Compilation of Periodical Literature: 2015
Current Issues
- Volume 42, Number 1, January-March, 2015
- Volume 42, Number 2, April-June, 2015
- Volume 42, Number 3, July-September, 2015
- Volume 42, Number 4, October-December, 2015
- See also the Previous Years of the Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature.
- For subject access to Quarterly Compilations, see Compiled Citations by Record Group Clusters.
Volume 42, Number 1, January-March, 2015
"Memories of Montford Point". Naval History 29, no.1 (February 2015): 32-37.
NARA photos -
"Your Good Friend Victoria R". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 72.
RG059 -
Alvaro-Moya, Adoracion. "The Globalization of Knowledge-Based Services: Engineering Consulting in Spain, 1953-1975". Business History Review 88, no.4 (Winter 2014): 681-707.
RG059 -
Anderson, Jim and Dirk A.D. Smith. "A Tale of Two Semi-Submersible Submarines". Studies in Intelligence 58, no.4 (December 2014): 31-41.
RG165 -
Baldrich, Juan Jose. "The 'Tobacco Trust' in Puerto Rico: From Cigarette Manufacturing to Agribusiness, 1899-1911". Agricultural History 89, no.1 (Winter 2015): 34-56.
RG122 -
Ball, Durwood. "Beyond Traverse des Sioux: Captain Edward V. Sumner's Expedition to Devil's Lake in 1845". Annals of Iowa 74, no.1 (Winter 2015): 1-28.
RG094/RG393 -
Barry, Peter J. "Colonel Mitchell's Wars: Confederates, Copperheads and Bushwackers". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Association 107, no.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2014): 346-369.
RG015/RG094 -
Bauman, John F. "Row Housing as Public Housing: The Philadelphia Story, 1957-2013". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 138, no.4 (October 2014): 425-456.
RG207 -
Blumberg, Arnold. "Sapper Attack". Vietnam 27, no.6 (April 2015): 40-45.
NARA photos -
Bradsher, Greg. "The President's Archivist Goes to War: Fred W. Shipman in Italy in 1944". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 46-57.
RG111/RG165/RG218/RG331/FDR Library -
Brady, Benjamin R. and Howard M. Bahr. "The Influenza Epidemic of 1918-1920 among the Navajos". American Indian Quarterly 38, no.4 (Fall 2014): 459-491.
RG075 -
Broussard, Eric S. "The Life of Mary Adams Balmat, Black Hills Benefactor". South Dakota History 44, no.3 (Fall 2014): 189-211.
RG029 -
Buchanan, Patrick J. "In '66 Johnson Slips and Nixon Hits". Vietnam 27, no.6 (April 2015): 54-59.
LBJ Library -
Cohen, Andrew. "Britain and the Breakdown of the Colonial Environment: The Struggle over the Tanzam Oil Pipeline in Zambia". Business History Review 88, no.4 (Winter 2014): 737-759.
RG059 -
Crosman, Kathleen. "The Army in the Woods". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 58-63.
RG018/RG095 -
Davis, Robert Scott. "Tribute for a Black Patriot: A Pension for Austin Dabney". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 22-29.
RG015/RG029/RG046/RG092/RG217 -
Dexter, Richard P. "Colonel Silas D. Baldwin: Guilty or Not Guilty? A Case of Command Influence?". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Association 107, no.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2014): 296-320.
RG015/RG094 -
Dudley, William S. "The Pinchpenny Flotilla". Naval History 29, no.1 (February 2015): 38-45.
RG045 -
Egerton, Douglas R. "The Slaves' Election: Fremont, Freedom, and the Slave Conspiracies of 1856". Civil War History 61, no.1 (March 2015): 35-63.
RG029/RG393 -
Ersland, Jake. "Broke, But Not Out of Luck: Using Bankruptcy Records for Genealogical Research". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 58-63.
RG021/RG306 -
Farquhar, John T. "Arctic Linchpin: The Polar Concept in American Air Atomic Strategy, 1946-1948". Air Power History 61, no.4 (Winter 2014): 34-45.
RG218/RG341 -
Fountain, Daniel L. "A Broader Footprint: Slavery and Slaveholding Households in Antebellum Piedmont North Carolina". North Carolina Historical Review 91, no.4 (October 2014): 407-444.
RG029 -
Gavin, Allison. "Time and Punishment". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 48-57.
RG011/RG111 -
Goetzel, Maura. "The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities in Times of Crisis". Texas Historian 75,(2014-2015): 33-38.
RG011/RG046 -
Gorman, Michael D. "A Conqueror or a Peacemaker? Abraham Lincoln in Richmond". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 123, no.1 (2015): 2-88.
RG045 -
Graf, Mercedes. "All the Women Were Valiant: Spanish-American War Volunteers Who Died from Their Service". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 24-34.
RG086/RG112 -
Greene, Benjamin P. "'Captive of a Scientific-Technological Elite': Eisenhower and the Nuclear Test Ban". Presidential Studies Quarterly 45, no.1 (March 2015): 29-45.
RG059/HH Library/DDE Library -
Grua, David W. "'In Memory of the Chief Big Foot Massacre': The Wounded Knee Survivors and the Politics of Memory". Western Historical Quarterly 46, no.1 (Spring 2015): 31-51.
RG075 -
Hayes, Connor. "John Wesley Hardin: The Making of a Legend in Post-Civil War Texas". Texas Historian 75,(2014-2015): 28-31.
RG029 -
Haynes, Robert V. "'Some Dark, Mysterious Business': Aaron Burr in Mississippi Territory". Journal of Mississippi History 74, no.4 (Winter 2012): 373-385.
RG107 -
Hollon, Cory S. "'A Leap in the Dark': The Campaign to Conquer New Mexico and California, 1846-1847". Army History 94,(Winter 2015): 6-25.
NARA photos -
Itkin, Beth Kressel. "Creating 'What Might Have Been a Fuss': The Many Faces of Equal Public Rights in Reconstruction-era Louisiana". Louisiana History 56,no.1 (Winter 2015): 42-74.
RG021/RG029 -
Kimble, James J. "The Illustrated Four Freedoms: FDR, Rockwell, and the Margins of the Rhetorical Presidency". Presidential Studies Quarterly 45,no.1 March 2015): 46-69.
RG044/RG208/FDR Library -
Kirby, Joe P. "Frederick Henry Morse: The Artist in the Penitentiary". South Dakota History 44, no.3 (Fall 2014): 212-233.
RG029 -
Kopelson, Gene. "'Ya Basta?!' Ronald Reagan's 1966 Success with Mexican American Voters". California History 91, no.4 (Winter 2014): 31-42.
RR Library -
Kovac, Criss. "Saving the Moving Images of World War I". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 30-34.
RG111 -
Kratz, Jessie. "'P.S.: You Had Better Remove the Records': Early Federal Archives and the Burning of Washington during the War of 1812". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 36-44.
RG023/RG059/RG064/RG077/RG111/RG148/RG328 -
Lipman, Jana K. "'A Precedent Worth Setting...': Military Humanitarianism: The U.S. Military and the 1975 Vietnamese Evacuation". Journal of Military History 79, no.1 (January 2015): 151-179.
RG220/RG319/GRF Library -
Lockwood, John. "Topping Off the Tip: How Aluminum Found Its Way onto the Washington Monument". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 6-12.
RG042 -
Manning, Anita and Justin W. Vance. "Hawai'i at Home during the American Civil War". Hawaiian Journal of History 48,(2014): 145-170.
RG015/RG249 -
Manning, Mary J. "Being German, Being American". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 14-22.
RG111/RG120 -
Marchio, James. "'If the Weatherman Can...': The Intelligence Community's Struggle to Express Analytic Uncertainty in the 1970s". Studies in Intelligence 58, no.4 (December 2014): 19-30.
McAndrew, Malia. "Beauty, Soft Power, and the Politics of Womanhood during the U.S. Occupation of Japan, 1945-1952". Journal of Women's History 26, no.4 (Winter 2014): 83-107.
RG331 -
Meals, Bryan K. "When an Act of Congress Wasn't Enough: One of FDR's Last Vetoes and the Family Behind It". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 6-11.
