-2013-0004
409A Compliance Resolution Program Case Files DAA-0058-2013-0005
Update Block Completion Lists DAA-0058-2013-0006
Form 3949-A (Information Referral) DAA-0058-2013-0007
Cyber Security Data Warehouse (CSDW) DAA-0058-2013-0008
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) System DAA-0058-2013-0010
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Records DAA-0058-2013-0011
Update to Appeals Customer Service (ACuServ) System DAA-0058-2013-0012
Privacy, Government Liaison, and Disclosure (PGLD) Records DAA-0058-2013-0013
Complaint Case Files DAA-0058-2013-0015
Item 508, Other than Accepted Offers DAA-0058-2014-0001
Return Review Program System DAA-0058-2014-0002
Midwest Automated Compliance System (MACS) / Compliance Data Environment (CDE) Extract Request Form DAA-0058-2014-0003
Part 1. Administrative and General Records DAA-0058-2014-0004
Compliance Case Files DAA-0058-2014-0005
IRS Email Management Inactive DAA-0058-2015-0001
Competency and Standards Files DAA-0058-2015-0002
Enrolled Agent Policy and Management Files DAA-0058-2015-0003
Reporting Compliance Case Management System (RCCMS) DAA-0058-2015-0004
OIC Forms 3210 Transmittals DAA-0058-2015-0005
Qualified Intermediary (QI) / Employer Identification Number (EIN) Contract Case Files DAA-0058-2015-0006
Federal, State, Local Referrals not Covered by an Agreement DAA-0058-2015-0007
Continuing Education Management Records DAA-0058-2016-0001
Appeals Records Partially Superseded DAA-0058-2016-0002
Tax Preparation Identification System (TPPS) DAA-0058-2016-0003
Tax Exempt and Government Entities Records DAA-0058-2016-0004
International Compliance Management Module (ICMM) System DAA-0058-2016-0005
e-Trak for Garnishments (eTRAK) System DAA-0058-2016-0006
Streaming Data Monitoring Tool (SDMT) DAA-0058-2016-0007
Information Technology Operational Reporting (ITOR) - System 7.5 DAA-0058-2016-0009
IRS Identity Validation-Out of Wallet (OOW) DAA-0058-2016-0010
TAS International Taxpayer Rights Conference Website DAA-0058-2016-0011
1120-F Non-Filer/Delinquent Return Program DAA-0058-2016-0013
IRS Marketing Express (IME) DAA-0058-2016-0014
Late Reply Tool/Audit Recon (LRT/AR) System DAA-0058-2016-0015
IRS Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act (FERCCA) Case Files DAA-0058-2016-0016
System Data and Content for Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) TAPSpace Micro Web Site DAA-0058-2016-0017
Auto Preassessed Installment Agreements DAA-0058-2016-0018
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Information Returns Database (IRDB) DAA-0058-2016-0019
National Fraud Program Case Files DAA-0058-2017-0001
Automated Quarterly Excise Tax Listing Data DAA-0058-2017-0002
Link and Learn Taxes System Data DAA-0058-2017-0003
Examination Audit Information Management System (AIMS) DAA-0058-2017-0006
Form 3949-A Information Referral - SB/SE Collections DAA-0058-2017-0009
AtHoc Alert Notification System DAA-0058-2017-0011
Discretionary Limitation on Benefits Case Files DAA-0058-2017-0012
Competent Authority Arrangement Case Files DAA-0058-2017-0015
Private Debt Collection (PDC) Program Records DAA-0058-2017-0016
Collection Case Files DAA-0058-2017-0022
eWorkforce Management (eWFM) System DAA-0058-2017-0023
Global High Wealth Examination Case Files DAA-0058-2018-0003
Advance Pricing Agreement and Mutual Agreement Program Case Files DAA-0058-2018-0009
Office of Professional Responsibility Disciplinary Files DAA-0058-2019-0002
Criminal Investigation Management Information System DAA-0058-2019-0003
Public Inspection Files of Offers in Compromise DAA-0058-2019-0004
Form 8973, Certified Professional Employer Organization/Customer Reporting Agreement DAA-0058-2020-0002
QI/WP/WT Application and Account Management System records DAA-0058-2020-0003
Electronic Tax Administration DAA-0058-2020-0004
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Hospital Review Cases Maintained in the RCCMS DAA-0058-2021-0001
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Insurance Provider Fee (IPF) DAA-0058-2021-0002
Exempt Organization (EO) and Employee Plan (EP) Data Maintained in the Return Inventory and Classification System (RICS) DAA-0058-2021-0003
Estate and Gift Tax Returns DAA-0058-2021-0005
Refund Litigation Tax Returns and Related Case Materials DAA-0058-2021-0007
Exempt Organization Correspondence Case Data DAA-0058-2021-0008
Incident Management Case Files DAA-0058-2021-0009
Fingerprint Records and Professional Credentials of e-file Providers DAA-0058-2022-0001
Assignment of tax identification numbers DAA-0058-2022-0002
Enterprise (External) Audit Records DAA-0058-2022-0003
Modified Employee Plans (EP)/Exempt Organization (EO) Determination System (MEDS) Data DAA-0058-2022-0004
Letter and Information Network User Fee System (LINUS) Records DAA-0058-2022-0006
Certified Professional Employer Organization and 501(c)(4) Registration (CPEO) System and Records DAA-0058-2022-0007
Employee Plans-Exempt Organizations Determination System (EDS) Data DAA-0058-2022-0008
Governance Board Policy Records DAA-0058-2023-0001
Unauthorized records access DAA-0058-2023-0002
Corrupt PST DAA-0058-2023-0003
eAuth authenticates U.S. Taxpayer for use of IRS publications and service DAA-0058-2024-0003
Criminal and Non-Compliance Investigative Activities DAA-0058-2024-0005
Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0058-2017-0001
Office of Safeguard Reports (Additions to Records Control Schedule 16) N1-058-00-001
Quarterly Century Date Change (Y2K) Joint Appropriations Committee Report (Addition to Records Control Schedule 10) N1-058-00-002
Gift Tax Returns (Form 709) (Additions to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-04-002
Commissioner Public Correspondence (Additions to Records Control Schedule 8) N1-058-04-003
Open Balance Due--Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED) Extension Extracts (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-04-004
Chief Counsel Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedules 13 and 15) Partially Superseded N1-058-04-005
Taxpayer Assistance Recorded Quality Control Records (Addition to Records Control Schedule 31) Inactive N1-058-04-006
Low Income Housing Credit (LIHC) Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 29) Partially Superseded N1-058-05-001
Additions to Records Control Schedule 1 (Commissioner's Office) Partially Superseded N1-058-05-002
Donated Leave Program Case Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 38) N1-058-05-003
