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Compilation of Periodical Literature: 2012

Current Issues

Volume 39, Number 1, January-March, 2012

  1. Albright, Evan J. "Three Lives of an African-American Pioneer: William Henry Lewis (1868-1949)". Massachusetts Historical Review 13 (2011): 127-163.

  2. Anselmo, Frank A. "The Battle for Hill K-9 and the Fall of Rome, 2 June 1944". Journal of Military History 76, no.1 (January 2012): 99-126.
    RG407/NARA photos

  3. Atwood, Roger. "Gringo Iracundo: Roque Dalton and His Father". Latin American Research Review 46, no.1 (2011): 126-149, 283, 285.

  4. Barrera, Giulia. "La diplomatica dei diplomatici: leggere i telegrammi on line del Departimento di Stato". Archivi & Computer 21, no.1 (2011): 5-39.

  5. Bell, Raymond E., Jr. "A Combined Effort: Chinese and American Tanks in Burma, 1944-1945". On Point 17, no.3 (Winter 2012): 34-42.
    NARA photos

  6. Brennan, James R. "Politics and Business in the Indian Newspapers of Colonial Tanganyika". Africa 81, no.1 (February 2011): 42-67.
    Online version

  7. Broome, Jeff. "An Accident in History: The Incredible Story of the Soldier Killed by Wild Bill Hickock in the Hays City Brawl". Journal of America’s Military Past 37, no.1 (Winter 2012): 28-44.
    RG094/RG153/RG391/RG393/NARA photos

  8. Camp, Richard. "Rescue in Death Valley". Vietnam 24, no.6 (April 2012): 24-33.
    NARA photos

  9. Cantelon, Philip L. "The Regulatory Dilemma of the Federal Power Commission, 1920-1977". Federal History 4 (January 2012): 61-86.
    JC Library

  10. Carlson, Anthony E. "The Other Kind of Reclamation: Wetlands Drainage and National Water Policy, 1902-1912". Agricultural History 84, no.4 (Fall 2010): 451-478.

  11. Colletta, John Philip. "'The Workman of C. Mills': Carl Ludwig Richter and the Statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park". Washington History 23, no.1 (2011): 2-35.

  12. Couch, Dick. "SEALs: Fifty Years & Counting". Naval History 26, no.1 (February 2012): 16-23.
    NARA photos

  13. Cressman, Robert J. "More Lives Than a Cat". Naval History 26, no.2 (April 2012): 16-17.
    NARA photos

  14. Cunningham, Roger D. "'One of the best-known men in New Jersey': 'General' George B. Carse". Journal of America’s Military Past 37, no.1 (Winter 2012): 18-27.

  15. Davies, Wade. "'We are looking for a splendid tournament here': Sharon Mote’s Quest to Promote Indian-School Basketball, 1927-1929". South Dakota History 41, no.2 (Summer 2011): 199-225.

  16. Deeben, John P. "Treating the Southern Sick and Wounded: Confederate Hospital Records at the National Archives". NGS Magazine 38, no.1 (January-March 2012): 38-44.

  17. DuCoin, Francis J. "And the Winner Was...". Naval History 26, no.2 (April 2012): 34-37.

  18. Dylan, Huw. "The Joint Intelligence Bureau: (Not So) Secret Intelligence for the Post-War World". Intelligence and National Security 27, no.1 (February 2012): 27-45.

  19. Epstein, Linda S. "Pierre Andre Destrac Cazenave: Judah Touro’s 'Pet' or a Man of Means?" Louisiana History 53, no.1 (Winter 2012): 5-29.

  20. Essin, Christin. "An Aesthetic of Backstage Labor". Theatre Topics 21, no.1 (March 2011): 33-47.

  21. Eyal, Yonatan. "A Romantic Realist: George Nicholas Sanders and the Dilemmas of Southern International Engagement". Journal of Southern History 78, no.1 (February 2012): 107-130.

  22. Feng, Patrick. "The M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun". On Point 17, no.3 (Winter 2012): 13-16.
    NARA photos

  23. Ferrer, Ada. "Haiti, Free Soil, and Antislavery in the Revolutionary Atlantic". American Historical Review 117, no.1 (February 2012): 40-66.

  24. Firkus, Angela. "The Agricultural Extension Service and Non-Whites in California, 1910-1932". Agricultural History 84, no.4 (Fall 2010): 506-530.

  25. Frei, Norbert and Peter Hayes. "The German Foreign Office and the Past". Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 49 (Fall 2011): 55-69.

  26. Graham, Gael. "'The Lexington of White Supremacy': School and Local Politics in Late-Nineteenth-Century Laurinburg, North Carolina". North Carolina Historical Review 89, no.1 (January 2012): 27-58.

  27. Grinev, Andrei V. "Social Mobility of the Creoles in Russian America". Alaska History 26, no.2 (Fall 2011): 20-38.

  28. Hedren, Paul L. "Drunk on the Black Hills Road in 1876: Army Reprisals against Doctor Reynolds, Lieutenant Taylor, and Captain Collier". South Dakota History 41, no.4 (Winter 2011): 436-455.

  29. Hendrickson, Ed. "Defending Washington: The District of Columbia Militia, 1861". Washington History 23, no.1 (2011): 36-58.
    NARA photos

  30. Holtby, David V. "Two Photographs and Their Stories of New Mexico’s Statehood". New Mexico Historical Review 87, no.1 (Winter 2012): 1-32.

  31. Hone, Thomas C. "When the Well Runs Dry". Naval History 26, no.2 (April 2012): 42-47.
    RG080/NARA photos

  32. Johnson, Patricia Craig. "John Craig and Jane Brown of Otter Creek, Wayne County, Kentucky". Kentucky Ancestors 47, no.2 (Winter 2012): 60-63.

  33. Joiner, Gary D. "'No Pardons to Ask Nor Apologies to Make': The Journal of William Henry King". Louisiana History 53, no.1 (Winter 2012): 30-50.

  34. Jones, Charles A. "The Ugliest Bandage on Iwo Jima". Naval History 26, no.1 (February 2012): 58-61.
    NARA photos

  35. Kingston, Christopher. "Marine Insurance in Philadelphia during the Quasi-War with France, 1795-1801". Journal of Economic History 71, no.1 (March 2011): 162-184.

  36. Kirk, Robert G. W. "'Standardization through Mechanization': Germ-Free Life and the Engineering of the Ideal Laboratory Animal". Technology and Culture 53, no.1 (January 2012): 61-93.

  37. Kramer, Mark. "The Demise of the Soviet Bloc". Journal of Modern History 83, no.4 (December 2011): 788-854.
    GHWB Library/CREST

  38. Lakwete, Angela. "The Eclectic Industrialism of Antebellum Baldwin County". Alabama Review 65, no.1 (January 2012): 3-39.

  39. Lancaster, Guy. "'There Are Not Many Colored People Here': African Americans in Polk County, Arkansas, 1896-1937". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 70, no.4 (Winter 2011): 429-449.

  40. Lemelin, David. "The 291st Engineer Combat Batallion". On Point 17, no.3 (Winter 2012): 22-25.
    NARA photos

  41. McCormack, Terrence S. "The Last Voyage of Andrew Sterett". Naval History 26, no.2 (April 2012): 58-64.

  42. McCullough, David. "Reversal of Fortune". Smithsonian 42, no.5 (September 2011): 80-88.
    NARA photos

  43. McDaniel, Tammie A. "The Politics of Sedition: The Trial of Winnfield’s Senator S.J. Harper". Louisiana History 53, no.1 (Winter 2012): 51-67.

