
Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan: Evaluation

Assessment Rubric

Use this rubric to assess individual students' performance. You may wish to weigh certain aspects more than others.

  Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1
Analysis of Primary Sources Students always actively examined documents and made sufficient effort in understanding or interpreting their significance. Students usually actively examined documents or mostly made sufficient effort in understanding or interpreting their significance. Students sometimes actively examined documents or sometimes made sufficient effort in understanding or interpreting their significance. Students rarely actively examined documents or did not make sufficient effort in understanding or interpreting their significance.
Selection of Primary Source Material Thoughtful selection of primary source material which supports product content and themes Most of the primary source material chosen from the DR exhibit supports the content and themes of their final project. Some of the primary source material chosen from the DR exhibit does not support the content and themes of their final project. The primary source material chosen from the DR exhibit does not support the content and themes of their final project.
Historical Accuracy, Analysis and Interpretation Content is historically accurate and shows critical analysis and interpretation. The content is placed in historical context. Content is historically accurate and shows some critical analysis and interpretation. The content is placed in historical context Content contains some historical errors and includes little analysis or interpretation. Content is not placed in historical context. Content contains historical errors and does not include analysis or interpretation. Content is not placed in historical context.
Teamwork Student always participated actively in group activities and helped the group complete tasks. Student mostly participated actively in group activities and helped the group complete tasks. Student sometimes participated actively in group activities and helped the group complete tasks. Student rarely participated actively in group activities and helped the group complete tasks.
Presentations and Discussions with the UN Council Students accurately represented the views of the role they assumed. Arguments were sufficient in number. Students mostly accurately represented the views of the role they assumed, with not more than one uncharacteristic argument. Arguments were sufficient in number, but may have needed at least one more point. Students gave some arguments that accurately represented the views of the role they assumed, with more than one uncharacteristic argument. Arguments were sufficient in number, but may have needed more than one additional point. Students gave insufficient arguments that accurately represented the views of the role they assumed, with more than one uncharacteristic argument. Arguments were sufficient in number, but may have needed more than one additional point.
