Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Compilation of Periodical Literature: Roosevelt Library Cluster

  1. "A Classroom Called NARA". Prologue 34, no.3 (Fall 2002): 224-229.
    FDR Library/GHWB Library/HST Library

  2. "ER's Wallet: A Treasure Trove". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 72.
    FDR Library

  3. American Heritage 60, no.3 (Fall 2010): 10.
    FDR Library


  4. "FDR's 'Day of Infamy' Speech: Crafting a Call to Arms". Prologue 33, no.4 (Winter 2001): 278-287.
    RG046/RG080/FDR Library

  5. "FDR's Global View". Prologue 36, no.4 (Winter 2004): 80.
    FDR Library

  6. "FDR's Podium". Prologue 44, no.1 (Summer 2012): 72.
    FDR Library

  7. "Making Their Mark: Signatures, Famous and Ordinary, Set America's Course and Revealed Their Owners". Prologue 46, no.1 (Spring 2014): 6-17.
    RG046/RG065/RG075/RG094/RG129/RG147/ RG153/RG204/RG210/RG233/RG255/RG306/RG360/FDR Library/HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  8. "School House to White House: The Education of Presidents". Prologue 39, no.1 (Spring 2007): 34-43.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/WJC Library

  9. "WPA Display of Arts and Craft Projects in Kansas". Kansas History 37, no.4 (Winter 2014-2015): 209.
    FDR Library

  10. Abrams, Douglas Carl. "Irony of Reform: North Carolina Blacks and the New Deal". North Carolina Historical Review 66, no.2 (April 1989): 149-178.
    RG009/RG035/RG069/RG119/RG145/FDR Library

  11. Accinelli, Robert D. "Pro U. N. Internationalists and the Early Cold War: The American Association for the United Nations and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1947-52". Diplomatic History 9, no.4 (Fall 1985): 347-362.
    RG059/FDR Library

  12. Accinelli, Robert D. "The Roosevelt Administration and the World Court Defeat, 1935". Historian 40, no.3 (May 1978): 463-478.
    RG059/FDR Library

  13. Adamson, Michael R. "'Must We Overlook All Impairment of Our Interests?' Debating the Foreign Aid Role of the Export-Import Bank, 1934-41". Diplomatic History 29, no.4 (September 2005): 589-623.
    RG056/RG059/RG275/FDR Library

  14. Adler, Selig. "The United States and the Middle Eastern Dilemma: 1917-1939". Maryland Historian 7, no.1 (Spring 1976): 1-17.
    RG059/FDR Library

  15. Alacevich, Michele. "The World Bank and the Politics of Productivity: The Debate on Economic Growth, Poverty, and Living Standards in the 1950s". Journal of Global History 6, no.1 (March 2011): 53-74.
    FDR Library

  16. Aldrich, Richard J. "American Intelligence and the British Raj: The OSS, the SSU and India, 1942-1947". Intelligence and National Security 13, no.1 (Spring 1998): 132-164.
    RG059/RG218/RG226/RG457/FDR Library/HST Library

  17. Aldrich, Richard. "Imperial Rivalry: British and American Intelligence in Asia, 1942-46". Intelligence and National Security 3, no.1 (January 1988): 5-55.
    RG226/FDR Library

  18. Allen, Ernest, Jr. "Waiting for Tojo: The Pro-Japan Vigil of Black Missourians, 1932-1943". Gateway Heritage 15, no.2 (Fall 1994): 16-33.
    RG021/RG165/FDR Library

  19. Allen, Ernest, Jr. "Waiting for Tojo: The Pro-Japan Vigil of Black Missourians, 1932-1943". Gateway Heritage 16, no.2 (Fall 1995): 38-55.
    RG021/RG165/FDR Library

  20. Alvarez, David J,. "The Vatican and the War in the Far East, 1941-1943". Historian 40, no.3 (May 1978): 508-523.
    FDR Library

  21. Anderson, Carol. "International Conscience, the Cold War, and Apartheid: The NAACP's Alliance with the Reverend Michael Scott for South West Africa's Liberation, 1946-1951". Journal of World History 19, no.3 (September 2008): 297-325.
    RG059/FDR Library