  44. Mellen, Neil E. "The Family of Moses Hudson of Shelby County, Kentucky". Kentucky Ancestors 47, no.2 (Winter 2012): 82-88.

  45. Miller, David Philip. "The Paradoxes of Patenting at General Electric: Isador Ladoff’s Journey from Siberian Exile to the Heart of Corporate Capitalism". Isis 102, no.4 (December 2011): 634-658.

  46. Narrett, David E. "Geopolitics and Intrigue: James Wilkinson, the Spanish Borderlands, and Mexican Independence". William and Mary Quarterly 69, no.1 (January 2012): 101-146.

  47. Newell, Clayton R. "Fort Apache Arizona". On Point 17, no.3 (Winter 2012): 44-47.
    NARA photos

  48. Perdue, Theda. "The Legacy of Indian Removal". Journal of Southern History 78, no.1 (February 2012): 3-36.

  49. Perkins, J. Blake. "The Arkansas Tick Eradication Murder: Rethinking Yeoman Resistance in the 'Marginal' South". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 70, no.4 (Winter 2011): 363-397.

  50. Peterson, Allen R. "Questionable Marriage Information in Death Certificates". NGS Magazine 38, no.1 (January-March 2012): 50-54.

  51. Prados, John. "Certainties, Doubts, and Imponderables: Levels of Analysis in the Military Balance". Intelligence and National Security 26, no.6 (December 2011): 778-790.

  52. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Compiled Military Service Records, Part I: The Records inside the CMSR Jacket". NGS Magazine 38, no.1 (January-March 2012): 32-36.

  53. Rems, Alan. "At War with the Army". Naval History 26, no.1 (February 2012): 24-30.
    NARA photos

  54. Rosenfeld, Alan. "'An Everlasting Scar': Civilian Internment on Wartime Kaua’i". Hawaiian Journal of History 45 (2011): 123-145.

  55. Rudalevige, Andrew. "Executive Orders and Presidential Unilateralism". Presidential Studies Quarterly 42, no.1 (March 2012): 138-160.
    RG051/JFK Library/RMN Library/RR Library

  56. Rudolph, John L. "Teaching Materials and the Fate of Dynamic Biology in American Classrooms after Sputnik". Technology and Culture 53, no.1 (January 2012): 1-36.

  57. Sabol, Steven. "Comparing American and Russian Internal Colonization: The 'Touch of Civilisation' on the Sioux and Kazakhs". Western Historical Quarterly 43, no.1 (Spring 2012): 29-51.

  58. Smoot, Betsy Rohaly. "Pioneers of U.S. Military Cryptology: Colonel Parker Hitt and His Wife, Genevieve Young Hitt". Federal History 4 (January 2012): 87-100.

  59. Sola, Jose O. "Colonialism, Planters, Sugarcane, and the Agrarian Economy of Caguas, Puerto Rico, between the 1890s and 1930". Agricultural History 85, no.3 (Summer 2011): 349-372.

  60. Surmann, Jan. "Restitution Policy and the Transformation of Holocaust Memory: The Impact of the American 'Crusade for Justice' after 1989". Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 49 (Fall 2011): 31-49.

  61. van Meer, Elizabeth. "The Transatlantic Pursuit of a World Engineering Federation: For the Profession, the Nation, and International Peace, 1918-1948". Technology and Culture 53, no.1 (January 2012): 120-145.
    FDR Library

  62. Veil, Fred W. "Murder on Whiskey Row: Arizona Territory v. William B. Hellings". Journal of Arizona History 52, no.4 (Winter 2011): 315-336.

  63. Wallace, Robert Daniel. "Eberstadt, Dulles, and NSC 50: The Impetus for CIA Evolution through 1953". Intelligence and National Security 26, no.5 (October 2011): 620-638.
    HST Library

  64. Warner, Michael. "Reflections on Technology and Intelligence Systems". Intelligence and National Security 27, no.1 (February 2012): 133-153.

  65. Warren, Christopher A. "Gas, Gas, Gas! The Debate over Chemical Warfare between the World Wars". Federal History 4 (January 2012): 43-60.

  66. Winerman, Marc and William E. Kovacic. "The William Humphrey and Abram Myers Years: The FTC from 1925 to 1929". Antitrust Law Journal 77, no.3 (2011): 701-747.

Volume 39, Number 2, April-June, 2012

  1. "1940 Census Reveals the State of America 72 Years Ago". American Heritage 62, no.1 (Winter/Spring 2012): 11.
    NARA photos

  2. "Observations of 'the Canal': Interview with Master Technical Sergeant James W. Hurlbut, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve". Naval History 26, no.4 (August 2012): 29-31.
    RG038/NARA photos

  3. "Pieces of History: Bogie’s Boat". Prologue 43, no.3 (Fall 2011): 72.

  4. "The Titanic: A Warning Ignored". Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012): 72.

  5. Alexander, Thomas G. "Conflict and Fraud: Utah Public Land Surveys in the 1850s, the Subsequent Investigation and Problems with the Land Disposal System". Utah Historical Quarterly 80, no.2 (Spring 2012): 108-131.

  6. Alvandi, Roham. "Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah: The Origins of Iranian Primacy in the Persian Gulf". Diplomatic History 36, no.2 (April 2012): 337-372.
    RG059/RMN Library

  7. Anderson, Carol. "Rethinking Radicalism: African Americans and the Liberation Struggles in Somalia, Libya, and Eritrea, 1945-1949". Journal of the Historical Society 11, no.4 (December 2011): 385-423.
    RG043/RG059/FDR Library/HST Library

  8. Anderson, Greg. "Did Canada Kill Fast Track?" Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 583-624.
    RR Library

  9. Baker, Joshua Lee. "Privates George Thompson Baker and Andrew Jackson Baker, Company F, Seventh Kentucky Volunteer Infantry Regiment, USA". Kentucky Ancestors 46, no.26 (Winter 2011): 60-66.

  10. Baugh, Janet, Ivan W. Baugh, Ronald C. Baugh, and Rochelle Hines. "Abraham G. Baugh IV, Mary A. Johns, and Family (1833-2008)". Kentucky Ancestors 47, no.3 (Spring 2012): 112-136.

  11. Beilein, Joseph M., Jr. "The Guerilla Shirt: A Labor of Love and the Style of Rebellion in Civil War Missouri". Civil War History 58, no.2 (June 2012): 151-179.

  12. Bellamy, Jay. "Fireworks, Hoopskirts - and Death". Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012): 36-43.

  13. Besch, Edwin W. and Jeffrey Leigh Yuille. "A Confederate Soldier of the Famed Stonewall Brigade and the Bavarian Model 1842 Rifled Musket He Carried at the Battle of Gaines’s Mill on 27 June 1862". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.3 (Fall 2011): 189-208.

  14. Birtle, Andrew J. "In Pursuit of the Great White Whale: Lewis Sorley’s Westmoreland: The General Who Lost Vietnam". Army History 84 (Summer 2012): 26-31.
    NARA photos

  15. Blake, Jessica R. "Remade in Chicago: How Sigmund Zeisler and William Kunstler Crafted Identities in the Face of Culture Constraints". Journal of Illinois History 14, no.2 (Summer 2011): 82-106.

  16. Bledsoe, Andrew Scott. "The Homecircle: Kinship and Community in the Third Arkansas Infantry, Texas Brigade, 1861-1865". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 71, no.1 (Spring 2012): 22-43.

