Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Compilation of Periodical Literature: 2015

Current Issues

Volume 42, Number 1, January-March, 2015

  1. "Memories of Montford Point". Naval History 29, no.1 (February 2015): 32-37.
    NARA photos

  2. "Your Good Friend Victoria R". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 72.

  3. Alvaro-Moya, Adoracion. "The Globalization of Knowledge-Based Services: Engineering Consulting in Spain, 1953-1975". Business History Review 88, no.4 (Winter 2014): 681-707.

  4. Anderson, Jim and Dirk A.D. Smith. "A Tale of Two Semi-Submersible Submarines". Studies in Intelligence 58, no.4 (December 2014): 31-41.

  5. Baldrich, Juan Jose. "The 'Tobacco Trust' in Puerto Rico: From Cigarette Manufacturing to Agribusiness, 1899-1911". Agricultural History 89, no.1 (Winter 2015): 34-56.

  6. Ball, Durwood. "Beyond Traverse des Sioux: Captain Edward V. Sumner's Expedition to Devil's Lake in 1845". Annals of Iowa 74, no.1 (Winter 2015): 1-28.

  7. Barry, Peter J. "Colonel Mitchell's Wars: Confederates, Copperheads and Bushwackers". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Association 107, no.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2014): 346-369.

  8. Bauman, John F. "Row Housing as Public Housing: The Philadelphia Story, 1957-2013". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 138, no.4 (October 2014): 425-456.

  9. Blumberg, Arnold. "Sapper Attack". Vietnam 27, no.6 (April 2015): 40-45.
    NARA photos

  10. Bradsher, Greg. "The President's Archivist Goes to War: Fred W. Shipman in Italy in 1944". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 46-57.
    RG111/RG165/RG218/RG331/FDR Library

  11. Brady, Benjamin R. and Howard M. Bahr. "The Influenza Epidemic of 1918-1920 among the Navajos". American Indian Quarterly 38, no.4 (Fall 2014): 459-491.

  12. Broussard, Eric S. "The Life of Mary Adams Balmat, Black Hills Benefactor". South Dakota History 44, no.3 (Fall 2014): 189-211.

  13. Buchanan, Patrick J. "In '66 Johnson Slips and Nixon Hits". Vietnam 27, no.6 (April 2015): 54-59.
    LBJ Library

  14. Cohen, Andrew. "Britain and the Breakdown of the Colonial Environment: The Struggle over the Tanzam Oil Pipeline in Zambia". Business History Review 88, no.4 (Winter 2014): 737-759.

  15. Crosman, Kathleen. "The Army in the Woods". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 58-63.

  16. Davis, Robert Scott. "Tribute for a Black Patriot: A Pension for Austin Dabney". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 22-29.

  17. Dexter, Richard P. "Colonel Silas D. Baldwin: Guilty or Not Guilty? A Case of Command Influence?". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Association 107, no.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2014): 296-320.

  18. Dudley, William S. "The Pinchpenny Flotilla". Naval History 29, no.1 (February 2015): 38-45.

  19. Egerton, Douglas R. "The Slaves' Election: Fremont, Freedom, and the Slave Conspiracies of 1856". Civil War History 61, no.1 (March 2015): 35-63.

  20. Ersland, Jake. "Broke, But Not Out of Luck: Using Bankruptcy Records for Genealogical Research". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 58-63.

  21. Farquhar, John T. "Arctic Linchpin: The Polar Concept in American Air Atomic Strategy, 1946-1948". Air Power History 61, no.4 (Winter 2014): 34-45.

  22. Fountain, Daniel L. "A Broader Footprint: Slavery and Slaveholding Households in Antebellum Piedmont North Carolina". North Carolina Historical Review 91, no.4 (October 2014): 407-444.

  23. Gavin, Allison. "Time and Punishment". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 48-57.

  24. Goetzel, Maura. "The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities in Times of Crisis". Texas Historian 75,(2014-2015): 33-38.

  25. Gorman, Michael D. "A Conqueror or a Peacemaker? Abraham Lincoln in Richmond". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 123, no.1 (2015): 2-88.

  26. Graf, Mercedes. "All the Women Were Valiant: Spanish-American War Volunteers Who Died from Their Service". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 24-34.

  27. Greene, Benjamin P. "'Captive of a Scientific-Technological Elite': Eisenhower and the Nuclear Test Ban". Presidential Studies Quarterly 45, no.1 (March 2015): 29-45.
    RG059/HH Library/DDE Library

  28. Grua, David W. "'In Memory of the Chief Big Foot Massacre': The Wounded Knee Survivors and the Politics of Memory". Western Historical Quarterly 46, no.1 (Spring 2015): 31-51.

  29. Hayes, Connor. "John Wesley Hardin: The Making of a Legend in Post-Civil War Texas". Texas Historian 75,(2014-2015): 28-31.

  30. Haynes, Robert V. "'Some Dark, Mysterious Business': Aaron Burr in Mississippi Territory". Journal of Mississippi History 74, no.4 (Winter 2012): 373-385.

  31. Hollon, Cory S. "'A Leap in the Dark': The Campaign to Conquer New Mexico and California, 1846-1847". Army History 94,(Winter 2015): 6-25.
    NARA photos

  32. Itkin, Beth Kressel. "Creating 'What Might Have Been a Fuss': The Many Faces of Equal Public Rights in Reconstruction-era Louisiana". Louisiana History 56,no.1 (Winter 2015): 42-74.

  33. Kimble, James J. "The Illustrated Four Freedoms: FDR, Rockwell, and the Margins of the Rhetorical Presidency". Presidential Studies Quarterly 45,no.1 March 2015): 46-69.
    RG044/RG208/FDR Library

  34. Kirby, Joe P. "Frederick Henry Morse: The Artist in the Penitentiary". South Dakota History 44, no.3 (Fall 2014): 212-233.

  35. Kopelson, Gene. "'Ya Basta?!' Ronald Reagan's 1966 Success with Mexican American Voters". California History 91, no.4 (Winter 2014): 31-42.
    RR Library

  36. Kovac, Criss. "Saving the Moving Images of World War I". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 30-34.

  37. Kratz, Jessie. "'P.S.: You Had Better Remove the Records': Early Federal Archives and the Burning of Washington during the War of 1812". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 36-44.

  38. Lipman, Jana K. "'A Precedent Worth Setting...': Military Humanitarianism: The U.S. Military and the 1975 Vietnamese Evacuation". Journal of Military History 79, no.1 (January 2015): 151-179.
    RG220/RG319/GRF Library

  39. Lockwood, John. "Topping Off the Tip: How Aluminum Found Its Way onto the Washington Monument". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 6-12.

  40. Manning, Anita and Justin W. Vance. "Hawai'i at Home during the American Civil War". Hawaiian Journal of History 48,(2014): 145-170.

  41. Manning, Mary J. "Being German, Being American". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 14-22.

  42. Marchio, James. "'If the Weatherman Can...': The Intelligence Community's Struggle to Express Analytic Uncertainty in the 1970s". Studies in Intelligence 58, no.4 (December 2014): 19-30.

  43. McAndrew, Malia. "Beauty, Soft Power, and the Politics of Womanhood during the U.S. Occupation of Japan, 1945-1952". Journal of Women's History 26, no.4 (Winter 2014): 83-107.

  44. Meals, Bryan K. "When an Act of Congress Wasn't Enough: One of FDR's Last Vetoes and the Family Behind It". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 6-11.
    RG233/FDR Library

  45. Mokrzycki, Paul. "Lost in the Heartland: Childhood, Region, and Iowa's Missing Paperboys". Annals of Iowa 74, no.1 (Winter 2015): 29-70.
    RR Library

  46. Monaco, C.S. "'Wishing that Right May Prevail': Ethan Allen Hitchcock and the Florida War". Florida Historical Quarterly 93, no.2 (Fall 2014): 167-194.