Taxpayer Data Access, Form 11377 (Addition to Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-05-004
Calendars/Schedules of EEO and Diversity Field Services Office Head (Addition to Records Control Schedule 38) N1-058-05-005
Notice Registers (Additions to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-05-006
National Research Program N1-058-05-007
Credit Card Program Account Maintenance Change Forms Inactive N1-058-05-008
Health Coverage Tax Credit Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-05-009
Mission Assurance, Personnel Security Records Inactive N1-058-05-010
IRS.Gov Website Records N1-058-06-001
Form 8886, Tax Shelter Disclosure Statement Form (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) Inactive N1-058-06-003
Revenue Restructuring Act (RRA) 98 Section 1204 Certification Records (Addition to Records Control Schedule 16) N1-058-06-004
Forms 8879 and 8879 (SP), Internal Revenue Service (IRS) e-file Signature Authorization (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-06-005
Form 8875, Taxable Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Subsidiary Election (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-06-006
Taxpayer Assistance Recorded Quality Control Records (Revision and Additions to Records Control Schedule 31) N1-058-06-007
Embedded Quality Review System (EQRS) and National Quality Review System (NQRS) (Additions to Records Control Schedules 21 and 31) Inactive N1-058-06-008
Enrollment and Practice (Records Control Schedule 11) Inactive N1-058-06-009
Art Appraisal Services Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 10) Inactive N1-058-06-010
Form 6459, Return Preparer's Checklist (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-07-001
Employee Protection System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-07-002
Form 8655: Reporting Agent Authorization (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-07-003
Dependent Database (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-07-004
Custodial Audit Support Tracking System (CASTS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 16) N1-058-07-005
Form 12889 (Custodial Inspection Form) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 20) N1-058-07-006
National Taxpayer Advocate's Taxpayer Advocate Service Customer Outreach System (TAS COS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 10) N1-058-07-007
Appeals Customer Service (ACuSer) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 10) Inactive N1-058-07-008
Withholding Compliance System (Revision of Records Control Schedule 29) Partially Superseded N1-058-07-009
International Passport Office Program (IPOP) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 26) N1-058-07-010
Investigative Files and Related Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 30) Partially Superseded N1-058-07-011
Employee Tax Compliance System (ETC) (Revision of Records Control Schedule 30) N1-058-07-012
Form 8840 Closer Connection Exception Statement for Aliens and Form 8843 Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals with a Medical Condition (Additions to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-07-013
National Criminal Investigation Training Academy (NCITA) (Additions to Records Control Schedule 30) N1-058-07-014
Office of Program Evaluation and Risk Analysis (OPERA) Project Files (Additions to Records Control Schedule 8) N1-058-07-015
Form W-7 (Application for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 35) N1-058-07-016
Correspondence with Taxpayers and Employers (Revision of Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-08-001
PFIC (Passive Foreign Investment Company) Taint Removal Election (Form 8621-A) File (Addition to Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-08-002
Systemic Advocacy Management System (SAMS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 9) N1-058-08-003
United States Residency Certification (U.S. CERT) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-08-004
Closed Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts and Taxpayer Delinquency Investigations Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-08-005
Associate Counsels Offices (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 14) Partially Superseded N1-058-08-006
Revenue Procedure 92-29 Records (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-08-007
New Hire Tax Liability Check (TAXCK) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 20) N1-058-08-008
Enterprise Data Access Strategy (EDAS) Integrated Production Model (IPM) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 27) N1-058-08-010
Form 11370, Certification of Annual UNAX (Unauthorized Access) Awareness Briefing (Addition to Records Control Schedule 8) N1-058-08-011
Form 13592 Receipt and Control Final Candling Log (Revision of Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-08-012
Form 5500 EZ (Revision of Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-08-013
Undeliverable Disallowed Claims Letters (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-08-014
Midwest Automated Compliance System (MACS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 35) N1-058-08-015
Occupational Safety, Health Program, and Environmental Management System (EMS) (Additions to Records Control Schedule 20) Partially Superseded N1-058-08-016
Form 12412, Operations Assistance Request (Addition to Records Control Schedules 9 and 29) N1-058-09-001
Offers in Compromise (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-002
Offers in Compromise (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-003
Form 8854, Expatriation Initial Information Statement (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-004
Partnership Control Systems (PCS) (Addition to Records Control Schedules 28 and 35) N1-058-09-005
National Fraud Program Case Files (Revision of Records Control Schedule 28) Partially Superseded N1-058-09-006
Garnishment Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 39) Partially Superseded N1-058-09-007
Internal Revenue Code Sections 48 A&B Tax Credit Applications (Additions to Records Control Schedule 26) N1-058-09-008
Form 13359 Field Assistance Customer Comment Cards (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-009
Non-Return Unit 403(b), 457, and 408(k) Simplified Employee Plans/SARSEP Examination Completed Case Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 24) N1-058-09-010
