Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0330: Defense, Office of the Secretary of

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Records DAA-0330-2012-0005
Historical Artifacts Collection Agreement Files DAA-0330-2012-0006
Aspen Student Information System (ASPEN SIS) DAA-0330-2012-0007
Overseas Participant Information Management System; Women, Infants, and Children Programs DAA-0330-2013-0001
DoD Breach Reports DAA-0330-2013-0002
Regional Center Personnel Activity Management System (RCPAMS) DAA-0330-2013-0003
Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System - Hearing Conservation (DOEHRS - HC) DAA-0330-2013-0004
Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) DAA-0330-2013-0005
Department of Defense Suicide Event Report (DoDSER) System DAA-0330-2013-0006
Neurocognitive Assessment Performance Report Data DAA-0330-2013-0007
Defense and Veterans Eye Injury and Vision Registry (DVEIVR) DAA-0330-2013-0008
Interoperability Layer Service (IOLS) DAA-0330-2013-0009
Nutrition Management Information System (NMIS) DAA-0330-2013-0010
Guest Books DAA-0330-2013-0011
Education Files DAA-0330-2013-0012
DoD Visual Information Schedule DAA-0330-2013-0014
US Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs Chemical and Biological Warfare Exposure System DAA-0330-2013-0015
Tow Appeal Records DAA-0330-2013-0016
DoD Post Secondary Education Complaint System (PECS) Master Files DAA-0330-2013-0017
Continuous Information Management Engine (CIME) DAA-0330-2013-0018
DoD Personnel Security Adjudication Summary Records DAA-0330-2013-0019
Program Records of the Office of Military Commissions DAA-0330-2014-0005
Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) DAA-0330-2014-0006
Joint Advertising, Market Research & Studies (JAMRS) Recruiting Database DAA-0330-2014-0008
Joint Advertising, Market Research & Studies (JAMRS) Survey Database DAA-0330-2014-0009
Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) System DAA-0330-2014-0010
Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT) Inactive DAA-0330-2014-0011
Transportation Command Regulating Command and Control Evacuation System (TRAC2ES) DAA-0330-2014-0012
Continuous Evaluation Information System DAA-0330-2014-0013
TRICARE Claims and Explanation of Benefits Records DAA-0330-2014-0014
Military OneSource (MOS) Systems DAA-0330-2014-0017
Counterintelligence Management Information System (CIMIS) DAA-0330-2014-0019
Defense Prisoner of War/Missing In Action Accounting Agency Program Records DAA-0330-2014-0020
Automated Stopper and Referral System (ASARS) Inactive DAA-0330-2014-0021
Event Planning and Management Files DAA-0330-2015-0002
Recovery Coordination Program Support Solution (RCP-SS) DAA-0330-2015-0003
Injury and Unemployment Compensation Records DAA-0330-2015-0004
Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cyber Security/Information Assurance Records (DIB CS/IA) DAA-0330-2015-0005
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Records DAA-0330-2015-0006
Military Community and Family Policy Records DAA-0330-2015-0007
Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board System (DoDMERBS) DAA-0330-2015-0008
Investigations and Resolutions Case Management System (IRCMS) DAA-0330-2015-0010
Defense Competency Assessment Tool (DCAT) System DAA-0330-2015-0011
Blood Management Systems DAA-0330-2016-0001
Safe Helpline Reportal Administrative Database DAA-0330-2016-0003
Safe Helpline Follow-Up Support System DAA-0330-2016-0004
Victim Related-Inquiry Tracking Files DAA-0330-2016-0005
Military OneSource (MOS) My Training Hub Learning Management System DAA-0330-2016-0006
Staff Action Control and Coordination Portal (SACCP) Files DAA-0330-2016-0008
OSD Civilian Awards and Recognition Program DAA-0330-2016-0010
Assignment Eligibility Screening Database DAA-0330-2016-0011
Coagulation Clinic (CoagClinic) DAA-0330-2016-0012
Defense Medical Human Resource System - Internet (DMHRSi) DAA-0330-2016-0014
Joint Civilian Orientation Conference Program (JCOC) DAA-0330-2016-0015
Statement of Support Program Records DAA-0330-2016-0016
Firearms Identification Card (FICs) DAA-0330-2016-0017
Vietnam Vascular Registry Partially Superseded DAA-0330-2016-0018