  17. Boessenecker, John. "Pete Gabriel: Gunfighting Lawman of the Southwestern Frontier". Journal of Arizona History 53, no.1 (Spring 2012): 1-34.

  18. Bowers, Del. "Fort Laramie’s Struggle with Typhoid Fever, 1871-1889". Annals of Wyoming 83, no.3 (Summer 2011): 11-25.

  19. Brands, Hal and David Palkki. "'Conspiring Bastards': Saddam Hussein’s Strategic View of the United States". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 625-659.
    RG059/JC Library/RR Library/GHWB Library

  20. Briscoe, Charles H. "Full Spectrum: Strategic Psywar 1952". Veritas 8, no.1 (2012): 56-67.

  21. Brodine, Charles E., Jr. "'Like Leaden Rain'". Naval History 26, no.3 (June 2012): 40-42.

  22. Brodine, Charles E., Jr. "The War’s Pervasive Naval Dimensions". Naval History 26, no.3 (June 2012): 18-23.

  23. Broussard, Joyce L. "Malvina Matthews: The Murderess Madam of Civil War-Era Natchez". Journal of Mississippi History 73, no.1 (Spring 2011): 23-58.

  24. Brownell, Kathryn Cramer. "It Is Entertainment, and It Will Sell Bonds!" 16mm Film and the "World War II Bond Campaign". The Moving Image 10, no.2 (Fall 2010): 60-82.

  25. Carey, Mark. "Mountaineers and Engineers: The Politics of International Science, Recreation, and Environmental Change in Twentieth-Century Peru". Hispanic American Historical Review 92, no.1 (February 2012): 107-141.

  26. Carmichael, Neil and Brewer Thompson. "The 1961 Berlin Crisis: Some New Insights". Prologue 43, no.3 (Fall 2011): 46-52.
    RG059/RG549/JFK Library

  27. Chappell, Marisa. "Reagan’s 'Gender Gap' Strategy and the Limitations of Free-Market Feminism". Journal of Policy History 24, no.1 (2012): 115-134.
    RR Library

  28. Citino, Nathan J. "The 'Crush' of Ideologies: The United States, the Arab World, and Cold War Modernisation". Cold War History 12, no.1 (February 2012): 89-110.
    RG059/JFK Library/CREST

  29. Clay, Mary. "Emily, Charles, and Joe: The Graham/Jones/Davis Surname Mystery". Kentucky Ancestors 46, no.3 (Spring 2011): 116-120.

  30. Conrads, Leslie. "An Unlikely Genealogical Resource - Ebay: The Norman Woodworth Diaries". The Genealogical Record 54, no.1-2 (Spring 2012): 55-57.

  31. Cumming, Gregory and Stephen P. Sayles. "A Terrorist Cell’s Final Days: Patty Hearst’s Kidnappers Face - and Lose - a Showdown with the Los Angeles Police". Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012): 24-29.

  32. Cushman, Clare. "Wives, Children...Husbands: Supporting Roles". Journal of Supreme Court History 36, no.3 (2011): 264-286.
    LBJ Library

  33. Deeben, John P. "Defending the 'Dark and Bloody Ground': Kentucky Militia Service in Early Indian Campaigns, 1790-1811". Kentucky Ancestors 46, no.3 (Spring 2011): 127-136.

  34. Deeben, John P. "Financing the Civil War and Reconstruction: Internal Revenue Tax Assessment Lists for Texas, 1865-1866". The Genealogical Record 54, no.1-2 (Spring 2012): 7-16.

  35. Deeben, John P. and Claire Prechtel-Kluskens. "Leaving the Army during Mr. Madison’s War: Certificates of Discharge for the War of 1812". Prologue 43, no.3 (Fall 2011): 54-61.

  36. Delgado, Grace Pena. "Border Control and Sexual Policing: White Slavery and Prostitution along the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1903-1910". Western Historical Quarterly 43, no.2 (Summer 2012): 157-178.

  37. Deusner, Charles E. "The Bustard Family of Louisville, Kentucky, 1795-1871". Kentucky Ancestors 46, no.2 (Winter 2011): 67-73.

  38. Domagalski, John J. "Composure amid a Naval Disaster". Naval History 26, no.4 (August 2012): 24-28.

  39. Donovan, Peter. "The Flaw in the JN-25 Series of Ciphers, II". Cryptologia 36, no.1 (January 2012): 55-61.

  40. Downs, Chas. "Nazis Soaring over Washington?" Prologue 43, no.3 (Fall 2011): 20-27.

  41. Duffy, Ann Patricia. "While Chicago Burned: Records of an Obscure Court Case Yield New Details on the 1871 Fire". Prologue 43, no.4 (Winter 2011): 6-12.

  42. Edwards, Rebecca. "Mary E. Lease and the Populists: A Reconsideration". Kansas History 35, no.1 (Spring 2012): 26-41.

  43. Ellis, Catherine H. "'Fong is in Charge of the Kitchen': Pioneer Cooks and the Culinary Life of Oracle, Arizona". Journal of Arizona History 53, no.1 (Spring 2012): 61-80.

  44. Emerson, William K. "The 1908 Uniform Plates". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.4 (Winter 2011): 269-276.

  45. Fairclough, Adam. "Was the Grant of Black Suffrage a Political Error? Reconsidering the Views of John W. Burgess, William A. Dunning, and Eric Foner on Congressional Reconstruction". Journal of the Historical Society 12, no.2 (June 2012): 155-188.

  46. Farrington, Joshua D. "'Even I Voted Republican': African American Voters and Public Accommodations in Louisville, Kentucky, 1960-1961". Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 109, no.3/4 (Summer-Autumn 2011): 395-431.
    GRF Library

  47. Faulkner, Richard S. "Disappearing Doughboys: The American Expeditionary Forces’ Straggler Crisis in the Meuse-Argonne". Army History 83 (Spring 2012): 6-25.
    RG120/NARA photos

  48. Fonkert, J.H. "The Threshing Engine: Newspapers Breathe Life into a Photo". NGS Magazine 38, no.2 (April-June 2012): 25-31.

  49. Frederickson, Karl. "Creating a 'Respectable Area': Southerners and the Cold War". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 487-490.

  50. Fry, Joseph A. "Place Matters: Domestic Regionalism and the Formation of American Foreign Policy". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 451-482.
    RMN Library

  51. Gavin, Alison and Christopher Zarr. "They Said It Couldn’t Sink: NARA Records Detail Losses, Investigation of Titanic’s Demise". Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012): 6-13.

  52. Giannini, Diane L. "Using Obituaries and City Directories with the Census as Your Guide". NGS Magazine 37, no.4 (October-December 2011): 25-28.

  53. Gorenfeld, William. "The Taos Mutiny: The Anatomy of a Riot". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.3 (Fall 2011): 218-234.

  54. Harris, Dee A. "Cowboys, Quacks, and Carousels: Stories of Kansas". Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012): 30-34.

  55. Heaton, John W. "Athabascan Village Stores: Subsistence Shopping in Interior Alaska, 1850-1950". Western Historical Quarterly 43, no.2 (Summer 2012): 133-155.

  56. Heger, Kenneth. "Dangers in the CCC: Civilian Conservation Corps Accident Reports, 1933-1942". Prologue 43, no.4 (Winter 2011): 48-55.

  57. Henry, Stephen M. "The Hapless 'Willie D'". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.4 (Winter 2011): 266-268.