RG233/FDR Library -
Mokrzycki, Paul. "Lost in the Heartland: Childhood, Region, and Iowa's Missing Paperboys". Annals of Iowa 74, no.1 (Winter 2015): 29-70.
RR Library -
Monaco, C.S. "'Wishing that Right May Prevail': Ethan Allen Hitchcock and the Florida War". Florida Historical Quarterly 93, no.2 (Fall 2014): 167-194.
RG094 -
Morrison, Charles W. "At Whatever the Cost: The Fight for the Mule Shoe at Spotsylvania Court House, 12 May 1864". Army History 94, (Winter 2015): 30-41.
NARA photos -
North, Don. "Terror in the Night". Vietnam 27, no.6 (April 2015): 32-39.
NARA photos -
Nygren, Joshua M. "In Pursuit of Conservative Reform: Social Darwinism, the Agricultural Ladder, and the Lessons of European Tenancy". Agricultural History 89, no.1 (Winter 2015): 75-101.
RG016 -
O'Hara, Vincent P. "Landing the Troops...Across the Rhine". Naval History 29, no.2 (April 2015): 34-41.
RG038/NARA photos -
Olwell, Russell and Jesse Fries. "Tennessee Nuclear Family Fission: Why Oak Ridge Divorced during and after World War II". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 73, no.3 (Fall 2014): 208-221.
RG326 -
Patch, Nathaniel S. "Mission: Lifeguard". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 12-21.
RG038/RG080/RG313/GHWB Library -
Phillips, Edward H. "'Big Ears Three' and the Battle of Bien Hoa". Vietnam 27, no.6 (April 2015): 26-31.
NARA photos -
Pittman, Scott. "Lifting the Veil: Public-Private Surveillance Networks and the Red Scare in California Higher Education". California History 91, no.4 (Winter 2014): 43-55.
RG046 -
Prados, John. "The Marines' Vietnam Commitment". Naval History 29, no.2 (April 2015): 16-25.
NARA photos -
Ried, Kimberlee. "Immigrants and National Security during World War I". Social Education 79, no.1 (January-February 2015): 11-17.
RG118 -
Risk, James and Kevin Attridge. "Garitee v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore: A Gilded Age Debate on the Role and Limits of Local Government". Maryland Historical Magazine 109, no.4 (Winter 2014): 452-472.
RG029 -
Rislakki, Jukka. "'Without Mercy' - U.S. Strategic Intelligence and Finland in the Cold War". Journal of Military History 79, no.1 (January 2015): 127-149.
RG263/RG319/JFK Library/LBJ Library/CREST -
Romney, Charles W. "The Seattle Teamsters and the Procedural State, 1935-1942". Labor History 56, no.1 (February 2015): 22-39.
RG025/RG276 -
Scott, James M. "The Navy Targets Tokyo". Naval History 29, no.2 (April 2015): 26-33.
RG018/RG428/NARA photos -
Sears, David. "Ghost Team of Island X". Naval History 29, no.1 (February 2015): 46-55.
NARA photos -
Underhill, Lonnie E. "A History of Fort Thomas, Arizona Territory, 1876-1892". Journal of the West 53, no.2 (Spring 2014): 25-42.
RG111/RG393 -
Wells, William R., II. "Wet, Cold, and Thoroughly Miserable". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 36-46.
Volume 42, Number 2, April-June, 2015
"ER's Wallet: A Treasure Trove". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 72.
FDR Library -
"Sports in War: The Vietnam League". Vietnam 27, no.6 (June 2015): 40-47.
NARA photos -
"The Bloodiest Battle: The Battle of the Bulge Loomed Large 70 Winters Ago". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 36-44.
RG111/RG208/RG331/RG407/DDE Library -
"The Treaty of Ghent". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 72.
RG011 -
Amerian, Stephanie M. "'Buying European': The Marshall Plan and American Department Stores". Diplomatic History 39, no.1 (January 2015): 45-69.
RG469/HST Library -
Amsterdam, Daniel. "Before the Roar: U.S. Unemployment Relief after World War I and the Long History of a Paternalist Welfare Policy". Journal of American History 101, no.4 (March 2015): 1123-1143.
HH Library -
Anderson, Leslie Elaine. "Tabitha (Bugg) George Smith of Mecklenberg County, Virginia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.1 (March 2015): 5-28.
RG029/RG163/RG184 -
Anderson, Margo. "Public Management of Big Data: Historical Lessons from the 1940s". Federal History 7, (2015): 17-34.
RG029/RG040/RG051/RG059/RG210/RG220/RG338/FDR Library -
Andrews, Jean Atkinson. "Indirect Evidence for the Identity of Richard Andrews (1748-1824) of Stark County, Ohio". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.1 (March 2015): 37-48.
RG029/RG049 -
Antoine, Mary Elise. "A Short History of the Swift United States Army General Hospital at Prairie du Chien, November 1864-September 1865". Wisconsin Magazine of History 98, no.4 (Summer 2015): 2-13.
RG094 -
Arthus, Wien Weibert. "The Challenge of Democratizing the Caribbean during the Cold War: Kennedy Facing the Duvalier Dilemma". Diplomatic History 39, no.3 (June 2015): 504-531.
JFK Library -
Baer, Marc David. "Muslim Encounters with Nazism and the Holocaust: The Ahmadi of Berlin and Jewish Convert to Islam Hugo Marcus". American Historical Review 120, no.1 (February 2015): 140-171.
RG242 -
Barton, Mary S. "The Global War on Anarchism: The United States and International Anarchist Terrorism, 1898-1904". Diplomatic History 39, no.2 (April 2015): 303-330.
RG059 -
Baumgartner, Alice L. "The Line of Positive Safety: Borders and Boundaries in the Rio Grande Valley, 1848-1880". Journal of American History 101, no.4 (March 2015): 1106-1122.
RG059 -
Bess, Jennifer. "The Price of Pima Cotton: The Cooperative Testing and Demonstration Farm at Sacaton, Arizona, and the Decline of the Pima Agricultural Economy, 1907-1920". Western Historical Quarterly 46, no.2 (Summer 2015): 171-189.
RG054/RG075 -
Blumenthal, Seth E. "Children of the 'Silent Majority': Richard Nixon's Young Voters for the President, 1972". Journal of Policy History 27, no.2 (2015): 337-363.
JFK Library/RMN Library -
Boghardt, Thomas. "Dirty Work? The Use of Nazi Informants by U.S. Army Intelligence in Postwar Europe". Journal of Military History 79, no.2 (April 2015): 387-422.
RG165/RG238/RG260/RG263/RG319/RG549/NARA photos -
Bradsher, Greg. "Hitler's Final Words: His Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate: From the Bunker in Berlin to the National Archives". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 16-25.
RG064/RG065/RG165/RG238/RG242/RG319/RG407/RG498 -
Brenes, Michael. "Making Foreign Policy at the Grassroots: Cold War Politics and the 1976 Republican Primary". Journal of Policy History 27, no.1 (2015): 93-117.
RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library -
Brodie, Janet Farrell. "Radiation Secrecy and Censorship after Hiroshima and Nagasaki". Journal of Social History 48, no.4 (Summer 2015): 842-864.
RG077/RG200 -
Burns, Michael. "A Confederate Memorial the 'Equal of Gettysburg': Sectionalism and Memory in the Establishment of Manassas National Battlefield Park, 1890-1940". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 123, no.2 (2015): 140-170.
RG079 -
Bustard, Bruce. "Spirited Republic: Alcohol's Evolving Role in U.S. History". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 14-22.
RG045/RG054/RG058/RG092/RG241/RG306/RG511/GRF Library -
Carroll, Andrew. "Victory in Europe: May 8, 1945". American History 50, no.2 (June 2015): 58-61.
NARA photos -
Catton, Philip E. "'It Would Be a Terrible Thing if We Handed These People over to the Communists': The Eisenhower Administration, Article 14(d), and the Origins of the Refugee Exodus from North Vietnam". Diplomatic History 39, no.2 (April 2015): 331-358.
RG043/RG059/DDE Library -
Chornesky, Michael B. "Confederate Island upon the Union's 'Most Hallowed Ground': The Battle to Interpret Arlington House, 1921-1937". Washington History 27, no.1 (Spring 2015): 20-33.
