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At-Home Learning: Reorganizing the Executive Branch

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. EDT

Register for this or any of our upcoming programs for students and families.

This 45-minute program geared toward grades 4-7 will be presented by the Hoover Library.

Herbert Hoover was a champion of government efficiency for over 40 years, before, during, and after his Presidency.  He was an engineer and geologist by training, and sought to apply the scientific principles of the Efficiency Movement to make the Federal government more responsive and cost effective, and to avoid duplication and waste. As Secretary of Commerce, he reorganized the Commerce Department.  As President, he created the Veterans Administration (VA) to unify all veterans services.  As former-President, he was appointed by Presidents Truman and Eisenhower to chair two Commissions on the Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government – known as the Hoover Commissions – to find ways to streamline the Federal government.

This program is part of our spring series of online, interactive-learning programs for students and families. Programs are available for preschool through 12th grade, and are scheduled weekly through the end of May. All programs, offered via a web link in partnership with the Presidential Primary Sources Project, will take place at 2pm ET / 1 pm CT / 12 pm MT / 11 am PT.

See the full schedule of programs.


All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.