Information Returns Processing - Incorrect Information Penalty System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-011
Combined Annual Wage Reporting System (CAWR) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-012
Non-Filer Tracking System (NFTRAC) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-013
Compliance Research Initiative Tracking System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 22) N1-058-09-014
Department of Labor Standards Enforcement System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-015
Taxpayer Address Request (TAR) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-016
Federal-State Non-Itemizer Extract (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-017
Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Extract (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-018
Federal-State 1099-MISC Extract (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-019
State Levy Processing System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-020
Social Security Administration Medicare Benefit (SSA MB) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-021
Federal-State Business Master File Extract (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-022
Federal-State Individual Master File / Individual Transaction File Extract (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-023
Federal-State Business Return Transcription File Extract (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-024
Form 13090, Caution Indicator Referral Report (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-025
Work Request Tracking System (WRTS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 17) N1-058-09-026
Tip Data Base (Addition to Records (TIPDB) Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-027
Third Party Data Store (TPDS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-028
Third Party Contact System (TPC) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-029
On Line Notice Review (OLNR) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-030
Manager's Quarterly Certifications (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-031
Transition Management Repository (TMR) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 17) N1-058-09-032
Integrated Retrieval System Unit (IRDS) and Unit Security Representative Database (IUUD) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-033
Generate Electronic Filing Letters (ELFL) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) Inactive N1-058-09-034
Total Evaluation Performance System (EPS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-035
Earned Income Tax Credit Referral Automation (EITCRA) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-036
Incremental Scheduled Updates to Taxpayer Information File (TIF) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-037
Management Information System (MIS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-038
Combined Federal and State (COMB FED State) Application (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-039
Private Debt Collection Program Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 28) Inactive N1-058-09-040
Disclosure of Information to Federal, State, and Local Agencies (DIFSLA) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-041
Fingerprint Cards and Professional Credentials of e-file Providers (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) Partially Superseded N1-058-09-042
Secure Object Repository (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-043
Federal Tax Deposit Request (FTDRQ) Application (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-044
Fed-State CP2000 Underreporter Notice Extract Process Records (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-045
Form 4442 Report - Account Referrals and Workload Information Tracking System (WITS) (Additions to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-046
Remittance Transaction Research (RTR) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-047
Estate Tax Program (ETP) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-048
Microfilm Replacement System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-049
Legislative Analysis, Tracking and Implementation Services (LATIS) Application Public Law Module (Addition to Records Control Schedule 33) N1-058-09-050
Legislative Analysis, Tracking and Implementation Services (LATIS) Taxpayer Assistance Blueprint (TAB) Application (Addition to Records Control Schedule 33) N1-058-09-051
Whistleblower Application (Addition to Records Control Schedule 8) N1-058-09-052
Transcript Delivery System (TDS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-053
Legislative Analysis, Tracking and Implementation Services (LATIS) Tax Gap Application (Addition to Records Control Schedule 33) N1-058-09-054
Electronic Tax Law Assistance (ETLA) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-055
Offshore Compliance Initiative (OCI) Application (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-056
Benefits and Services Team Tracking (BeSTTrac) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 38) N1-058-09-057
Information Returns Processing Underreported Backup Withholding (IRP UBWH) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-058
Accounts Management Services (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-059
Prior Year Earned Income Option (PYEIO) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-060
Identity Verification Information Systems (IVIS) Plus System 1000 (Addition to Records Control Schedule 20) N1-058-09-061
Succession Planning Resource Center (SPRC) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 38) N1-058-09-062
Spouse Address Check System (SPA) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-063
Engagement Strategy and Tracker Survey (ESTracker) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 20) N1-058-09-064
State Income Tax Levy Program (SITLP) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 20) N1-058-09-065
Enterprise Logistics Information Technology (ELITE) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-066
Information Returns Processing Validation and Perfection (IRP VAL) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-067
Information Returns Processing Non Filer (NONF) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-068
Distribution Channel Management (DCM) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-069
Electronic Tax Administration Marketing Database (ETAMDB) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-070