RG066/RG092 -
Christ, Mark K. "'War to the knife': Union and Confederate Soldiers' Accounts of the Camden Expedition, 1864". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 73, no.4 (Winter 2014): 381-413.
RG029/RG109 -
Conetto, Al. "In the Beginning, There Was the Hump". Vietnam 27, no.6 (June 2015): 26-33.
NARA photos -
Crosbie, Thomas. "The US Army's Domestic Strategy 1945-1965". Parameters 44, no.4 (Winter 2014-15): 105-118.
RG319 -
Cushman, Barry. "The Clerks of the Four Horsemen (Part II, George Sutherland and Pierce Butler)". Journal of Supreme Court History 40, no.1 (2015): 55-79.
LBJ Library -
Dallek, Matthew. "London Burning: The Blitz of England and the Origins of 'Home Defense' in Twentieth-Century America". Journal of Policy History 27, no.2 (2015): 197-219.
RG171/FDR Library -
Danelski, David J. "The Appointment of William O. Douglas to the Supreme Court". Journal of Supreme Court History 40, no.1 (2015): 80-98.
NARA photos -
Danforth, Nicholas. "Malleable Modernity: Rethinking the Role of Ideology in American Policy, Aid Programs, and Propaganda in Fifties' Turkey". Diplomatic History 39, no.3 (June 2015): 477-503.
RG059/RG084/RG306/RG334/CREST -
Dangerfield, David W. "Turning the Earth: Free Black Yeomanry in the Antebellum South Carolina Lowcountry". Agricultural History 89, no.2 (Spring 2015): 200-224.
RG029 -
Daverede, Alex J., III. "The Sacrifice of the USS Peary". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 26-34.
RG038/RG080 -
David, Annie. "Freedom of Speech in Times of War: The Sedition Act of 1918". Social Education 79, no.3 (May-June 2015): 125-129.
RG065/RG163 -
Davidson, William Evans. "Summary Remarks on the Evolution of the Sea-Service 3-Pounder Swivel Howitzer into the U.S. Army's 2 3/4 Inch King Howitzer: 1775-1820: Myths and Facts". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.1 (Spring 2015): 48-75.
RG093/RG360 -
De Leeuw, Karl. "J.F.W. Nuboer and the Reintroduction of Machine Cryptography by the Royal Netherlands Navy, 1915-1940". Cryptologia 39, no.2 (2015): 157-172.
RG457 -
Deeben, John P. "Caring for Veterans in the Nation's Capital: Records of the U.S. Soldiers' Home in Washington, D.C. 1851-1943". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 54-62.
RG094/RG231 -
DeRoche, Andy. "'She Did a Lot for Us': Jean Wilkowski in Zambia". Passport 46, no.1 (April 2015): 38-43.
RG059/GRF Library -
Donnelly, William M. "'This "Horrible Example"': An Extraordinary Case of Absent Without Leave during the Vietnam War". Journal of Military History 79, no.2 (April 2015): 457-466.
RG335/RG337/RG338/RG546 -
Dougherty, John J. "'Talk the Language of the Larger World': Fishing Wars, Natural Resources, and the Birth of the Sovereignty Movement in the Postwar Pacific Northwest". Western Legal History 27, no.1 (Winter-Spring 2014): 57-89.
RG075 -
Douma, Michael J. "The Lincoln Administration's Negotiations to Colonize African Americans in Dutch Suriname". Civil War History 61, no.2 (June 2015): 111-137.
RG059 -
Easter, David. "Active Soviet Military Support for Indonesia during the 1962 West New Guinea Crisis". Cold War History 15, no.2 (May 2015): 201-220.
Eichhorn, Niels. "North Atlantic Trade in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Case for Peace during the American Civil War". Civil War History 61, no.2 (June 2015): 138-172.
RG059 -
Farias, Rogerio de Souza. "Brazil and the Origins of the Multilateral Trading System". International History Review 37, no.2 (April 2015): 303-323.
RG043 -
Faulkner, Richard S. "'Gone Blooey': Pershing's System for Addressing Officer Incompetence and Inefficiency". Army History 95, (Spring 2015): 6-25.
RG120/NARA photos -
Feng, Patrick. "The 95th Engineer General Service Regiment". On Point 20, no.4 (Spring 2015): 23-26.
NARA photos -
Fletcher, Larry. "Shadows over Cambodia". Vietnam 27, no.6 (June 2015): 48-53.
NARA photos -
Forman, Peter. "New Nixon Autopens Identified". Manuscripts 67, no.2 (Spring 2015): 107-115.
RMN Library -
French, Jessica R. "'Practical Club Work': The Women's Bindery Union and Twentieth Century Reform in Washington, D.C.". Washington History 27, no.1 (Spring 2015): 36-49.
RG149 -
Gettig, Eric. "'Trouble Ahead in Afro-Asia': The United States, the Second Bandung Conference, and the Struggle for the Third World, 1964-1965". Diplomatic History 39, no.1 (January 2015): 126-156.
RG059/LBJ Library/CREST -
Gregg, Sara M. "From Breadbasket to Dust Bowl: Rural Credit, the World War I Plow-Up, and the Transformation of American Agriculture". Great Plains Quarterly 35, no.2 (Spring 2015): 129-166.
RG103 -
Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. "Nazi-Looted Art from East and West in East Prussia: Initial Findings on the Erich Koch Collection". International Journal of Cultural Property 22, (2015): 7-60.
RG238/RG260 -
Hall, Kevin T. "The Befriended Enemy: Prisoners of War in Michigan". Michigan Historical Review 41, no.1 (Spring 2015): 57-79.
NARA photos -
Harlow, James W. "'An Imposter If There Ever Was One': The Trials of Charles De Arnaud". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 6-14.
RG015/RG021/RG046/RG059/RG111 -
Henderson, Harold. "Crossing the Continent with Common Names: Indiana Natives John and Elizabeth (Smith) Smith". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.1 (March 2015): 29-36.
RG029 -
Hodges, Sharon. "Resouces for Locating District of Columbia Ancestors". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 18-23.
RG021 -
Hollins, Hunter. "The War Bond Poster: State Fundraising and National Cohesion through Mass Media during the World Wars". Federal History 7, (2015): 35-52.
RG053 -
Ingulstad, Mats. "The Interdependent Hegemon: The United States and the Quest for Strategic Raw Materials during the Early Cold War". International History Review 37, no.1 (February 2015): 59-79.
RG059/RG220/RG291/RG319/RG330/RG353/RG469/HST Library/DDE Library -
Janken, Kenneth R. "Remembering the Wilmington Ten: African American Politics and Judicial Misconduct in the 1970s". North Carolina Historical Review 92, no.1 (January 2015): 1-48.
RG065 -
Johnson, Luci J. Baker. "A Fortune in Gold (Dust): How a Seattle Assayer Skimmed a Klondike Fortune". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 36-45.
RG021/RG060/RG087/RG104/RG129/RG146/RG204/RG287 -
Jones, Blake W. "'How Does a Born-Again Christian Deal with a Born-Again Moslem?' The Religious Dimension of the Iranian Hostage Crisis". Diplomatic History 39, no.3 (June 2015): 423-451.
JC Library -
Keller, Renata. "The Latin American Missile Crisis". Diplomatic History 39, no.2 (April 2015): 195-222.
JFK Library/LBJ Library -
Koford, Rebecca Whitman. "Hope in a War: Research Challenges a Family Legend". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 36-41.
RG015/RG029/RG094 -
LaCombe, Kent. "Lake Huron's Entangled Eden: Fish, Fisheries, and Lost Opportunities in Freshwater Borderlands, 1900-1940". Michigan Historical Review 41, no.1 (Spring 2015): 25-56.
RG022 -
Lagendijk, Vincent. "Divided Development: Post-War Ideas on River Utilisation and their Influence on the Development of the Danube". International History Review 37, no.1 (February 2015): 80-98.
HST Library -
LaRue, Nicole Gilkison. "What Happened to Eliza? A Case Study in Female Name Changes". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 52-57.
RG015/RG029 -
Lawson, Ellen NicKenzie. "One Soldier's Experience in War". On Point 20, no.4 (Spring 2015): 36-43.
NARA photos -
Lee, Brian E. "A New Frontier: Reevaluating JFK's Civil Rights Record through a Case Study of Prince Edward County, Virginia". Federal History 7, (2015): 53-66.
