Federal Records Management

AC 04.2024


Date: October 13, 2023 

Memorandum To Federal Agency Contacts: October 17, 2023  BRIDG Meeting Reminder

The next Agency Services Bi-monthly Records and Information Discussion Group (BRIDG) meeting will be live-streamed on: 

               Tuesday, October 17, 2023 1:30 - 3:00 pm Eastern

Attendees can view the BRIDG live stream via the National Archives YouTube Channel using the following link:


Attendees can ask questions throughout the program by using the YouTube chat function or by emailing rm.communications@nara.gov.

The main agenda topics will be:

  • Federal Records Centers Program (FRCP) updates 
  • NARA Bulletin 2024-04 Managing Records on Collaboration Platforms
  • Digitization Quality Guide 
  • Assessment on Managing Social Media Records
  • Updates on Annual Move

If you have any additional topics that you would like to see added to future BRIDG agendas, please email us at rm.communications@nara.gov. In addition, NARA encourages agencies to participate in BRIDG by presenting best practices or lessons learned that would be helpful to other attendees. If you wish to make a presentation or lead a discussion, please email rmpolicy@nara.gov.

If you have any questions about BRIDG, please email rm.communications@nara.gov or visit our BRIDG page at https:\\www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/meetings/index.html.

Thank you for your participation in BRIDG.


Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government


Acting Director
Federal Records Centers Program