Spectacle Request and Transmission System DAA-0330-2017-0007
Surgical Scheduling System (S3) DAA-0330-2017-0008
Trusted Capital Digital Marketplace (TCDM) DAA-0330-2021-0007
Office of People Analytics (OPA) Survey Files DAA-0330-2021-0008
SMART Information Management System (SIMS) DAA-0330-2021-0009
National Guard Youth Challenge Program DAA-0330-2022-0005
Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory Files DAA-0330-2022-0007
DoD Personnel Recovery Records DAA-0330-2022-0008
Net Assessment Analysis DAA-0330-2022-0009
Legal Advice and Opinions Records of OSD Components, Defense Agencies and Field Activities DAA-0330-2022-0010
Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) Cases that Resulted from the 9/11/2001 Attack on the Pentagon DAA-0330-2022-0015
Conflict Records Research Center (CRRC) DAA-0330-2023-0001
Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0330-2017-0001
Student Records Inactive N1-330-00-001
Adjudicated Security Clearances N1-330-00-002
Business Policy Files N1-330-00-003
Voluntary Campaign Management Office Records N1-330-00-004
Judges' Reference Papers N1-330-01-001
Medical Records N1-330-01-002
Gulf War Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program - Automated Information System N1-330-02-001
Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Databases N1-330-03-001
Official Military Personnel Files N1-330-04-001
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) Documents N1-330-04-002
Coalition Provisional Authority - Baghdad N1-330-05-001
United States Exports System Files (USXPORTS) N1-330-06-001
Shared Transformation Acquisition Regulations System (STARS) N1-330-06-002
Foreign Disclosure System and National Disclosure Policy System N1-330-07-001
Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) N1-330-07-002
Foreign Visits System (FVS) N1-330-07-003
Coalitional Provisional Authority - Iraq Support Study N1-330-08-001
Personnel Tracking System (PTS) N1-330-08-002
Free Iraqi Forces (FIF) N1-330-08-003
Visual Information (VI) Records N1-330-08-004
Defense Biometric Identification Data System (DBIDS) N1-330-08-005
Defense Counterintelligence Information System (DCIIS) N1-330-08-006
Defense Case Records Management System (DCRMS) and Annual Reports on Sexual Assults N1-330-08-007
Human Research Protection Program Oversight Review System (HRPP ORS) Files N1-330-08-008
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Summary Reports to Congress Inactive N1-330-08-009
Comptroller Information System (CIS) N1-330-08-010
Stephen Cambone, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI) Special Collections, 2001-06 N1-330-08-011
Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) Joint Commission Support Directorate Foreign Records N1-330-09-001
National Language Service Corps (NLSC) Files N1-330-09-002
SMART Information Management System (SIMS) N1-330-09-003
Integrated Tracking System (ITS) N1-330-09-004
Office of Military Commissions - Office of the Chief Prosecutor's Victims Database - Master File N1-330-09-005
Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) N1-330-09-006
Automated Register, Request and Receive Ballot Process (R3) Inactive N1-330-09-007
Intelligence Interrogation and Detainee Debriefing Recordings and Reports N1-330-09-008
Pentagon Renovation (PENREN) Architectural Drawings N1-330-10-001
Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) Records N1-330-10-002
Military Service Treatment Records (STR) N1-330-10-003
Pentagon Force Protection Agency Project Files N1-330-10-004
Hotline Referral Files N1-330-10-005
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) Files N1-330-10-006
Defense Injury and Unemployment Compensation System (DIUCS) Files N1-330-10-007
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) District Profiles Database N1-330-10-008
Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA) and Clinical Information System (CIS) N1-330-11-001
Defense Medical Logistics Support System (DMLSS) Master File N1-330-11-002
TRICARE Management Activity Systems N1-330-11-003
Automated Register, Request and Receive Ballot Process (R3) N1-330-11-004