Photocopy Fee Refund (PHOREF) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-071
Temporary Scrambled Social Security Number (TMPSSN) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-072
Specialist Referral System (SRS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-09-073
Innocent Spouse Tracking System (ISTS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-074
Base Inventory Master File (DIMF BIMF) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-075
Notice Conversion (NOTCON) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-076
Innocent Spouse (IS) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-077
Computerized Mailouts System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-078
Quarterly Bank Extract (QBE) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-079
Criminal Investigation Connections System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 30) Partially Superseded N1-058-09-080
Tax Advocate Management Information System (TAMIS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 9) N1-058-09-081
Notice Review Processing System--UNYSIS (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-082
Notice Review Processing System (NRPS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-083
Customer Account Data Engine (CADE) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-084
Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC) Grant Application Files and Cooperative Agreements (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-085
Link Analysis Tool (YK1) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 53) N1-058-09-086
Work Number for Everyone System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 20) N1-058-09-087
Informant Claims Examination (ICE-1) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-088
Correspondence Imaging System (CIS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-089
Federal State Information Returns Master File Extract (FED STATE IRMF EXT) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-090
Public Information Officers (PIOneer) Database (Addition to Records Control Schedule 30) N1-058-09-091
Executive Control Program for BMF Extract System (BMF 701 EXEC) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-092
Electronic Master File Tax Account (ELEC MFTRA) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-093
Reasonable Cause Assistant (RCA) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-09-094
Bulk Electronic File Transfer (BEFT) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-095
Modernized e-File (MeF) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-098
ExcesExcess Collection File (XSF) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-099
Unidentified Remittance File (URF) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-100
Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-102
Report Generation Software (RGS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-09-103
Internal Revenue Code Section 48C Tax Credit Application (Addition to Records Control Schedule 26) N1-058-09-104
Issue Management System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 26) Partially Superseded N1-058-09-105
e-File Reports System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-09-106
Social Security Administration - Railroad Retirement Board 1099 System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-107
Business Returns Transaction File On-Line System (BRTFOL) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-108
Returns Transaction File On-Line System (RTFOL) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-109
e-Help Support System (EHSS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-110
Calling Card Ordering System (CCOS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-09-111
Technical Information Exchange System (TIES) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-09-112
Chief Financial Officer ARDI Management System (CAMS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 16) N1-058-09-113
Automated Workload Management System (CSURS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 17) Partially Superseded N1-058-10-001
Employee Plan and Exempt Organization Inventory Control System (ERICS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 24) Partially Superseded N1-058-10-002
Information Technology Assets Management System (ITAMS) (Revision of Records Control Schedule 17) N1-058-10-003
Web-Based Employee Technical Time System (WebETS); Aging Data Report (Additions to Records Control Schedule 24) Partially Superseded N1-058-10-004
Enforcement Revenue Information System (ERIS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 27) N1-058-10-005
Compliance Data Warehouse (CDW) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 27) N1-058-10-007
Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Records (Additions and Revisions to Records Control Schedule 9) N1-058-10-008
Compliance Initiative Project Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-10-009
Midwest Automated Compliance System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 35) Inactive N1-058-10-010
Financial Planning System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 17) Inactive N1-058-10-011
Credit Bureau Audit Records (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-10-012
Statistics of Income - Large Mid-Sized Business Inventory Control Application (SLIC) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-10-013
Credit Card Program Account Maintenance Change Forms (Addition to Records Control Schedule 20) N1-058-10-014
Taxpayer Advocate Records (Additions and Revisions to Records Control Schedule 9) N1-058-10-015
Field Assistance Support System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 31) N1-058-10-016
Form 13551, Application to Participate in the IRS Acceptance Agent Program (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-10-017
Electronic Filing of 94x XML Returns (Addition to Records Control Schedule 35) N1-058-10-018
Form 5104, Report of Apparent Violation of Financial Recordkeeping and Reporting Regulations (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-10-019
IRS-USDA Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Data Sharing Project Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-10-020
Automated Insolvency System (AIS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 35) N1-058-10-021