  22. Anderson, Carol. "Rethinking Radicalism: African Americans and the Liberation Struggles in Somalia, Libya, and Eritrea, 1945-1949". Journal of the Historical Society 11, no.4 (December 2011): 385-423.
    RG043/RG059/FDR Library/HST Library

  23. Anderson, Claudia Wilson. "Training and Dispersing Young Jews Fleeing Hitler: The National Youth Administration Refugee Program and the South". Southern Jewish History 26 (2023): 13-81.
    RG029/RG064/RG119/RG147/FDR Library/LBJ Library

  24. Anderson, Irvine H. "Lend-Lease for Saudi Arabia: A Comment on Alternative Conceptualizations". Diplomatic History 3, no.4 (Fall 1979): 413-423.
    RG059/RG218/RG234/RG253/FDR Library

  25. Anderson, Kathryn. "Practicing Feminist Politics: Emily Newell Blair and U.S. Women's Political Choices in Early Twentieth Century". Journal of Women's History 9, no.3 (Autumn 1997): 50-73.
    RG062/FDR Library

  26. Anderson, Margo. "Public Management of Big Data: Historical Lessons from the 1940s". Federal History 7 (2015): 17-34.
    RG029/RG040/RG051/RG059/RG210/RG220/RG338/FDR Library

  27. Arrington, Leonard J. "Utah's Great Drought of 1934". Utah Historical Quarterly 54, no.3 (Summer 1986): 245-264.
    RG069/RG135/FDR Library

  28. Atwell, Mary Welek. "Notes and Comments: Eleanor Roosevelt and Cold War Consensus". Diplomatic History 3, no.1 (Winter 1979): 99-113.
    FDR Library

  29. Auel, Lisa B. "Prologue Portfolio: Tokens and Treasures: Gifts to Twelve Presidents". Prologue 28, no.2 (Summer 1996): 152-161.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/LBJ Library/GHWB Library/RMN Library

  30. Avena, Kristine. "'The Good of the Country Rises Above Party': Roosevelt, La Guardia, and O'Connor and the Works Progress Administration in New York City During the Great Depression". Voces Novae: Chapman University Historical Review 8 (2016): np.
    RG069/FDR Library

  31. Bailey, Fred Arthur. "A Virginia Scholar in Chancellor Hitler's Court: The Tragic Ambassadorship of William Edward Dodd". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 100, no.3 (July 1992): 323-342.
    FDR Library

  32. Bailey, Gavin J. "'An Opium Smoker's Dream': The 4000-Bomber Plan and Anglo-American Aircraft Supply Diplomacy at the Atlantic Conference, 1941". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 11, no.3 (September 2013): 292-307.
    RG107/FDR Library

  33. Baker, Gladys L. "'And to Act for the Secretary': Paul H. Appleby and the Department of Agriculture, 1933-1940". Agricultural History 45, no.4 (October 1971): 235-258.
    RG016/RG145/FDR Library

  34. Baker, Kevin. "Nevermore: Old-Style Politics and the Death of Edgar Allan Poe". American Heritage 51, no.7 (November 2000): 13-14.
    FDR Library

  35. Balmer, Randall. "Traitors and Papists: The Religious Dimensions of Leisler's Rebellion". New York History 70, no.4 (October 1989): 341-372.
    FDR Library

  36. Barnes, William R. "A National Controversy in Miniature: The District of Columbia Struggle over Public Housing and Redevelopment, 1943-46". Prologue 9, no.2 (Summer 1977): 91-104.
    RG302/RG328/FDR Library

  37. Barrett, John Q. "Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and President Franklin D. Roosevelt". Journal of Supreme Court History 44, no.1 (2019): 90-108.
    FDR Library

  38. Bartels, Andrew H. "The Office of Price Administration and the Legacy of the New Deal, 1939-1946". Public Historian 5, no.3 (Summer 1983): 5-29.
    RG188/FDR Library

  39. Bartlett, Merrill and Robert William Love, Jr. "Anglo-American Naval Diplomacy and the British Pacific Fleet, 1942-1945". American Neptune 42, no.3 (July 1982): 203-216.
    RG218/FDR Library

  40. Bartlett, Merrill L. "Ben Hebard Fuller and the Genesis of a Modern United States Marine Corps, 1891-1934". Journal of Military History 69, no.1 (January 2005): 73-91.
    RG080/RG127/RG225/FDR Library/HH Library

