Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies, 1948-1961
(Record Group 469)
1,819 cu. ft.
Table of Contents
791 lin. ft.
- 469.2.1 Records of headquarters offices
- 469.2.2 Records of the Office of the United States Special
Representative in Europe
- 469.2.3 Records of country missions
283 lin. ft.
- 469.3.1 Records of headquarters offices
- 469.3.2 Records of the Office of the United States Special
Representative in Europe
248 lin. ft.
157 lin. ft.
410 lin. ft.
2 lin. ft.
Related Records:
General Records of the Department of State, RG 59.
Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State,
RG 84.
Records of the Foreign Economic Administration, RG 169.
Records of the Office of Inter-American Affairs, RG 229.
Records of the Agency for International Development, RG 286.
Textual Records | Washington Area | 1,819 cu. ft. |
791 lin. ft.
History: Established by the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 (62 Stat. 138), April 3, 1948, to administer the European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan). Furnished material and financial assistance to nations participating in the Marshall Plan. Abolished by an act of October 10, 1951 (65 Stat. 373), with functions transferred to the Mutual Security Agency by EO 10300, November 1, 1951.
469.2.1 Records of headquarters offices
Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Administrator, 1948-51. Records of the Office of the Controller, 1948-49. Records of the Office of the Director of Administration, 1948-51. Records of the Office of Information, 1948-51. Records of the Offices of the Assistant Administrators for Program, 1948-51; Operations, 1948-51; Supply, 1948-51; and Production, 1949-51.
Note: A few records of the Mutual Security Agency, November- December 1951, are interfiled with the records of the Economic Cooperation Administration.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Economic Cooperation Administration in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
469.2.2 Records of the Office of the United States Special
Representative in Europe
History: Created by the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 to coordinate and supervise recovery programs in the participating European countries. Under the direction of the Special Representative, with the rank of ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, who was appointed by the President and who acted as chief representative of the United States on the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, the Economic Committee for Europe, the European Coordinating Committee, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other European based multinational groups. Functioned as the direct representative of the ECA Administrator and as the ECA field headquarters in Europe. Coordinated and supervised the activities of the European country missions to develop and advance recovery programs at the local level in cooperation with the participating countries. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1953, effective August 7, 1953.
Textual Records: Records of the Central and Executive Secretariats, 1948-51. Records of the Office of the General Counsel, 1948-51. Records of Special Assistant for Staff Planning Henry J. Tasca, 1949-51. Subject and geographic files of the Office of the Director of Administration, 1948-51. Subject and country files of the Administrative Services Division, 1948-51. Subject files and issuances of the Organization and Management Division, 1948-51. Subject and general subject files, technical assistance records, and audit records of the Budget and Fiscal Division, 1948-51. Subject, legal subject, and Mutual Security Program legislative files of the Office of the General Counsel, 1948-51. Records of the Program Division relating to conferences, 1948-51, and to West Germany, 1949-51. Subject files and commodities and facilities file of the Defense Production Division, Office of the Deputy for Defense Affairs, 1950-51. Records of the Office of the Deputy for Economic Affairs, including end-use questionnaires of the Controller's Office, 1948-49; general program subject files and Italy-Trieste program files of the Economic Capabilities Division, 1949-51; general correspondence, subject and country files, and other records of the Export Promotion Division, 1950-51, its Statistical Office, 1950-51, and its Trade Development and Tourism Section, 1948-51; subject and country files of the Finance and Trade Division, 1949-51; subject, country, and agricultural country files of the Food and Agriculture Division, the agricultural economist, and the Overseas Territories Section, 1948-51; subject and country files of the Industry Division, 1948-52, and records of its Coal Section, 1945-47, and Pulp, Paper, and Timber Section, 1949-52; subject and country files and other records of the Information Division, 1948-51; subject files of the Labor Division, 1950-51; subject and country files of the Labor Information Division, 1949-51; subject, country, and geographic files of the Overseas Territories Division, 1949-51; country and subject files of the Productivity and Technical Assistance Division, 1949-51; country files, 1950-51, and Austria program records, 1948-51, of the Country Desk Section, Program Division; and subject files of the Office of Small Business, 1948-51.
