Special Programs to Highlight National Archives Records in March
Press Release · Friday, February 8, 2008
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Washington, DC…In March, the National Archives will feature a series of programs highlighting records from its holdings. All programs are free and open to the public (unless otherwise noted) and will be held in the National Archives Building and at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland.
The National Archives Building is located on Constitution Avenue, between 7th and 9th Streets, NW, Washington, DC. Visitors to all programs in the National Archives Building Research Center should use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance, between 7th and 9th Streets, NW. The National Archives at College Park, MD is located at 8601 Adelphi Road. Directions to both locations are available online.
But Grandma Never Carried a Gun: Locating Women Using Records Created
by the Military
Friday, March 7, 10:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Jefferson Room, National
Archives Building
Marie Varrelman Melchiori, CG, CGL, will provide an overview of records created
by the military which will help researchers locate information on the women
who were the mothers, wives and sisters of soldiers. Reservations
are required, and a fee of $20 is payable by cash or check (payable
to NATF) at the door. Call 202-357-5333.
Effective Internet Genealogy Searching
Wednesday, March 12, 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m., Washington Room,
National Archives Building
Elizabeth Kelley Kerstens, CG, CGL, will provide instruction on how to search
the Internet when conducting research. Participants will learn ways to
creatively and effectively search the Internet for hidden tidbits to help them
progress in their family history research. Reservations are required,
and a fee of $20 is payable by cash or check (payable to NATF) at the door. Call
Beginning Your Irish Genealogy Research in US Sources
Friday, March 14, 10:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m., Jefferson Room, National
Archives Building
Elizabeth Kelley Kerstens, CG, CGL, will cover the basics of finding the origin
of Irish ancestors using resources available in the United States. She
will share strategies for using passenger lists, immigration records, military
records, census records, city directories, and other original sources of value
in tracking down the origin of Irish immigrants. Reservations
are required, and a fee of $20 is payable by cash or check (payable
to NATF) at the door. Call 202-357-5333.
Tuesday, March 4, 10:00 a.m., Room G-24, National Archives Building Research
Please use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance
National Archives Librarian Jeffery Hartley will discuss how the
National Archives and Footnote.com are working as partners to bring unprecedented
access to selections of the vast holdings of the National Archives. He
will focus on what is currently available and how to access and use Footnote.com. (This
lecture will be repeated at the National Archives at College Park, MD, in Lecture
Room B, on Thursday, March 6, at 10 a.m.)
Civil War Records at Footnote.com
Tuesday, March 4, 11:00 a.m., Room G-24, National Archives Building Research
Please use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance
Beau Sharbrough, Vice President of Content for Footnote.com, will discuss Civil
War records at Footnote.com. (This lecture will be repeated at the National Archives at College Park, MD, in Lecture Room B, on Thursday, March 6, at 11
Irish History
Thursday, March 13, 11 a.m., Room G-24, National Archives Building Research
Please use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance
Fintan Mullan, Executive Director of the Ulster Historical Foundation in Belfast,
will discuss Irish records and Irish migration to America.
Researching Electronic Records via the Access to Archival Databases
Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 11 a.m., Room G-24, National Archives
Building Research Center
Please use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance
Archives Specialist Lynn Goodsell will offer an introduction to electronic
("digitally-born") records of interest to genealogists and how to
access the records online via the Access to Archival Databases (AAD) resource
. (This lecture will be repeated at the National Archives at College
Park, MD, in Lecture Room B, on Thursday, March 20, at 11a.m.)
From the Records Book Group
Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 11 a.m. and noon, Room G-24, National Archives
Building Research Center - Please use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance
Following a lecture at 11 a.m. on records relating to Gettysburg, the Book
Group will discuss These Honored Dead: How the Story of Gettysburg
Shaped American Memory, by Thomas A. Desjardin. Please check the
Archives Shop (202-357-5271) for book availability and a special discount for
participants. NOTE: April’s book selection is All You
Need is Love: the Peace Corps and the Spirit of the 1960s, by Elizabeth
Cobbs Hoffman.
Save the Date!
National Archives Genealogy Fair
Both Archives facilities are fully accessible. To request an accommodation (e.g., sign language interpreter) for a public program, please e-mail public.program@nara.gov or call 202-357-5000 at least two weeks prior to the event. To verify the date and times of the programs, the public should call 202-357-5333, or view the Calendar of Events online.
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For Press information, contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at 202-357-5300.
This page was last reviewed on January 7, 2013.
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