Press Release
Press Release · Friday, February 27, 1998
Press Release
February 27, 1998
NHPRC Recommends 65 Grants Totaling $2,908,789
Contact: Roger A. Bruns, NHPRC
At its meeting on February 24, the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) recommended $327,494 for four regrant projects; $1,077,563 for 20 records access projects; $22,995 for one project to improve documentary editing; $1,260,389 for 23 documentary editing projects; $134,598 for 15 documentary publication subventions; and $85,750 for two archival and editing fellowships. The grant recommendations were made in response to more than $4,750,000 in requests.
In other business, it was reported that Marvin "Bud" Moss had been reappointed to the Commission by the President for a four-year term, and that Mary Maples Dunn, Foundation Director of the Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe College, will serve as the representative of the American Historical Association for the next four years.
The Commission also heard a report on collaborative fundraising efforts among the NHPRC, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Association for Documentary Editing. Members passed a resolution proposing that the Commission renew its efforts to assist the editors of NHPRC-sponsored projects to secure additional support from appropriate private and public sources to complete the editorial work of the projects.
Grant application materials may be requested by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail:
National Historical Records and Publications Commission
National Archives and Records Administration
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 106
Washington, DC 20408-0001
(202) 501-5610 (voice)
(202) 501-5601 (fax) (e-mail)
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