Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


General Records Schedules

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
GRS 4.3 Input Records, Output Records, and Electronic Copies Inactive DAA-GRS-2013-0001_SF115
GRS 4.1 - Records Management Records DAA-GRS-2013-0002_SF115
GRS 1.1 Financial Management and Reporting Records DAA-GRS-2013-0003_SF115
GRS 3.1 General Technology Management Records DAA-GRS-2013-0005_SF115
GRS 3.2 Information Systems Security Records DAA-GRS-2013-0006_SF115
GRS 4.2 - Information Access and Protection Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2013-0007_SF115
GRS 1.2 - Grant and Cooperative Agreement Records DAA-GRS-2013-0008_SF115
GRS 6.1 - Email Managed Under A Capstone Approach Inactive DAA-GRS-2014-0001_SF115
GRS 2.1 Employee Acquisitions Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2014-0002_SF115
GRS 2.5 Employee Separation Records DAA-GRS-2014-0004_SF115
GRS 2.8 - Employee Ethics Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2014-0005_SF115
GRS 6.2 Federal Advisory Committee (FACA) Records DAA-GRS-2015-0001_SF115
Additions to GRS 4.2 Information Access and Protection Records DAA-GRS-2015-0002_SF115
GRS 4.4 - Library Records DAA-GRS-2015-0003_SF115
GRS 2.6 - Employee Training Records Inactive DAA-GRS-2015-0005_SF115
GRS 1.3 - Budgeting Records DAA-GRS-2015-0006_SF115
GRS 2.3 - Employee Relations Records Inactive DAA-GRS-2015-0007_SF115
Additions to GRS 1.1 Financial Management and Reporting Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2016-0001_SF115
Alterations to GRS 4.2 Information Access and Protection Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2016-0002_SF115
Additions to GRS 4.2 Information Access and Protection Records DAA-GRS-2016-0003_SF115
GRS 5.3 - Continuity and Emergency Planning Records DAA-GRS-2016-0004_SF115
GRS 6.4 - Public Affairs Records DAA-GRS-2016-0005_SF115
Revisions to GRS 2.8 Employee Ethics Records DAA-GRS-2016-0006_SF115
Additions to GRS 2.5 Employee Separation Records DAA-GRS-2016-0007_SF115
Additions to GRS 4.2 Information Access and Protection Records DAA-GRS-2016-0008_SF115
GRS 5.4 Facility, Equipment, Vehicle, Property, and Supply Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2016-0011_SF115
GRS 5.5 Mail, Printing, and Telecommunications Service Management Records DAA-GRS-2016-0012_SF115
Additions to GRS 1.1, GRS 3.1, and GRS 4.2 - Administrative Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2016-0013_SF115
GRS 2.6 - Employee Training Records Revised Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2016-0014_SF115
GRS 2.4 Employee Compensation and Benefits Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2016-0015_SF115
GRS 5.1 - Common Office Records DAA-GRS-2016-0016_SF115
GRS 5.8 Administrative Help Desk Records DAA-GRS-2017-0001_SF115
GRS 6.5 Public Customer Service Records DAA-GRS-2017-0002_SF115
GRS 5.2 - Transitory and Intermediary Records Inactive DAA-GRS-2017-0003_SF115
Addition to GRS 1.1 Administrative Claims Records DAA-GRS-2017-0005_SF115
GRS 5.6 Security Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2017-0006_SF115
GRS 2.2 Employee Management Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2017-0007_SF115
GRS 5.7 Agency Accountablity Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2017-0008_SF115
GRS 6.3 Information Technology Records DAA-GRS-2017-0009_SF115
GRS 2.7 Employee Health and Safety Records DAA-GRS-2017-0010_SF115
Revision to GRS 2.1 Employee Acquisition Records DAA-GRS-2017-0011_SF115
GRS 6.6 Rulemaking Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2017-0012_SF115
Addition to GRS 2.4: Employee Compensation and Benefits Records DAA-GRS-2018-0001_SF115
GRS 2.3 Employee Relations Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2018-0002_SF115
Additions to GRS 1.1 Financial Management and Reporting Records DAA-GRS-2018-0003_SF115
Additions to GRS 2.1 Employee Acquisition Records DAA-GRS-2018-0008_SF115
Additions to GRS 5.7: Agency Accountability Records Inactive DAA-GRS-2018-0009_SF115
Alterations and Additions to GRS 4.2: Information Access and Protection Records DAA-GRS-2019-0001_SF115
GRS 6.7: Legal Records Inactive DAA-GRS-2019-0002_SF115