  58. Hibben, Jean Wilcox. "Getting Family History Information through the Back Door". NGS Magazine 37, no.4 (October-December 2011): 29-32.

  59. Hickman, Chris. "Courting the Right: Richard Nixon’s 1968 Campaign against the Warren Court". Journal of Supreme Court History 36, no.3 (2011): 287-303.
    RMN Library

  60. Hooks, Jonathon. "Redeemed Honor: The President - Little Belt Affair and the Coming of the War of 1812". Historian 74, no.1 (Spring 2012): 1-24.

  61. Hulse, Thomas W. "Slave Rentals and the Early Development of the Military Slave System at Mobile Point, 1812-1834". Alabama Review 65, no.2 (April 2012): 83-99.

  62. Hussey, Michael. "In Search of a Better World: Benjamin Franklin Exhibit Opens at Archives". Prologue 43, no.4 (Winter 2011): 44-47.

  63. Jackson, Nancy Mann. "What the Newly Released 1940 Census Tells Us". American Spirit 146, no.3 (May-June 2012): 46-48.

  64. Jennings, Carol. "'Camped on a splendid Prairie': The 1872 Eastern Dakota Survey Journal of David D. Keeler". South Dakota History 42, no.1 (Spring 2012): 28-62.

  65. Jones, Kelly Houston. "'A Rough, Saucy Set of Hands to Manage': Slave Resistance in Arkansas". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 71, no.1 (Spring 2012): 1-21.

  66. Keefe, Kevin P. "Searching for the Andrews Raiders". Trains 72, no.4 (April 2012): 24-35.
    NARA photos

  67. Kennedy, Emmet. "Ambassador Carlton J. H. Hayes’s Wartime Diplomacy: Making Spain a Haven from Hitler". Diplomatic History 36, no.2 (April 2012): 237-260.
    RG059/FDR Library

  68. Klieman, Kairn A. "U.S. Oil Companies, the Nigerian Civil War, and the Origins of Opacity in the Nigerian Oil Industry". Journal of American History 99, no.1 (June 2012): 155-165.
    RG059/LBJ Library

  69. Kosiorek, Jeffrey. "Masquerading Indians and Unsightly Blacks: Racial Policy, the American Past, and National Identity at Colonial National Monument". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 120, no.1 (2012): 32-61.

  70. Krivdo, Michael E. "Right Man for the Job: Colonel Charles H. Karlstad". Veritas 8, no.1 (2012): 76-86.

  71. Kupsky, Gregory. "Germanness and Jewishness: Samuel Untermyer, Felix Warburg, and National Socialism, 1914-1938". American Jewish Archives 63, no.2 (2011): 24-42.

  72. Lang, M.C. "Let the Records Bark! Personal Stories of Some Special Marines in World War II". Prologue 43, no.4 (Winter 2011): 14-22.

  73. Langbart, David A. "An Introduction to the Central Files of the Department of State, 1789-1976". Passport 42, no.3 (January 2012): 19-21.

  74. Lawson, Ellen Nickenzie. "Smugglers, Bootleggers, Scofflaws: How Liquor Got into New York City during Prohibition". Prologue 43, no.3 (Fall 2011): 28-35.

  75. Low, Denise and Ramon Powers. "Northern Cheyenne Warrior Ledger Art: Captivity Narratives of Northern Cheyenne Prisoners in 1879 Dodge City". Kansas History 35, no.1 (Spring 2012): 2-25.

  76. Malloy, Sean L. "'A Very Pleasant Way to Die': Radiation Effects and the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb against Japan". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 515-545.

  77. Mathews, Lopez, Zachary Abbs, and Eliza Mbughuni. "Remembering Pearl Harbor...70 Years Later". Prologue 43, no.4 (Winter 2011): 34-43.
    RG021/RG024/RG128/RG208/FDR Library

  78. McConnell, Donald and Gustav Person. "'The Men That Saved Your Army': Company K, 2d U.S. Infantry, April-July 1861". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.4 (Winter 2011): 298-304.

  79. McCranie, Kevin D. "Contesting the Four Oceans". Naval History 26, no.3 (June 2012): 24-31.

  80. McGrath, Lawrence R. "The Massachusetts Militia under Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, September-November 1776". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.3 (Fall 2011): 160-180.

  81. McGuirk, Brian. "Rekindling the Killer Instinct". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 138, no.6 (June 2012): 40-45.
    NARA photos

  82. McKercher, Asa. "'The Most Serious Problem'? Canada-U.S. Relations and Cuba, 1962". Cold War History 12, no.1 (February 2012): 69-88.
    RG059/JFK Library/CREST

  83. Mehrotra, Ajay K. and Joseph J. Thorndike. "From Programmatic Reform to Social Science Research: The National Tax Association and the Promise and Perils of Disciplinary Encounters". Law & Society Review 45, no.3 (September 2011): 593-630.

  84. Mehta, Harish C. "Soviet Biscuit Factories and Chinese Financial Grants: North Vietnam’s Economic Diplomacy in 1967 and 1968". Diplomatic History 36, no.2 (April 2012): 301-335.
    RG263/LBJ Library

  85. Mercelis, Joris. "Leo Baekeland’s Transatlantic Struggle for Bakelite: Patenting Inside and Outside of America". Technology and Culture 53, no.2 (April 2012): 366-400.

  86. Minis, Wevonneda. "Researching African Americans in the Wake of the Civil War". NGS Magazine 37, no.4 (October-December 2011): 50-53.

  87. Mizuno, Takeya. "Censorship in a Different Name: Press 'Supervision' in Wartime Japanese American Camps, 1942-1943". Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 88, no.1 (Spring 2011): 121-141.

  88. Munnikhuysen, Larry. "The Wake Island Helmet". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.4 (Winter 2011): 242-246.
    NARA photos

  89. Nash, Douglas E. "Rommel’s Lost Battalions". Army History 84 (Summer 2012): 6-24.
    RG242/NARA photos

  90. Nenninger, Timothy K. "'Casualties' at Leavenworth: A Research Problem". Journal of Military History 76, no.2 (April 2012): 497-506.
    RG112/RG153/RG394/RG407/DDE Library

  91. Norton, Louis Arthur. "The Constitution’s Great Escape". Naval History 26, no.3 (June 2012): 32-35.

  92. O’Sullivan, Bryna. "Confederate Pension Applications: A Resource for Nineteenth-Century African-American Genealogy". NGS Magazine 38, no.2 (April-June 2012): 39-43.

  93. Parkinson, E. Malcolm. "The Artist at War". Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012): 44-52.

  94. Pate, Charles. "U.S. Army Arms for the U.S. Naval Academy". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.4 (Winter 2011): 325-327.

  95. Persico, Joseph E. "The Day We Almost Lost the Army". American Heritage 62, no.1 (Winter/Spring 2012): 38-45.
    NARA photos

  96. Peterecz, Zoltan. "Sparrow Mission: A U.S. Intelligence Failure during World War II". Intelligence and National Security 27, no.2 (April 2012): 241-260.

  97. Peterson, Christian Philip. "'Confronting' Moscow: The Reagan Administration, Human Rights, and the Final Act". Historian 74, no.1 (Spring 2012): 57-86.
    RR Library

  98. Petro, Diane. "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? The 1940 Census Employment and Income". Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012): 54-61.

  99. Piasecki, Eugene G. "The Psywar Center, Part II: Creation of the 10th Special Forces Group". Veritas 8, no.1 (2012): 102-112.