  47. Morrison, Charles W. "At Whatever the Cost: The Fight for the Mule Shoe at Spotsylvania Court House, 12 May 1864". Army History 94, (Winter 2015): 30-41.
    NARA photos

  48. North, Don. "Terror in the Night". Vietnam 27, no.6 (April 2015): 32-39.
    NARA photos

  49. Nygren, Joshua M. "In Pursuit of Conservative Reform: Social Darwinism, the Agricultural Ladder, and the Lessons of European Tenancy". Agricultural History 89, no.1 (Winter 2015): 75-101.

  50. O'Hara, Vincent P. "Landing the Troops...Across the Rhine". Naval History 29, no.2 (April 2015): 34-41.
    RG038/NARA photos

  51. Olwell, Russell and Jesse Fries. "Tennessee Nuclear Family Fission: Why Oak Ridge Divorced during and after World War II". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 73, no.3 (Fall 2014): 208-221.

  52. Patch, Nathaniel S. "Mission: Lifeguard". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 12-21.
    RG038/RG080/RG313/GHWB Library

  53. Phillips, Edward H. "'Big Ears Three' and the Battle of Bien Hoa". Vietnam 27, no.6 (April 2015): 26-31.
    NARA photos

  54. Pittman, Scott. "Lifting the Veil: Public-Private Surveillance Networks and the Red Scare in California Higher Education". California History 91, no.4 (Winter 2014): 43-55.

  55. Prados, John. "The Marines' Vietnam Commitment". Naval History 29, no.2 (April 2015): 16-25.
    NARA photos

  56. Ried, Kimberlee. "Immigrants and National Security during World War I". Social Education 79, no.1 (January-February 2015): 11-17.

  57. Risk, James and Kevin Attridge. "Garitee v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore: A Gilded Age Debate on the Role and Limits of Local Government". Maryland Historical Magazine 109, no.4 (Winter 2014): 452-472.

  58. Rislakki, Jukka. "'Without Mercy' - U.S. Strategic Intelligence and Finland in the Cold War". Journal of Military History 79, no.1 (January 2015): 127-149.
    RG263/RG319/JFK Library/LBJ Library/CREST

  59. Romney, Charles W. "The Seattle Teamsters and the Procedural State, 1935-1942". Labor History 56, no.1 (February 2015): 22-39.

  60. Scott, James M. "The Navy Targets Tokyo". Naval History 29, no.2 (April 2015): 26-33.
    RG018/RG428/NARA photos

  61. Sears, David. "Ghost Team of Island X". Naval History 29, no.1 (February 2015): 46-55.
    NARA photos

  62. Underhill, Lonnie E. "A History of Fort Thomas, Arizona Territory, 1876-1892". Journal of the West 53, no.2 (Spring 2014): 25-42.

  63. Wells, William R., II. "Wet, Cold, and Thoroughly Miserable". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 36-46.


Volume 42, Number 2, April-June, 2015

  1. "ER's Wallet: A Treasure Trove". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 72.
    FDR Library

  2. "Sports in War: The Vietnam League". Vietnam 27, no.6 (June 2015): 40-47.
    NARA photos

  3. "The Bloodiest Battle: The Battle of the Bulge Loomed Large 70 Winters Ago". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 36-44.
    RG111/RG208/RG331/RG407/DDE Library

  4. "The Treaty of Ghent". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 72.

  5. Amerian, Stephanie M. "'Buying European': The Marshall Plan and American Department Stores". Diplomatic History 39, no.1 (January 2015): 45-69.
    RG469/HST Library

  6. Amsterdam, Daniel. "Before the Roar: U.S. Unemployment Relief after World War I and the Long History of a Paternalist Welfare Policy". Journal of American History 101, no.4 (March 2015): 1123-1143.
    HH Library

  7. Anderson, Leslie Elaine. "Tabitha (Bugg) George Smith of Mecklenberg County, Virginia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.1 (March 2015): 5-28.

  8. Anderson, Margo. "Public Management of Big Data: Historical Lessons from the 1940s". Federal History 7, (2015): 17-34.
    RG029/RG040/RG051/RG059/RG210/RG220/RG338/FDR Library

  9. Andrews, Jean Atkinson. "Indirect Evidence for the Identity of Richard Andrews (1748-1824) of Stark County, Ohio". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.1 (March 2015): 37-48.

  10. Antoine, Mary Elise. "A Short History of the Swift United States Army General Hospital at Prairie du Chien, November 1864-September 1865". Wisconsin Magazine of History 98, no.4 (Summer 2015): 2-13.

  11. Arthus, Wien Weibert. "The Challenge of Democratizing the Caribbean during the Cold War: Kennedy Facing the Duvalier Dilemma". Diplomatic History 39, no.3 (June 2015): 504-531.
    JFK Library

  12. Baer, Marc David. "Muslim Encounters with Nazism and the Holocaust: The Ahmadi of Berlin and Jewish Convert to Islam Hugo Marcus". American Historical Review 120, no.1 (February 2015): 140-171.

  13. Barton, Mary S. "The Global War on Anarchism: The United States and International Anarchist Terrorism, 1898-1904". Diplomatic History 39, no.2 (April 2015): 303-330.

  14. Baumgartner, Alice L. "The Line of Positive Safety: Borders and Boundaries in the Rio Grande Valley, 1848-1880". Journal of American History 101, no.4 (March 2015): 1106-1122.

  15. Bess, Jennifer. "The Price of Pima Cotton: The Cooperative Testing and Demonstration Farm at Sacaton, Arizona, and the Decline of the Pima Agricultural Economy, 1907-1920". Western Historical Quarterly 46, no.2 (Summer 2015): 171-189.

  16. Blumenthal, Seth E. "Children of the 'Silent Majority': Richard Nixon's Young Voters for the President, 1972". Journal of Policy History 27, no.2 (2015): 337-363.
    JFK Library/RMN Library

  17. Boghardt, Thomas. "Dirty Work? The Use of Nazi Informants by U.S. Army Intelligence in Postwar Europe". Journal of Military History 79, no.2 (April 2015): 387-422.
    RG165/RG238/RG260/RG263/RG319/RG549/NARA photos

  18. Bradsher, Greg. "Hitler's Final Words: His Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate: From the Bunker in Berlin to the National Archives". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 16-25.

  19. Brenes, Michael. "Making Foreign Policy at the Grassroots: Cold War Politics and the 1976 Republican Primary". Journal of Policy History 27, no.1 (2015): 93-117.
    RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library

  20. Brodie, Janet Farrell. "Radiation Secrecy and Censorship after Hiroshima and Nagasaki". Journal of Social History 48, no.4 (Summer 2015): 842-864.

  21. Burns, Michael. "A Confederate Memorial the 'Equal of Gettysburg': Sectionalism and Memory in the Establishment of Manassas National Battlefield Park, 1890-1940". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 123, no.2 (2015): 140-170.

  22. Bustard, Bruce. "Spirited Republic: Alcohol's Evolving Role in U.S. History". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 14-22.
    RG045/RG054/RG058/RG092/RG241/RG306/RG511/GRF Library

  23. Carroll, Andrew. "Victory in Europe: May 8, 1945". American History 50, no.2 (June 2015): 58-61.
    NARA photos

  24. Catton, Philip E. "'It Would Be a Terrible Thing if We Handed These People over to the Communists': The Eisenhower Administration, Article 14(d), and the Origins of the Refugee Exodus from North Vietnam". Diplomatic History 39, no.2 (April 2015): 331-358.
    RG043/RG059/DDE Library

  25. Chornesky, Michael B. "Confederate Island upon the Union's 'Most Hallowed Ground': The Battle to Interpret Arlington House, 1921-1937". Washington History 27, no.1 (Spring 2015): 20-33.