Note: Records of the Special Representative for Europe under both ECA and Mutual Security Agency are physically interfiled.
469.2.3 Records of country missions
History: Created under provisions of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 in each participating country, to ensure that their individual economic recovery programs operated in accordance with the act and fulfilled terms of bilateral agreements with the United States. Functioned as U.S. operating missions and as local representatives of the Special Representative.
Textual Records: Records of the Missions to Austria, 1947-50; China, 1946-48; Ireland, 1948-51; and Trieste, 1947-52.
Note: Records of the country missions under both ECA and Mutual Security Agency are physically interfiled.
283 lin. ft.
History: Established and continued by acts of October 10, 1951 (65 Stat. 373) and June 20, 1952 (66 Stat. 141) to provide military, economic, and technical assistance to friendly nations in the interest of international peace and security. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1953, effective August 1, 1953, and functions transferred to the Foreign Operations Administration. SEE 469.6.
469.3.1 Records of headquarters offices
Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Administrator, 1951-52. Records of the Assistant Administrators for Program, 1951-52; and Operations, 1951-52. Records of the Deputy Administrator as ECA representative on interdepartmental committees, 1951-52. Records of the Assistant Administrator for Production, W.H. Joyce, Jr., 1951-52. Records of the Office of Information, 1951-52. Records of the Organizing and Planning Division, 1951-52; Productivity and Technical Assistance Division, 1951-52; and Far East Program Division, 1951-52.
Note: These records are interfiled with appropriate office and division records of the Economic Cooperation Administration.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Mutual Security Agency in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
469.3.2 Records of the Office of the United States Special
Representative in Europe
Textual Records: Records of the Central Secretariat, 1951-52; and the Executive Secretariat, 1951-53. Records of Special Assistant for Staff Planning Henry J. Tasca, 1951-52. Records of the Office of the General Counsel, 1951-53. Subject and geographic files of the Office of the Director of Administration, 1951-53. Subject files and issuances of the Organization and Management Division, 1951-53. General subject files and allotment and audit records of the Budget and Fiscal Division, 1951-53. Subject, legal subject, and Mutual Security Program legislative files of the Office of the General Counsel, 1951-55. Records of the Program Division relating to conferences, 1951-52, and to West Germany, 1951-52. Subject files, reading file, and commodities and facilities file of the Defense Production Division, Office of the Deputy for Defense Affairs, 1951-53, and records of its Machinery and Equipment Section, 1951-52. General program subject files and Italy-Trieste program files of the Economic Capabilities Division, 1951-52. Records of the Office of the Deputy for Economic Affairs, including subject, country, and agricultural country files of the Food and Agriculture Division, office files of the agricultural economist, and subject files of the Overseas Territories Section, 1951-53; records of the Offices of the Director and Deputy Director, Industrial Resources Division, 1950-54, and of its Chemical and Non-Ferrous Metals, Coal, Iron and Steel, Petroleum, and Transportation Sections, 1949-53; subject files of the Labor Division, 1951-53; and country and subject files of the Productivity and Technical Assistance Division, 1951-56.
Note: Records of the Special Representative for Europe under both ECA and MSA are physically interfiled.
248 lin. ft.
History: Established in the Department of State by EO 10159, September 8, 1950, to oversee the technical cooperation programs authorized by Title IV (Act for International Development), Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 204), June 5, 1950, assuming oversight responsibility for the Institute of Inter-American Affairs (SEE 469.5). Provided scientific and technical assistance to underdeveloped countries in order to maintain political stability and to further economic and social progress. Subordinated to the Director for Mutual Security by EO 10458, June 1, 1953. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 7, effective August 1, 1953, with functions to the Foreign Operations Administration. SEE 469.6.