RG021/RG060/JFK Library -
Lennon, Rachal Mills. "Context and Comrades Illuminate a Silent Southerner: John Temple (1758-1838), Revolutionary War Pensioner". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.1 (March 2015): 49-67.
RG015/RG029/RG093/RG217 -
Leon-Aguinaga, Pablo. "The Trouble with Propaganda: The Second World War, Franco's Spain, and the Origins of the US Post-War Public Diplomacy". International History Review 37, no.2 (April 2015): 342-365.
RG059/RG084/RG208/RG226 -
Levinson, Irving W. "The Contours of a Very Special Border". Journal of the West 53, no.3 (Summer 2014): 69-84.
RG094 -
Ligon, Tina L. "The Christmas Shootings on Guam: Charges of Unlawful Assembly and Rioting Followed". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 46-51.
RG080/RG125 -
Lindell, Lisa R. "'All calls promptly attended to, day or night': Women Doctors in Southern Dakota Territory". South Dakota History 45, no.1 (Spring 2015): 27-67.
RG015/RG029 -
Madley, Benjamin. "'Unholy Traffic in Human Blood and Souls': Systems of California Indian Servitude under U.S. Rule". Pacific Historical Review 83, no.4 (November 2014): 626-667.
RG075/RG098 -
Madley, Benjamin. "Reexamining the American Genocide Debate: Meaning, Historiography, and New Methods". American Historical Review 120, no.1 (February 2015): 98-139.
RG075 -
Mann, Alison T. "'Horrible Barbarity': The 1837 Murder Trial of Dorcas Allen, a Georgetown Slave". Washington History 27, no.1 (Spring 2015): 3-14.
RG021/RG029 -
Marks, Philip. "Enigma Wiring Data: Interpreting Allied Conventions from World War II". Cryptologia 39, no.1 (2015): 25-65.
RG038 -
Marvel, William. "Edward Stanton's Whipping Boy". Civil War Times 54, no.3 (June 2015): 46-53.
NARA photos -
McConnell, Donald and Gustav Person. "The Transformation: Company H, 4th U.S. Infantry, 1863-1869". Military Collector & Historian 66, no.4 (Winter 2014): 312-320.
RG094/RG391 -
McDonald, Darren J. "Blessed Are the Policy Makers: Jimmy Carter's Faith-Based Approach to the Arab-Israeli Conflict". Diplomatic History 39, no.3 (June 2015): 452-476.
JC Library -
McGrath, Nick. "Fort Devens Massachusetts". On Point 20, no.4 (Spring 2015): 44-47.
NARA photos -
McGuire, John Thomas. "In the Inner Circle: Anna Rosenberg and Franklin D. Roosevelt's Presidency, 1941-1945". Presidential Studies Quarterly 45, no.2 (June 2015): 396-406.
FDR Library -
Mendoza, Mary E. "Battling Aftosa: North-to-South Migration across the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1947-1954". Journal of the West 54, no.1 (Winter 2015): 39-50.
RG174 -
Moeller, Kevin M. "A Shaky Axis". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 141, no.6 (June 2015): 30-35.
NARA photos -
Monaco, C.S. "Red Devil or Tragic Hero? Osceola as Settler-Colonial Icon". American Indian Quarterly 39, no.2 (Spring 2015): 180-212.
RG094 -
Monaco, C.S. "Shadows and Pestilence: Health and Medicine during the Second Seminole War". Journal of Social History 48, no.3 (Spring 2015): 565-588.
RG094 -
Moulton, Aaron Coy. "Building Their Own Cold War in Their Own Backyard: The Transnational, International Conflicts in the Greater Caribbean Basin, 1944-1954". Cold War History 15, no.2 (May 2015): 135-154.
RG059/RG084 -
Munnikhuysen, Larry. "Qualification Badges for Tank Crewmen". Military Collector & Historian 66, no.4 (Winter 2014): 311.
RG337 -
Ngai, Mae N. "Chinese Gold Miners and the 'Chinese Question' in Nineteenth-Century California and Victoria". Journal of American History 101, no.4 (March 2015): 1082-1105.
RG029 -
Nudd, Jean. "Where'd They Go? Finding Ancestral Migrations in Federal Records". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 52-57.
RG015/RG029/RG046/RG049/RG094 -
O'Reagan, Douglas Michael. "French Scientific Exploitation and Technology Transfer from Germany in the Diplomatic Context of the Early Cold War". International History Review 37, no.2 (April 2015): 366-385.
RG260/RG332 -
Ode, Jeanne Kilen. "Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Serendipity of Research: Blog Posts from the Pioneer Girl Project". South Dakota History 45, no.1 (Spring 2015): 68-92.
RG029/RG049/HH Library -
Pearson, Susan J. "'Age Ought to Be a Fact': The Campaign against Child Labor and the Rise of the Birth Certificate". Journal of American History 101, no.4 (March 2015): 1144-1165.
RG102 -
Petlewski, Kathy. "Researching Family History in a Vacuum". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 46-51.
RG029/RG163 -
Petty, Bruce M. "Home at Last". Naval History 29, no.3 (June 2015): 32-35.
RG238/NARA photos -
Pho, Helen N. "Cold War Kidnapping: The Gustav Hertz Case and the Failure of Secret Negotiations in Vietnam, 1965-1967". Pacific Historical Review 84, no.1 (February 2015): 19-47.
LBJ Library -
Plante, Trevor K. "Ending the Bloodshed: The Last Surrenders of the Civil War". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 46-52.
RG011/RG111/RG200 -
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "The Rebs Took My Money!". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 42-45.
RG249 -
Rentfrow, James C. "Seabee Service with the Marines". Naval History 29, no.3 (June 2015): 24-31.
NARA photos -
Sanderfer, Selena. "Tennessee's Black Postwar Emigration Movements, 1866-1880". Tennessee HIstorical Quarterly 73, no.4 (Winter 2014): 254-279.
RG105 -
Sanders, Mattea V. "'I Got to Do Something to Keep My Family Up': The CCC-Indian Division Offers a New Deal for the Eastern Band of Cherokees". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 24-34.
RG075 -
Schug, Mark C., Mary C. Suiter, and William C. Wood. "From the Cross of Gold to Central Banking: Three Key Episodes in American Financial History". Social Education 79, no.2 (March-April 2015): 82-88.
NARA photos -
Seelinger, Matthew J. "The M28/M29 Davy Crockett Nuclear Weapon System". On Point 20, no.4 (Spring 2015): 15-17.
NARA photos -
Spohr, Kristina. "Helmut Schmidt and the Shaping of Western Security in the Late 1970s: The Guadeloupe Summit of 1979". International History Review 37, no.1 (February 2015): 167-192.
JC Library -
Stoler, Mark A. "George C. Marshall and the 'Europe-First' Strategy, 1939-1951: A Study in Diplomatic as well as Military History". Journal of Military History 79, no.2 (April 2015): 293-316.
RG046/RG330 -
Stur, Heather Marie. "'Hiding Behind the Humanitarian Label': Refugees, Repatriates, and the Rebuilding of America's Benevolent Image after the Vietnam War". Diplomatic History 39, no.2 (April 2015): 223-244.
RG319/GRF Library -
Sullivan, David M. and Dale Biever. "120th Ambulance Company, 105th Sanitary Train, 30th Infantry Division, A.E.F.". Military Collector & Historian 66, no.4 (Winter 2014): 290-293.
RG120 -
Tillman, Ellen D. "Militarizing Dollar Diplomacy in the Early Twentieth-Century Dominican Republic: Centralization and Resistance". Hispanic American Historical Review 95, no.2 (May 2015): 269-297.
RG139 -
Tiro, Karim M. "The View from Piqua Agency: The War of 1812, the White River Delawares, and the Origins of Indian Removal". Journal of the Early Republic 35, no.1 (Spring 2015): 25-54.
RG075/RG107 -
Turk, Katherine. "'With Wages So Low How Can a Girl Keep Herself?': Protective Labor Legislation and Working Women's Expectations". Journal of Policy History 27, no.2 (2015): 250-274.
RG086 -
Tyler, Robert Llewellyn. "Migrant Culture Maintenance: The Welsh Experience in Poultney, Rutland County, 1900-1940". Vermont History 83, no.1 (Winter-Spring 2015): 19-42.
