Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) Appellants Forum
Jefferson Room
Washington, DC
The Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) would like to cordially invite you to attend the ISCAP Appellants Forum.
This event will provide an opportunity for ISCAP appellants and agency mandatory declassification review (MDR) offices to more fully understand the functions and workload of the ISCAP and to discuss the implications of the increased number of appeals received by the ISCAP in recent years.
Who Should Attend:
ISCAP appellants, MDR and other declassification staff from Federal agencies, and others interested in the ISCAP's role as the appellate body for classification and declassification decisions in the executive branch
RSVP: By May 25th to
50 seats are available for in-person attendance, and 50 teleconference lines are available for remote participation
All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.