Addition to GRS 4.1: Records Management Record Inactive DAA-GRS-2019-0003_SF115
Revisions to GRS 2.4 Employee Compensation and Benefits Records DAA-GRS-2019-0004_SF115
GRS 5.7 Administrative Management and Oversight Records DAA-GRS-2020-0001_SF115
Revision of GRS 4.2 (item 100) Automatic and systematic declassification review program records DAA-GRS-2020-0002_SF115
GRS 5.6 Security Management Records Partially Superseded DAA-GRS-2021-0001_SF115
Additions to GRS 2.7 Employee Health and Safety Records DAA-GRS-2021-0003_SF115
Revision to GRS 2.3 Employee Relations Records (item 020) Religious Accommodations DAA-GRS-2022-0001_SF115
GRS 3.2: Information Systems Security Records - Cybersecurity Logging Records DAA-GRS-2022-0005_SF115
GRS 6.1: Email and Other Electronic Messages Managed under a Capstone Approach DAA-GRS-2022-0006_SF115
GRS 5.2, Transitory and Intermediary Records Revision DAA-GRS-2022-0009_SF115
GRS 4.5, Digitizing Records DAA-GRS-2022-0010_SF115
Revision to GRS 2.2 Employee Management Records DAA-GRS-2023-0002_SF115
Revision to GRS 2.3 Employee Relations Records DAA-GRS-2023-0003_SF115
Revision to GRS 2.4 Employee Compensation and Benefits Records DAA-GRS-2023-0004_SF115
Revision to GRS 2.6 Employee Training Records DAA-GRS-2023-0005_SF115
Revision to GRS 5.4 Facility, Equipment, Vehicle, Property, and Supply Records DAA-GRS-2023-0006_SF115
Revision to GRS 5.6 Security Management Records DAA-GRS-2023-0007_SF115
GRS 6.7: Special Collections Required by Statute DAA-GRS-2024-0002_SF115
Ethics Program Records Inactive N1-GRS-01-001_SF115
Civilan Personnel Records Inactive N1-GRS-02-001_SF115
Information Technology Operations and Management Records Inactive N1-GRS-03-001_SF115
Alternative Dispute Resolution Inactive N1-GRS-03-002_SF115
Temporary Commissions, Boards, Councils and Committees Inactive N1-GRS-04-001_SF115
Reasonable Accommodation Request (RAR) Inactive N1-GRS-04-002_SF115
General Record Schedule (GRS) for Chief Information Officers Inactive N1-GRS-04-004_SF115
Revision to General Record Schedule (GRS) 23, Item 7 Inactive N1-GRS-04-005_SF115
Addition to GRS--Aircraft Operations and Maintenance Records Inactive N1-GRS-04-006_SF115
Additions to GRS 3 Procurement, Supply and Grant Records Inactive N1-GRS-05-002_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Official Personnel Folders (OPFs) Inactive N1-GRS-06-001_SF115
GRS 26 Temporary Comissions, Boards, Councils and Committees Inactive N1-GRS-07-001_SF115
Public Key Infrastructure Records N1-GRS-07-003_SF115
Change / Additions to Implement Media Neutrality (MN) Inactive N1-GRS-07-004_SF115
Revisions to General Record Schedule (GRS) 26, Item 2 Inactive N1-GRS-07-005_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records -Applicant Certification and Examination Inactive N1-GRS-86-001_SF115
Revisions to GRS 3 Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records - Contract Bids and Proposals Inactive N1-GRS-86-002_SF115
Revision of GRS 6 Accountable Officer's Accounts Records Inactive N1-GRS-86-003_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Employee Medical Folder (EMF) Inactive N1-GRS-86-004_SF115
Revision to GRS 12 Communications Records - Express Mail Inactive N1-GRS-87-002_SF115
Additions to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records - Microfilm Inspection Inactive N1-GRS-87-003_SF115
Changes to GRS 14 Information Services Records - Freedom of Information Act {FOIA) Requests Inactive N1-GRS-87-004_SF115
GRS 20 Electronic Records Inactive N1-GRS-87-005_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Occupational Injury and Illness Files Inactive N1-GRS-87-006_SF115
Additions to GRS14 Information Services Records - Mandatory Review For Declassification Inactive N1-GRS-87-007_SF115
Additions to GRS 3 Supply and Grant Files - Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Inactive N1-GRS-87-008_SF115
GRS 3 Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records - Contract Appeals Inactive N1-GRS-87-009_SF115
National Defense Executive Reserve (NDER) Inactive N1-GRS-87-010_SF115
Revision of GRS 4 Property Disposal Records - Surplus Property Case Files Inactive N1-GRS-87-011_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Official Personnel Folders (OPF) Inactive N1-GRS-87-012_SF115
GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records - Administrative Claims Files Inactive N1-GRS-87-013_SF115
Additions to GRS 3 Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records - Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Files Inactive N1-GRS-87-014_SF115
Additions to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records - IRM Triennial Review Files Inactive N1-GRS-87-015_SF115
Additions to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records - Information Collection Budget Files Inactive N1-GRS-87-016_SF115
Additions to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records - Documents published in the Federal Register Inactive N1-GRS-87-017_SF115
GRS 9 Travel and Transportation Records Inactive N1-GRS-87-018_SF115
Additions to GRS 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies - Word Processing Files Inactive N1-GRS-87-019_SF115
GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records Inactive N1-GRS-88-001_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Former Spouse Health Benefits Inactive N1-GRS-88-002_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Former Non-SES Employees Inactive N1-GRS-88-003_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Position Descriptions Inactive N1-GRS-88-004_SF115
Additions to GRS 17 Cartographic, Aerial Photographic, Architectural, and Engineering Records Inactive N1-GRS-88-005_SF115
Additions to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records Inactive N1-GRS-89-001_SF115
Additions to GRS 14 Information Services Records - Erroneous Release Files Inactive N1-GRS-89-002_SF115
Revisions to GRS 20 Electronic Records and GRS 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies Inactive N1-GRS-89-003_SF115
Additions to GRS 14 Information Services Records Inactive N1-GRS-89-004_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Position Classification Inactive N1-GRS-90-001_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Federal Workplace Drug Testing Inactive N1-GRS-90-002_SF115
Additions to GRS 9 Travel and Transportation Records - Official Passports Inactive N1-GRS-91-001_SF115
Revisions to GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records and GRS 9 Travel and Transportation Records Inactive N1-GRS-91-003_SF115
Revisions to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records - Microform Inspection Records Inactive N1-GRS-91-004_SF115
Additions to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records - Internal Control Records (OMB Circular A-123) Inactive N1-GRS-91-005_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Administrative Grievance Inactive N1-GRS-92-001_SF115
Revisions to GRS 20 Electronic Records and GRS 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies Inactive N1-GRS-92-002_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Equal Employment Records Inactive N1-GRS-92-003_SF115
Revisions to GRS 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Inactive N1-GRS-92-004_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Donated Leave Inactive N1-GRS-92-005_SF115
Revisions to GRS 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration - Time and Attendance Inactive N1-GRS-92-006_SF115
Additions to GRS 18 Security and Protective Services Records - Classified Document Container Inactive N1-GRS-93-001_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Handicapped Case Files Inactive N1-GRS-93-002_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Employee Performance File Inactive N1-GRS-93-003_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Federal Workplace Drug Testing Inactive N1-GRS-93-004_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA) Inactive N1-GRS-94-001_SF115
Additions to GRS 18 Security and Protective Services Records - Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements Inactive N1-GRS-95-001_SF115
Revisions to GRS 20 Electronic Records Inactive N1-GRS-95-002_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records- Employee Performance File System Records Inactive N1-GRS-95-003_SF115