RG029 -
Warren, Louis S. "Wage Work in the Sacred Circle: The Ghost Dance as Modern Religion". Western Historical Quarterly 46, no.2 (Summer 2015): 141-168.
RG075 -
Wetmore, Jameson M. "Delegating to the Automobile: Experimenting with Automotive Restraints in the 1970s". Technology & Culture 56, no.2 (April 2015): 440-463.
RMN Library -
White, Jonathan W., Katie Fisher, and Elizabeth Wall. "The Civil War Letters of Tillman Valentine, Third US Colored Troops". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 139, no.2 (April 2015): 171-188.
RG015/RG029/RG094 -
Wolfe-Hunnicutt, Brandon. "Embracing Regime Change in Iraq: American Foreign Policy and the 1963 Coup d'etat in Baghdad". Diplomatic History 39, no.1 (January 2015): 98-125.
RG046/RG059/JFK Library -
Zimmer, Kenyon. "Revolutionaries by the Bay: Immigrant Anarchists in San Francisco, 1880s-1930s". Journal of the West 53, no.3 (Summer 2014): 25-32.
Volume 42, Number 3, July-September, 2015
"Interchange: World War I". Journal of American History 102, no.2 (September 2015): 463-499.
RG059/RG084/HH Library -
"Photo Essay: The Carol Carlisle Summer Wedding Dress Collection". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.3 (Summer 2015): 216-233.
RG029 -
"Victory over Japan: August 15, 1945". American History 50, no.4 (October 2015): 14.
NARA photos -
Achbari, Azadeh. "Building Networks for Science: Conflict and Cooperation in Nineteenth-Century Global Marine Studies". Isis 106, no.2 (June 2015): 257-282.
RG078 -
Adler, Jeffrey S. "Less Crime, More Punishment: Violence, Race, and Criminal Justice in Early Twentieth-Century America". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 34-46.
RG029 -
Allen, Thomas B. with Normam Polmar. "How Many Will Die?". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 36-41.
RG165/NARA photos -
Alzo, Lisa A. "Workbook: Naturalization Records". Family Tree Magazine 16, no.5 (September 2015): 33-40.
RG021 -
Baldwin, Jen. "Going Underground: Mining Industry Records". NGS Magazine 41, no.3 (July-September 2015): 30-35.
RG049/RG068 -
Barr, Roger. "The Pittsburgh's Typhoon Battle". Naval History 29, no.5 (October 2015): 24-30.
RG019/RG024/RG038/NARA photos -
Belt, Richard W., Jr. "On Board the 'Augie' at Casablanca". Naval History 29, no.5 (October 2015): 32-37.
NARA photos -
Beyersdorf, Frank. "Freedom of Communication: Visions and Realities of Postwar Telecommunication Orders in the 1940s". Journal of Policy History 27, no.3 (2015): 492-520.
RG059/RG259 -
Borch, Fred L. "From a Teenager in China to an Army Lawyer in America: The Remarkable Career of Judge Advocate General John L. Fugh". On Point 21, no.1 (Summer 2015): 36-43.
NARA photos -
Boulware, Jenny and Andrew Mach. "Glass Blowing and Community Building: A History of Morgantown, West Virginia's Sunnyside Neighborhood, 1890-2013". West Virginia History 9, no.1 (Spring 2-15): 65-88.
RG029 -
Bowen, Marshall E. "The Russian Molokans of Park Valley". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.3 (Summer 2015): 160-179.
RG029/RG049 -
Bratten, Jonathan D. "To the Last Man: The 103d Regimental Combat Team in the Pacific, 1942-1945". On Point 21, no.1 (Summer 2015): 6-13.
NARA photos -
Brown, Tommy. "'Of All the Hardy Sons of Toil': Class and Race in Antebellum Southcentral and Southeastern Alabama". Alabama Review 68, no.3 (July 2015): 213-250.
RG029 -
Burr, William. "The 'Labours of Atlas, Sisyphus, or Hercules'? US Gas-Centrifuge Policy and Diplomacy, 1954-60". International History Review 37, no.3 (June 2015): 431-457.
RG059/RG128 -
Bynum, Victoria E. "The Seduction and Suicide of Mariah Murray: A Civil War Era Tragedy". Ohio Valley History 15, no.1 (Spring 2015): 21-40.
RG029/RG109 -
Camprubi, Lino. "Resource Geopolitics: Cold War Technologies, Global Fertilizers, and the Fate of Western Sahara". Technology and Culture 56, no.3 (July 2015): 676-703.
GRF Library -
Carroll, Dillon J. "'The God Who Shielded Me Before, Yet Watches Over Us All': Confederate Soldiers, Mental Illness, and Religion". Civil War History 61, no.3 (September 2015): 252-280.
RG109/RG418 -
Carter, Chris. "Wiesbaden Consulate: Fee Book and Invoice Books". Der Kurier 33, no.1 (March 2015): 1, 3-8.
RG084 -
Carter, Samara and Emily Hampton. "Wiesbaden Consulate: Correspondence Received". Der Kurier 33, no.2 (June 2015): 25, 28-34.
RG084 -
Castle, Timothy N. "Operation MILLPOND: The Beginning of a Distant Covert War". Studies in Intelligence 59, no.2 (June 2015): 25-40.
JFK Library -
Chiampan, Andrea. "'Those European Chicken Littles': Reagan, NATO, and the Polish Crisis, 1981-2". International History Review 37, no.4 (August 2015): 682-699.
RR Library -
Christensen, Chris and Jared Antrobus. "The Story of Mamba: Aligning Messages Against Recovered Additives". Cryptologia 39, no.3 (2015): 210-243.
RG038/RG457 -
Coates, Benjamin. "Securing Hegemony through Law: Venezuela, the U.S. Asphalt Trust, and the Uses of International Law, 1904-1909". Journal of American History 102, no.2 (September 2015): 380-405.
RG059 -
Cocks, Geoffrey. "Hollywood Uber Alles: Seeing the Nazi in American Movies". Film & History 45, no.1 (Summer 2015): 38-53.
RG208 -
Coleman, Kevin. "Photographs of a Prayer: The (Neglected) Visual Archive and Latin American Labor History". Hispanic American Historical Review 95, no.3 (August 2015): 459-492.
RG059 -
Cooper-Rompato, Christine. "Women Inventors in Utah Territory". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.3 (Summer 2015): 194-215.
RG029 -
Cressman, Robert J. "'Successful from Every Point of View'". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 14-15.
NARA photos -
Crum, Steven J. "The 'Rise and Fall' of Indian Colleges in Indian Territory: Indian University, Henry Kendall College, and Other Colleges, 1880-1907". Chronicles of Oklahoma 93, no.1 (Spring 2015): 4-29.
RG075 -
D'Este, Carlo. "'I really hit a new world'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 32-35.
DDE Library -
Danelski, David J. "Justices Douglas and Whittaker in Meyer v. United States: A False Claim Rebutted". Journal of Supreme Court History 40, no.2 (2015): 172-186.
DDE Library -
Darrow, William B. "The Killing of Congressman James Hinds". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.1 (Spring 2015): 18-55.
RG029 -
Davis, Annie. "Prequel to Independence: Who Fired the Shot Heard Round the World?". Social Education 79, no.4 (September 2015): 188-193.
RG360 -
De Vries, Mark Leon. "Between Equal Justice and Racial Terror: Freedpeople and the District Court of DeSoto Parish during Reconstruction". Louisiana History 56, no.3 (Summer 2015): 261-293.
RG060/RG393 -
Dickson, Ephraim D., III. "From Bunk to Bedstead: The U.S. Army's Search for a New Barrack Bed during the 1850s". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 157-165.
RG092/RG112/NARA photos -
Eisenhower, Mary Jean. "'I never cease to be grateful'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 65-67.
DDE Library/NARA photos -
Ekbladh, David. "American Asylum: The United States and the Campaign to Transplant the Technical League, 1939-1940". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 629-660.
RG043/RG084/RG208/FDR Library -
Ellinghaus, Katherine. "'A Little Home for Myself and Child': The Women of the Quiapaw Agency and the Policy of Competency". Pacific Historical Review 84, no.3 (August 2015): 307-332.