Armed Services Military Accession Testing System (ASMAT) Master File N1-330-11-005
Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) Administrative Files N1-330-11-006
Iraq Development Fund Records N1-330-11-007
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) School Incident and Accident Injury N1-330-11-008
Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) Technical Investigation Files N1-330-11-009
Secretary of Defense and Principal Staff Assistants Administrative Records N1-330-11-010
Living Disaster Recovery Planning System (LDRPS) Inactive N1-330-13-001
National Security Education Program (NSEP) Scholar and Fellow Support System N1-330-13-003
CHAMPUS Records N1-330-86-001
CHAMPUS Case Files N1-330-86-002
Internal Management Control Program Records N1-330-86-003
Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DODDS) Records N1-330-87-001
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy) (Chemical Matters) Records N1-330-87-002
Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) Inactive N1-330-88-001
Defense Protective Service Records N1-330-88-002
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Student Records N1-330-88-003
Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG) Records N1-330-88-004
DoD Nonmilitary Health Records N1-330-88-005
Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DODDS) Special Education Records Inactive N1-330-89-001
Public Affairs Planning and Guidance Files N1-330-90-001
Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DODDS) Records N1-330-90-002
Emergency Planning Files N1-330-90-003
Records of the Office of the Inspector General N1-330-90-004
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) Enrollment Data Base N1-330-90-005
912 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences N1-330-91-002
Common Mission Files N1-330-92-001
Director of Operational Test and Evaluation N1-330-92-002
Current News Analysis and Research Service Records N1-330-92-003
Inspector General Records N1-330-92-004
Office of the Civilian Health and Medical Program for the Uniformed Services (OCHAMPUS) N1-330-92-005
Defense Protective Service (DPS) N1-330-92-007
Coordinator for Drug Enforcement Policy and Support N1-330-92-010
Defense Medical Data Dictionary (DMDD) N1-330-92-011
Policy Records N1-330-93-001
Overseas Travel Clearance N1-330-93-002
Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) and Department of Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF) - Media and Trip Files N1-330-93-003
On-Site Inspection Agency N1-330-93-004
On-Site Inspection Agency - Treaty Inspection Manpower Management System (TIMMS) Inactive N1-330-93-005
Common Mission Files N1-330-93-006
Safety and Occupational Health Office Records N1-330-93-007
CHAMPUS Medical Care Grievance Case Files N1-330-94-001
Personnel Inactive N1-330-94-002
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) N1-330-94-003
Wound Data and Munitions Effectiveness Team (WDMET) N1-330-95-001
Faculty Curriculum Vitae Files Inactive N1-330-95-002
COMIREX Automated Management System Processing Segment (CAMS P/S) 2 Records Inactive N1-330-95-003
Animal Health Records N1-330-95-004
Defense Medical Information System N1-330-96-001
Casualty Records of Southeast Asia and Korea Inactive N1-330-96-002
Casualty Records (Worldwide) N1-330-96-003
Radiation Experiments Command Center (RECC) Information System N1-330-97-001
Casualty Records (Korea) Inactive N1-330-97-002
Individual Volunteer Files Inactive N1-330-98-001
Continuing Nursing Education Program Records and Continuing Medical Education Program Records Inactive N1-330-98-002
Research Protocols and Grants Inactive N1-330-98-003
Elementary School Student Record Files Inactive N1-330-99-001
Records of the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program (CCEP) N1-330-99-002
Defense Investigative Program Records NC1-330-76-01
General Counsel of the Office of the Secretary of Defense NC1-330-76-02
Records of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy) NC1-330-76-03
Records of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs NC1-330-77-01
Refugees / Air Summary File / Rural Hamlet Derived File / Questions Hamlet Evaluation System 1970 Inactive NC1-330-77-02
