Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0129: Bureau of Prisons

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Psychology Services DAA-0129-2015-0002
Escapee Inmate Files DAA-0129-2015-0003
Inmate Fingerprint Records Inactive DAA-0129-2017-0001
Institution Inmate Case Files DAA-0129-2017-0002
Selected Notorious Offender Files DAA-0129-2018-0004
Correctional Services Records DAA-0129-2019-0004
Telephone Monitoring System DAA-0129-2019-0005
Sex Offender Data System DAA-0129-2019-0006
Records of the National Training School for Boys Inactive DAA-0129-2020-0001
Leavenworth Records, 1904-90 Partially Superseded N1-129-00-001
Federal Correctional Facilities: Special Investigative Supervisor Program N1-129-00-002
Federal Correctional Facilities: Warden's Office Records N1-129-00-003
Federal Correctional Facilities: Common Records To Correctional Facilities Offices N1-129-00-004
Federal Correctional Facilities: Physical Facilities Program N1-129-00-005
Federal Correctional Facilities: Case Management Records N1-129-00-006
Federal Correctional Facilities: Chaplain's Office Records N1-129-00-007
Federal Correctional Facilities: Records of the Education Program (Inmates) N1-129-00-008
Federal Correctional Facilities: Health Services Records N1-129-00-009
Federal Correctional Facilities, Employee Development Records N1-129-00-010
Federal Correctional Facilities: Food Service Program N1-129-00-011
Regional Office - Administrative, Institution, and Subject Files of the Regional Director N1-129-00-012
Regional Office - Records of the Regional Counsel N1-129-00-013
Regional Office - Inmate Education Administrator N1-129-00-014
Regional Office - Health Systems Administrator N1-129-00-015
Regional Office - Food Service Administrator N1-129-00-016
Regional Office: Mechanical Services and Facilities Administrator N1-129-00-017
Regional Office: Community Corrections Administrator N1-129-00-018
Regional Office: Common Office Records N1-129-00-019
Regional Office - Correctional Services Administrator (CSA) Records N1-129-00-020
Central Office - Office of the Assistant Director and General Counsel Records N1-129-00-021
Central Office - Office of the General Counsel - Litigation Branch N1-129-00-022
Central Office - Office of the General Counsel - Legislative and Correctional Issues Branch N1-129-00-023
Central Office - Office of the General Counsel - Legal Administrative Branch N1-129-00-024
Central Office - Office of the General Counsel, Administrative Complaints and Ethics Branch N1-129-00-025
Central Office - Office of the General Counsel / Commercial Law Branch N1-129-00-026
Central Office - Office of the General Counsel / Labor Law Branch N1-129-00-027
Central Office - Administration Division Trust Fund Records N1-129-00-028
Central Office - Administration Division Budget Development Branch Records N1-129-00-029
Correctional Facilities: Incoming Inmate Certified Mail Logs N1-129-00-030
Central Office - Administration Division Budget Execution Branch Records N1-129-00-031
Central Office - Administration Division Capacity Planning Branch Records N1-129-00-032
Central Office - Administration Division Facilities Management Branch Records N1-129-00-033
Central Office - Administration Division Finance Branch Records N1-129-00-034
Central Office - Administration Division Procurement and Property Branch Records N1-129-00-035
Central Office - Community Corrections and Detention Division - Assistant Director N1-129-00-036
Central Office - Community Corrections and Detention Division - National Office On Citizen Participation N1-129-00-037
Central Office - Community Corrections Detention Division - Detention Branch N1-129-00-038
Central Office - Community Corrections Detention Division - Privatization and Special Projects Branch N1-129-00-039
Central Office - Community Corrections and Detention Division - Community Corrections Branch N1-129-00-040
Central Office - Administration Division Site Selection Branch Records N1-129-01-001
Central Office - Office of Internal Affairs N1-129-01-002
Central Office - Health Services Division Safety N1-129-01-003
Central Office - Health Services Division - Quality Assurance N1-129-01-004
Central Office - Health Services Division - Personnel Management and Recruitment N1-129-01-005
Central Office - Health Services Division - Medical Designations N1-129-01-006
Central Office - Health Service Division Food Services N1-129-01-007
Central Office - Health Service Division - Health Promotion and Disease Prevention N1-129-01-008
Central Office - Health Service Division - Finance Management N1-129-01-009
Central Office - Health Services Division - Drug Free Workplace Office N1-129-01-010