  100. Poster, Alexander. "The Gentle War: Famine Relief, Politics, and Privatization in Ethiopia, 1983-1986". Diplomatic History 36, no.2 (April 2012): 399-425.
    RG286/RR Library

  101. Potter, Constance and Diane Petro. "The 1940 Federal Census". NGS Magazine 38, no.2 (April-June 2012): 21-24.
    RG029/NARA photos

  102. Potter, Lee Ann, Elizabeth K. Eder, and Michael Hussey. "Letter from Thomas Moran to Ferdinand Hayden and Paintings by Thomas Moran". Social Education 76, no.3 (May-June 2012): 117-122.

  103. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Compiled Military Service Records, Part II: The Records outside the CMSR Jacket". NGS Magazine 38, no.2 (April-June 2012): 32-38.

  104. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Thank You, General Fred C. Ainsworth!" NGS Magazine 37, no.4 (October-December 2011): 54-57.

  105. Price, Kenneth M. "'Whitman, Walt, Clerk': The Poet Was a Seer of Democracy and Bureaucracy". Prologue 43, no.4 (Winter 2011): 24-32.

  106. Priest, Tyler and Michael Botson. "Bucking the Odds: Organized Labor in Gulf Coast Oil Refining". Journal of American History 99, no.1 (June 2012): 100-110.

  107. Rees, John U. "'The taylors of the regiment': Insights on Soldiers Making and Mending Clothing, and Continental Army Clothing Supply, 1778 to 1783". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.4 (Winter 2011): 254-265.

  108. Richardson, John M. and Joel Ira Holwitt. "Preparing for Today’s Undersea Warfare". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 138, no.6 (June 2012): 16-23.
    RG080/NARA photos

  109. Roberts, Phil. "Wyoming’s Second Constitutional Convention and the Repeal of Prohibition". Annals of Wyoming 83, no.4 (Autumn 2011): 10-31.

  110. Rosenberg, Robert G. "'I Came off the Mountain as I Was Alone': Stephen and Elizabeth Gervay: A Homesteading Tragedy". Annals of Wyoming 83, no.3 (Summer 2011): 2-10.

  111. Ruding, Per Anders. "The Khatyn Massacre in Belorussia: A Historical Controversy Revisited". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 26, no.1 (Spring 2012): 29-58.

  112. Russell, Judy G. "Autosomal DNA Testing". NGS Magazine 37, no.4 (October-December 2011): 38-43.

  113. Rymph, Catherine E. "From 'Economic Want' to 'Family Pathology': Foster Family Care, the New Deal, and the Emergence of a Public Child Welfare System". Journal of Policy History 24, no.1 (2012): 7-25.

  114. Sacquety, Troy J. "Herbert Avedon: Making Psywar a Career". Veritas 8, no.1 (2012): 95-101.

  115. Santiago, Myrna. "Culture Clash: Foreign Oil and Indigenous People in Northern Veracruz, Mexico, 1900-1921". Journal of American History 99, no.1 (June 2012): 62-71.

  116. Scott, Len. "Selling or Selling Out Nuclear Disarmament? Labour, the Bomb, and the 1987 General Election". International History Review 34, no.1 (March 2012): 115-137.
    RR Library

  117. Seidule, James Tyrus. "'Treason Is Treason': Civil War Memory at West Point, 1861-1902". Journal of Military History 76, no.2 (April 2012): 427-452.

  118. Sharpless, Rebecca. "Neither Friends nor Peers: Idella Parker, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, and the Limits of Gender Solidarity at Cross Creek". Journal of Southern History 78, no.2 (May 2012): 327-360.

  119. Smith, John K. "The Catalyst Club: Contentious Chemistry and Confounding Innovation". Technology and Culture 52, no.2 (April 2011): 310-334.

  120. Smith, Philip D. "Frank Vlasak and the Beginnings of Prague, Oklahoma". Chronicles of Oklahoma 89, no.4 (Winter 2011-12): 430-443.

  121. Smith, Zachary. "Tom Watson and Resistance to Federal War Policies in Georgia during World War I". Journal of Southern History 78, no.2 (May 2012): 293-326.

  122. Solovey, Mark. "Senator Fred Harris’s National Social Science Foundation Proposal: Reconsidering Federal Science Policy, Natural Science - Social Science Relations, and American Liberalism during the 1960s". Isis 103, no.1 (March 2012): 54-82.

  123. Staley, Robert A. "American Indian Treaty Diplomacy in the Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789". Government Information Quarterly 26, no.2 (April 2012): 252-260.

  124. Stark, Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik. "Marked by Fire: Anishinaabe Articulations of Nationhood in Treaty Making with the United States and Canada". American Indian Quarterly 36, no.2 (Spring 2012): 119-149.

  125. Stegmaier, Mark J. "A Law That Would Make Caligula Blush? New Mexico Territory’s Unique Slave Code, 1859-1861". New Mexico Historical Review 87, no.2 (Spring 2012): 209-242.

  126. Steinhart, Eric C. "Creating Killers: The Nazification of the Black Sea Germans and the Holocaust in Southern Ukraine, 1941-1944". Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 50 (Spring 2012): 57-74.

  127. Sullivan, David M. "Major and Paymaster, William W. Russell: A Controversial Nineteenth Century Officer of Marines". Military Collector & Historian 63, no.4 (Winter 2011): 283-288.

  128. Sutton, Matthew Avery. "Was FDR the Antichrist? The Birth of Fundamentalist Antiliberalism in a Global Age". Journal of American History 98, no.4 (March 2012): 1052-1074.
    FDR Library

  129. Symonds, Craig L. "Mitscher and the Mystery of Midway". Naval History 26, no.3 (June 2012): 46-52.
    NARA photos

  130. Toprani, Anand. "The French Connection: A New Perspective on the End of the Red Line Agreement, 1945-1948". Diplomatic History 36, no.2 (April 2012): 261-299.
    RG059/RG084/FDR Library

  131. Trestman, Marlene. "Fair Labor: The Remarkable Life and Legal Career of Bessie Margolin (1909-1996)". Journal of Supreme Court History 37, no.1 (2012): 42-74.

  132. Truby, J. David. "Uncle Sam’s Flying Fire Trucks". Vietnam 25, no.1 (June 2012): 30-35.
    NARA photos

  133. Wagner, Nancy O’Brien. "Awfully Busy These Days: Red Cross Women in France during World War I". Minnesota History 63, no.1 (Spring 2012): 24-35.

  134. Waite, Cheryl Siebert. "Denver's Disorderly Women". Colorado History 16: 49-57.

  135. Warfield, Carolyn. "Finding Edmund Fauntleroy (1826-1924)". Kentucky Ancestors 46, no.3 (Spring 2011): 121-126.

  136. Watkins, Sarah H. and Matthew Brenckle. "All Hands on Deck: A Sailor’s Life in 1812". Prologue 43, no.3 (Fall 2011): 36-44.

  137. Whayne, Jeannie M. "Caging the Blind Tiger: Race, Class, and Family in the Battle for Prohibition in Small Town Arkansas". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 71, no.1 (Spring 2012): 44-60.

  138. White, Jonathan W. "All for a Sword: The Military Treason Trial of Sarah Hutchins". Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012): 14-22.

  139. Wilkins, Warren. "When the Die Was Cast". Vietnam 25, no.1 (June 2012): 40-47.
    NARA photos

  140. Wills, Ridley. "The Military Experiences of William Hicks 'Red' Jackson, 1852-1865". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 70, no.3 (Fall 2011): 212-227.
    NARA photos

  141. Wilsbacher, Greg. "Al Brick: The Forgotten Newsreel Man at Pearl Harbor". The Moving Image 10, no.2 (Fall 2010): 30-59.