  41. Bartlett, Merrill L. "The Inside Track to Commandant". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 121, no.1 (January 1995): 58-63.
    RG080/RG127/FDR Library/HH Library

  42. Bassanese, Lynn A. "'Joy Ride in a Paint Box'". Prologue 25, no.2 (Summer 1993): 170-173.
    FDR Library

  43. Batie, Sandra S. "Soil Conservation in the 1980s: A Historical Perspective". Agricultural History 59, no.2 (April 1985): 107-123.
    FDR Library

  44. Batvinis, Raymond. "The Strange Wartime Odyssey of Louis C. Beck". World War II Quarterly 5, no.2 (Spring 2008): .
    RG059/FDR Library

  45. Bauman, John F. "Safe and Sanitary without the Costly Frills: The Evolution of Public Housing in Philadelphia, 1929-1941". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 101, no.1 (January 1977): 114-128.
    RG044/RG048/RG196/FDR Library

  46. Bauman, John F. and Thomas H. Coode. "Depression Report: A New Dealer Tours Eastern Pennsylvania". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 104, no.1 (January 1980): 96-109.
    RG073/FDR Library

  47. Baylor, Christopher A. "First to the Party: The Group Origins of the Partisan Transformation on Civil Rights, 1940-1960". Studies in American Political Development 27, no.2 (October 2013): 111-141.
    FDR Library/HST Library/JFK Library

  48. Bazer, Gerald and Steven Culbertson. "When FDR Said 'Play Ball'". Prologue 34, no.1 (Spring 2002): 58-63.
    RG127/RG208/FDR Library

  49. Beasley, Maurine Hoffman. "Life as a Hired Girl in South Dakota, 1907-1908: A Woman Journalist Reflects". South Dakota History 12, no.2 and 3 (Summer/Fall 1982): 147-162.
    FDR Library

  50. Beddow, James B. "Depression and New Deal: Letters from the Plains". Kansas Historical Quarterly 43, no.2 (Summer 1977): 140-153.
    RG016/RG059/FDR Library

  51. Beecher, Lloyd N., Jr. "The Second World War and U. S. Politico-Economic Expansionism: The Case of Liberia, 1838-1945". Diplomatic History 34, no.4 (Fall 1979): 391-412.
    RG059/RG080/RG169/FDR Library

  52. Beede, Benjamin R. "Foreign Influences on American Progressivism". Historian 45, no.4 (August 1983): 529-549.
    FDR Library

  53. Beito, David T. "New Deal Mass Surveillance: The 'Black Inquisition Committee,' 1935-1936". Journal of Policy History 30, no.2 (2018): 169-201.
    RG046/FDR Library

  54. Belknap, Michal R. "Alarm Bells from the Past: The Troubling History of American Military Commissions". Journal of Supreme Court History 28, no.3 (November 2003): 300-322.
    FDR Library

  55. Bell, Peter. "Uncle Sam Prepares: The Presentation of the United States in British Newsreels before the Second World War". Film and History 30, no.2 (2000): 50-58.
    FDR Library

  56. Bell, Roger. "Testing the Open Door Thesis in Australia, 1941-1946". Pacific Historical Review 51, no.3 (August 1982): 283-311.
    RG059/RG084/RG169/RG266/RG336/FDR Library

  57. Bellamy, Jay. "The Scottsboro Boys: Injustice in Alabama". Prologue 46, no.1 (Spring 2014): 26-34.
    RG060/RG087/RG306/FDR Library

  58. Benjamin, Jules R. "The Framework of U. S. Relations with Latin America in the Twentieth Century: An Interpretive Essay". Diplomatic History 11, no.2 (Spring 1987): 91-112.
    RG059/RG353/FDR Library

  59. Benjamin, Jules R. "The New Deal, Cuba, and the Rise of a Global Foreign Economic Policy". Business History Review 51, no.1 (Spring 1977): 57-78.
    RG059/RG084/RG151/FDR Library

  60. Bennett, Andy D. "Guarding FDR: A Tennessean's Experience". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 65, no.3 (Fall 2006): 268-276.
    FDR Library