Security Auditing and Analysis System (SAAS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-10-022
Fraudulent Tax Scheme Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-10-023
Low-Income Housing Credit Program Records (Additions and Revisions to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-001
Payment Tracers Database (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-002
Bank Discrepancy Web-Based Application (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-003
Electronic Tax Administration Research and Analysis System (ETARAS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-004
Work Request Management System (WRMS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 17) N1-058-11-005
Notice Delivery System (NDS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-006
Chief Counsel's Directives Manual (CCDM) (Revision of Records Control Schedule 13) N1-058-11-007
Automated 6020(b) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 35) N1-058-11-008
Remittance Strategy for Paper Check Conversion System (RS-PCC) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-009
IRS Training Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-010
Online Payment Agreement (OPA) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-11-011
Risk Based Scoring System (RBSS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 27) N1-058-11-012
Collection Activity Reports (CAR) (Additions to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-11-013
Employee Plans Voluntary Correction Program Case Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 24) N1-058-11-014
Administrative Management and Organization Records (Addition to Records Control Schedule 22) N1-058-11-015
Form 8329, Lender's Information Return for Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCCs) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-016
Information Reporting and Document Matching (IRDM) System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 32) N1-058-11-017
Large Business and International 1446-6 Database (Addition to Records Control Schedule 26) N1-058-11-018
International National Standard Application (INTL NSA) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 18) N1-058-11-019
Chapter Three Withholding (CTW) Database (Addition to Records Control Schedule 19) N1-058-11-020
Form 10498, Intent to Commence or Continue Civil Action (Addition to Records Control Schedule 28) N1-058-11-021
Witholding Compliance Referrals for Lock-ins and Civil Penalty Assessments (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-022
94x Signature Documents (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-023
Batch Block Tracking System (BBTS) (Revision of Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-11-024
Tax Professional PTIN System (TPPS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) Inactive N1-058-11-025
Examination Returns Control System (ERCS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-11-026
WebAssist System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 38) N1-058-11-027
United States Corporation Income Tax Returns and Income Tax Index Cards to United States Corporation Income Tax Returns (Revision of Records Control Schedule 29) Partially Superseded N1-058-12-001
Offshore Compliance Initiative (OCI) (Revision of Records Control Schedule 22) N1-058-12-002
Office of Tax Shelter Analysis Application Database (OTSA DB) (Revision of Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-12-003
Forms Development Case Files (Revision of Records Control Schedule 22) N1-058-12-004
Electronic Disclosure Information Management System (E-DIMS) (Revision of Records Control Schedule 8-1) N1-058-12-005
eAuthentication (Addition to Records Control Schedule 17) Inactive N1-058-12-006
Branded Prescription Drug System (BPDS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 26) N1-058-12-007
Excise Records Systems (Addition to Records Control Schedule 23) N1-058-12-008
Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Case Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 8) Inactive N1-058-12-009
Exempt Organization Entity System (EOE) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 24) N1-058-12-011
Forms 8874-A and 8874-B (Additions to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-12-012
Inadequate Records Case Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 24) N1-058-12-013
Business Performance Management System (BPMS) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 16) N1-058-12-014
Trace ID Reconciliation Reports (Addition to Records Control Schedule 29) N1-058-12-015
Embedded Quality Review System (EQRS) and National Quality Review System (NQRS) (Additions to Records Control Schedules 21 and 31) N1-058-12-016
Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Form or Individual Income Tax Account Information (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded N1-058-86-001
Office of Examination Planning and Research Project Files Inactive N1-058-86-002
Director of Practice Records Inactive N1-058-87-002
Employee Plans Application Case Files Inactive N1-058-87-003
Fire Damaged Documents Disposal N1-058-87-004
Miscellaneous Revisions and Additions to Records Control Schedule 206 N1-058-87-006
Inspection (Records Control Schedule (10)00) Partially Superseded N1-058-87-007
Waiver Certificates to Collect Social Security Coverage (Form 2031), 1955-60 Inactive N1-058-87-008
Problem Resolution Program Records N1-058-88-001
Miscellaneous Revisions and Additions to Records Control Schedule 102 N1-058-88-002
Miscellaneous Revisions and Additions to Records Control Schedule 206 N1-058-88-003
Miscellaneous Revisions and Additions to Records Control Schedule 202 N1-058-88-004
Assistant Commissioner (International) (Records Control Schedule 119) N1-058-88-005
Miscellaneous Additions to Records Control Schedule 204 N1-058-88-006
Mint Project Records Inactive N1-058-89-001
Miscellaneous Revisions and Additions to Records Control Schedule 206 N1-058-89-002
Tax Check Files (Revision of Records Control Schedule 1272) N1-058-89-003
Research Division (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 120) N1-058-89-004
Records From Study on Returns Filing and Retrieval Inactive N1-058-89-007
Fee Deposit for Outer Continental Shelf Oil, Form 6008 (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) N1-058-90-001
Time and Attendance Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 301 and Deviation from GRS 2) N1-058-90-002