  26. Christ, Mark K. "'War to the knife': Union and Confederate Soldiers' Accounts of the Camden Expedition, 1864". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 73, no.4 (Winter 2014): 381-413.

  27. Conetto, Al. "In the Beginning, There Was the Hump". Vietnam 27, no.6 (June 2015): 26-33.
    NARA photos

  28. Crosbie, Thomas. "The US Army's Domestic Strategy 1945-1965". Parameters 44, no.4 (Winter 2014-15): 105-118.

  29. Cushman, Barry. "The Clerks of the Four Horsemen (Part II, George Sutherland and Pierce Butler)". Journal of Supreme Court History 40, no.1 (2015): 55-79.
    LBJ Library

  30. Dallek, Matthew. "London Burning: The Blitz of England and the Origins of 'Home Defense' in Twentieth-Century America". Journal of Policy History 27, no.2 (2015): 197-219.
    RG171/FDR Library

  31. Danelski, David J. "The Appointment of William O. Douglas to the Supreme Court". Journal of Supreme Court History 40, no.1 (2015): 80-98.
    NARA photos

  32. Danforth, Nicholas. "Malleable Modernity: Rethinking the Role of Ideology in American Policy, Aid Programs, and Propaganda in Fifties' Turkey". Diplomatic History 39, no.3 (June 2015): 477-503.

  33. Dangerfield, David W. "Turning the Earth: Free Black Yeomanry in the Antebellum South Carolina Lowcountry". Agricultural History 89, no.2 (Spring 2015): 200-224.

  34. Daverede, Alex J., III. "The Sacrifice of the USS Peary". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 26-34.

  35. David, Annie. "Freedom of Speech in Times of War: The Sedition Act of 1918". Social Education 79, no.3 (May-June 2015): 125-129.

  36. Davidson, William Evans. "Summary Remarks on the Evolution of the Sea-Service 3-Pounder Swivel Howitzer into the U.S. Army's 2 3/4 Inch King Howitzer: 1775-1820: Myths and Facts". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.1 (Spring 2015): 48-75.

  37. De Leeuw, Karl. "J.F.W. Nuboer and the Reintroduction of Machine Cryptography by the Royal Netherlands Navy, 1915-1940". Cryptologia 39, no.2 (2015): 157-172.

  38. Deeben, John P. "Caring for Veterans in the Nation's Capital: Records of the U.S. Soldiers' Home in Washington, D.C. 1851-1943". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 54-62.

  39. DeRoche, Andy. "'She Did a Lot for Us': Jean Wilkowski in Zambia". Passport 46, no.1 (April 2015): 38-43.
    RG059/GRF Library

  40. Donnelly, William M. "'This "Horrible Example"': An Extraordinary Case of Absent Without Leave during the Vietnam War". Journal of Military History 79, no.2 (April 2015): 457-466.

  41. Dougherty, John J. "'Talk the Language of the Larger World': Fishing Wars, Natural Resources, and the Birth of the Sovereignty Movement in the Postwar Pacific Northwest". Western Legal History 27, no.1 (Winter-Spring 2014): 57-89.

  42. Douma, Michael J. "The Lincoln Administration's Negotiations to Colonize African Americans in Dutch Suriname". Civil War History 61, no.2 (June 2015): 111-137.

  43. Easter, David. "Active Soviet Military Support for Indonesia during the 1962 West New Guinea Crisis". Cold War History 15, no.2 (May 2015): 201-220.

  44. Eichhorn, Niels. "North Atlantic Trade in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Case for Peace during the American Civil War". Civil War History 61, no.2 (June 2015): 138-172.

  45. Farias, Rogerio de Souza. "Brazil and the Origins of the Multilateral Trading System". International History Review 37, no.2 (April 2015): 303-323.

  46. Faulkner, Richard S. "'Gone Blooey': Pershing's System for Addressing Officer Incompetence and Inefficiency". Army History 95, (Spring 2015): 6-25.
    RG120/NARA photos

  47. Feng, Patrick. "The 95th Engineer General Service Regiment". On Point 20, no.4 (Spring 2015): 23-26.
    NARA photos

  48. Fletcher, Larry. "Shadows over Cambodia". Vietnam 27, no.6 (June 2015): 48-53.
    NARA photos

  49. Forman, Peter. "New Nixon Autopens Identified". Manuscripts 67, no.2 (Spring 2015): 107-115.
    RMN Library

  50. French, Jessica R. "'Practical Club Work': The Women's Bindery Union and Twentieth Century Reform in Washington, D.C.". Washington History 27, no.1 (Spring 2015): 36-49.

  51. Gettig, Eric. "'Trouble Ahead in Afro-Asia': The United States, the Second Bandung Conference, and the Struggle for the Third World, 1964-1965". Diplomatic History 39, no.1 (January 2015): 126-156.
    RG059/LBJ Library/CREST

  52. Gregg, Sara M. "From Breadbasket to Dust Bowl: Rural Credit, the World War I Plow-Up, and the Transformation of American Agriculture". Great Plains Quarterly 35, no.2 (Spring 2015): 129-166.

  53. Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. "Nazi-Looted Art from East and West in East Prussia: Initial Findings on the Erich Koch Collection". International Journal of Cultural Property 22, (2015): 7-60.

  54. Hall, Kevin T. "The Befriended Enemy: Prisoners of War in Michigan". Michigan Historical Review 41, no.1 (Spring 2015): 57-79.
    NARA photos

  55. Harlow, James W. "'An Imposter If There Ever Was One': The Trials of Charles De Arnaud". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 6-14.

  56. Henderson, Harold. "Crossing the Continent with Common Names: Indiana Natives John and Elizabeth (Smith) Smith". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.1 (March 2015): 29-36.

  57. Hodges, Sharon. "Resouces for Locating District of Columbia Ancestors". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 18-23.

  58. Hollins, Hunter. "The War Bond Poster: State Fundraising and National Cohesion through Mass Media during the World Wars". Federal History 7, (2015): 35-52.

  59. Ingulstad, Mats. "The Interdependent Hegemon: The United States and the Quest for Strategic Raw Materials during the Early Cold War". International History Review 37, no.1 (February 2015): 59-79.
    RG059/RG220/RG291/RG319/RG330/RG353/RG469/HST Library/DDE Library

  60. Janken, Kenneth R. "Remembering the Wilmington Ten: African American Politics and Judicial Misconduct in the 1970s". North Carolina Historical Review 92, no.1 (January 2015): 1-48.

  61. Johnson, Luci J. Baker. "A Fortune in Gold (Dust): How a Seattle Assayer Skimmed a Klondike Fortune". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 36-45.

  62. Jones, Blake W. "'How Does a Born-Again Christian Deal with a Born-Again Moslem?' The Religious Dimension of the Iranian Hostage Crisis". Diplomatic History 39, no.3 (June 2015): 423-451.
    JC Library

  63. Keller, Renata. "The Latin American Missile Crisis". Diplomatic History 39, no.2 (April 2015): 195-222.
    JFK Library/LBJ Library

  64. Koford, Rebecca Whitman. "Hope in a War: Research Challenges a Family Legend". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 36-41.