  142. Wood, Nicholas. "John Randolph of Roanoke and the Politics of Slavery in the Early Republic". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 120, no.2 (2012): 106-143.

  143. Woodrum, Robert H. "'The Past Has Taught Us a Lesson': The International Longshoremen’s Association and Black Workers, 1903-1913". Alabama Review 65, no.2 (April 2012): 100-136.

  144. Wyss, Marco. "Neutrality in the Early Cold War: Swiss Arms Imports and Neutrality". Cold War History 12, no.1 (February 2012): 25-49.

Volume 39, Number 3, July-September, 2012

  1. "Payday Means 'Pop-Skull'". Civil War Times 51, no.5 (October 2012): 22-23.
    NARA photos

  2. Adams, Kevin and Khal Schneider. "'Washington is a Long Way Off': The 'Round Valley War' and the Limits of Federal Power on a California Indian Reservation". Pacific Historical Review 80, no.4 (November 2011): 557-596.

  3. Allen, Thomas B. "'Mr. President, the Navy Will Not Let You Down'". Naval History 26, no.5 (October 2012): 16-23.
    JFK Library/NARA photos

  4. Allison, James R., III. "Beyond the Violence: Indian Agriculture, White Removal, and the Unlikely Construction of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, 1876-1900". Great Plains Quarterly 32, no.2 (Spring 2012): 91-111.

  5. Arndt, Jochen S. "The True Napoleon of the West: General Winfield Scott's Mexico City Campaign and the Origins of the U.S. Army's Combined-Arms Combat Division". Journal of Military History 76, no.3 (July 2012): 649-671.

  6. Bell, Raymond E. "Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont". On Point 18, no.1 (Summer 2012): 44-47.
    NARA photos

  7. Bellows, Barbara L. "Of Time and the City: Charleston in 1860". South Carolina Historical Magazine 112, no.3-4 (July-October 2011): 156-172.

  8. Blackshear, James. "Boots on the Ground: A History of Fort Bascom in the Canadian River Valley". New Mexico Historical Review 87, no.3 (Summer 2012): 329-359.

  9. Brands, Hal. "Saddam Hussein, the United States, and the Invasion of Iran: Was There a Green Light?" Cold War History 12, no.2 (May 2012): 319-343.
    JC Library

  10. Bredbenner, Candice. "A Duty to Defend? The Evolution of Aliens' Military Obligations to the United States, 1792-1946". Journal of Policy History 24, no.2 (2012): 224-262.

  11. Brinegar, Pamela Lyons. "Researching Nineteenth-Century African American Women". NGS Magazine 38, no.3 (July-September 2012): 23-27.

  12. Brodie, Janet Farrell. "Learning Secrecy in the Early Cold War: The RAND Corporation". Diplomatic History 35, no.4 (September 2011): 643-670.

  13. Brogi, Alessandro. "Ambassador Clare Booth Luce and the Evolution of Psychological Warfare in Italy". Cold War History 12, no.2 (May 2012): 269-294.
    RG059/RG084/RG286/HST Library/DDE Library/JFK Library

  14. Brownell, Kathryn Cramer. "'Movietime U.S.A.': The Motion Picture Industry Council and the Politicization of Hollywood in Postwar America". Journal of Policy History 24, no.3 (2012): 518-542.
    HST Library/JFK Library/RMN Library

  15. Carter, Charles William. "The Evolution of U.S. Policy toward West German-Soviet Trade Relations 1969-89". International History Review 34, no.2 (June 2012): 221-244.
    RMN Library/JC Library/RR Library

  16. Cassell, Frank A. "Response to Crisis: Baltimore in 1814". Maryland Historical Magazine 107, no.1 (Spring 2012): 83-101.

  17. Clymer, Kenton. "The Trial for High Treason of the 'Burma Surgeon,' Gordon S. Seagrave". Pacific Historical Review 81, no.2 (May 2012): 245-291.

  18. Colman, Jonathan. "Lost Crusader? Chester L. Cooper and the Vietnam War, 1963-68". Cold War History 12, no.3 (August 2012): 429-449.
    LBJ Library

  19. Cressman, Robert J. "The Good Ship Dale". Naval History 26, no.5 (October 2012): 14-15.
    NARA photos

  20. D'Aoust, Maurice G. "'Little Mac' Did Not Dawdle". Civil War Times 51, no.5 (October 2012): 36-37.
    NARA photos

  21. Desmarais, Catherine Becker Wiest and Noreen Alexander Manzella. "Who Fathered Jacob and William Northamer? Pennsylvania Tax Records Help Determine Kinship". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 100, no.2 (June 2012): 123-132.

  22. Dorn, Glenn J. "Pushing Tin: U.S.-Bolivian Relations and the Coming of the National Revolution". Diplomatic History 35, no.2 (April 2011): 203-228.
    RG059/RG234/FDR Library/HST Library

  23. Eisenhower, John D. "Ike's Son Remembers George S. Patton Jr.". American Heritage 62, no.2 (Summer 2012): 26-33.
    NARA photos

  24. Farr, William E. "The End of Freedom: The Military Removal of the Blackfeet and Reservation Confinement, 1880". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 62, no.2 (Summer 2012): 3-23.

  25. Feng, Patrick. "The 339th Infantry Regiment". On Point 18, no.1 (Summer 2012): 22-26.
    NARA photos

  26. Finnegan, Toby. "The Ordeal of Portsmouth's Victory: The First American Ship Seized and Condemned under Napoleon's Berlin Decree of 1806". Historical New Hampshire 66, no.1 (Summer 2012): 2-32.

  27. Gage, Beverly. "Deep Throat, Watergate, and the Bureaucratic Politics of the FBI". Journal of Policy History 24, no.2 (2012): 157-186.
    RG065/LBJ Library/RMN Library

  28. Gibson, Abraham H. "American Gibralter: Key West during World War II". Florida Historical Quarterly 90, no.4 (Spring 2012): 393-425.
    RG212/RG215/FDR Library

  29. Gilbert, Matthew Sakiestewa. "Marathoner Louis Tewanima and the Continuity of Hopi Running, 1908-1912". Western Historical Quarterly 43, no.3 (Autumn 2012): 324-346.

  30. Gordon, Scott Paul. "The Ambitions of William Henry". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 136, no.3 (July 2012): 253-284.

  31. Green, Karen Mauer and Birdie Monk Holsclaw. "'Beginning at a Black Oak...': Hachenberger Evidence from a Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Neighborhood Reconstruction". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 100, no.2 (June 2012): 105-122.

  32. Gumm, Angie. "'A Small Town with a Pretty Big Idea': How Ames, Iowa, Came to Have the Most Enduring Resource Recovery Plant in the United States". Annals of Iowa 70, no.4 (Fall 2011): 325-357.
    JC Library

  33. Gurman, Hannah. "The Other Plumbers Unit: The Dissent Channel of the U.S. State Department". Diplomatic History 35, no.2 (April 2011): 321-349.
    RG059/GRF Library

  34. Harrison, Benjamin T. and Christopher L. Mosher. "The Secret Diary of McNamara's Dove: The Long-Lost Story of John T. McNaughton's Opposition to the Vietnam War". Diplomatic History 35, no.3 (June 2011): 505-534.
    LBJ Library

  35. Horcicka, Vaclav. "Austria-Hungary, Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, and the United States' Entrance into the First World War". International History Review 34, no.2 (June 2012): 245-269.