RG075 -
Foster, John T., Jr. and Nicole Brown. "Swaim Family Papers: Civil War Reports and Letters of Recommendation for a Carpetbagger". Florida Historical Quarterly 93, no.4 (Spring 2015): 587-600.
RG029 -
George, Emily. "Fort George G. Meade, Maryland". On Point 21, no.1 (Summer 2015): 44-47.
NARA photos -
Goodman, Michael S. "The Foundations of Anglo-American Intelligence Sharing". Studies in Intelligence 59, no.2 (June 2015): 13-24.
RG059/RG263/RG319 -
Gravel, Diane Florence. "Biblical Breakthrough! How I Came to Love the NGS Online Bible Collection". NGS Magazine 41, no.3 (July-September 2015): 20-25.
RG015/RG029 -
Green, Jennifer R. and Patrick M. Kirkwood. "Reframing the Antebellum Democratic Mainstream: Transatlantic Diplomacy and the Career of Pierre Soule". Civil War History 61, no.3 (September 2015): 212-251.
RG029 -
Haeussler, Mathias. "A Pyrrhic Victory: Harold Wilson, Helmut Schmidt, and the British Renegotiation of EC Membership, 1974-5". International History Review 37, no.4 (August 2015): 768-789.
GRF Library -
Hait, Michael. "Free and Enslaved: John and Melinda Human/Newman of Talbot County and Baltimore, Maryland". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.2 (June 2015): 115-127.
RG029 -
Harrison, Jonathan. "The Rise of Jim Crow in Fort Myers, 1885-1930". Florida Historical Quarterly 94, no.1 (Summer 2015): 40-67.
RG029 -
Hatton, Stephen B. "Which Way Did the Census Taker Walk or Ride His Horse?". NGS Magazine 41, no.3 (July-September 2015): 50-56.
RG029 -
Heimann, Gadi. "The Struggle between the United States and Israel over Recognition for Jerusalem as Israel's Capital, 1952-67". International History Review 37, no.4 (August 2015): 790-809.
RG059 -
Hinton, Elizabeth. "'A War within Our Own Boundaries': Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and the Rise of the Carceral State". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 100-112.
LBJ Library -
Hobbs, Colleen. "Finding Your Family in Federal Record Group 33.6: Navigating the Agricultural Extension Service Archives". Archival Issues 36, no.2 (2015): 22-35.
RG033 -
Johnson, Melissa A. "Mothers for Sophie (Kanetski) Howe of Scranton, Pennsylvania". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.2 (June 2015): 105-113.
RG021/RG029 -
Johnston, James J. "Reminiscence of James H. Campbell's Experiences during the Civil War". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.2 (Summer 2015): 147-177.
RG029/RG109 -
Jones, Kelly Houston. "Bondswomen's Work on the Cotton Frontier: Wagram Plantation, Arkansas". Agricultural History 89, no.3 (Summer 2015): 388-401.
RG029 -
Jones, Thomas W. "Too Few Sources to Solve a Family Mystery? Some Greenfields in Central and Western New York". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.2 (June 2015): 85-103.
RG015/RG029/RG153 -
Kohler-Hausmann, Julilly. "Guns and Butter: The Welfare State, the Carceral State, and the Politics of Exclusion in the Postwar United States". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 87-99.
RR Library -
Lankford, George E. "Austin's Secret: An Arkansas Slave at the Supreme Court". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.1 (Spring 2015): 56-73.
RG029 -
Lassiter, Matthew D. "Impossible Criminals: The Suburban Imperatives of America's War on Drugs". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 126-140.
RMN Library/JC Library -
Lennon, Rachel Mills. "Identifying a Son for John Temple of Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.2 (June 2015): 139-150.
RG015/RG029/RG094 -
Levy, Peter. "Go Quietly or Else: The Resignation of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew". Maryland Historical Magazine 110, no.2 (Summer 2015): 226-251.
RG118/RMN Library -
Lumba, Allan E.S. "Imperial Standards: Colonial Currencies, Racial Capacities, and Economic Knowledge during the Philippine-American War". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 603-628.
RG350 -
MacKay, Kathryn L. "The Uncompahgre Reservation and the Hill Creek Extension". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.3 (Summer 2015): 180-193.
RG075 -
MacKenzie, Scott A. "Forming a Middle Class: The Civil War in Kanawha County, West(ern) Virginia, 1861-1865". West Virginia History 9, no.1 (Spring 2-15): 23-45.
RG021/RG029 -
Maguire, Thomas J. "Counter-Subversion in Early Cold War Britain: The Official Committee on Communism (Home), the Information Research Department, and 'State-Private Networks'". Intelligence and National Security 30, no.5 (October 2015): 637-666.
RG084 -
Marin, Christine. "'Get Rid of the Shacks!': West Live Oak Street Redevelopment in Miami, Arizona, 1946-1952". Journal of Arizona History 56, no.2 (Summer 2015): 205-226.
RG029 -
Matz, Johan. "Analogical Reasoning and the Diplomacy of the Raoul Wallenberg Case 1945-7". International History Review 37, no.3 (June 2015): 582-606.
RG059 -
Meyers, Christopher C. "Fruitland Nursery: A 'Horticultural Mecca'". Georgia Historical Quarterly 99, no.1-2 (Spring-Summer 2015): 48-80.
RG029 -
Morelock, Jerry D. "'I'm going to command the whole shebang'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 38-42.
NARA photos -
Mountcastle, Clay. "Early Acrimony: The Military and the Press in the Nineteenth Century". Army History 96, no. (Summer 2015): 6-20.
NARA photos -
Neumann, Dave. "Secondary Sources in History Classrooms: Disciplinary Frameworks and Student Learning". Social Education 79, no.4 (September 2015): 204-209.
RG057 -
Nichols, David A. "'Unless we progress, we regress'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 56-61.
NARA photos -
O'Neill, Robert F. "Rosebud". Blue & Gray 31, no.5 (2015): 6-30, 39-50.
RG094 -
Olsson, Tore C. "Sharecroppers and Campesinos: The American South, Mexico, and the Transnational Politics of Land Reform in the Radical 1930s". Journal of Southern History 81, no.3 (August 2015): 607-646.
RG016/FDR Library -
Orchard, Phil and Jamie Gillies. "Atypical Leadership: The Role of the Presidency and Refugee Protection, 1932-1952". Presidential Studies Quarterly 45, no.3 (September 2015): 490-513.
RG059 -
Ostrovsky, Michal. "'We Are Standing By': Rescue Operations of the United States Committee for the Care of European Children". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 29, no.2 (Fall 2015): 230-250.
RG059/FDR Library -
Plant, Rebecca Jo and Frances M. Clarke. "'The Crowning Insult': Federal Segregation and the Gold Star Mother and Widow Pilgrimages of the Early 1930s". Journal of American History 102, no.2 (September 2015): 406-432.
RG092 -
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933". NGS Magazine 41, no.3 (July-September 2015): 42-45.
RG015 -
Reynolds, Colin E. "The Rise and Fall of West Virginia's Bureau of Negro Welfare and Statistics, 1921-1957". West Virginia History 9, no.1 (Spring 2-15): 1-22.
RG029 -
Reynolds, William W. "The Virginia Militia at the Siege of Yorktown". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 168-186.
RG015 -
Robertson, Breanne. "Politics in Paint: The Creation, Destruction, and Restoration of the Cedar Rapids Federal Courthouse Mural". Annals of Iowa 74, no.3 (Summer 2015): 263-313.
RG069/RG121 -
Ropp, Paul W. "Saga of the 8-Inch Guns in the Defense of the Philippines". Journal of America's Military Past 40, no.2 (Spring-Summer 2015): 25-46.
RG165/RG496 -
Rosenberg, John. "The Quest against Detente: Eugene Rostow, the October War, and the Origins of the Anti-Detente Movement, 1969-1976". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 720-744.
LBJ Library -
Sears, David. "Butch's Wingman". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 22-29.
NARA photos -
Seelinger, Matthew J. "168th Infantry Regiment". On Point 21, no.1 (Summer 2015): 23-26.
NARA photos -
Seigel, Micol. "Objects of Police History". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 152-161.