Miscellaneous Revisions to Records Control Schedule 204 Partially Superseded N1-058-90-003
Records Cleanup Campaign Photos, ca. 1953 Inactive N1-058-91-002
Recapitulation For List Narcotics Registraints, 1968-71 Inactive N1-058-91-003
District Director's List of Narcotic Registrants, 1968-71 Inactive N1-058-91-004
Necessity Certificates, 1951-1954 Inactive N1-058-91-005
Annual Employer's Return for Employee's Pension or Profit-Sharing Plans (Addition to Records Control Schedule 206) N1-058-91-006
Statistics of Income Division Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 107) N1-058-92-002
Problem Resolution Program Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 1279) N1-058-92-003
Wage Information Retrieval System (Additions to Records Control Schedule 212) N1-058-92-004
District Collection Office Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 204) N1-058-93-002
Detroit Computing Center Records (Additions and Revisions to Records Control Schedule 112) N1-058-93-003
Associate Chief Counsel for Employee Benefits (Revisions to Records Control Schedule 110) Partially Superseded N1-058-93-004
Assistant Commissioner (Information System Management) (Revisions to Records Control Schedule 118) N1-058-93-005
Certified and Registered Mail Records (Revision to Records Control Schedule 206) N1-058-94-001
Certified and Registered Mail Records (Revision to Records Control Schedule 204) N1-058-94-002
Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED) Extension Extracts (Addition to Records Control Schedule 206) Inactive N1-058-94-003
Miscellaneous Revisions to Records Control Schedule 206 Partially Superseded N1-058-94-004
Electronically Filed Individual, Partnership and Fiduciary Income Tax Returns (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded N1-058-95-001
Procurement Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 301 and Deviation from GRS 3) Inactive N1-058-95-002
Taxpayer Ombudsman's, Problem Resolution Program (Revision of Records Control Schedule 210) Partially Superseded N1-058-95-003
Records Control Schedule (RCS) 117, Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC) N1-058-95-004
Strategic Planning Division Records (Records Control Schedule 108) N1-058-96-001
Strategic Initiative and Business Master Plan Input Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 301) N1-058-96-002
Executive Secretariat, 1970s-1994 N1-058-96-003
Commissioner's Office Records (Records Control Schedule 101) N1-058-96-004
Forms W-3, W-2, and Other Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 212) N1-058-96-005
Office of Chief Counsel Records (Records Control Schedule 106) Partially Superseded N1-058-96-006
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Photos Inactive N1-058-96-007
Closed Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts and Taxpayer Delinquency Investigations (Revision to Records Control Schedule 204) N1-058-96-008
Appeals: Art Advisory Service Files (Records Control Schedule 103) Inactive N1-058-97-002
Servicewide Communications (Records Control Schedule 205) N1-058-97-003
Servicewide Information Systems (Records Control Schedule 118) Partially Superseded N1-058-97-004
Legislative Affairs (Records Control Schedule 105) Partially Superseded N1-058-97-006
Servicewide Appeals Inactive N1-058-97-010
Office of Modernization Administrative Records, 1991-96 Inactive N1-058-97-011
Commissioner's Office (Additions to Records Control Schedule 101) N1-058-97-012
Tax Administration Electronic Systems Partially Superseded N1-058-97-013
Directives and Manuals, 1861-1953 Inactive N1-058-97-014
Historian's Records not Protected by 6103 Inactive N1-058-97-015
Historians Records Protected by 6103 N1-058-97-016
Special Services Staff Records, 1968-1973, Access and Disclosure Unrestricted N1-058-97-019
Special Services Staff Records, 1968-1973 - Access and Disclosure Restricted N1-058-97-020
Chief Operations Officer for Compliance and Taxpayer Service (Change to Records Control Schedule 111) N1-058-98-001
Former Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners N1-058-98-006
Audit Information Management System (AIMS) (Revision of Records Control Schedule 211) N1-058-98-007
Assistant Commissioner (International) N1-058-98-008
Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Return (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) N1-058-98-009
Philadelphia Service Center: 1985 Filing Season N1-058-98-010
All Other Posting, Payment and Adjustment Documents (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) N1-058-98-011
Miscellaneous Additions to Records Control Schedule 206 N1-058-98-012
Miscellaneous Records of the Historian Inactive N1-058-99-001
System Acceptability Test Documentation (Addition to Records Control Schedule 118: New Schedule 10) Inactive N1-058-99-002
Management and Administration (Additions to Records Control Schedule 13) N1-058-99-003
Private Activity Tax Exempt Bond Records, Form 8038 (Revision of Records Control Schedule 22) N1-058-99-004
Education Credits Form 8863 (Revision of Records Control Schedule 22) Partially Superseded N1-058-99-005
Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED) Extension Extracts (Revision of Records Control Schedule 22: Formerly Schedule 206) N1-058-99-006
Assistant Commissioner for Accounts, Collection, and Taxpayer Service Records (Records Control Schedule 116) Partially Superseded NC-058-75-001
Miscellaneous Records of the Information Systems Branch (Additions to Records Control Schedule 114) NC-058-75-002
IRS Data Center Records (Records Control Schedule 112) NC-058-75-003
Assistant Regional Commissioner for Intelligence Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 207) Partially Superseded NC-058-75-004
Disposition of Sensitive Case Files Including Correspondence Containing Confidential Information Inactive NC-058-75-008
Records Created Under Property Accounting / Leased Accounting Reporting Systems NC-058-75-009
Service Center Work Plan and Schedules, Forms 4876 NC-058-75-011
Identification Media and Related Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 114) NC-058-75-012
Administrative Legal Files of the Economic Stabilization Program NC-058-76-001
Narrative and Statistical Reports (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 211) NC-058-76-002
Miscelleaneous Records of the Tax Adminstration Advisory Services Division, 1965-75 Inactive NC-058-76-003
Communications and Information Alleging Violation (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) NC-058-76-004