  61. Bennett, Todd. "Culture, Power, and Mission to Moscow: Film and Soviet-American Relations during World War II". Journal of American History 88, no.2 (September 2001): 489-518.
    RG059/RG084/RG208/FDR Library

  62. Bennett, Todd. "The Celluloid War: State and Studio in Anglo-American Propaganda Film-Making, 1939-1941". International History Review 24, no.1 (March 2002): 64-102.
    RG059/RG084/FDR Library

  63. Berger, Mark L. "Franklin D. Roosevelt and Cason J. Callaway: An Enduring Friendship". Georgia Historical Quarterly 79, no.4 (Winter 1995): 904-919.
    FDR Library

  64. Bernstein, Barton J. "Roosevelt, Truman and the Atomic Bomb: A Reinterpretation". Political Science Quarterly 90, no.1 (Spring 1975): 23-70.
    RG077/FDR Library/HST Library

  65. Bernstein, Barton J. "Seizing the Contested Terrain of Early Nuclear History: Stimson, Conant, and Their Allies Explain the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb". Diplomatic History 17, no.1 (Winter 1993): 35-72.
    RG077/RG107/RG165/RG227/DDE Library/FDR Library/HST Library

  66. Bernstein, Barton J. "The Challenges and Dangers of Nuclear Weapons: Foreign Policy and Strategy, 1941". Maryland Historian 9, no.1 (Spring 1978): 73-99.
    RG059/RG077/RG218/RG263/RG319/FDR Library/HST Library

  67. Bernstein, Michael A. "The Great Depression as Historical Problem". OAH Magazine of History 16, no.1 (Fall 2001): 3-10.
    FDR Library

  68. Beschloss, Michael. "Knowing What Really Happened". Presidential Studies Quarterly 32, no.4 (December 2002): 642-646.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/JFK Library

  69. Biemer, Linda. "Business Letters of Alida Schuyler Livingston, 1680-1726". New York History 63, no.2 (April 1982): 183-207.
    FDR Library

  70. Biles, Roger. "Nathan Straus and the Failure of U.S. Public Housing, 1937-1942". Historian 53, no.1 (Autumn 1990): 33-46.
    FDR Library

  71. Biles, Roger. "The Persistence of the Past: Memphis and the Great Depression". Journal of Southern History 52, no.2 (May 1986): 183-212.
    RG009/FDR Library

  72. Biles, Roger. "The Urban South in the Great Depression". Journal of Southern History 56, no.1 (February 1990): 71-100.
    FDR Library

  73. Billington, Monroe and Cal Clark. "Catholic Clergymen, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the New Deal". Catholic Historical Review 79, no.1 (January 1993): 65-82.
    FDR Library

  74. Billington, Monroe and Cal Clark. "Nebraska Clergymen, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the New Deal". Nebraska History 72, no.2 (Summer 1991): 78-88.
    FDR Library

  75. Billington, Monroe and Cal Clark. "Rabbis and the New Deal: Clues to Jewish Political Behavior". American Jewish History 80, no.2 (Winter 1990-1991): 193-212.
    FDR Library

  76. Billington, Monroe. "The Alabama Clergy and the New Deal". Alabama Review 32, no.3 (July 1979): 214-225.
    FDR Library

  77. Birkner, Michael J. "The Battle FDR Lost: The Failed Nomination of Boss Ed Flynn as Minister to Australia". Passport 49, no.1 (April 2018): 33-38.
    FDR Library

  78. Black, Allida M. "Championing a Champion: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Marion Anderson 'Freedom Concert'". Presidential Studies Quarterly 20, no.4 (Fall 1990): 719-736.
    RG048/FDR Library

  79. Black, Allida M. "Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights". Magazine of History 22, no.2 (April 2008): 34-37.
    FDR Library

  80. Black, Allida M. "Human Rights Declaration Turns 50". CRM 21, no.11 (1998): 42-43.
    FDR Library

  81. Black, Allida. "Struggling with Icons: Memorializing Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt". Public Historian 21, no.1 (Winter 1999): 63-72.
    FDR Library

  82. Blain, Harry. "No Gestapo: J. Edgar Hoover's World-Wide Intelligence Service and the Limits of Bureaucratic Autonomy in the National Security State". Studies in American Political Development 35, no.2 (October 2021): 214-222.
    FDR Library/HST Library