Central Office - Health Services Division - Assistant Director N1-129-01-011
Federal Correctional Facilities - Inmate Systems N1-129-01-012
Central Office - Inmate Systems Branch Records N1-129-01-013
Correctional Programs Division, Religious Services Branch N1-129-01-014
Correctional Programs Division, Correctional Programs Branch N1-129-01-015
Correctional Programs Division, Special Needs Offenders Coordinator N1-129-01-016
Correctional Programs Division, Correctional Services Branch N1-129-01-017
Correctional Programs Division, Assistant Director's Office N1-129-01-018
Central Office - Industrial, Education, and Vocational Training - Education Division N1-129-02-001
Central Office - Industrial, Education, and Vocational Training - Corporate Business Group N1-129-02-002
Central Office - Industrial, Education, and Vocational Training - Financial Management Records N1-129-02-003
UNICOR (Federal Prison Industries, Inc.) Symix System N1-129-04-001
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Registrar Database N1-129-04-002
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Library Collection Database N1-129-04-003
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Requester Database N1-129-04-004
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Researcher Database N1-129-04-005
Key Indicator / Strategic Support System N1-129-04-006
SENTRY System (Bureau of Prison's Main Mission Critical System for Tracking Prisoners) N1-129-04-007
UNICOR - Millennium (SAP/R3) System & Business Warehouse Module N1-129-04-008
UNICOR - Professional Business System N1-129-04-009
Central Office - Total Maintenance System N1-129-05-001
Field - CPD - Criminal Investigation Files N1-129-05-002
Central Office - Design and Construction Files N1-129-05-003
UNICOR - Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI) - Website Trends N1-129-05-004
UNICOR - Product Waiver System N1-129-05-005
UNICOR - Decision Support System N1-129-05-006
Trust Fund Accounting and Commissary System (TRUFACS) N1-129-05-007
Architectural Renovation and Modification Files N1-129-05-008
Psychology, Drug Abuse Treatment Certification Files N1-129-05-009
Psychology, Forensic Studies Records N1-129-05-010
Psychology Data System (PDS) N1-129-05-011
Central Office - Psychology Service Branch Records N1-129-05-012
Central Office - Clinical Guidelines Records N1-129-05-013
Central Office - Health Services Medical Staff Records N1-129-05-014
Food System 4 N1-129-05-015
Central Office - Telephone Monitoring Systems Inactive N1-129-05-016
Education Department - General Education Degree (GED) Accommodation Referrals N1-129-06-001
Psychology Services Department (Drug Education, Drug Abuse Program) N1-129-06-002
Hazardous Materials Records N1-129-06-003
Safety Department Records N1-129-06-005
Security and Background Investigation System (SBIS) N1-129-06-006
Inmate Detail Census Checks N1-129-06-007
Trust Fund Limited Inmate Communications Systems (TRULINCS) N1-129-06-008
Staff Respiratory Fitness Test N1-129-06-009
Federal Regulation Development Documents N1-129-07-001
Regional Administrator's Records N1-129-07-002
Regional Director's Records N1-129-07-003
Consolidated Legal Centers N1-129-07-005
Regional Correctional Programs N1-129-07-006
Regional Counsel N1-129-07-007
Regional Crisis Support Team / Leader N1-129-07-008
Regional Health Services Administrator N1-129-07-011
Regional Inmate Skills Development Coordinator N1-129-07-012
Regional Safety Administrator - Workman's Compensation Files N1-129-07-013
Bureau of Prisons' Web Site N1-129-07-014
Central Office - Budget Execution Branch Records N1-129-07-015
UNICOR MS Visual System Safe System N1-129-08-001
UNICOR Website N1-129-08-002
UNICOR - Product Support Center eDrawing System N1-129-09-001
OpsPlanner Notification System N1-129-09-003
Tool Inventory / Control System N1-129-09-004
Lock Shop System Files N1-129-09-005
UNICOR - Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI) - Intranet Records N1-129-09-006
Institution Inmate Case Files Inactive N1-129-09-007
National Institute of Corrections - Public Website Records N1-129-09-008
Program Review Automated Information System (PRAIS) N1-129-09-009
National Institute of Corrections Intranet N1-129-09-010
Category 100 - Prohibited Act N1-129-09-011
REG -Transitional Treatment Files (Psychology Services and Community Corrections) Inactive N1-129-09-012
Electronic Teleradiology System N1-129-09-013
Electronic Inmate Skills Development System N1-129-09-014
BOP Electronic Medical Record (BEMR) and BEMRx System N1-129-09-015
Early Release Tracking System (ERTS) N1-129-09-016
Federal Bureau of Prisons Mailfast System N1-129-09-017
