Press Release
Press Release · Monday, August 23, 1993
Press Release
November 30, 1993
Additions to the JFK Assassination Records Collection at the National Archives Since the August 23, 1993 Opening
Washington, DC... The National Archives is making available to the public additional materials from the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection. The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 established the Collection which consists of assassination-related records of the Federal government. Additions are being made as agencies complete their reviews and transfer newly opened records to the National Archives.
Records from the Lyndon B. Johnson Library - Tape recordings of President Johnson's telephone conversations for the period November 22, 1963, through November 30, 1963. This is the first release of tape recordings. In September of this year only summaries were released.
Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency - Approximately 350 pages have been released. The records consist primarily of letters and memoranda related to requests for information from the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
Records of the Department of State - Approximately eight additional cubic feet of records related to the JFK assassination have been released. These records include documents from the Central Files, Passport Office files, Bureau of Diplomatic Security files and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. There are also Moscow and Mexico City Embassy files.
Records from the John F. Kennedy Library - Records of the Secret Service, White House Logs and Attachments. These records, consisting of approximately 10 cubic feet, consist of handwritten logs identifying the names of people who visited the White House complex and the identity of staff members with whom they had appointments, along with the time of their arrival and departure.
Records of the House Select Committee on Assassinations - Briefing books for subcommittee hearings. These records consist of documents provided to subcommittee members and staff for use in hearings held by the JFK subcommittee.
Records of the National Security Agency - These records consist of approximately 100 pages of Reuters News Service cables, memoranda, and correspondence.
Records of the Executive Office of United States Attorneys - These records, approximately one cubic foot, include letters, memoranda, reports, clippings, court documents and handwritten notes relating to the assassination. These records were located among the records of the United States Attorney, Northern District of Texas.
The records are available at the Central Research Room and the Motion Picture, Sound and Video Research Room, National Archives Building at Pennsylvania Avenue, between 7th and 9th Streets NW, Washington, D.C.
PLEASE NOTE: As of April 1994, these records are available at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, located at 8601 Adelphi Road. Research Room hours are: Monday and Wednesday 8:45 AM - 5 PM; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:45 AM - 9 PM; Saturday 8:45 AM - 4:45 PM. Research cards are required.
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