  83. Blanpied, William A. "Science Policy in the Early New Deal, and Its Impacts in the 1940s". Federal History 1 (January 2009): 9-24.
    RG255/FDR Library

  84. Blayney, Michael S. "Herbert Pell, War Crimes, and the Jews". American Jewish Historical Quarterly 65, no.4 (June 1976): 335-352.
    RG059/FDR Library

  85. Blower, Brooke L. "New York City's Spanish Shipping Agents and the Practice of State Power in the Atlantic Borderlands of World War II". American Historical Review 119, no.1 (February 2014): 111-141.
    RG021/RG029/RG059/RG060/RG084/RG163/RG165/RG319/FDR Library

  86. Boland, Beth M. "Keeping Women in Their Historic Places: Bringing Women's Stories to the Classroom". CRM 20, no.3 (1997): 35-38.
    FDR Library

  87. Boland, Beth. "Keeping Women in Their Historic Places: Bringing Women's Stories to the Classroom". OAH Magazine of History 12, no.1 (Fall 1997): 21-25.
    FDR Library

  88. Boon, Adam. "'A Dear and Hoped-For Guest': Eisenhower's Cancelled Trip to the Soviet Union and the Final Year of His Presidency". Diplomacy & Statecraft 32, no.3 (September 2021): 509-530.
    RG059/FDR Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  89. Borch, Fred L. "A Heart of Purple: The Story of America's Oldest Military Decoration and Some of Its Recipients". Prologue 44, no.4 (Winter 2012): 16-25.
    RG111/RG330/FDR Library/JFK Library

  90. Borgwardt, Elizabeth. "FDR's Four Freedoms as a Human Rights Instrument". Magazine of History 22, no.2 (April 2008): 8-13.
    FDR Library

  91. Boris, Eileen. "Fair Employment and the Origins of Affirmative Action in the 1940s". NWSA Journal 10, no.3 (Fall 1998): 142.
    RG228/FDR Library

  92. Boughton, James M. "New Light on Harry Dexter White". Journal of the History of Economic Thought 26, no.2 (June 2004): 179-195.
    RG056/RG118/FDR Library

  93. Bower, Kevin P. "'A Favored Child of the State': Federal Student Aid at Ohio Colleges and Universities, 1934-1943". History of Education Quarterly 44, no.3 (Fall 2004): 364-387.
    RG119/FDR Library

  94. Boyd, Carl. "Significance of MAGIC and the Japanese Ambassador to Berlin: (V) News of Hitler's Defense Preparations for Allied Invasion of Western Europe". Intelligence and National Security 4, no.3 (July 1989): 461-481.
    RG457/FDR Library

  95. Boyd, Donald C. "The Book Women of Kentucky: The WPA Pack Horse Library Project, 1936-1943". Libraries & the Cultural Record 42, no.2 (2007): 111-128.
    RG069/FDR Library

  96. Boyett, Patricia Michelle. "Master of Racial Myths & Massive Resistance: Governor Paul B. Johnson, Jr. (1964-1968)". Journal of Mississippi History 81, no.1-2 (Spring-Summer 2019): 97-119.
    FDR Library

  97. Bradsher, Greg. "The President's Archivist Goes to War: Fred W. Shipman in Italy in 1944". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 46-57.
    RG111/RG165/RG218/RG331/FDR Library

  98. Brandes, Stuart D. "America's Super Rich, 1941". Historian 45, no.3 (May 1983): 307-323.
    FDR Library

  99. Bredhoff, Stacey. "DRAW! Political Cartoons from Left to Right". Prologue 23, no.1 (Spring 1991): 86-91.
    RG065/DDE Library/FDR Library/GRF Library/HST Library/LBJ Library

  100. Breen, William J. "Labor-Market Statistics and the State: The United States in the Era of the Great War, 1914-1930". Journal of Policy History 8, no.3 (1996): 310-334.
    RG001/RG016/RG020/RG032/RG061/RG062/RG174/FDR Library

  101. Breihan, John R. "Between Munich and Pearl Harbor: The Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company Gears up for War, 1938-1941". Maryland Historical Magazine 88, no.4 (Winter 1993): 388-419.
    RG018/RG107/RG179/RG342/FDR Library