  65. LaCombe, Kent. "Lake Huron's Entangled Eden: Fish, Fisheries, and Lost Opportunities in Freshwater Borderlands, 1900-1940". Michigan Historical Review 41, no.1 (Spring 2015): 25-56.

  66. Lagendijk, Vincent. "Divided Development: Post-War Ideas on River Utilisation and their Influence on the Development of the Danube". International History Review 37, no.1 (February 2015): 80-98.
    HST Library

  67. LaRue, Nicole Gilkison. "What Happened to Eliza? A Case Study in Female Name Changes". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 52-57.

  68. Lawson, Ellen NicKenzie. "One Soldier's Experience in War". On Point 20, no.4 (Spring 2015): 36-43.
    NARA photos

  69. Lee, Brian E. "A New Frontier: Reevaluating JFK's Civil Rights Record through a Case Study of Prince Edward County, Virginia". Federal History 7, (2015): 53-66.
    RG021/RG060/JFK Library

  70. Lennon, Rachal Mills. "Context and Comrades Illuminate a Silent Southerner: John Temple (1758-1838), Revolutionary War Pensioner". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.1 (March 2015): 49-67.

  71. Leon-Aguinaga, Pablo. "The Trouble with Propaganda: The Second World War, Franco's Spain, and the Origins of the US Post-War Public Diplomacy". International History Review 37, no.2 (April 2015): 342-365.

  72. Levinson, Irving W. "The Contours of a Very Special Border". Journal of the West 53, no.3 (Summer 2014): 69-84.

  73. Ligon, Tina L. "The Christmas Shootings on Guam: Charges of Unlawful Assembly and Rioting Followed". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 46-51.

  74. Lindell, Lisa R. "'All calls promptly attended to, day or night': Women Doctors in Southern Dakota Territory". South Dakota History 45, no.1 (Spring 2015): 27-67.

  75. Madley, Benjamin. "'Unholy Traffic in Human Blood and Souls': Systems of California Indian Servitude under U.S. Rule". Pacific Historical Review 83, no.4 (November 2014): 626-667.

  76. Madley, Benjamin. "Reexamining the American Genocide Debate: Meaning, Historiography, and New Methods". American Historical Review 120, no.1 (February 2015): 98-139.

  77. Mann, Alison T. "'Horrible Barbarity': The 1837 Murder Trial of Dorcas Allen, a Georgetown Slave". Washington History 27, no.1 (Spring 2015): 3-14.

  78. Marks, Philip. "Enigma Wiring Data: Interpreting Allied Conventions from World War II". Cryptologia 39, no.1 (2015): 25-65.

  79. Marvel, William. "Edward Stanton's Whipping Boy". Civil War Times 54, no.3 (June 2015): 46-53.
    NARA photos

  80. McConnell, Donald and Gustav Person. "The Transformation: Company H, 4th U.S. Infantry, 1863-1869". Military Collector & Historian 66, no.4 (Winter 2014): 312-320.

  81. McDonald, Darren J. "Blessed Are the Policy Makers: Jimmy Carter's Faith-Based Approach to the Arab-Israeli Conflict". Diplomatic History 39, no.3 (June 2015): 452-476.
    JC Library

  82. McGrath, Nick. "Fort Devens Massachusetts". On Point 20, no.4 (Spring 2015): 44-47.
    NARA photos

  83. McGuire, John Thomas. "In the Inner Circle: Anna Rosenberg and Franklin D. Roosevelt's Presidency, 1941-1945". Presidential Studies Quarterly 45, no.2 (June 2015): 396-406.
    FDR Library

  84. Mendoza, Mary E. "Battling Aftosa: North-to-South Migration across the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1947-1954". Journal of the West 54, no.1 (Winter 2015): 39-50.

  85. Moeller, Kevin M. "A Shaky Axis". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 141, no.6 (June 2015): 30-35.
    NARA photos

  86. Monaco, C.S. "Red Devil or Tragic Hero? Osceola as Settler-Colonial Icon". American Indian Quarterly 39, no.2 (Spring 2015): 180-212.

  87. Monaco, C.S. "Shadows and Pestilence: Health and Medicine during the Second Seminole War". Journal of Social History 48, no.3 (Spring 2015): 565-588.

  88. Moulton, Aaron Coy. "Building Their Own Cold War in Their Own Backyard: The Transnational, International Conflicts in the Greater Caribbean Basin, 1944-1954". Cold War History 15, no.2 (May 2015): 135-154.

  89. Munnikhuysen, Larry. "Qualification Badges for Tank Crewmen". Military Collector & Historian 66, no.4 (Winter 2014): 311.

  90. Ngai, Mae N. "Chinese Gold Miners and the 'Chinese Question' in Nineteenth-Century California and Victoria". Journal of American History 101, no.4 (March 2015): 1082-1105.

  91. Nudd, Jean. "Where'd They Go? Finding Ancestral Migrations in Federal Records". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 52-57.

  92. O'Reagan, Douglas Michael. "French Scientific Exploitation and Technology Transfer from Germany in the Diplomatic Context of the Early Cold War". International History Review 37, no.2 (April 2015): 366-385.

  93. Ode, Jeanne Kilen. "Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Serendipity of Research: Blog Posts from the Pioneer Girl Project". South Dakota History 45, no.1 (Spring 2015): 68-92.
    RG029/RG049/HH Library

  94. Pearson, Susan J. "'Age Ought to Be a Fact': The Campaign against Child Labor and the Rise of the Birth Certificate". Journal of American History 101, no.4 (March 2015): 1144-1165.

  95. Petlewski, Kathy. "Researching Family History in a Vacuum". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 46-51.

  96. Petty, Bruce M. "Home at Last". Naval History 29, no.3 (June 2015): 32-35.
    RG238/NARA photos

  97. Pho, Helen N. "Cold War Kidnapping: The Gustav Hertz Case and the Failure of Secret Negotiations in Vietnam, 1965-1967". Pacific Historical Review 84, no.1 (February 2015): 19-47.
    LBJ Library

  98. Plante, Trevor K. "Ending the Bloodshed: The Last Surrenders of the Civil War". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 46-52.

  99. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "The Rebs Took My Money!". NGS Magazine 41, no.2 (April-June 2015): 42-45.

  100. Rentfrow, James C. "Seabee Service with the Marines". Naval History 29, no.3 (June 2015): 24-31.
    NARA photos

  101. Sanderfer, Selena. "Tennessee's Black Postwar Emigration Movements, 1866-1880". Tennessee HIstorical Quarterly 73, no.4 (Winter 2014): 254-279.

  102. Sanders, Mattea V. "'I Got to Do Something to Keep My Family Up': The CCC-Indian Division Offers a New Deal for the Eastern Band of Cherokees". Prologue 46, no.4 (Summer 2014): 24-34.

  103. Schug, Mark C., Mary C. Suiter, and William C. Wood. "From the Cross of Gold to Central Banking: Three Key Episodes in American Financial History". Social Education 79, no.2 (March-April 2015): 82-88.
    NARA photos

  104. Seelinger, Matthew J. "The M28/M29 Davy Crockett Nuclear Weapon System". On Point 20, no.4 (Spring 2015): 15-17.
    NARA photos

  105. Spohr, Kristina. "Helmut Schmidt and the Shaping of Western Security in the Late 1970s: The Guadeloupe Summit of 1979". International History Review 37, no.1 (February 2015): 167-192.
    JC Library

  106. Stoler, Mark A. "George C. Marshall and the 'Europe-First' Strategy, 1939-1951: A Study in Diplomatic as well as Military History". Journal of Military History 79, no.2 (April 2015): 293-316.

