Results for DC National History Day Competition--Howard University, April 28, 2007
Press Release · Saturday, April 28, 2007
Results for District of Columbia National History Day Competition
Howard University
April 28, 2007
Junior Division
Junior Historical Research Paper
1. Student: John Nessman
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Cynthia Mostoller
Project Title: The Willowbrook State School and the Deinstitutionalization Movement: Triumph Over the Snake Pit and the Tragedy of Those Who Fell through the Cracks.
2. Student: Elena DiRosa
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Kathy Dryden
Project Title: Girard College: The Tragedy
of Racism, The Triumph of Integration
Junior Individual Exhibit
1. Student: Della Romano
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Kathy Dryden
Project Title: No Accident: Tragedy at Farmington Reforms
Coal Mining
2. Student: Kimiko Matsuda-Lawrence
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Sara Kaplowitz
Project Title: Filipino Soldiers on the Bataan Death March:
Waiting for Triumph
Junior Group Exhibit
1. Students: Daulton Sink, Joe May, Chris May
School: Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Teacher: Kathleen Brown
Project Title: Works Progress Administration: Work for
the Masses
2. Students: Eugene Kinlow, Makonnen Kush
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Yvette Simpson-Wayne
Project Title: Brown v. Board of Education
Junior Individual Performance
1. Student: Ally Mutnick
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Yvette Simpson-Wayne
Project Title: The Color of Blood: The Tragic Effect of
Racial Barriers on Dr. Charles R. Drew’s Triumphant Innovations
2. Student: Isabel Bush
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Yvette Simpson-Wayne
Project Title: Django Reinhardt: Gypsy Genius
Junior Group Performance
1. Students: Natalia Brito, Angela Zelada, Yvonne Gorski
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Cynthia Mostoller
Project Title: The Zoot Suit Riots: the Tragedy of Racial
Injustice and the Triumph of the Civil Rights Movement
2. Students: Hannah Goldman, Rachel Peterson
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Yvette Simpson-Wayne
Project Title: The Schism of Susan B. Anthony and Lucy Stone: 1866-1869
Junior Individual Documentary
1. Student: Chris Doherty
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: David Harris
Project Title: 14th and U Street: Disaster, Rebirth, and Renewal
2. Student: David Landay
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Teacher: Robert Geremia
Project Title: Strike! Barbara Johns and the Student Protest
that Forced School Equality
Junior Group Documentary
1. Students: Ann Elise Trafford, Kate Bucknum, Gracie Harrison, Zoe Zakin
School: Stuart Hobson
Teacher: Kathleen Brown
Project Title: Anne Frank: A Girl Surrounded by Tragedy
Writes to Triumph
2. Students: Andrew Gaffney, Simon Gigli, Sam Giagtzoglou
Teacher: Sara Kaplowitz
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: The Space Race
Senior Division
Senior Historical Research Paper
1. Student: Nicolas Bax
Teacher: Ingrid Pufahl (registered as a home-schooled student)
School: St. Albans
Project Title: The Conscientious Guinea Pigs: Contributions to Medical Science by Conscientious Objectors in Civilian Public Service During World War II
2. Student: Kathryn Skilton
Teacher: Christine Skilton (registered as a home-schooled
School: U.S. Senate Page School
Project Title: Three Days in July: A New Birth of Freedom
Through Triumph and Tragedy
Senior Individual Exhibit
1. Student: Zuri Dority
Teacher: Sharon Purcell
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: A Forbidden Language that Won a War: The Code Talkers
2. Student: Melanie Lawrence
Teacher: Kathy Dryden
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: The Triumph of American’s Highway
System: How It Changed American Transportation and Culture
Senior Group Exhibit
1. Students: Rebecca Koretz, Thea Mink
Teacher: Sharon Purcell
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: Titanic: The Unsinkable Memory
2. Students: Diana Gold, Lena Pfeiffer
Teacher: Sharon Purcell
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: D-Day: Occupation! Invasion! Liberation!
Senior Individual Performance
1. Student: Jake Tempchin
Teacher: Sharon Purcell
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: Every Day I Have the Blues: B.B. King and
his Rise from a Sharecropper to the Most Famous Blues Musician Ever
2. Student: TuShawn Howell
Teacher: Cosby Hunt
School: Bell Multicultural High School
Project Title: The Power of a Woman
Senior Group Performance
1. Students: Gordon Gellatly, Sherwoon Meade
Teacher: Sharon Purcell
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: Blackbeard: the Rise and Fall of the Golden
Age of Piracy
2. Students: Ariana Tabuku, Hannah Steacy
Teacher: Sharon Purcell
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: Dance Marathons
Senior Individual Documentary
1. Student: Lisa Femia
Teacher: Kathy Dryden
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: DC Last Colony: Triumph and Tragedy in
the Pursuit of Democracy
Senior Group Documentary
1. Students: Alejandro Salcedo, Babaak Parcham
Teacher: Cynthia Mostoller
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: The Triumph and King of Tragedy
2. Students: Mai-Sunniva Templeton, Isabella Clegg
Teacher: Cynthia Mostoller
School: Alice Deal Junior High School
Project Title: The Lincoln Theater: Triumph and Tragedy
on U Street
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For more information about the DC-National History Day program and the city wide contest, contact Missy McNatt at For more information on the National History Day Program, visit
For Press information contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at 202-357-5300.
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