  36. Houser, Teresa M. "A Pivotal Decision: The Yankton Sioux and the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934". South Dakota History 42, no.2 (Summer 2012): 95-125.

  37. Johnstone, Andrew. "Creating a 'Democratic Foreign Policy': The State Department's Division of Public Liaison and Public Opinion, 1944-1953". Diplomatic History 35, no.3 (June 2011): 483-503.
    RG059/HST Library

  38. Jones, Thomas W. "Misleading Records Debunked: The Surprising Case of George Wellington Edison Jr.". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 100, no.2 (June 2012): 133-156.

  39. Jung, Patrick J. "Toward the Black Hawk War: The Sauk and Fox Indians and the War of 1812". Michigan Historical Review 38, no.1 (Spring 2012): 27-52.

  40. Khor, Denise. "'Filipinos are the Dandies of the Foreign Colonies': Race, Labor Struggles, and the Transpacific Routes of Hollywood and Philippine Films, 1924-1948". Pacific Historical Review 81, no.3 (August 2012): 371-403.

  41. Kraus, Charles. "A Border Region 'Exuded with Militant Friendship': Provincial Narratives of China's Participation in the First Indochina War, 1949-1954". Cold War History 12, no.3 (August 2012): 495-514.

  42. Labelle, Maurice, Jr. "'The Only Thorn': Early Saudi-American Relations and the Question of Palestine, 1945-1949". Diplomatic History 35, no.2 (April 2011): 257-281.
    RG059/RG084/FDR Library/HST Library

  43. Leepson, Marc. "Stereotypes Persist When Sizing Up REMFs". Vietnam 25, no.2 (August 2012): 61-62.
    NARA photos

  44. Legge, Jerome S., Jr. "Resisting a War Crimes Trial: The Malmedy Massacre, the German Churches, and the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 26, no.2 (Fall 2012): 229-260.
    RG046/RG153/RG319/RG549/NARA photos

  45. Lehman, John E., Jr. "Reflections on the Special Relationship". Naval History 26, no.5 (October 2012): 38-45.
    RR Library

  46. Long, Stephen J. K. "Strategic Disorder, the Office of Policy Coordination and the Inauguration of U.S. Political Warfare against the Soviet Bloc, 1948-50". Intelligence and National Security 27, no.4 (August 2012): 459-487.
    RG059/HST Library

  47. Lucas, Scott. "Negotiating Ideology in U.S. and British Foreign Policy in the Early Cold War (Review of Selverstone, Constructing the Monolith)". Diplomatic History 35, no.4 (September 2011): 737-739.

  48. Magliari, Michael F. "Free State Slavery: Bound Indian Labor and Slave Trafficking in California's Sacramento Valley, 1850-1864". Pacific Historical Review 81, no.2 (May 2012): 155-192.

  49. Martini, Edwin A. "Incinerating Agent Orange: Operations Pacer HO, Pacer IVY, and the Rise of Environmentalist Thinking". Journal of Military History 76, no.3 (July 2012): 809-836.
    RG341/NARA photos

  50. Matray, James I. "Mixed Message: The Korean Armistice Negotiations at Kaesong". Pacific Historical Review 81, no.2 (May 2012): 221-244.
    RG059/RG084/RG218/RG319/HST Library

  51. Matson, Suzanne. "John Fishback: Revolutionary War Soldier and Germanna Descendant". Kentucky Ancestors 47, no.4 (Summer 2012): 168-172.

  52. McCoy, Rex. "The Last Gunfights". Naval History 26, no.5 (October 2012): 60-65.

  53. McMillin, Teresa Steinkamp. "George Teeling: A Story Researched and Retold". NGS Magazine 38, no.3 (July-September 2012): 36-40.

  54. Miller, Jamie. "Things Fall Apart: South Africa and the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire, 1973-74". Cold War History 12, no.2 (May 2012): 183-204.

  55. Miller, Roger G. "Camp Furlong, the Punitive Expedition, and the Base of Communications at Columbus, NM". Journal of America's Military Past 37, no.2 (Spring-Summer 2012): 27-42.
    RG094/NARA photos

  56. Monaco, C.S. "Alachua Settlers and the Second Seminole War". Florida Historical Quarterly 91, no.1 (Summer 2012): 1-32.

  57. Nesheim, David A. "Profit, Preservation, and Shifting Definitions of Bison in America". Environmental History 17, no.3 (July 2012): 547-577.
    RG075/NARA photos

  58. Nettina, Adam. "The M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer". On Point 18, no.1 (Summer 2012): 14-17.
    NARA photos

  59. Nilsson, Mikael. "American Propaganda, Swedish Labor, and the Swedish Press in the Cold War: The United States Information Agency (USIA) and Co-Production of U.S. Hegemony in Sweden during the 1950s and 1960s". International History Review 34, no.2 (June 2012): 315-345.
    RG059/RG306/DDE Library

  60. Paschall, Rod. "Search and Destroy in the Iron Triangle". Vietnam 25, no.2 (August 2012): 26-33.
    NARA photos

  61. Pennock, Pamela A. "'The Number One Social Problem of Our Time': American Protestants and Temperance Politics in the 1950s". Journal of Church and State 54, no.3 (Summer 2012): 375-405.

  62. Poole, Robert M. "When Everyone Loved Congress". American History 47, no.4 (Ocober 2012): 54-59.
    HST Library

  63. Prados, John. "Japan's Sea Lords in the South Pacific". Naval History 26, no.5 (October 2012): 52-58.
    FDR Library

  64. Prasad, Monica. "The Popular Origins of Neoliberalism in the Reagan Tax Cut of 1981". Journal of Policy History 24, no.3 (2012): 351-383.
    RR Library

  65. Pratt, Warren C. "Finding the Father of Henry Pratt of Southeastern Kentucky". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 100, no.2 (June 2012): 85-103.

  66. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Compiled Military Service Records, Part III: The Record of Events". NGS Magazine 38, no.3 (July-September 2012): 28-31.

  67. Quinn, Eithne. "Closing Doors: Hollywood, Affirmative Action, and the Revitalization of Conservative Racial Politics". Journal of American History 99, no.2 (September 2012): 466-491.
    LBJ Library/RMN Library

  68. Roberts, Blain and Ethan J. Kytle. "Looking the Thing in the Face: Slavery, Race, and the Commemorative Landscape in Charleston, South Carolina, 1865-2010". Journal of Southern History 78, no.3 (August 2012): 639-684.

  69. Robertson, Breanne. "'The Cultivation of Corn in Mayan and Modern Times': Lowell Houser's Winning Design for the Ames Mural Competition". Annals of Iowa 70, no.1 (Winter 2011): 36-66.

  70. Robinson, Jessica. "Benedict Arnold: American Hero, American Villain". On Point 18, no.1 (Summer 2012): 36-43.
    NARA photos

  71. Rohrs, Richard C. "The Free Black Experience in Antebellum Wilmington, North Carolina: Refining Generalizations about Race Relations". Journal of Southern History 78, no.3 (August 2012): 615-638.

  72. Rubinson, Paul. "'Crucified on a Cross of Atoms': Scientists, Politics, and the Test Ban Treaty". Diplomatic History 35, no.2 (April 2011): 283-319.
    DDE Library

  73. Scharnau, Ralph. "From Pioneer Days to the Dawn of Industrial Relations: The Emergence of the Working Class in Dubuque, 1833-1855". Annals of Iowa 70, no.3 (Summer 2011): 201-224.