Textual Records: Records of the International Development Advisory Board, 1949-53. Technical assistance records of the Office of the Special Assistant, 1949-53. Subject files of the Office of the Deputy Administrator, 1951-53. Subject and country files of the Office of the Legal Counsel, 1949-53. Records of the Program Information and Reports Staff, including public opinion files on the Point Four Program, 1951-53; and records of the Asian Staff and Near Eastern and African Staff, 1951-53. Records of the Office of the Assistant Administrator for Programs, including a subject file, 1950-53; records of the Program Planning Office, 1946-54; and records of the Industry and Commerce Staff, Educational and Technical Training Staff, and Regional Technical Training Staffs, 1951-53. Records of the Office of the Assistant Administrator for Management, including subject files, 1949-53; and records of the Budget Division, Supply and Requirements Branch, and Organization and Procedures Branch, of the Controller's Office, 1950-54. Records of the Asian Development Service and the Near East and Africa Development Service, 1949-54.
157 lin. ft.
History: Established as a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware by the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, 1942. Merged with the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Incorporated (which had been similarly established in 1943), and reconstituted as a U.S. Government corporation by an act of August 5, 1947 (61 Stat. 780). Transferred to the Department of State, effective May 20, 1946, by EO 9710, April 10, 1946, which abolished the Office of Inter-American Affairs. Assigned to Technical Cooperation Administration (TCA) by EO 10159, September 8, 1950. Subordinated with TCA to Director for Mutual Security by EO 10458, June 1, 1953. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 7, effective August 1, 1953, with functions to the Foreign Operations Administration. SEE 469.6.
Textual Records: Minutes of Executive Board meetings, 1943-51. Country files (central files), 1942-52. Records of the Program Staff, 1952-54. Records of the Offices of the Training Coordinator, 1952-53; and Technical Media, 1951-53. Records of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Division, 1942-53; Education Division, 1944-53; Health, Welfare, and Housing Division, 1949-53; Division of Government Administration and Technical Services, 1950-53; Legal Division, 1942-53; Public Health Division, 1951-55; and West Coast Division, 1952-54.
410 lin. ft.
History: Established by Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1953, effective August 1, 1953, to centralize operations, control, and direction of all foreign economic and technical assistance programs and to coordinate mutual security activities. Inherited the functions of MSA, Technical Cooperation Administration, Institute of Inter-American Affairs, and other foreign assistance operations. Furnished military, economic, and technical assistance to friendly nations. Abolished by EO 10610, May 9, 1955, with functions to International Cooperation Administration.
Textual Records: Records of the U.S. Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organization (USRO), consisting of records of the Technical Assistance Division, 1953-56; Executive Secretary, 1950-55; General Counsel, 1950-55; and Office of Political Affairs, 1952-55. Records of the Office of European Operations, including central subject and geographic files, 1948-54; subject, decimal, and Organization for European Economic Cooperation files of the Regional Organizations Staff, 1948-55; subject files of Deputy Director Harlan Cleveland, 1948-53; subject and geographic files of the Intra- European Payments Branch, 1948-53; subject files of the Executive Assistant, 1951-55; records of the Program Staff, 1948-55; and records of the Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg, Central Europe, Denmark, France (including Indochina), Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (including Trieste), Netherlands-Indonesia, Norway, Spain and Portugal, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia Divisions, 1948-54.
Note: Some records of the Special Representative for Europe, MSA, are interfiled with the records of USRO.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Foreign Operations Administration in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
2 lin. ft.
History: Established by State Department Delegation of Authority 85, June 30, 1955, pursuant to EO 10610, May 9, 1955. Coordinated foreign assistance operations and conducted all nonmilitary security programs. Abolished by act of September 4, 1961 (75 Stat. 446). Functions transferred to Agency for International Development.
Textual Records: Records of the Office of Participant Training, including records pertaining to the organization of third-country training in Europe, 1951-61. U.S. Mission to NATO and European Regional Organizations (USRO) reports of third-country training in Europe, 1956-60.
Motion Pictures: Report to the American People on Technical Cooperation, showing U.S. assistance to Afghanistan, Ecuador, Ethiopia, India, Indochina, Indonesia, Libya, Paraguay, Sudan, and Thailand, 1955 (1 reel). Strength for Peace, describing U.S. military assistance programs and cooperation in North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Southeast Treaty Organization, and Rio Pact countries, 1955 (1 reel).
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the International Cooperation Administration in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.