Records of the Office of the Director of Planning and Evaluation NC1-330-77-03
Administrative Records NC1-330-77-04
Records of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs NC1-330-77-05
Director of Telecommunications and Command and Control Records NC1-330-77-06
National Guard and Reserve Manpower Strengths and Statistics Reports, 1974-77 Inactive NC1-330-77-07
Legislative Affairs Records NC1-330-77-08
Director of Defense Intelligence Records NC1-330-77-09
Manpower and Reserve Affairs Records NC1-330-77-10
Installations and Logistics NC1-330-77-11
Public Affairs Records NC1-330-77-12
Comptroller NC1-330-77-13
Director of Defense Intelligence NC1-330-77-14
Records of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering NC1-330-77-15
CHAMPUS Contractor Claims Records NC1-330-77-16
Awards Approved by the Secretary of Defense NC1-330-77-17
Retirees Personnel Master File and Survivor Beneficiaries Master File Inactive NC1-330-78-01
Freedom of Information Program Case File and Department of Defense Text Review Inactive NC1-330-78-02
Reserve Components Master History File NC1-330-78-03
Foreign Military Sales NC1-330-78-04
International Balance of Payments NC1-330-78-05
Military Assistance Program NC1-330-78-06
Administration NC1-330-78-07
Combat Area Casualties File Inactive NC1-330-78-08
Paragraphs Approved for Release of Senior Department of Defense Officials NC1-330-78-09
International Balance of Payments Inactive NC1-330-78-10
Annual Inventory of Commercial or Industrial Activities Inactive NC1-330-78-11
Records of Prime Contracts Awards over $10,000 NC1-330-78-12
Procurement Records Inactive NC1-330-78-13
Congressional Correspondence NC1-330-79-01
Files of Military Assistance Advisory Groups NC1-330-79-03
Energy Policy NC1-330-79-04
Psychiatric Consultants Files and Discovery of Electronic Surveillance Files NC1-330-79-05
Audiovisual Management NC1-330-79-06
Foreign Scientist Case Files NC1-330-79-07
Freedom of Information and Security Review NC1-330-79-08
Department of Defense Civilian Employees Health Unit Records Inactive NC1-330-79-09
Freedom of Information and Security Review Records NC1-330-79-10
United States Court of Military Appeals NC1-330-79-11
Chronological Reading Files of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering NC1-330-80-01
Case Records Documenting the Department of Defense (DoD) Position on Export Licenses NC1-330-80-02
Nonappropriated Fund Employee Personnel Records NC1-330-80-03
Common Mission Files; Dependent Schools Program Files; Elementary and Secondary School Files NC1-330-80-04
Records of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering - Transitory Material, Cruise Missile Sytems, Armament / Munitions Requirements and Development (AMRAD) Files NC1-330-80-05
Telecommunications and Command and Control Systems Records NC1-330-80-06
Comptroller Records NC1-330-80-07
Civilian Dental Health Treatment Records NC1-330-80-08
Employment Application, Grievance Appeals File, and Adverse Action Files Inactive NC1-330-80-09
Comptroller Records NC1-330-80-10
Force on Evaluation of Audit, Inspection and Investigative Components Special Studies Inactive NC1-330-80-11
Medical Readiness and Health Affairs Records NC1-330-80-12
Public Affairs Records NC1-330-81-01
Source Data for Prime Contract Files NC1-330-81-02
Panama Canal College, Elementary, and Secondary School Records NC1-330-81-03
Elementary School Records NC1-330-81-04
Reports of Former Military and DoD Employees who Accept New Positions with Defense Contractors NC1-330-81-05
Unsolicited Proposals Records NC1-330-81-06
Civilian Employees Health Unit Records NC1-330-81-07
CHAMPUS Provider Authorization Files NC1-330-81-08
Defense Energy Information System (DEIS) Records NC1-330-81-09
Review and Oversight Records NC1-330-82-01
Budget Report Files NC1-330-83-01
Civilian Requirements and Analysis Records NC1-330-83-02
Defense Audiovisual Agency Records NC1-330-83-03
Labor Management Relations NC1-330-84-01
Defense Audiovisual Agency Civilian Personnel Records NC1-330-84-02
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act Litigation Records Inactive NC1-330-85-01