Press Release
Press Release · Tuesday, March 27, 2001
Press Release
March 27, 2001
Summer Hours Resume April 1 at the National Archives
Washington, DC . . . On Sunday, April 1, summer hours will resume at the Exhibition Hall of the National Archives. The Exhibition Hall, located on Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets, NW, will be open to the public from 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. seven days a week through July 4, 2001. Admission is free.
The Exhibition Hall of the National Archives Building in downtown Washington, DC, will close for renovation on July 5, 2001 and reopen in 2003. During this period, when the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are off public display, they will continue to be available online and the research side of the building will remain open. In addition, the National Archives will launch a new web portal this June, and in the fall, will begin a major nationwide tour of documentary treasures from its holdings.
The new Rotunda exhibition "American Originals" presents a selection of the nation's most significant and compelling documents. While some of the documents announce their own importance with flourished signatures and wax seals, others are deceptively routine in appearance. All of them have passed through the hands of the most notable figures in our nation's history, and hold messages beyond their words. Information on the traveling version of "American Originals" can be found at:
The major exhibition "Picturing the Century: Part II" will remain on display in the Circular Gallery through July 4, 2001. Celebrating the end of the century, this unique photographic exhibition chronicles the major events of the last 100 years -- immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, the Wright Brothers' first flight, construction of the Empire State Building, Depression-era soup lines, Omaha Beach, the mushroom cloud, Lyndon Johnson taking the Presidential oath, U.S. Marines in Da Nang, footprints on the Moon, and war in the Persian Gulf. Some of these images are so famous that they are seared in our collective memory and have become synonymous with the events themselves
The Microfilm and Central Research Rooms at the downtown building, and the Research Complex at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, are open to the public Monday and Wednesday, 8:45 A.M. - 5 P.M.; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:45 A.M. - 9 P.M.; and Saturday, 8:45 A.M. - 4:45 P.M. These hours are the same year round. The research rooms are closed on Sundays and all Federal holidays. For additional research information, please call 202-501-5400. The number for the Public Events Line, listing free public programs and upcoming events, is 202-501-5000.
For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail.
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