
Moving Image and Sound Preservation Branch

The Moving Image and Sound Preservation Branch provides preservation for dynamic media (Audio, Video, and Motion Picture) at NARA.

Audio-Video Preservation Laboratory

The Audio-Video Preservation Laboratory experts reformat video and audio records into digital formats.

Our staff:

  • Support analog-to-digital reformatting workflows for both preservation and distribution purposes.
  • Work with selected born-digital audio and video material in accessioned NARA collections.

For additional information, please visit Audio Guidance and Video Guidance.

This is an example of an historically significant audio recording preserved and reformatted by the Audio-Video Preservation Laboratory (audio only).

Motion Picture Preservation Laboratory

The Motion Picture Preservation Laboratory experts preserve and reformat motion picture film for access.

Our staff:

  • Use analog-to-analog and analog-to-digital reformatting workflows for both preservation and distribution purposes to reproduce a wide variety of film elements and files.
  • Serve as subject matter experts in identifying film element types, evaluating the physical condition of accessioned records, and digital conversion issues specific to film-based media.
  • Determine the retention of elements for individual titles, and select appropriate preservation actions, including reformatting, in a collaborative process between preservation staff and the archival staff.

For more information, please visit Motion Picture Film Guidance.

This is an example of an historically significant motion picture preserved and reformatted by the Motion Picture Preservation Laboratory.

