Press Release
Press Release · Monday, October 29, 2001
Press Release
October 29, 2001
National Archives Names New Assistant Archivist for Presidential Libraries
College Park, MD. . . . Archivist of the United States John W. Carlin has announced the appointment of Richard L. Claypoole as the new Assistant Archivist for Presidential libraries. Mr. Claypoole's appointment is effective November 5, 2001.
In making the announcement, Mr. Carlin said, " I am pleased that Mr. Claypoole has agreed to accept my offer to return to the National Archives. His 26-year career at the National Archives in various positions provides him with a broad perspective of the issues and challenges facing the institution as a whole. I have confidence that he will be an effective leader of the Presidential libraries and help guide the libraries into a new era."
Prior to retiring in June of 2001, Mr. Claypoole was Assistant Archivist for Regional Record Services. In that position, he was responsible for supervising the operations of all of the regional archives and records center facilities across the country. His accomplishments included overseeing the integrated lifecycle approach to records at the regional archives and shepherding the records center program from a partially reimbursable activity to a fully reimbursable revolving fund, which completed its second year of successful operation.
Mr. Claypoole began his National Archives career at the Federal Register in 1974, after having worked for the Veterans' Administration for three years. At the Federal Register, he edited the Public Papers of Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan, and was the editor of the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. In 1995, Mr. Claypoole was appointed to the position of Director of the Federal Register.
The Office of Presidential Libraries consists of 10 Presidential libraries (Hoover through Bush, with the exception of Nixon) and two Presidential materials projects (Nixon and Clinton). The annual appropriated budget for the libraries, projects and central office is $44 million. The libraries hold approximately 317.5 million pages of documents, 5.7 million photographs, and 385 thousand museum objects. More than 1.2 million people visit the libraries annually.
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