  107. Stur, Heather Marie. "'Hiding Behind the Humanitarian Label': Refugees, Repatriates, and the Rebuilding of America's Benevolent Image after the Vietnam War". Diplomatic History 39, no.2 (April 2015): 223-244.
    RG319/GRF Library

  108. Sullivan, David M. and Dale Biever. "120th Ambulance Company, 105th Sanitary Train, 30th Infantry Division, A.E.F.". Military Collector & Historian 66, no.4 (Winter 2014): 290-293.

  109. Tillman, Ellen D. "Militarizing Dollar Diplomacy in the Early Twentieth-Century Dominican Republic: Centralization and Resistance". Hispanic American Historical Review 95, no.2 (May 2015): 269-297.

  110. Tiro, Karim M. "The View from Piqua Agency: The War of 1812, the White River Delawares, and the Origins of Indian Removal". Journal of the Early Republic 35, no.1 (Spring 2015): 25-54.

  111. Turk, Katherine. "'With Wages So Low How Can a Girl Keep Herself?': Protective Labor Legislation and Working Women's Expectations". Journal of Policy History 27, no.2 (2015): 250-274.

  112. Tyler, Robert Llewellyn. "Migrant Culture Maintenance: The Welsh Experience in Poultney, Rutland County, 1900-1940". Vermont History 83, no.1 (Winter-Spring 2015): 19-42.

  113. Warren, Louis S. "Wage Work in the Sacred Circle: The Ghost Dance as Modern Religion". Western Historical Quarterly 46, no.2 (Summer 2015): 141-168.

  114. Wetmore, Jameson M. "Delegating to the Automobile: Experimenting with Automotive Restraints in the 1970s". Technology & Culture 56, no.2 (April 2015): 440-463.
    RMN Library

  115. White, Jonathan W., Katie Fisher, and Elizabeth Wall. "The Civil War Letters of Tillman Valentine, Third US Colored Troops". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 139, no.2 (April 2015): 171-188.

  116. Wolfe-Hunnicutt, Brandon. "Embracing Regime Change in Iraq: American Foreign Policy and the 1963 Coup d'etat in Baghdad". Diplomatic History 39, no.1 (January 2015): 98-125.
    RG046/RG059/JFK Library

  117. Zimmer, Kenyon. "Revolutionaries by the Bay: Immigrant Anarchists in San Francisco, 1880s-1930s". Journal of the West 53, no.3 (Summer 2014): 25-32.


Volume 42, Number 3, July-September, 2015

  1. "Interchange: World War I". Journal of American History 102, no.2 (September 2015): 463-499.
    RG059/RG084/HH Library

  2. "Photo Essay: The Carol Carlisle Summer Wedding Dress Collection". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.3 (Summer 2015): 216-233.

  3. "Victory over Japan: August 15, 1945". American History 50, no.4 (October 2015): 14.
    NARA photos

  4. Achbari, Azadeh. "Building Networks for Science: Conflict and Cooperation in Nineteenth-Century Global Marine Studies". Isis 106, no.2 (June 2015): 257-282.

  5. Adler, Jeffrey S. "Less Crime, More Punishment: Violence, Race, and Criminal Justice in Early Twentieth-Century America". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 34-46.

  6. Allen, Thomas B. with Normam Polmar. "How Many Will Die?". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 36-41.
    RG165/NARA photos

  7. Alzo, Lisa A. "Workbook: Naturalization Records". Family Tree Magazine 16, no.5 (September 2015): 33-40.

  8. Baldwin, Jen. "Going Underground: Mining Industry Records". NGS Magazine 41, no.3 (July-September 2015): 30-35.

  9. Barr, Roger. "The Pittsburgh's Typhoon Battle". Naval History 29, no.5 (October 2015): 24-30.
    RG019/RG024/RG038/NARA photos

  10. Belt, Richard W., Jr. "On Board the 'Augie' at Casablanca". Naval History 29, no.5 (October 2015): 32-37.
    NARA photos

  11. Beyersdorf, Frank. "Freedom of Communication: Visions and Realities of Postwar Telecommunication Orders in the 1940s". Journal of Policy History 27, no.3 (2015): 492-520.

  12. Borch, Fred L. "From a Teenager in China to an Army Lawyer in America: The Remarkable Career of Judge Advocate General John L. Fugh". On Point 21, no.1 (Summer 2015): 36-43.
    NARA photos

  13. Boulware, Jenny and Andrew Mach. "Glass Blowing and Community Building: A History of Morgantown, West Virginia's Sunnyside Neighborhood, 1890-2013". West Virginia History 9, no.1 (Spring 2-15): 65-88.

  14. Bowen, Marshall E. "The Russian Molokans of Park Valley". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.3 (Summer 2015): 160-179.

  15. Bratten, Jonathan D. "To the Last Man: The 103d Regimental Combat Team in the Pacific, 1942-1945". On Point 21, no.1 (Summer 2015): 6-13.
    NARA photos

  16. Brown, Tommy. "'Of All the Hardy Sons of Toil': Class and Race in Antebellum Southcentral and Southeastern Alabama". Alabama Review 68, no.3 (July 2015): 213-250.

  17. Burr, William. "The 'Labours of Atlas, Sisyphus, or Hercules'? US Gas-Centrifuge Policy and Diplomacy, 1954-60". International History Review 37, no.3 (June 2015): 431-457.

  18. Bynum, Victoria E. "The Seduction and Suicide of Mariah Murray: A Civil War Era Tragedy". Ohio Valley History 15, no.1 (Spring 2015): 21-40.

  19. Camprubi, Lino. "Resource Geopolitics: Cold War Technologies, Global Fertilizers, and the Fate of Western Sahara". Technology and Culture 56, no.3 (July 2015): 676-703.
    GRF Library

  20. Carroll, Dillon J. "'The God Who Shielded Me Before, Yet Watches Over Us All': Confederate Soldiers, Mental Illness, and Religion". Civil War History 61, no.3 (September 2015): 252-280.

  21. Carter, Chris. "Wiesbaden Consulate: Fee Book and Invoice Books". Der Kurier 33, no.1 (March 2015): 1, 3-8.

  22. Carter, Samara and Emily Hampton. "Wiesbaden Consulate: Correspondence Received". Der Kurier 33, no.2 (June 2015): 25, 28-34.

  23. Castle, Timothy N. "Operation MILLPOND: The Beginning of a Distant Covert War". Studies in Intelligence 59, no.2 (June 2015): 25-40.
    JFK Library

  24. Chiampan, Andrea. "'Those European Chicken Littles': Reagan, NATO, and the Polish Crisis, 1981-2". International History Review 37, no.4 (August 2015): 682-699.
    RR Library

  25. Christensen, Chris and Jared Antrobus. "The Story of Mamba: Aligning Messages Against Recovered Additives". Cryptologia 39, no.3 (2015): 210-243.

  26. Coates, Benjamin. "Securing Hegemony through Law: Venezuela, the U.S. Asphalt Trust, and the Uses of International Law, 1904-1909". Journal of American History 102, no.2 (September 2015): 380-405.

  27. Cocks, Geoffrey. "Hollywood Uber Alles: Seeing the Nazi in American Movies". Film & History 45, no.1 (Summer 2015): 38-53.

  28. Coleman, Kevin. "Photographs of a Prayer: The (Neglected) Visual Archive and Latin American Labor History". Hispanic American Historical Review 95, no.3 (August 2015): 459-492.

  29. Cooper-Rompato, Christine. "Women Inventors in Utah Territory". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.3 (Summer 2015): 194-215.