RG286 -
Sewell, Bevan. "'We Need Not Be Ashamed of our own Economic Profit Motive': Britain, Latin America, and the Alliance for Progress, 1959-63". International History Review 37, no.3 (June 2015): 607-630.
DDE Library/JFK Library -
Shannon, Matthew K. "American-Iranian Alliances: International Education, Modernization, and Human Rights during the Pahlavi Era". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 661-688.
RG059/JFK Library/JC Library -
Slotten, Hugh Richard. "International Governance, Organizational Standards, and the First Global Satellite Communication System". Journal of Policy History 27, no.3 (2015): 521-549.
RG059/RG220/RG396 -
Soderberg, Susan Cooke. "George Atzerodt: The Reluctant Assassin". Montgomery County Story 58, no.1 (Summer 2015): 1-12.
RG094/RG153 -
Speelman, Mike. "'Unhappy Differences Have Arisen!': Anna Charouleau and a Wife's Property Rights in Territorial Arizona". Journal of Arizona History 56, no.2 (Summer 2015): 145-186.
RG015/RG029 -
St-Onge, Nicole. "Familial Foes? French-Sioux Families and Plains Metis Brigades in the Nineteenth Century". American Indian Quarterly 39, no.3 (Summer 2015): 302-337.
RG029 -
Stanfield, W. Rick. "1902-Era Dress Uniform of the Seminole-Negro Indian Scouts". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 187-192.
RG092 -
Storey, Margaret M. "A Conquest of Manners: Gender, Sociability, and Northern Wives' Occupation of Memphis, 1862-1865". Ohio Valley History 15, no.1 (Spring 2015): 4-20.
RG233 -
Sullivan, David M. "A Man of Honor and Remorse: Excerpts From the Journal Kept by Francis Hawks Cameron: Acting Master's Mate, U.S. Coast Survey and Lieutenant, C.S. Marine Corps". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 105-117.
RG023/RG109/RG127 -
Thomas, Evan. "'The only way to win World War III is to prevent it'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 47-53.
DDE Library/NARA photos -
Tillman, Barrett. "'The Big E' Leadership Factory". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 16-21.
NARA photos -
Turek, Lauren Frances. "To Support a 'Brother in Christ': Evangelical Groups and U.S.-Guatemalan Relations during the Rios Montt Regime". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 689-719.
RR Library -
Vance, Katelynn R. "Sarah Low and 'The bostonians': The Role of Social Networks among Civil War Nurses in Washington, D.C.". Historical New Hampshire 69, no.1 (Summer 2015): 40-60.
RG153 -
Veith, George J. ""Short Road to Hell" for South Vietnam". Vietnam 28, no.3 (October 2015): 48-55.
LBJ Library -
Walby, Kevin and Randy K. Lippert. "Ford First? Corporate Security and the US Department of War's Plant Protection Service's Interior Organization Unit 1917-1918". Labor History 56, no.2 (May 2015): 117-135.
RG165 -
Way, Albert G. "The Invisible and Indeterminable Value of Ecology: From Malaria Control to Ecological Research in the American South". Isis 106, no.2 (Jun2 2015): 310-336.
RG022/RG442 -
Westwater, Charles G. "Finishing Off the Japanese Navy". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 30-35.
NARA photos -
Williamson, Corbin. "Industrial-Grade Generosity: British Warship Repair and Lend-Lease in 1941". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 745-772.
RG019/RG038/RG080/RG313/FDR Library -
Willmetts, Simon. "The CIA and the Invention of Tradition". Journal of Intelligence History 14, no.2 (June 2015): 112-128.
Wilson, Walter E. "The Civil War Blockade Running Adventures of the Lousiana Schooner William R. King". Louisiana History 56, no.3 (Summer 2015): 294-314.
RG021/RG059/RG0094/RG109 -
Worsham, James. "Walker's Personal Colt Whitney Walker Revolvers". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 118-123.
Volume 42, Number 4, October-December, 2015
"A Morris Family Record in a Dellinger Pension File". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 178.
RG015 -
Araujo, Ana Lucia. "Slavery and Its Legacies: Marking the Sesquicentennial of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution". Social Education 79, no.6 (November-December 2015): 289-292.
NARA photos -
Ball, Larry D. "William Edwardy: Frontier Journalist and Adventurer". Journal of Arizona History 56, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 245-276.
RG029/RG109/RG393 -
Bartholf, Howard. "1st Signal Brigade". On Point 21, no.2 (Fall 2015): 23-26.
NARA photos -
Bauduy, Jennifer. "The 1915 U.S. Invasion of Haiti: Examining a Treaty of Occupation". Social Education 79, no.5 (October 2015): 244-249.
RG046 -
Bell, Larry S. and Marvin L. Cann. "Silver Spoons and Spyglasses: The Lifestyle of the Abbeville Gentry, 1820-1860". South Carolina Historical Magazine 115, no.4 (October 2014): 304-324.
RG029 -
Bissett, Jim. "The Dilemma over Moderates: School Desegregation in Alamance County, North Carolina". Journal of Southern History 81, no.4 (November 2015): 887-930.
RG012 -
Brands, H.W. "Party Crasher". American History 50, no.6 (February 2016): 26-33.
RMN Library -
Burlin, Paul T. "Research Note: James G. Blaine's Effort to Have John L. Stevens Appointed Minister to Hawai'i in 1869". Maine History 49, no.2 (Summer 2015): 225-236.
RG059 -
Cahill, Bill. "Ferret: Evolution of a Design Concept". Air Power History 62, no.4 (Winter 2015): 22-37.
RG018/RG111/RG342 -
Cashin, Joan E. "Torn Bonnets and Stolen Silks: Fashion, Gender, Race, and Danger in the Wartime South". Civil War History 61, no.4 (December 2015): 338-361.
RG029 -
Coleman, Jon T. "The Shoemaker's Circus: Grizzly Adams and Nineteenth-Century Animal Entertainment". Environmental History 20, no.4 (October 2015): 593-618.
RG029 -
Corbin, David A. "John F. Kennedy Plays the 'Religious Card': Another Look at the 1960 West Virginia Primary". West Virginia History 9, no.2 (Fall 2015): 1-35.
JFK Library -
Cozzens, Taylor. "Defeating the Devil's Arm: The Victory over the Short-Handled Hoe in California Agriculture". Agricultural History 89, no.4 (Fall 2015): 494-512.
RR Library -
Crum, Tom and Paul H. Carlson. "Did Quanah Parker Lie?". Chronicles of Oklahoma 93, no.3 (Fall 2015): 328-343.
RG393 -
Dickson, Ephraim D., III. "'Shadowy Figures about Whom Little is Known': Artists of the Simpson Expedition, 1858-59". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.4 (Fall 2015): 270-289.
RG077/RG094/RG108 -
Earley, Jason. "Air Force Leaders Take Note: The Army is Changing". Military Review 95, no.6 (November-December 2015): 77-84.
NARA photos -
Edwards, Shelby. "Brown & Bigelow's Charles Allen Ward". Minnesota History 64, no.7 (Fall 2015): 292-300.
RG029/RG129 -
Farquhar, John T. "Aerial Reconnaissance, the Press, and American Foreign Policy, 1950-1954". Air Power History 62, no.4 (Winter 2015): 38-51.
HST Library -
Feng, Patrick. "M3 Lee/Grant Medium Tank". On Point 21, no.2 (Fall 2015): 14-14.
NARA photos -
Fowler, Loretta. "Arapaho and Cheyenne Perspectives: From the 1851 Treaty to the Sand Creek Massacre". American Indian Quarterly 39, no.4 (Fall 2015): 364-390.
RG075 -
Friesel, Ofra. "Changing the American Race Narrative, 1962-1965: Transparency as a Guiding Rule in American Cold War Diplomacy". Journal of Social History 49, no.1 (Fall 2015): 168-193.
RG059/JFK Library -
Fuller, Christopher J. "The Eagle Comes Home to Roost: The Historical Origins of the CIA's Lethal Drone Program". Intelligence and National Security 30, no.6 (December 2015): 769-792.
WJC Library -
Gerits, Frank. "'When the Bull Elephants Fight': Kwame Nkrumah, Non-Alignment, and Pan-Africanism as an Interventionist Ideology in the Global Cold War (1957-66)". International History Review 37, no.5 (October 2015): 951-969.
