Press Release
Press Release · Monday, July 27, 1998
Press Release
July 27, 1998
NHPRC Recommends 10 Grants Totaling $496,685
Contact: Roger A. Bruns
Washington, DC. . . The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), the grant-making arm of the National Archives and Records Administration, met on June 24, 1998, and recommended up to $496,685 in grants, in response to more than $1,634,000 requested.
The Commission welcomed Ms. Margaret P. Grafeld, Director of the Office of IRM Programs and Services, as a new member representing the Department of State. It heard a presentation on "Where History Begins," the report of the Council of State Historical Records Coordinators (COSHRC) on United States records repositories, by COSHRC Chair Kenneth Winn and Project Coordinator Victoria Irons Walch. The Commission accepted the report, recommending that it be placed on the NHPRC Web site and disseminated broadly to other Federal agencies. It also directed the staff to develop a proposal for a Commission-funded conference on education which will help bring about coordination among the various training opportunities available to records caretakers.
The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for November 17, 1998. The next deadline for grant applications is October 1, 1998. Application materials for projects or more information on the Commissions awards may be requested by phone or by mail:
National Archives and Records Administration
700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 106
Washington, DC 20408-0001
(202) 501-5610 (voice)
(202) 501-5601 (fax) (e-mail) (Web site)
Documentary Editing Projects:
- Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles, CA: An eight-month grant of up to $55,233 for the Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers.
- Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI: An eight-month grant of up to $75,847 for the Papers of General Nathanael Greene.
- Stanford University, Stanford, CA: A one-year grant of up to $57,789 for the Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Pomona College, Claremont, CA: A one-year grant of $34,992 for the Letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott.
- Kent State University, Kent, OH: A one-year grant of up to $35,492 for the Robert A. Taft Papers, contingent on the availability of additional FY 1998 funds.
- Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA: A one-year grant of up to $56,700 for the Howard Thurman Papers.
- East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA: An eight-month grant of up to $35,500 for the Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800.
- Yale University Press, New Haven, CT: A grant of $10,000 to subvene publication of Selected Papers of Charles Willson Peale and His Family, Vol. 5.
Projects to Carry Out National Archival Agendas:
- Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY: A one-year grant of up to $37,231 for the Kentuckiana Project of the State-Assisted Academic Library Council of Kentucky, to undertake planning and training in preparation for the creation of Kentuckys Commonwealth Virtual Library, contingent on the availability of additional FY 1998 funds.
Congressionally Recommended Grant:
- Alaska Department of Education, Division of Libraries, Archives, and Museums, Juneau, AK: A two-year grant of $97,901 for its project entitled Rich Mining: Documents from Alaskas Gold Rush Era.
For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail.
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