  30. Cressman, Robert J. "'Successful from Every Point of View'". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 14-15.
    NARA photos

  31. Crum, Steven J. "The 'Rise and Fall' of Indian Colleges in Indian Territory: Indian University, Henry Kendall College, and Other Colleges, 1880-1907". Chronicles of Oklahoma 93, no.1 (Spring 2015): 4-29.

  32. D'Este, Carlo. "'I really hit a new world'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 32-35.
    DDE Library

  33. Danelski, David J. "Justices Douglas and Whittaker in Meyer v. United States: A False Claim Rebutted". Journal of Supreme Court History 40, no.2 (2015): 172-186.
    DDE Library

  34. Darrow, William B. "The Killing of Congressman James Hinds". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.1 (Spring 2015): 18-55.

  35. Davis, Annie. "Prequel to Independence: Who Fired the Shot Heard Round the World?". Social Education 79, no.4 (September 2015): 188-193.

  36. De Vries, Mark Leon. "Between Equal Justice and Racial Terror: Freedpeople and the District Court of DeSoto Parish during Reconstruction". Louisiana History 56, no.3 (Summer 2015): 261-293.

  37. Dickson, Ephraim D., III. "From Bunk to Bedstead: The U.S. Army's Search for a New Barrack Bed during the 1850s". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 157-165.
    RG092/RG112/NARA photos

  38. Eisenhower, Mary Jean. "'I never cease to be grateful'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 65-67.
    DDE Library/NARA photos

  39. Ekbladh, David. "American Asylum: The United States and the Campaign to Transplant the Technical League, 1939-1940". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 629-660.
    RG043/RG084/RG208/FDR Library

  40. Ellinghaus, Katherine. "'A Little Home for Myself and Child': The Women of the Quiapaw Agency and the Policy of Competency". Pacific Historical Review 84, no.3 (August 2015): 307-332.

  41. Foster, John T., Jr. and Nicole Brown. "Swaim Family Papers: Civil War Reports and Letters of Recommendation for a Carpetbagger". Florida Historical Quarterly 93, no.4 (Spring 2015): 587-600.

  42. George, Emily. "Fort George G. Meade, Maryland". On Point 21, no.1 (Summer 2015): 44-47.
    NARA photos

  43. Goodman, Michael S. "The Foundations of Anglo-American Intelligence Sharing". Studies in Intelligence 59, no.2 (June 2015): 13-24.

  44. Gravel, Diane Florence. "Biblical Breakthrough! How I Came to Love the NGS Online Bible Collection". NGS Magazine 41, no.3 (July-September 2015): 20-25.

  45. Green, Jennifer R. and Patrick M. Kirkwood. "Reframing the Antebellum Democratic Mainstream: Transatlantic Diplomacy and the Career of Pierre Soule". Civil War History 61, no.3 (September 2015): 212-251.

  46. Haeussler, Mathias. "A Pyrrhic Victory: Harold Wilson, Helmut Schmidt, and the British Renegotiation of EC Membership, 1974-5". International History Review 37, no.4 (August 2015): 768-789.
    GRF Library

  47. Hait, Michael. "Free and Enslaved: John and Melinda Human/Newman of Talbot County and Baltimore, Maryland". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.2 (June 2015): 115-127.

  48. Harrison, Jonathan. "The Rise of Jim Crow in Fort Myers, 1885-1930". Florida Historical Quarterly 94, no.1 (Summer 2015): 40-67.

  49. Hatton, Stephen B. "Which Way Did the Census Taker Walk or Ride His Horse?". NGS Magazine 41, no.3 (July-September 2015): 50-56.

  50. Heimann, Gadi. "The Struggle between the United States and Israel over Recognition for Jerusalem as Israel's Capital, 1952-67". International History Review 37, no.4 (August 2015): 790-809.

  51. Hinton, Elizabeth. "'A War within Our Own Boundaries': Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and the Rise of the Carceral State". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 100-112.
    LBJ Library

  52. Hobbs, Colleen. "Finding Your Family in Federal Record Group 33.6: Navigating the Agricultural Extension Service Archives". Archival Issues 36, no.2 (2015): 22-35.

  53. Johnson, Melissa A. "Mothers for Sophie (Kanetski) Howe of Scranton, Pennsylvania". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.2 (June 2015): 105-113.

  54. Johnston, James J. "Reminiscence of James H. Campbell's Experiences during the Civil War". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.2 (Summer 2015): 147-177.

  55. Jones, Kelly Houston. "Bondswomen's Work on the Cotton Frontier: Wagram Plantation, Arkansas". Agricultural History 89, no.3 (Summer 2015): 388-401.

  56. Jones, Thomas W. "Too Few Sources to Solve a Family Mystery? Some Greenfields in Central and Western New York". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.2 (June 2015): 85-103.

  57. Kohler-Hausmann, Julilly. "Guns and Butter: The Welfare State, the Carceral State, and the Politics of Exclusion in the Postwar United States". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 87-99.
    RR Library

  58. Lankford, George E. "Austin's Secret: An Arkansas Slave at the Supreme Court". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.1 (Spring 2015): 56-73.

  59. Lassiter, Matthew D. "Impossible Criminals: The Suburban Imperatives of America's War on Drugs". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 126-140.
    RMN Library/JC Library

  60. Lennon, Rachel Mills. "Identifying a Son for John Temple of Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.2 (June 2015): 139-150.

  61. Levy, Peter. "Go Quietly or Else: The Resignation of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew". Maryland Historical Magazine 110, no.2 (Summer 2015): 226-251.
    RG118/RMN Library

  62. Lumba, Allan E.S. "Imperial Standards: Colonial Currencies, Racial Capacities, and Economic Knowledge during the Philippine-American War". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 603-628.

  63. MacKay, Kathryn L. "The Uncompahgre Reservation and the Hill Creek Extension". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.3 (Summer 2015): 180-193.

  64. MacKenzie, Scott A. "Forming a Middle Class: The Civil War in Kanawha County, West(ern) Virginia, 1861-1865". West Virginia History 9, no.1 (Spring 2-15): 23-45.

  65. Maguire, Thomas J. "Counter-Subversion in Early Cold War Britain: The Official Committee on Communism (Home), the Information Research Department, and 'State-Private Networks'". Intelligence and National Security 30, no.5 (October 2015): 637-666.

  66. Marin, Christine. "'Get Rid of the Shacks!': West Live Oak Street Redevelopment in Miami, Arizona, 1946-1952". Journal of Arizona History 56, no.2 (Summer 2015): 205-226.

  67. Matz, Johan. "Analogical Reasoning and the Diplomacy of the Raoul Wallenberg Case 1945-7". International History Review 37, no.3 (June 2015): 582-606.

  68. Meyers, Christopher C. "Fruitland Nursery: A 'Horticultural Mecca'". Georgia Historical Quarterly 99, no.1-2 (Spring-Summer 2015): 48-80.

  69. Morelock, Jerry D. "'I'm going to command the whole shebang'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 38-42.
    NARA photos

  70. Mountcastle, Clay. "Early Acrimony: The Military and the Press in the Nineteenth Century". Army History 96, no. (Summer 2015): 6-20.
    NARA photos

  71. Neumann, Dave. "Secondary Sources in History Classrooms: Disciplinary Frameworks and Student Learning". Social Education 79, no.4 (September 2015): 204-209.