Assistant Commissioner for Stabilization, National Office Records NC-174-000096
Service Center Records (Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded NC-174-000162
Closed Legal Case Files (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 106) NC-174-000211
Special Correspondence and Other Records of the Assistant Commissioner for Stabilization, National Office (Additions to Records Control Schedule 113) NC-174-000239
Special Correspondence and Other Records of the Assistant Commissioner for Stabilization, Regional Offices (Additions to Records Control Schedule 213) NC-174-000240
Leave Record Cards (Deviation from GRS 2, item 9b) NC1-058-76-05
Form 3673, Approval of Self-Employed Pension or Profit-Sharing Plan (Addition to Records Control Schedule 202) Inactive NC1-058-76-06
National Computer Center Records (Records Control Schedule 117) NC1-058-76-08
Service Center Records (Records Control Schedule 206) NC1-058-76-09
100% Penalty Assessment Administrative Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 204) NC1-058-76-10
Daily Transaction Listings (Addition to Records Control Schedule 212) NC1-058-76-11
Assistant Regional Commissioner Records (Records Control Schedule 201) Partially Superseded NC1-058-76-12
Investigative Case Files and Other Records (Records Control Schedule 105) Partially Superseded NC1-058-76-13
Investigative Case Files (Records Control Schedule 205) Partially Superseded NC1-058-76-14
Collection Division Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 204) NC1-058-77-01
Miscellaneous Revisions of Records Control Schedule 206 Partially Superseded NC1-058-77-02
Internal Audit Reports (Revision of Records Control Schedules 102, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 116, 202, 205) Inactive NC1-058-77-03
Information Returns (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded NC1-058-77-04
Wage and Salary Stabilization Case Files, 1942-47 Inactive NC1-058-77-05
Federal Tax Deposit Forms (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 206) Inactive NC1-058-77-06
Lien and Discharge Records NC1-058-77-07
Identification Media and Related Records, Security Programs, Security Clearance, and Claims (Additions to Records Control Schedule 212) NC1-058-77-08
Exempt Organization District Determination Letters (Revision of Records Control Schedule 110) Inactive NC1-058-77-09
Employee Plans/Exempt Organizations Regional and District Office Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 203) Inactive NC1-058-77-10
Joint Compliance Program Documents (Addition to Records Control Schedule 202) Inactive NC1-058-77-11
Computer Generated Management Information Reports (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 203) NC1-058-77-12
Federal Tax Deposit Forms (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 206) NC1-058-77-13
Income Tax Returns Filed by Individuals, Partnerships and Fiduciaries (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) Inactive NC1-058-78-01
Revisions of Records Control Schedules 202, 204, and 206 Inactive NC1-058-78-02
Files Pertaining to Investigation of Alleged Criminal Violations of Tax Laws Inactive NC1-058-78-03
Service Center Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded NC1-058-78-04
Disposal of Duplicate Files Inactive NC1-058-78-05
Employee Benefit Plan Returns (Addition to Records Control Schedule 112) NC1-058-78-06
Problem Resolution Records (Revision of Records Control Schedules 116, 206, and 212) NC1-058-78-07
Old Law Plans Accumulated Prior to 1970 (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 203) Inactive NC1-058-78-08
Chief Counsel Field Office Records (Records Control Schedule 209) NC1-058-78-09
IRS Data Center (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 112) NC1-058-78-10
Collection Management System Data Entry Records Inactive NC1-058-78-11
Office of Assistant Commissioner (Technical) (Records Control Schedule 110) Partially Superseded NC1-058-79-01
Quarterly Transmittal of Tax Withheld at Source (Form 4277) Inactive NC1-058-79-02
Criminal Investigation Case Management and Time Reporting System (Addition to Records Control Schedule 207) NC1-058-79-03
Income Tax Returns Filed by Individuals, Partnerships and Fiduciaries (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) Inactive NC1-058-79-04
Collection and Taxpayer Service Activity Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 204) Partially Superseded NC1-058-79-05
Examination Division Regional Offices (Records Control Schedule 202) NC1-058-79-06
Examination Division National Office (Records Control Schedule 102) Partially Superseded NC1-058-79-07
Additions to Records Control Schedules 102 and 202 NC1-058-80-01
Revisions to Records Control Schedule 204 NC1-058-80-02
Employee Plans/Exempt Organizations National Office (Records Control Schedule 104) Partially Superseded NC1-058-80-03
Unpostable, Error and Reject Registers and Listings (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) NC1-058-80-05
Revisions to Records Control Schedule 206 Partially Superseded NC1-058-80-06
Security and Protective Services Records (General Records Schedule 18) Partially Superseded NC1-058-80-09
Special Questionnaire Mailout Project (Additions to Records Control Schedule 203) Inactive NC1-058-80-10
Revisions to Records Control Schedule 301 NC1-058-80-11
Practitioner Attitude Survey Records Inactive NC1-058-80-12
Audit Division Records, 1918-66, at Fort Worth Records Center Inactive NC1-058-80-14
Certificates of Necessity, 1958 and prior, at Laguna Niguel Records Center Inactive NC1-058-80-15
Records Transferred from the Bureau of Public Debt (Addition to Records Control Schedule 206) Inactive NC1-058-81-01
Miscellaneous Revisions of Records Control Schedule 112 NC1-058-81-02
Security and Protective Services (General Records Schedule 18) Records NC1-058-81-03
Internal Revenue Service, Appeals Division, National Office Inactive NC1-058-81-04
Appeals Activities of Field Offices (Additions to Records Control Schedule 208) Inactive NC1-058-81-05
General Assistance Program Determination Records (Addition to Records Control Schedule 204) Inactive NC1-058-81-06
Microfilm of FTD Cards (Addition to Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded NC1-058-81-07
Employee/Independent Contractor Compliance Study Records Inactive NC1-058-81-09
Collection Division, National Office (Records Control Schedule 109) Partially Superseded NC1-058-81-10