Management Preference Profile System (MPPS) N1-129-09-019
Labor Law Content Management System (LL-CM) N1-129-09-020
Commercial Law Branch Content Management System (CLB-CM) N1-129-09-021
Litigation Support Content Management System (LIT-CM) N1-129-09-022
Inmate Treaty Transfer System (ITTS) N1-129-09-024
Funds Control System - DATA N1-129-09-026
Transitional Drug Abuse Treatment Database - DATA N1-129-09-027
Geospatial and Electronic Media Storage (GEMS) System - DATA N1-129-09-028
Foreign Language Translation Support (FLTS & TRU-Intel) N1-129-09-031
Work Assignment Manager N1-129-09-032
Training Communications and Learning Management Inactive N1-129-09-033
Bureau of Prisons' (BOP) Intranet (Sallyport) N1-129-09-036
Commercial Law Content Management (CLB-CM) System N1-129-09-037
SIS and Non-SIS Video Surveillance Recording at Federal Correctional Facilities N1-129-10-002
National Institute of Corrections Director and Deputy Director Records N1-129-10-003
Tru-Intel N1-129-10-004
Inmate Accident Compensation Claim Files N1-129-86-001
Tort Claims N1-129-88-001
Litigation Case Files N1-129-88-002
McNeil Island Penitentiary Photographic Negatives (Mug Shots), 1936-68 Inactive N1-129-89-001
Inmates Confined in State and Local Institutions, 1961-68 Inactive N1-129-89-002
Parole Docket Books Inactive N1-129-89-003
Surveys of State Penal Systems Inactive N1-129-89-004
National Institute of Correction / Training (Seminar) Files N1-129-89-005
Uncharged Cuban Aliens N1-129-89-006
Director's Office Files Inactive N1-129-90-001
Research reports N1-129-91-001
Assistant Director for Administration Records N1-129-91-002
Construction of Buildings Used as Housing for the 1980 Winter Olympic Games 1979-1981 / Official Files of William Blanton 1967-1971 Inactive N1-129-91-003
Staff Training Academy - Student / Course Files N1-129-92-001
Research and Evaluation - Statistical Reports On Inmates N1-129-92-002
Correctional Services Records for Individual Institutions N1-129-94-001
Audio Tapes On Monitored Inmate Calls N1-129-95-001
Pre-1921 Inmate Records - Atlanta, Leavenworth, and McNeil Island Penitetiaries Inactive N1-129-95-002
Prison Industries - Waivers N1-129-95-003
Special Investigative Services Records Inactive N1-129-97-003
Office of the Director Records N1-129-99-001
Program Review Division N1-129-99-009
Bureau of Prisons - Information, Policy, and Public Affairs N1-129-99-012
National Institute of Corrections N1-129-99-014
Bureau of Prisons - Management and Specialty Training Center Inactive N1-129-99-015
Central Office / Program Review Division N1-129-99-016
Central Office Inmate Case Files Inactive NC-129-75-001
Institutional Inmate Case Files Inactive NC-129-75-002
Notorious Offender Files Inactive NC1-129-77-01
Long Term Follow Up Study Files NC1-129-77-02
National Training School Group Therapy Study Inmate Files NC1-129-77-03
Alcatraz Institution and Central Office Inmate Files Inactive NC1-129-77-04
Alderson Central Office Inmate Files NC1-129-77-05
Alderson Institution Inmate Files Inactive NC1-129-77-06
Pre-1920 Atlanta Institution Inmate Files Inactive NC1-129-77-07
Pre-1920 McNeil Island Institution Inmate Files Inactive NC1-129-77-08
Pre-1920 Leavenworth Institution Inmate Files Inactive NC1-129-77-09
Central Office Inmate Files NC1-129-77-10
Institution Inmate Files Inactive NC1-129-77-11
Chillicothe Institution Inmate Files Inactive NC1-129-78-01
Inmate Case Files (unsentenced) NC1-129-79-01
Case Files on Material Witness Cases and Uncharged Aliens NC1-129-80-01
Grant Case Files NC1-129-80-02
Register of Commitments at Alcatraz Penitentiary NC1-129-82-01
Alderson Institution Inmate Files NC1-129-82-02
Records of McNeil Island Penitentiary Inactive NC1-129-83-01
McNeil Island Penitentiary Xrays Inactive NC1-129-83-02
Records of McNeil Island Penitentiary Inactive NC1-129-83-03
McNeil Island Penitentiary Logs, 1966-81 Inactive NC1-129-83-04
Alcatraz Employee Pay Cards, 1948, 1958-60 NC1-129-83-06
Administrative Remedy Case Files and Related Indices NC1-129-83-07
McNeil Island Penitentiary Xrays, Building Project Files, and Employee Association Financial Records Inactive NC1-129-83-08
Sound Recording of Radio Broadcast Launching of Ship ~Jarden Johnson, 1945 Inactive NC1-129-84-01
Central Administrative File Routine Correspondence, 1965-67 Inactive NC1-129-84-02
Alcatraz Island Penitentiary Sea Transport Logbooks, 1946-59 Inactive NC1-129-84-03
Alcatraz Island Penitentiary Inmate Files and Prison Operations Records Inactive NC1-129-84-04
Atlanta Penitentiary Photographs, 1901-54, Inmate Fingerprints, 1902-39 NC1-129-84-05
Atlanta Penitentiary Inmate Case Files Inactive NC1-129-85-01