Letter from Frederick Douglass to Secretary of State James G. Blaine,
Accepting the Appointment as U.S. Minister to Haiti, June 25, 1889

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Cedar Hill,
Anacostia, D.C.

June 25, 1889

Honorable James G. Blaine
Secretary of State of the United States

Dear Sir,
I have duly received your respected note of Saturday informing me that His Excellency, the President of the United States would be greatly pleased if I would accept the mission to Hayti, and that my influence, in the opinion of the President, would be the most potent we could send thither, for the peace, welfare, and prosperity of that warring and dissatisfied people.

In reply I beg to state that I am deeply sensible of the honor the President has conferred upon me by assigning me to this very important mission, and I am especially touched by the confidence expressed in the possible influence I may exert upon

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the people among whom he would send me.

I therefore feel it my duty to accept the mission thus tendered me by His Excellency, the President of the United States, under the conditions expressed in your note as to the time of going.

A note from you will bring me to the State Department at any time that may suit your convenience.

I am dear Sir
Very Respectfully Yours
Frederick Douglass