DDE Library -
Greenhalgh, Elizabeth. "General Ferdinand Foch and Unified Allied Command in 1918". Journal of Military History 79, no.4 (October 2015): 997-1023.
RG120 -
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RG029 -
Harbour, Jennifer. "'I Earn By My Own Labour From Day To Day': African American Women's Activism in the Wartime Midwest". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 108, no.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2015): 346-373.
RG094/RG105 -
Hibbard, James B. "The Civil War Photography of Francis Van de Wall". Wisconsin Magazine of History 99, no.2 (Winter 2015-2016): 28-41.
RG029 -
Hoffschwelle, Mary S. "A Black Woman 'in Orthority': Claiming Professional Status in Jim Crow Alabama". Journal of Southern History 81, no.4 (November 2015): 843-886.
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Howard, Bart. "70 Years On: Battle of St. Vith". Cavalry & Armor Journal 6, no.3 (July-September 2015): 16-27.
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Irvine, Colin. "From Seattle East to the West of Boise". Journal of the West 54, no.3 (Summer 2015): 61-72.
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Iseminger, Gordon. "Kickapoo Oil, Blood Purifiers, and Laxatives: Patent Medicines in One North Dakota Community". North Dakota History 80, no.3 (Fall 2015): 3-28.
RG029 -
Jones, Thomas W. "Getting the Most from Case Studies in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly". NGS Magazine 41, no.4 (October-December 2015): 47-53.
RG029 -
Kindsvatter, Peter S. "Jayhawk Goes to War: VII Corps in Operation Desert Storm". On Point 21, no.2 (Fall 2015): 36-44.
NARA photos -
Kirk, John A. "The Killing of Carnell Russ: Civil Rights, Law Enforcement, and the Courts". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 231-256.
RG021/RG276 -
Klingle, Matthew. "Inescapable Paradoxes: Diabetes, Progress, and Ecologies of Inequality". Environmental History 20, no.4 (October 2015): 736-750.
RG075 -
Kratsch, Sue Hahney. "James Wesley Mooney of Will County, Illinois: Business Records Reveal His New York Family". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 179-200.
RG015/RG029 -
Lehman, Christopher P. "'The Contemplation of Our Righteousness': Vigilante Acts against African Americans in Southwest Minnesota, 1903". Minnesota History 64, no.7 (Fall 2015): 268-276.
RG029 -
Levey, Zach. "The United States, Israel, and Nuclear Desalination: 1964-1968". Diplomatic History 39, no.5 (November 2015): 904-925.
RG059/LBJ Library -
Little, Branden. "Evacuating Wartime Europe: U.S. Policy, Strategy, and Relief Operations for Overseas American Travelers, 1914-15". Journal of Military History 79, no.4 (October 2015): 929-958.
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RG015 -
Lubinski, Christina. "Global Trade and Indian Politics: The German Dye Business in India before 1947". Business History Review 89, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 503-530.
RG059 -
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RG059/RMN Library -
Mehilli, Elidor. "States of Insecurity". International History Review 37, no.5 (October 2015): 1037-1058.
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RG021/RG418 -
Moneyhon, Carl H. "David O. Dodd, the 'Boy Martyr of Arkansas': The Growth and Use of a Legend". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 203-230.
RG153 -
Moore, Jessica Parker. "'Keep All Hands Moving': A Plantation Mistress in Antebellum Arkansas". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 257-276.
RG029 -
Munnikhuysen, Larry. "USAAF 'Flak' Helmets". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.3 (Fall 2015): 232-240.
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Neel, Susan Rhoades. "Love among the Fossils: Earl and Pearl Douglass at Dinosaur National Monument". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.4 (Fall 2015): 290-307.
RG048/RG079 -
Nickens, Paul R. and Kathleen M. Nickens. "Victor of Old San Carlos: Portrait of a Captive Mexican and Apache Tag Band Chief". Journal of Arizona History 56, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 277-322.
RG015/RG075 -
Posz, Darcie Hind. "One George Dean or More? Determining an Identity Spanning Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri, but not Wisconsin". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 201-207.
RG029 -
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "In Their Own Words: Family Stories in the National Archives". NGS Magazine 41, no.4 (October-December 2015): 34-37.
RG015/RG021/RG084/RG085 -
Quivik, Fredric L. "Abundance, Dependence, and Trauma at Philadelphia's Point Breeze Petroleum Refinery: A Mirror on the History of Pennsylvania's Oil Industry". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 139, no.3 (October 2015): 265-292.
RG021 -
Rakove, Robert B. "The Rise and Fall of Non-Aligned Mediation, 1961-6". International History Review 37, no.5 (October 2015): 991-1013.
RG059/JFK Library/LBJ Library -
Roberts, Paul. "The Mad Russian: The Life and U.S. Army Service of Alexis Ureyvitch Sommaripa". On Point 21, no.2 (Fall 2015): 6-13.
NARA photos -
Roberts, Tim. "Lajos Kossuth and the Permeable American Orient of the Mid-Nineteenth Century". Diplomatic History 39, no.5 (November 2015): 793-818.
RG059 -
Rockaway, Robert. "Moving In and Moving Up: Early Twentieth-Century Detroit Jewry". Michigan Historical Review 41, no.2 (Fall 2015): 59-79.
RG029 -
Rosier, Paul C. "Crossing New Boundaries: American Indians and Twentieth Century U.S. Foreign Policy". Diplomatic History 39, no.5 (November 2015): 955-966.
RG059/RG075/HST Library -
Sarkar, Jayita. "The Making of a Non-Aligned Nuclear Power: India's Proliferation Drift, 1964-8". International History Review 37, no.5 (October 2015): 9933950.
RG059/LBJ Library -
Scribner, Sara Anne. "No Name, No Number: George Holmes' Orphans of Washington and Jefferson Counties, Georgia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 165-177.
RG029 -
Seymour, Gene. "The Graphic Life of John Lewis". American History 50, no.5 (December 2015): 26-35.
LBJ Library -
Shrout, Anelise Hanson. "A 'Voice of Benevolence from the Western Wilderness': The Politics of Native Philanthropy in the Trans-Mississippi West". Journal of the Early Republic 35, no.4 (Winter 2015): 553-578.
RG075 -
Shulman, Peter A. "Anthracite Country Reaches for the World, 1851". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 139, no.3 (October 2015): 360-362.
RG045 -
Smoot, Betsy Rohaly. "Parker Hitt's First Cylinder Device and the Genesis of U.S. Army Cylinder and Strip Devices". Cryptologia 39, no.4 (2015): 315-321.
RG111/RG457 -
Soares, John. "Trying to Wear the White Hat: Nixon, the Media, and the Chisum-Charles Manson Imbroglio". Western Historical Quarterly 46, no.4 (Winter 2015): 443-466.
RMN Library -
Stowe, Christopher S. "George Gordon Meade and the Boundaries of Nineteenth-Century Military Masculinity". Civil War History 61, no.4 (December 2015): 362-399.
RG015 -
Thomas, Dean and Fred Gaede. "Finding Col. Silas Crispin". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.3 (Fall 2015): 211-213.
RG092 -
Tworek, Heidi J. S. "Political and Economic News in the Age of Multinationals". Business History Review 89, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 447-474.
RG060 -
Vinsel, Lee Jared. "Designing to the Test: Performance Standards and Technological Change in the U.S. Automobile after 1966". Technology and Culture 56, no.4 (October 2015): 868-894.
RG416 -
Wells, Catherine Pierce. "Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and the American Civil War". Journal of Supreme Court History 40, no.3 (2015): 282-313.
NARA photos -
Wilcox, Shirley Langdon. "Associations Re-establish Family Links: The Youngs' Serial Migration from Virginia through Kentucky and Missouri to California". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 209-228.
RG029 -
Woolner, Cookie. "'Woman Slain in Queer Love Brawl': African American Women, Same-Sex Desire, and Violence in the Urban North, 1920-1929". Journal of African American History 100, no.3 (Summer 2015): 406-427.
RG029 -
Zarr, Christopher. "The Art of Sedition". Social Education 79, no.6 (November-December 2015): 293-300.
RG021/RG121 -
Zioboro, Melissa. "Adolphus W. Greely". On Point 21, no.2 (Fall 2015): 18-21.
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