Revisions to GRS 3 Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records - Routine Procurement Files Inactive N1-GRS-95-004_SF115
Revisions to GRS 11 Space and Maintenance Records Inactive N1-GRS-96-001_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records -Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA) Inactive N1-GRS-96-002_SF115
Revisions to GRS 21 Audiovisual Records -Accessioned Audio Visual Records Lacking Value Inactive N1-GRS-96-003_SF115
Additions to GRS 12 Communications Records - Telephone Records Inactive N1-GRS-96-004_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Alternate Worksite Records Inactive N1-GRS-97-001_SF115
Additions to GRS 9 Travel and Transportation Records - Federal Employee Transportation Subsidy Records Inactive N1-GRS-97-002_SF115
Additions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Semiannual Expense Reports for Non-Federally Funded Travel Inactive N1-GRS-97-003_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Temporary Individual Employee Records Inactive N1-GRS-97-004_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program Files Inactive N1-GRS-98-001_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1,3,9,14,16-18,21 and 23 - Removal of Indefinite disposition statement Inactive N1-GRS-98-002_SF115
Additions to GRS 1-16, 18, and 23 - Email and Word Processing Inactive N1-GRS-98-003_SF115
Amends the GRS to apply to records created before 1921 -Once they have been appraised by NARA Inactive NC-064-75-001_SF115
Amendments to GRS 2,3,5,7,and 8 - Fiscal Records Inactive NC-064-75-002_SF115
Amendment to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Equal Employment Opportunity Records Inactive NC-064-75-003_SF115
Amendments to GRS 3 Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records-Contracts and Requisition Inactive NC-064-75-004_SF115
Amendments to GRS 18 Security and Protective Services Records -Security Clearance Files Inactive NC-064-76-001_SF115
Amendments to GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records-Collection and Deposit of Funds Inactive NC-174-000105_SF115
Amendments to GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records-Administrative Correspondence and Reports Inactive NC-174-000119_SF115
GAO Audit Records Inactive NC-174-000161_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1-Equal Employment Opportunlty (EEO) Case Files Inactive NC-174-000166_SF115
Amendments to GRS 14 Information Services Records - FOIA Requests Inactive NC1-064-76-03_SF115
Amendment to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Equal Employment Opportunity Records Inactive NC1-064-76-04_SF115
Amendments to GRS 14 Information Services Records - FOIA records Partially Superseded NC1-064-77-01_SF115
GRS 20 Machine-Readable Records Inactive NC1-064-77-02_SF115
GRS 21 Audiovisual Records Inactive NC1-064-77-03_SF115
GRS 3 Procurement, Supply and Grant Records Revised Inactive NC1-064-77-05_SF115
Revisions GRS 17 Cartographic, Remote Sensing Records Inactive NC1-064-77-06_SF115
Revisions GRS 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records Inactive NC1-064-77-07_SF115
Revisions GRS 16 Administrative Management Records Inactive NC1-064-77-08_SF115
Revisions to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records Inactive NC1-064-77-09_SF115
GRS 1-Civilian Personnel Records Revised Inactive NC1-064-77-10_SF115
Revisions GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records Inactive NC1-064-77-11_SF115
GRS 22 Design and Construction Drawings Inactive NC1-064-77-12_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records-Personal Injury Files Inactive NC1-064-77-13_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Service Records Cards Inactive NC1-GRS-78-02_SF115
Amendments to GRS 18 Personnel Security Clearance Files Inactive NC1-GRS-78-03_SF115
Amendments to GRS 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records - Lease Application Files Inactive NC1-GRS-78-04_SF115
Amendments to GRS 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies -Schedules of Daily Activities Inactive NC1-GRS-79-01_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records-Promotion Records Inactive NC1-GRS-79-02_SF115