  74. Schenk, Barbara. "Education Breaks Down Brick Walls". NGS Magazine 38, no.3 (July-September 2012): 41-43.

  75. Schmidli, William Michael. "Human Rights and the Cold War: the Campaign to Halt the Argentine 'Dirty War'". Cold War History 12, no.2 (May 2012): 345-365.
    RG059/JC LIbrary

  76. Schmidli, William Michael. "Institutionalizing Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy: U.S.-Argentine Relations, 1976-1980". Diplomatic History 35, no.2 (April 2011): 351-377.
    RG059/JFK Library/LBJ Library/JC Library

  77. Seegmiller, Janet B. "Selling the Scenery: Chauncey and Gronway Parry and the Birth of Southern Utah's Tourism and Movie Industries". Utah Historical Quarterly 80, no.3 (Summer 2012): 242-257.

  78. Segers, Mathieu. "Preparing Europe for the Unforeseen, 1958-63. DeGaulle, Monnet, and European Integration beyond the Cold War: From Co-operation to Discord in the Matter of the Future of the EEC". International History Review 34, no.2 (June 2012): 347-370.
    JFK Library

  79. Seligson, Joelle. "Checks and Imbalances: The Challenges of Presidential Libraries". Museum 79, no.5 (September-October 2012): 32-38.
    HST Library/RMN Library

  80. Shea, William L. "Prelude to Prairie Grove: Cane Hill, November 28, 1862". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 71, no.2 (Summer 2012): 122-150.

  81. Shibusawa, Naoko. "The Lavender Scare and Empire: Rethinking Cold War Antigay Politics". Diplomatic History 36, no.4 (September 2012): 723-752.

  82. Simpson, Brad. "The United States and the Curious History of Self-Determination". Diplomatic History 36, no.4 (September 2012): 675-694.
    RG059/RG084/RMN LIbrary/JC Library

  83. Spitzer, Scott J. "Nixon's New Deal: Welfare Reform for the Silent Majority". Presidential Studies Quarterly 42, no.3 (September 2012): 455-481.
    RMN Library

  84. Stocker, James. "Diplomacy as Counter-Revolution? The 'Moderate States', the Fedayeen and State Department Initiatives towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1969-1970". Cold War History 12, no.3 (August 2012): 407-428.
    RG059/LBJ Library/RMN Library/CREST

  85. Swain, Martha H. "When T. Webber Wilson Crossed the President's Pit Bull". Journal of Mississippi History 73, no.3 (Fall 2011): 177-192.
    FDR Library

  86. Sylvester, Kenneth M. and Eric S. A. Rupley. "Revising the Dust Bowl: High Above the Kansas Grasslands". Environmental History 17, no.3 (July 2012): 603-633.

  87. Throntveit, Trygve. "The Fable of the Fourteen Points: Woodrow Wilson and National Self-Determination". Diplomatic History 35, no.3 (June 2011): 445-481.

  88. Veit, Helen Zoe. "'Why Do People Die?' Rising Life Expectancy, Aging, and Personal Responsibility". Journal of Social History 45, no.4 (Summer 2012): 1026-1048.

  89. Von Graevenitz, Fritz Georg. "Exogenous Transnationalism: Java and 'Europe' in an Organised World Sugar Market". Contemporary European History 20, no.3 (August 2011): 257-280.

  90. Wilder, Jeremy H. "The Thirty-Seventh Illinois at Prairie Grove". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 71, no.2 (Summer 2012): 164-180.

  91. Winslow, Rachel. "Immigration Law and Improvised Policy in the Making of International Adoption, 1948-1961". Journal of Policy History 24, no.2 (2012): 319-349.

  92. Yeh, Chiou-Ling. "'A Saga of Democracy': Toy Len Goon, American Mother of the Year, and the Cultural Cold War". Pacific Historical Review 81, no.3 (August 2012): 432-461.

  93. Zaretsky, Natasha. "Restraint or Retreat? The Debate over the Panama Canal Treaties and U.S. Nationalism after Vietnam". Diplomatic History 35, no.3 (June 2011): 535-562.
    JC Library

Volume 39, Number 4, October-December, 2012

  1. "Tet in the Mind's Eye". Vietnam 25, no.5 (February 2013): 32-37.
    NARA photos

  2. Abodeely, Joseph. "Air Cav". Vietnam 25, no.4 (December 2012): 24-31.
    NARA photos

  3. Adams, Mikaela M. "Residency and Enrollment: Diaspora and the Catawba Indian Nation". South Carolina Historical Magazine 113, no.1 (January 2012): 24-49.

  4. Adolphus, Frederick R. "Journey of a Rebel Jacket". Military Collector & Historian 64, no.1 (Spring 2012): 64-65.

  5. Ailes, Jane and Marie Tyler-McGraw. "Leaving Virginia for Liberia: Western Virginia Emigrants and Emancipators". West Virginia History 6, no.2 (Fall 2012): 1-34.

  6. Alexander, Joseph H. "Close Air Support: The Pioneering Years". Naval History 26, no.6 (December 2012): 16-23.
    NARA photos

  7. Ashton, Nigel J. "For King and Country: Jack O'Connell, the CIA, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1963-71". Diplomatic History 36, no.5 (November 2012): 881-910.
    RG059/LBJ Library/RMN Library

  8. Barbuto, Richard V. "War on the Niagara, 1812-1814: The U.S. Army Comes of Age". On Point 18, no.2 (Fall 2012): 36-43.
    NARA photos

  9. Bigart, Robert. "The Travails of Flathead Indian Agent Charles S. Medary, 1875-1877". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 62, no.3 (Autumn 2012): 27-41.

  10. Biles, Roger. "A Mormon in Babylon: George Romney as Secretary of HUD, 1969-1973". Michigan Historical Review 38, no.2 (Fall 2012): 63-89.
    RMN Library

  11. Blazich, Frank A., Jr. "North Carolina's Flying Volunteers: The Civil Air Patrol in World War II, 1941-1944". North Carolina Historical Review 89, no.4 (October 2012): 399-442.

  12. Blythe, Wilson C., Jr. "Arthur L. Wagner: Military Educator and Modernizer". Army History 86 (Winter 2013): 22-31.
    NARA photos

  13. Borch, Fred L. "'Let the Stain of Innocent Blood Be Removed from the Land': The Trial of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators by Military Commission". Army History 86 (Winter 2013): 6-191.
    NARA photos

  14. Bredhoff, Stacey and Lee Ann Potter. "Photograph and Speech Related to the Cuban Missile Crisis". Social Education 76, no.5 (October 2012): 224-228.
    JFK Library

  15. Brenckle, Matthew. "Slumming It on the Quarterdeck: Naval Officers' Sea-going Clothing in the Early Nineteenth Century". Military Collector & Historian 64, no.2 (Summer 2012): 135-138.

  16. Bronstein, Jamie L. "The Toll Extracted: Workers and Safety in Southern New Mexico Mining". New Mexico Historical Review 87, no.4 (Fall 2012): 423-456.

  17. Calkins, Laura M. "Recapturing an Urban Identity: Chinese Communists and the Commune at Shantou, 1927". Studies on Asia 1, no.2 (Summer 2011): 35-73.

  18. Chapin, Christy Ford. "'Going Behind with that Fifteen Cent Policy': Black-Owned Insurance Companies and the State". Journal of Policy History 24, no.4 (2012): 644-674.

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