  72. Nichols, David A. "'Unless we progress, we regress'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 56-61.
    NARA photos

  73. O'Neill, Robert F. "Rosebud". Blue & Gray 31, no.5 (2015): 6-30, 39-50.

  74. Olsson, Tore C. "Sharecroppers and Campesinos: The American South, Mexico, and the Transnational Politics of Land Reform in the Radical 1930s". Journal of Southern History 81, no.3 (August 2015): 607-646.
    RG016/FDR Library

  75. Orchard, Phil and Jamie Gillies. "Atypical Leadership: The Role of the Presidency and Refugee Protection, 1932-1952". Presidential Studies Quarterly 45, no.3 (September 2015): 490-513.

  76. Ostrovsky, Michal. "'We Are Standing By': Rescue Operations of the United States Committee for the Care of European Children". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 29, no.2 (Fall 2015): 230-250.
    RG059/FDR Library

  77. Plant, Rebecca Jo and Frances M. Clarke. "'The Crowning Insult': Federal Segregation and the Gold Star Mother and Widow Pilgrimages of the Early 1930s". Journal of American History 102, no.2 (September 2015): 406-432.

  78. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933". NGS Magazine 41, no.3 (July-September 2015): 42-45.

  79. Reynolds, Colin E. "The Rise and Fall of West Virginia's Bureau of Negro Welfare and Statistics, 1921-1957". West Virginia History 9, no.1 (Spring 2-15): 1-22.

  80. Reynolds, William W. "The Virginia Militia at the Siege of Yorktown". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 168-186.

  81. Robertson, Breanne. "Politics in Paint: The Creation, Destruction, and Restoration of the Cedar Rapids Federal Courthouse Mural". Annals of Iowa 74, no.3 (Summer 2015): 263-313.

  82. Ropp, Paul W. "Saga of the 8-Inch Guns in the Defense of the Philippines". Journal of America's Military Past 40, no.2 (Spring-Summer 2015): 25-46.

  83. Rosenberg, John. "The Quest against Detente: Eugene Rostow, the October War, and the Origins of the Anti-Detente Movement, 1969-1976". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 720-744.
    LBJ Library

  84. Sears, David. "Butch's Wingman". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 22-29.
    NARA photos

  85. Seelinger, Matthew J. "168th Infantry Regiment". On Point 21, no.1 (Summer 2015): 23-26.
    NARA photos

  86. Seigel, Micol. "Objects of Police History". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 152-161.

  87. Sewell, Bevan. "'We Need Not Be Ashamed of our own Economic Profit Motive': Britain, Latin America, and the Alliance for Progress, 1959-63". International History Review 37, no.3 (June 2015): 607-630.
    DDE Library/JFK Library

  88. Shannon, Matthew K. "American-Iranian Alliances: International Education, Modernization, and Human Rights during the Pahlavi Era". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 661-688.
    RG059/JFK Library/JC Library

  89. Slotten, Hugh Richard. "International Governance, Organizational Standards, and the First Global Satellite Communication System". Journal of Policy History 27, no.3 (2015): 521-549.

  90. Soderberg, Susan Cooke. "George Atzerodt: The Reluctant Assassin". Montgomery County Story 58, no.1 (Summer 2015): 1-12.

  91. Speelman, Mike. "'Unhappy Differences Have Arisen!': Anna Charouleau and a Wife's Property Rights in Territorial Arizona". Journal of Arizona History 56, no.2 (Summer 2015): 145-186.

  92. St-Onge, Nicole. "Familial Foes? French-Sioux Families and Plains Metis Brigades in the Nineteenth Century". American Indian Quarterly 39, no.3 (Summer 2015): 302-337.

  93. Stanfield, W. Rick. "1902-Era Dress Uniform of the Seminole-Negro Indian Scouts". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 187-192.

  94. Storey, Margaret M. "A Conquest of Manners: Gender, Sociability, and Northern Wives' Occupation of Memphis, 1862-1865". Ohio Valley History 15, no.1 (Spring 2015): 4-20.

  95. Sullivan, David M. "A Man of Honor and Remorse: Excerpts From the Journal Kept by Francis Hawks Cameron: Acting Master's Mate, U.S. Coast Survey and Lieutenant, C.S. Marine Corps". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 105-117.

  96. Thomas, Evan. "'The only way to win World War III is to prevent it'". American History 50, no.3 (August 2015): 47-53.
    DDE Library/NARA photos

  97. Tillman, Barrett. "'The Big E' Leadership Factory". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 16-21.
    NARA photos

  98. Turek, Lauren Frances. "To Support a 'Brother in Christ': Evangelical Groups and U.S.-Guatemalan Relations during the Rios Montt Regime". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 689-719.
    RR Library

  99. Vance, Katelynn R. "Sarah Low and 'The bostonians': The Role of Social Networks among Civil War Nurses in Washington, D.C.". Historical New Hampshire 69, no.1 (Summer 2015): 40-60.

  100. Veith, George J. ""Short Road to Hell" for South Vietnam". Vietnam 28, no.3 (October 2015): 48-55.
    LBJ Library

  101. Walby, Kevin and Randy K. Lippert. "Ford First? Corporate Security and the US Department of War's Plant Protection Service's Interior Organization Unit 1917-1918". Labor History 56, no.2 (May 2015): 117-135.

  102. Way, Albert G. "The Invisible and Indeterminable Value of Ecology: From Malaria Control to Ecological Research in the American South". Isis 106, no.2 (Jun2 2015): 310-336.

  103. Westwater, Charles G. "Finishing Off the Japanese Navy". Naval History 29, no.4 (August 2015): 30-35.
    NARA photos

  104. Williamson, Corbin. "Industrial-Grade Generosity: British Warship Repair and Lend-Lease in 1941". Diplomatic History 39, no.4 (September 2015): 745-772.
    RG019/RG038/RG080/RG313/FDR Library

  105. Willmetts, Simon. "The CIA and the Invention of Tradition". Journal of Intelligence History 14, no.2 (June 2015): 112-128.

  106. Wilson, Walter E. "The Civil War Blockade Running Adventures of the Lousiana Schooner William R. King". Louisiana History 56, no.3 (Summer 2015): 294-314.

  107. Worsham, James. "Walker's Personal Colt Whitney Walker Revolvers". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 118-123.


Volume 42, Number 4, October-December, 2015

  1. "A Morris Family Record in a Dellinger Pension File". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 178.

  2. Araujo, Ana Lucia. "Slavery and Its Legacies: Marking the Sesquicentennial of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution". Social Education 79, no.6 (November-December 2015): 289-292.
    NARA photos

  3. Ball, Larry D. "William Edwardy: Frontier Journalist and Adventurer". Journal of Arizona History 56, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 245-276.

  4. Bartholf, Howard. "1st Signal Brigade". On Point 21, no.2 (Fall 2015): 23-26.
    NARA photos

  5. Bauduy, Jennifer. "The 1915 U.S. Invasion of Haiti: Examining a Treaty of Occupation". Social Education 79, no.5 (October 2015): 244-249.

  6. Bell, Larry S. and Marvin L. Cann. "Silver Spoons and Spyglasses: The Lifestyle of the Abbeville Gentry, 1820-1860". South Carolina Historical Magazine 115, no.4 (October 2014): 304-324.

  7. Bissett, Jim. "The Dilemma over Moderates: School Desegregation in Alamance County, North Carolina". Journal of Southern History 81, no.4 (November 2015): 887-930.

  8. Brands, H.W. "Party Crasher". American History 50, no.6 (February 2016): 26-33.
    RMN Library

  9. Burlin, Paul T. "Research Note: James G. Blaine's Effort to Have John L. Stevens Appointed Minister to Hawai'i in 1869". Maine History 49, no.2 (Summer 2015): 225-236.

