Federal Records Management

AC 08.2024


Date: December 6, 2023

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Release of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Non-Compliant Permanent Digitized Records.

I am pleased to announce the release of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Non-Compliant Permanent Digitized Records.

This FAQ supports the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) regulation concerning digitization standards for permanent records (36 CFR 1236 Subpart E).

This FAQ addresses questions about non-compliant digitized records. “Non-compliant” means digitized versions of records that do not meet the requirements outlined in the regulation, most likely because they were previously digitized prior to regulation’s release. The FAQ also outlines several options for agencies to consider when determining what to do with non-compliant digitized records, and the steps and conditions necessary to follow each option.

The FAQ has been published on NARA’s website for Digitization of Federal Records. If you have questions or comments about this guidance, please contact rmstandards@nara.gov

In addition, our office plans to have a webinar in January 2024 to discuss this guidance. Please be on the lookout for a future AC memo with information on how to register for the webinar and join that discussion.


Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government

