JFK Assassination Records

JFK Assassination Records - 2018 Additional Documents Release

The National Archives is releasing documents previously withheld in accordance with the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act.  The vast majority of the Collection (88%) has been open in full and released to the public since the late 1990s. The records at issue are documents previously identified as assassination records, but withheld in full or withheld in part. Learn more

These releases include FBI, CIA, and other agency documents (both formerly withheld in part and formerly withheld in full) identified by the Assassination Records Review Board as assassination records. The releases to date are as follows:

* Note: There are instances where multiple record identification numbers are associated with the same pdf. This is due to the fact that the files were scanned in batches.

Accessing the Release Files

The table below displays metadata about all the released documents. You can also download the spreadsheet as an Excel file (4.7MB).

To view or download a specific document, follow the link in the "Doc Date" column. The files are sorted by NARA Release Date, with the most recent files appearing first. The previous withholding status (i.e., formerly withheld in part or formerly withheld in full) is identified in the “Formerly Withheld Status” column.

JFK Table

Row NumRecord NumNARA Release DateFormerly WithheldAgency Doc DateDoc TypeFile NumTo NameFrom NameTitleNum PagesOriginatorRecord SeriesReview DateCommentsPages Released
53351180-10143-1046607/24/2017In FullHSCA00/00/1978
FORM29-36-08THIRD AGENCY COORDINATIONHSCACIA SEGREGATED COLLECTION06/07/2017Box 21; The CIA has referred this document to the FBI for review.
53352180-10144-1004307/24/2017In FullHSCA00/00/0000
FORM29-44-03CIAHSCACIA SEGREGATED COLLECTION06/07/2017Box 21 Sensitive original withheld by CIA.
53353180-10145-1031507/24/2017In FullHSCA00/00/0000
FORM2055-01-19CIAHSCACIA SEGREGATED COLLECTION06/07/2017Box 30 Document Withdrawal Notice Pending Third Agency Coordination
53354180-10146-1000107/24/2017In FullHSCA11/02/1964
FORM2056-05-01CIAHSCACIA SEGREGATED COLLECTION06/07/2017Box 32 Document Withdrawal Notice
53355194-10003-1039111/03/2017In PartINSCOM01/23/1963
Paper, Textual DocumentWilliam C. ArmsMemorandum For the Record211/03/20172
53356194-10003-1042511/03/2017In PartINSCOM01/23/1963
Paper, Textual DocumentWilliam C. ArmsMemorandum For the Record211/03/20172
53357194-10010-1042111/03/2017In FullINSCOM10/31/1960
Paper, Textual DocumentLetter211/03/20172
53358194-10010-1042211/03/2017In PartINSCOM10/11/1960
Paper, Textual DocumentLetter211/03/20172
53359194-10012-1013911/03/2017In FullINSCOM00/00/00
Paper, Textual DocumentAppendix "B"611/03/20176
53360194-10013-1034311/03/2017In FullINSCOM11/24/1957
Paper, Textual DocumentAtkinson, Ursula & SteveRichter, MargaretLetter111/03/20171
PAPER-TEXTUAL DOCUMENTWilliam C. ArmsMemorandum For the Record211/01/20172
PAPER-TEXTUAL DOCUMENTWilliam C. ArmsMemorandum For the Record211/01/20172
PAPER-TEXTUAL DOCUMENTAppendix "B"611/01/20176
PAPER-TEXTUAL DOCUMENTAtkinson, Ursula & SteveRichter, MargaretLetter111/01/20171
PAPER-TEXTUAL DOCUMENTOffense Report3911/01/201739
PAPER-TEXTUAL DOCUMENTSummary of Information511/01/20175
PAPER-TEXTUAL DOCUMENTFinnigan, John F DAgent Report111/01/20171
PAPER-TEXTUAL DOCUMENTAlbro, R. DCuban Operations211/01/20172
53375194-10001-1039211/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF07/30/1962
Paper, Textual DocumentLTC DownieMemorandum for Record111/03/20171
53376194-10001-1043011/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF00/00/00
Paper, Textual Document111/03/20171
53377194-10001-1043311/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF03/21/1967
Paper, Textual DocumentDisposition Form111/03/20171
53378194-10001-1043411/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF05/00/1966
Paper, Textual DocumentAnnexes B, D, E, F and H611/03/20176
53379194-10001-1043511/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF12/13/1965
Paper, Textual DocumentRestricted111/03/20171
53380194-10001-1043611/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF12/08/1965
Paper, Textual DocumentRestricted111/03/20171
53381194-10001-1043711/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF00/00/00
Paper, Textual Document111/03/20171
53382194-10001-1043811/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF00/00/00
Paper, Textual Document111/03/20171
53383194-10010-1037611/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF08/01/1960
Paper, Textual DocumentOffense Report3911/03/201739
53384194-10010-1039711/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF11/10/1960
Paper, Textual DocumentFinnigan, John F DAgent Report111/03/20171
53385194-10012-1000111/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF04/21/1957
Paper, Textual DocumentLetter211/03/20172
53386194-10012-1003711/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF10/16/1962
Paper, Textual DocumentAlbro, R. DCuban Operations211/03/20172
Paper, Textual DocumentCO, USAOSDMaj SwaffordDisposition Form211/03/20172
53388194-10012-1013811/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF01/14/1956
Paper, Textual DocumentAppendix "A"1811/03/20171
53389194-10013-1032111/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF06/17/1957
Paper, Textual DocumentHanna, James MReport111/03/20171
53390194-10013-1032811/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF12/06/1968
Paper, Textual DocumentContact Report811/03/20178
53391194-10013-1033711/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF06/26/1957
Paper, Textual DocumentSummary of Information111/03/20171
53392194-10013-1033811/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF09/10/1969
Paper, Textual DocumentErickson, C A JRLetter211/03/20172
53393194-10013-1033911/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF10/09/1969
Paper, Textual DocumentErickson, C A JRLetter211/03/20172
53394194-10013-1034011/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF06/29/1954
Paper, Textual DocumentMr. HermanDerzis, Pete NLetter211/03/20172
53395194-10013-1034111/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF02/05/1959
Paper, Textual DocumentMcQueen, Arthur DAgent Report111/03/20171
53396194-10013-1034211/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF04/25/1957
Paper, Textual DocumentHanna, James MAgent Report411/03/20174
53397194-10013-1034411/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF11/24/1957
Paper, Textual DocumentJimmieErichLetter111/03/20171
53398194-10013-1034511/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF11/30/1957
Paper, Textual DocumentMargot GottschalkBrother-HeartLetter111/03/20171
53399194-10013-1034611/03/2017In FullINSCOM/CSF11/25/1957
Paper, Textual DocumentGottschalk, HerrMr. J DownieLetter211/03/20172
53400194-10013-1036111/03/2017In PartINSCOM/CSF03/07/1972
Paper, Textual DocumentDeputy Chief of Staff Int USARMY, EUEvers, Richard ELetter111/03/2017

Bulk Download of PDF and WAV files

You can access individual files by browsing the webpage above and selecting the link in the "Doc Date" column. You may also download the Excel spreadsheet above, which includes links to all of the files. If you need copies of all PDF and WAV files, you can request a compressed bulk download by emailing bulkdownload@nara.gov with “JFK Bulk Download” in the subject line.