  10. Cahill, Bill. "Ferret: Evolution of a Design Concept". Air Power History 62, no.4 (Winter 2015): 22-37.

  11. Cashin, Joan E. "Torn Bonnets and Stolen Silks: Fashion, Gender, Race, and Danger in the Wartime South". Civil War History 61, no.4 (December 2015): 338-361.

  12. Coleman, Jon T. "The Shoemaker's Circus: Grizzly Adams and Nineteenth-Century Animal Entertainment". Environmental History 20, no.4 (October 2015): 593-618.

  13. Corbin, David A. "John F. Kennedy Plays the 'Religious Card': Another Look at the 1960 West Virginia Primary". West Virginia History 9, no.2 (Fall 2015): 1-35.
    JFK Library

  14. Cozzens, Taylor. "Defeating the Devil's Arm: The Victory over the Short-Handled Hoe in California Agriculture". Agricultural History 89, no.4 (Fall 2015): 494-512.
    RR Library

  15. Crum, Tom and Paul H. Carlson. "Did Quanah Parker Lie?". Chronicles of Oklahoma 93, no.3 (Fall 2015): 328-343.

  16. Dickson, Ephraim D., III. "'Shadowy Figures about Whom Little is Known': Artists of the Simpson Expedition, 1858-59". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.4 (Fall 2015): 270-289.

  17. Earley, Jason. "Air Force Leaders Take Note: The Army is Changing". Military Review 95, no.6 (November-December 2015): 77-84.
    NARA photos

  18. Edwards, Shelby. "Brown & Bigelow's Charles Allen Ward". Minnesota History 64, no.7 (Fall 2015): 292-300.

  19. Farquhar, John T. "Aerial Reconnaissance, the Press, and American Foreign Policy, 1950-1954". Air Power History 62, no.4 (Winter 2015): 38-51.
    HST Library

  20. Feng, Patrick. "M3 Lee/Grant Medium Tank". On Point 21, no.2 (Fall 2015): 14-14.
    NARA photos

  21. Fowler, Loretta. "Arapaho and Cheyenne Perspectives: From the 1851 Treaty to the Sand Creek Massacre". American Indian Quarterly 39, no.4 (Fall 2015): 364-390.

  22. Friesel, Ofra. "Changing the American Race Narrative, 1962-1965: Transparency as a Guiding Rule in American Cold War Diplomacy". Journal of Social History 49, no.1 (Fall 2015): 168-193.
    RG059/JFK Library

  23. Fuller, Christopher J. "The Eagle Comes Home to Roost: The Historical Origins of the CIA's Lethal Drone Program". Intelligence and National Security 30, no.6 (December 2015): 769-792.
    WJC Library

  24. Gerits, Frank. "'When the Bull Elephants Fight': Kwame Nkrumah, Non-Alignment, and Pan-Africanism as an Interventionist Ideology in the Global Cold War (1957-66)". International History Review 37, no.5 (October 2015): 951-969.
    DDE Library

  25. Greenhalgh, Elizabeth. "General Ferdinand Foch and Unified Allied Command in 1918". Journal of Military History 79, no.4 (October 2015): 997-1023.

  26. Guinn, Lisa. "Annie Wittenmyer and Nineteenth-Century Women's Usefulness". Annals of Iowa 74, no.4 (Fall 2015): 351-377.

  27. Harbour, Jennifer. "'I Earn By My Own Labour From Day To Day': African American Women's Activism in the Wartime Midwest". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 108, no.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2015): 346-373.

  28. Hibbard, James B. "The Civil War Photography of Francis Van de Wall". Wisconsin Magazine of History 99, no.2 (Winter 2015-2016): 28-41.

  29. Hoffschwelle, Mary S. "A Black Woman 'in Orthority': Claiming Professional Status in Jim Crow Alabama". Journal of Southern History 81, no.4 (November 2015): 843-886.

  30. Howard, Bart. "70 Years On: Battle of St. Vith". Cavalry & Armor Journal 6, no.3 (July-September 2015): 16-27.
    NARA photos

  31. Irvine, Colin. "From Seattle East to the West of Boise". Journal of the West 54, no.3 (Summer 2015): 61-72.
    NARA photos

  32. Iseminger, Gordon. "Kickapoo Oil, Blood Purifiers, and Laxatives: Patent Medicines in One North Dakota Community". North Dakota History 80, no.3 (Fall 2015): 3-28.

  33. Jones, Thomas W. "Getting the Most from Case Studies in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly". NGS Magazine 41, no.4 (October-December 2015): 47-53.

  34. Kindsvatter, Peter S. "Jayhawk Goes to War: VII Corps in Operation Desert Storm". On Point 21, no.2 (Fall 2015): 36-44.
    NARA photos

  35. Kirk, John A. "The Killing of Carnell Russ: Civil Rights, Law Enforcement, and the Courts". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 231-256.

  36. Klingle, Matthew. "Inescapable Paradoxes: Diabetes, Progress, and Ecologies of Inequality". Environmental History 20, no.4 (October 2015): 736-750.

  37. Kratsch, Sue Hahney. "James Wesley Mooney of Will County, Illinois: Business Records Reveal His New York Family". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 179-200.

  38. Lehman, Christopher P. "'The Contemplation of Our Righteousness': Vigilante Acts against African Americans in Southwest Minnesota, 1903". Minnesota History 64, no.7 (Fall 2015): 268-276.

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  42. Lubinski, Christina. "Global Trade and Indian Politics: The German Dye Business in India before 1947". Business History Review 89, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 503-530.

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  46. Moneyhon, Carl H. "David O. Dodd, the 'Boy Martyr of Arkansas': The Growth and Use of a Legend". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 203-230.

  47. Moore, Jessica Parker. "'Keep All Hands Moving': A Plantation Mistress in Antebellum Arkansas". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 74, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 257-276.

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  49. Neel, Susan Rhoades. "Love among the Fossils: Earl and Pearl Douglass at Dinosaur National Monument". Utah Historical Quarterly 83, no.4 (Fall 2015): 290-307.

  50. Nickens, Paul R. and Kathleen M. Nickens. "Victor of Old San Carlos: Portrait of a Captive Mexican and Apache Tag Band Chief". Journal of Arizona History 56, no.3 (Autumn 2015): 277-322.

  51. Posz, Darcie Hind. "One George Dean or More? Determining an Identity Spanning Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri, but not Wisconsin". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 201-207.

  52. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "In Their Own Words: Family Stories in the National Archives". NGS Magazine 41, no.4 (October-December 2015): 34-37.

  53. Quivik, Fredric L. "Abundance, Dependence, and Trauma at Philadelphia's Point Breeze Petroleum Refinery: A Mirror on the History of Pennsylvania's Oil Industry". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 139, no.3 (October 2015): 265-292.

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  56. Roberts, Tim. "Lajos Kossuth and the Permeable American Orient of the Mid-Nineteenth Century". Diplomatic History 39, no.5 (November 2015): 793-818.

  57. Rockaway, Robert. "Moving In and Moving Up: Early Twentieth-Century Detroit Jewry". Michigan Historical Review 41, no.2 (Fall 2015): 59-79.

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  60. Scribner, Sara Anne. "No Name, No Number: George Holmes' Orphans of Washington and Jefferson Counties, Georgia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 165-177.

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  62. Shrout, Anelise Hanson. "A 'Voice of Benevolence from the Western Wilderness': The Politics of Native Philanthropy in the Trans-Mississippi West". Journal of the Early Republic 35, no.4 (Winter 2015): 553-578.

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  71. Wilcox, Shirley Langdon. "Associations Re-establish Family Links: The Youngs' Serial Migration from Virginia through Kentucky and Missouri to California". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 103, no.3 (September 2015): 209-228.

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