  102. Breitman, Richard and Shlomo Aronson. "The End of the 'Final Solution'?: Nazi Plans to Ransom Jews in 1944". Central European History 25, no.2 (1992): 177-203.
    RG200/RG226/RG238/RG242/FDR Library

  103. Brinkley, Alan. "Dilemmas of Modern Liberalism". Prologue 22, no.3 (Fall 1990): 286-294.
    FDR Library

  104. Brinkley, Alan. "The Antimonopoly Ideal and the Liberal State: The Case of Thurman Arnold". Journal of American History 80, no.2 (September 1993): 557-579.
    RG144/FDR Library

  105. Brodkin, Kimberly. "'We are neither male nor female Democrats:' Gender Difference and Women's Integration within the Democratic Party". Journal of Women's History 19, no.2 (Summer 2007): 111-137.
    FDR Library/HST Library/JFK Library

  106. Brower, Charles F., IV. "Sophisticated Strategist: General George A. Lincoln and the Defeat of Japan, 1944-45". Diplomatic History 15, no.3 (Summer 1991): 317-337.
    RG059/RG107/RG165/RG218/FDR Library

  107. Brown, D. Clayton. "Modernizing Rural Life: South Carolina's Push for Public Rural Electrification". South Carolina Historical Magazine 99, no.1 (January 1998): 66-85.
    FDR Library

  108. Brown, D. Clayton. "North Carolina Rural Electrification: Precedent of the REA". North Carolina Historical Review 59, no.2 (Spring 1982): 109-124.
    RG221/FDR Library

  109. Brown, Jonathan. "'No One Knows - Or Will Say': Revisiting the State Department's Handling of the Belmonte-Wendler Letter". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.4 (December 2022): 656-680.
    RG059/RG084/FDR Library

  110. Brown, Norman D. "Garnering Votes for 'Cactus Jack': John Nance Garner, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the 1932 Democratic Nomination for President". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 104, no.2 (October 2000): 149-188.
    FDR Library

  111. Browning, Robert M., Jr. "'Go Ahead, Go Ahead'". Naval History 23, no.6 (December 2009): 28-36.
    RG045/FDR Library

  112. Brune, Lester H. "Considerations of Force in Cordell Hull's Diplomacy, July 26 to November 26, 1941". Diplomatic History 2, no.4 (Fall 1978): 389-405.
    RG059/RG080/RG165/RG225/FDR Library

  113. Buchanan, Andrew N. "Washington's 'Silent Ally' in World War II? United States Policy Towards Spain, 1939-1945". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 7, no.2 (June 2009): 93-117.
    FDR Library

  114. Budreau, Lisa M. "The Politics of Remembrance: The Gold Star Mothers' Pilgrimage and America's Fading Memory of the Great War". Journal of Military History 72, no.2 (April 2008): 371-411.
    RG092/RG111/RG117/RG159/RG233/RG407/FDR Library

  115. Bungert, Heike. "Deutsche Emigranten im Amerikanischen Kalkul: Die Regierung in Washington, Thomas Mann und die Grundung eines Emigrantenkomitees 1943". Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte 46, no.2 (1998): 253-268.
    RG059/RG226/FDR Library

  116. Bungert, Heike. "The OSS and Its Cooperation with the Free Germany Committees, 1944-45". Intelligence and National Security 12, no.3 (July 1997): 130-144.
    RG038/RG059/RG084/RG107/RG226/RG331/FDR Library

  117. Burgess, Charles J. "Pacific Fleet to Singapore?: Deterrence, Warfighting, and Anglo-American Planning for the Defense of Southeast Asia, 1937-1941". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.2 (June 2023): 256-295.
    RG038/RG107/RG165/RG313/FDR Library

  118. Burt, Sally. "High and Low Tide: Sino-American Relations and Summit Diplomacy in the Second World War". Diplomacy & Statecraft 29, no.2 (2018): 167-186.
    RG043/FDR Library

  119. Burt, Sally. "The Ambassador, the General, and the President: FDR's Mismanagement of Interdepartmental Relations in Wartime China". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 19, no.3/4 (2012): 288-310.
    FDR Library