Office of Chief Counsel (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 106) NC1-058-81-11
Administrative Management Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 301) NC1-058-81-12
Tax Litigation, General Litigation, Criminal Tax, Legal Services, and Disclosure Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 209) NC1-058-81-13
Corporation and Excess Profit Tax Returns (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 206) NC1-058-81-14
Assistant Regional Commissioner Records (Records Control Schedule 211) NC1-058-82-01
Miscellaneous Records of the Collection Division (Additions to Records Control Schedule 204) Inactive NC1-058-82-02
Individual Income Tax Returns (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 206) NC1-058-82-03
National Inspection (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 105) Inactive NC1-058-82-04
Regional and District Inspection (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 205) NC1-058-82-05
National Office Appeals (Records Control Schedule 103) Inactive NC1-058-82-06
Document Register - Block and Selection (Addition to Records Control Schedule 206) NC1-058-82-07
Appeals Reports and Information Retrieval Activity Tables, 1967-68 Inactive NC1-058-82-08
Service Center Records (Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded NC1-058-82-09
Miscellaneous Records of the Returns Processing and Accounting Division, 1930-60 Inactive NC1-058-82-10
Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations (Records Control Schedule 104) Partially Superseded NC1-058-82-11
Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations (Regional and District Offices) Microfilmed Records Inactive NC1-058-82-12
Office of Chief Counsel Records Inactive NC1-058-82-13
Administrative Manuals and Reports, 1864-1962 Inactive NC1-058-82-15
Closing Agreement Files (Addition to Records Control Schedule 103) Inactive NC1-058-83-02
Enrolled Agent Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 102) Inactive NC1-058-83-03
Intelligence Information Gathering and Retrieval System (Project IGRS) Inactive NC1-058-83-04
Regional Commissioners and Assistant Regional Commissioners (Records Control Schedule 212) NC1-058-83-05
Collection Division in District and Field Offices (Records Control Schedule 204) NC1-058-83-06
Case Files Concerning Tax Credits Allowed by the Renegotiation Board, 1940s Inactive NC1-058-83-08
Legal Case Files re IRS Disclosure of Documents (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 106) NC1-058-83-09
Estate and Gift Tax Returns (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded NC1-058-83-10
Microfilm of IRS Internal Management Documents NC1-058-83-11
Questionable Form W-4 Program and Request for Copy of Tax Form (Form 4506) (Additions to Records Control Schedule 206) Inactive NC1-058-84-01
Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations (Additions to Schedule 104) NC1-058-84-02
Microfilmed Records Covered by Records Control Schedule 104 Inactive NC1-058-84-03
Gift Tax Information Index Cards (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) Inactive NC1-058-84-04
Physical, Document, and Computer Systems Security Functions (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 301 and Deviations from GRS 18) NC1-058-84-05
Miscellaenous Records of the Austin IRS Office, 1870-1926 Inactive NC1-058-84-06
Miscellaenous Records of the Oklahoma City IRS Office, 1899-1916 Inactive NC1-058-84-07
Monthly Internal Revenue Receipt Stubs, District of Minnesota, 1864-65 Inactive NC1-058-84-08
Assistant Commissioner for Compliance Staff Meetings, 1966-72 Inactive NC1-058-84-09
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Interface Disclosure Consent Form Inactive NC1-058-84-11
Employee Plans Examination Reports and Files (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 203) Inactive NC1-058-84-12
Federal Tax Deposit (FTD) Alerts (Revision of Records Control Schedule 204) Inactive NC1-058-84-13
Centralized Services Division Miscellaneous Adminstrative Records (Additions to Records Control Schedule 212) NC1-058-84-14
Field Office Appeal Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 208) Inactive NC1-058-84-15
Validation Certificates of Prior American Ownership and Interest Equalization Tax Compliance (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) Inactive NC1-058-84-16
Inspection - National Office (Additions to Records Control Schedule 105) Inactive NC1-058-84-17
Regional Inspector (Additions to Records Control Schedule 205) NC1-058-84-18
100% Penalty Case Files (Revision of Records Control Schedule 204) Inactive NC1-058-85-01
Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedules 102, 112, 116, 118, 204) NC1-058-85-02
Case Management Review Evaluation Record (Form 6715) (Addition to Records Control Schedule 202) NC1-058-85-03
Income Tax Index Cards (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 204) NC1-058-85-04
Income Tax Index Cards and IDRS Employee Number Folders (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded NC1-058-85-05
Field Office Appeal Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 208) Inactive NC1-058-85-06
Questionable Form W-4 Program Records (Revision of Records Control Schedule 206) NC1-058-85-07
Disclosure Function Records (Revisions of Records Control Schedules 115 and 301, and Deviations from GRS 14) NC1-058-85-08
Worthless Stock Record Cards, 1955-65 Inactive NC1-058-85-09
Service Centers (Records Control Schedule 206) Partially Superseded NC1-058-85-10
Federal Tax Deposit Alerts and Taxpayer Delinquency Accounts (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 204) NC1-058-85-11
Records of Taxpayer Delinquency Accounts (Revisions of Records Control Schedule 212) NC1-058-85-12
Records Converted to Optical Disk Partially Superseded NC1-058-85-13
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program Records (Revision and Addition to Records Control Schedule 204) NC1-058-85-14
Project SUPER--Electronic Filing of Tax Returns NC1-058-85-15
Statistical Reports, 1959-75 Inactive NC1-058-85-16
Stabilization Program Records NN-173-000240
General Correspondence and Case Analysis Reports NN-174-000011
Protective Program Records (Records Control Schedule 114) NN-174-000012
Municipal Bond Issues (Historical) NN-174-000021
Miscellaneous Records of the Disclosure Staff (Records Control Schedule 115) Partially Superseded NN-174-000038
Form 7995, Outside Employment or Business Request (Addition to Records Control Schedule 301) NN-174-000068