Amendments to GRS 18-Security and Protective Services Records Inactive NC1-GRS-80-01_SF115
Amendments to GRS 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records -Retirement Files Inactive NC1-GRS-80-02_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records -Conflict of Interest Case Files Inactive NC1-GRS-80-03_SF115
Amendments to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records-Records Holdings Inactive NC1-GRS-80-04_SF115
Amendments to GRS 3 Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records - Contract Appeals Case Files Inactive NC1-GRS-80-05_SF115
Amendments to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records -Records Management Files Inactive NC1-GRS-80-06_SF115
Amendments to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records - Reports Control Files Inactive NC1-GRS-80-07_SF115
Amendments to GRS 23 Records Common to Most Offices Inactive NC1-GRS-80-08_SF115
Amendment to GRS 18 Security and Protective Services Records - Emergency Planning Records Inactive NC1-GRS-80-09_SF115
Amendment to GRS 18 Security and Protective Services Records - Emergency Planning Records Inactive NC1-GRS-81-01_SF115
Amendment to GRS 3 Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records -Solicited and Unsolicited Bids Inactive NC1-GRS-81-02_SF115
Amendment to GRS 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records Inactive NC1-GRS-81-03_SF115
Amendment to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records -Forms Files Inactive NC1-GRS-81-04_SF115
Amendments to GRS 13 Publication files, GRS 14 Public Relations Records, and GRS 16 Formal Directives Inactive NC1-GRS-81-05_SF115
GRS 20 Machine Readable Records Inactive NC1-GRS-81-06_SF115
Amendments to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records Inactive NC1-GRS-81-07_SF115
Amendments to GRS 18 Security and Protective Service Records Inactive NC1-GRS-81-08_SF115
Amendments to GRS 21 Audiovisual Records Inactive NC1-GRS-81-09_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Personnel Correspondence Inactive NC1-GRS-81-10_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Position Classification Inactive NC1-GRS-81-11_SF115
Amendments to GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records Inactive NC1-GRS-81-12_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records and GRS 5 Budget Preparation Inactive NC1-GRS-81-13_SF115
GRS 24 Temporary Commissions, Committees, and Boards Records Inactive NC1-GRS-82-01_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Employee Performance File System Records Inactive NC1-GRS-82-02_SF115
Amendments to GRS 3 Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records - Procurement, Supply, and Grants Inactive NC1-GRS-83-01_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records -Affirmative Action Programs Inactive NC1-GRS-83-02_SF115
Amendments to GRS 16 Administrative Management Records -Sunshine Act Meetings Inactive NC1-GRS-83-03_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Equal Employment Records Inactive NC1-GRS-83-04_SF115
Amendments to GRS 7 Expenditure Accounting Records -Accounting Ledgers and Appropriation Allotment Inactive NC1-GRS-83-05_SF115
Amendments to GRS 23 Records Common to Most Offices Inactive NC1-GRS-83-06_SF115
Amendments to GRS 18 Security and Protective Services Records - Classified Non Disclosure Agreements Inactive NC1-GRS-83-07_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Financial Disclosure Reports Inactive NC1-GRS-84-01_SF115
Amendments to GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records Inactive NC1-GRS-84-02_SF115
GRS 22 Inspector General Records Inactive NC1-GRS-85-01_SF115
Amendments to GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records Inactive NC1-GRS-85-02_SF115
GRS 1 Civilian Personnel Records - Copies of Correspondence Inactive NN-167-000128_SF115
GRS 20 Electronic Records - Automatic Data Processing Records Inactive NN-172-000020_SF115
Amendments to GRS 6 Accountable Officers' Accounts Records Inactive NN-174-000031_SF115
Amendments to GRS 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records -Time and Attendance Inactive NN-174-000032_SF115