  120. Burtness, Paul S. and Warren U. Ober. "Provocation and Angst: FDR, Japan, Pearl Harbor, and the Entry into War in the Pacific". Hawaiian Journal of History 51 (2017): 91-114.
    FDR Library

  121. Burton, Shirley J. and Kellee Green. "Oaths of Allegiance, Acts of Treason: The Disloyalty Prosecutions of Max Stephan and Hans Haupt". Prologue 23, no.3 (Fall 1991): 236-246.
    RG021/RG276/RG118/RG200/FDR Library

  122. Bustard, Bruce I. "A New Deal for the Arts". Prologue 29, no.1 (Spring 1997): 62-69.
    RG016/RG069/FDR Library

  123. Bustard, Bruce I. "Timberline Lodge: Oregon's WPA Masterpiece". Prologue 29, no.1 (Spring 1997): 6-15.
    RG069/FDR Library

  124. Butow, R.J.C. "A Notable Passage to China: Myth and Memory in FDR's Family History". Prologue 31, no.3 (Fall 1999): 158-177.
    FDR Library

  125. Butow, R.J.C. "How Roosevelt Attacked Japan at Pearl Harbor: Myth Masquerading as History". Prologue 28, no.3 (Fall 1996): 208-221.
    RG080/RG208/RG457/FDR Library

  126. Butow, R.J.C. "Pearl Harbor Jitters: Defending the White House against Attack". Prologue 23, no.4 (Winter 1991): 382-391.
    FDR Library

  127. Byrnes, Mark. "Unfinished Business: The United States and Franco's Spain, 1944-47". Diplomacy and Statecraft 11, no.1 (March 2000): 129-162.
    RG059/FDR Library/HST Library

  128. Cameselle-Pesce, Pedro. "Italian-Uruguayans for Free Italy: Serafino Romualdi's Quest for Transnational Anti-Fascist Networks during World War II". The Americas 77, no.2 (April 2020): 247-273.
    RG059/FDR Library

  129. Cammack, Bruce. "'A Wondrous, Free Life This': The Texas Adventures of Elliott Roosevelt". Journal of the West 58, no.2 (Spring 2019): 62-72.
    FDR Library

  130. Campbell, D'Ann. "Women in Combat: The World War II Experience in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union". Journal of Military History 57, no.2 (April 1993): 301-323.
    RG160/RG165/DDE Library/FDR Library

  131. Cantu, D. Antonio. "'Happy Days Are Here Again': A Left and Right Brain 4MAT Approach to Teaching Depression-Era Presidential Elections". OAH Magazine of History 16, no.1 (Fall 2001): 46-51.
    RG069/FDR Library

  132. Carlin, John W. "FDR, His Library, and the National Archives". Prologue 35, no.4 (Winter 2003): 4-5.
    FDR Library

  133. Carlisle, Rodney. "William Randolph Hearst's Reaction to the American Newspaper Guild: A Challenge to New Deal Labor Legislation". Labor History 10, no.1 (Winter 1969): 74-99.
    RG009/RG025/FDR Library

  134. Carlson, Peter. "FDR's Loyal Mistress". American History 45, no.5 (December 2010): 44-47.
    FDR Library

  135. Caron, Vicki. "The Politics of Frustration: French Jewry and the Refugee Crisis in the 1930s". Journal of Modern History 65, no.2 (June 1993): 311-356.
    FDR Library

  136. Carroll, Francis M. and Franklin R. Raiter. "The People versus the Government: The 1918 Cloquet Fire and the Struggle for Compensation". Journal of Forest History 29, no.1 (January 1985): 4-21.
    RG014/FDR Library/HH Library

  137. Carty, Winthrop P. "FDR: Latin America's Good Neighbor". Americas 34, no.4 (July-August 1982): 3-8.
    FDR Library

  138. Casey, Steven. "The Campaign to Sell a Harsh Peace for Germany to the American Public, 1944-1948". History 90, no.1 (January 2005): 62-92.
    RG044/RG059/RG107/RG165/RG200/RG208/FDR Library/HST Library

  139. Casto, William R. "Advising Presidents: Robert Jackson and the Destroyers-for-Bases Deal". American Journal of Legal History 52, no.1 (January 2012): 1-136.
    RG0529/RG107/FDR Library

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