Folder List, Subject Correspondence Files, 1934-1935
National Labor Relations Board (Record Group 25), Kansas City Regional Office
View series description in the National Archives Catalog.
Box 1
Bajork, Leonard C., Dir. of St. Louis office
Bettis, A. E., board member
Biddle, Franics, Chairman Kansas City Board
Birkhead, Rev. L. M., Public Rep. Kansas City
Blume, R. L., Executive Secretary
Board meeting minutes, February 1, 1934-September 22, 1934
Board meeting minutes, February 15, 1934
Bowen, Frank H., Examiner for NLRB-Washington
Brewer, Roy M., Omaha National Recovery Administration
Byrnes Act - memo from Washington to regions
Carmody, J. M. - NLRB Washington
Clark, Nathaniel S. - Chicago board
Coal Mining Board, information and addresses to cases
Complaints, instructions on handling
Contracts for office equipment, Kansas City office
Conner, John L. - mediator, Cotton Textile Relations Board
Court reporting
Cox, James E., board member
Crane, F. S., board member
Decisions rendered, Kansas City board, February 1, 1934 to July 14, 1934
Decisions rendered, Kansas City board, August 6, 1933 to July 15, 1934
Decisions rendered, Kansas City board, January 11, 1935 to May 27, 1935
Denver Regional Labor Board - list of cases filed and correspondence
Donoghue, Pat A., examiner
Dorfman, I. S., regional attorney
Doud, L. V., board member
Dyer, Max, board member
Box 2
Elections - memos, instructions, and reports
Ft. Worth, Texas Regional Board
Frankfurter, Estelle, research director
Garrison, Lloyd S., chairman NLRB-Washington
General Correspondence with Washington 1934 and 1935
General Correspondence with Washington 1935 and 1937
General Correspondence, A-L
General Correspondence, M-Z
General reports on legal cases, 1935
Gray, R. L. board member
Handler, Milton, general counsel Washington
Harding, John T. chairman Kansas City Board, 1934
Hughes, John J., director National Energy Council
Box 3
Instructions for Labor Boards
International Laundry Workers Union
Iverson, D., secretary NLRB Washington
Jordan, G. L., board member
Keyes, Father J. W., public representative
King, Charles L., director Industrial Recovery Bureau
Legal Correspondence with Kansas City Board, January-June 1934
Legal Correspondence with Kansas City Board, July-December 1934
Legal Correspondence with Kansas City Board, July 1935-April 1937
Legal Correspondence with Kansas City Board, October 1937-December 1940
Legal Questions, February-June 1934
Legal Questions, July-December 1934
Legal Questions, February-June 1935
List of Cases, 1934 and Jan-May 1935
List of personnel and board meeting roll calls
Miller, Jesse I., NLRB-Washington
Moranville, C. C., board member
Murphy, Frank J., board member
Box 4
Patterson, G. L., Washington
Personnel and board members of Territory Panels
Plotkin, A., cases handled
Pratt, George O., director Kansas City board
Railroad Mediation Board
Rausch, F. W., board member
Report to board members, February 28, 1935
Reports, monthly to Kansas City Board
Reports, weekly to Kansas City Board
Reporting of Hearings
Rufi, Fred A., board member
Smith, Edwin S., NLRB Washington, 1935 (2 folders)
Southwestern Bell Telephone, phone service
Stern, Mrs. B. M., NLRB Washington
Box 5
Telegrams received, Postal Telegraph Co.
Telegrams received, Western Union
Ward, Paul, newspaper reporter
Weekly Reports to NLRB Washington
Wolf, Benedict, NLRB Washington
Wood, Charles A., attorney
Yost, Jack, board member