Prologue: Index 1985
10th International Conference of American States at Caracas (1945), records accessioned, 125 21st Army Group, records declassified, 266 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps, article about, 7-23; photos, 6, 14, 15 35th Division Association, papers and materials accessioned, 126 A Modern Archives Reader: Basic Readings on Archival Theory and Practice, compiled by Maygene F. Daniels and Timothy Walch, 128 "A Special Anniversary," by Frank G. Burke, 140-141 Abrams, Floyd, 200 "Accessions and Openings," see National Archives and Records Administration Acheson, Dean, papers declassified, 66 Ad Hoc Panel on Nuclear Test Limitation, records declassified, 195 Adjutant General's Office, records accessioned, 265 Advertising Council, 230, 233, 241 Aeronautics, Bureau of, records accessioned, 266; records declassified, 264 Africa, papers relating to accessioned, 195 Agency for International Development, records declassified, 265; records declassification review, 201 Agent Orange, 133 Aging, symposium on, 270 Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 188, 190 Agricultural Economics, Bureau of, papers relating to opened, 125 Alaska, records relating to accessioned, 193 Aldrich, Winthrop W., 231, 233, 234 Alien Property, Office of, 98 "The All American Sport: Baseball as Business" (exhibit), 78-91 Allen, Marie B., "'The Greatest Monstrosity in America:' A Brief History of the Old Executive Office Building," 247-258 Allyn, Nancy E., "Uncle Sam Speaks: Broadsides and Posters from the National Archives," 259-263 American Heritage Foundation, 233, 237, 238-242, 244 American history instructional packets, 175-176, 178-179 "American Immigrant Genealogy: Ship Passenger Lists," by Frank H. Serene, 112-121 American Indians, 128; in the Washington Territory, 58-65 American Indians: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, compiled by Cynthia Fox, edited by Constance Potter, 128 American Management Systems, Inc., 269 American-Mexican Claims Commission, Agrarian Dockets declassified, 265 American Youth Congress, papers relating to accessioned, 126 Anderson, Gwen, files opened, 196 Ann Whitman File, records declassified, 67 Anti-Semitism, 93-106 Archival information clearinghouse, 133 "Archives and the International Scene" by Robert M. Warner, 4-5 Archivist of the United States, appointment of, 4 Arent, Fox, Kinter, Plotkin, and Kahn, 87 Armed Services Renegotiation Division, records declassified, 266 Army, Department of the, 259-260; Twenty-fifth Infantry Bicycle Corps, 7-23; photo, 6 Army, Office of the Secretary of the, records declassified, 266 Ashkenas, Bruce F., "A Legacy of Hatred: The Records of a Nazi Organization in America," 93-106 Atomic Energy Commission, records accessioned, 266 "Automation and Documentary Editing Projects," by Nancy Sahli, 131-132 Balaban, Barney, 230, 231 Barnard, Harry, papers opened, 66 "Baseball, Bubble Gum, and Business: The Making of an Archives Exhibit," by John Vernon and Richard E. Wood, 79-91 Baseball cards, 79-91 Bellush, Bernard, papers opened, 194 Bennett, Hugh Hammond, 70-71 Berlin, Ira, 208; et al., "Writing Freedom's History: The Destruction of Slavery," 211-227 Berlin, Irving, 231, 237 "The Bicentennial Era: A Time to Think Boldly," by James MacGregor Burns, 143-153 Bicycle Corps (Army), article about, 7-23 Birmingham, Alabama, 238-240 Black Americans, 208, 209, 211-227 Black History: A Guide to Civilian Records in the National Archives, compiled by Debra L. Newman, 128, 208 Black History Month, 208-209 Black, Hugo, 162-163 Bolivia, records relating to declassified, 265 Boos, Edward H., 16, 19, 22; quoted, 18 Boston Naval Shipyard, records declassified and opened, 267 Bradsher, James Gregory, 208-209; "Taking America's Heritage to the People: The Freedom Train Story," 229-245 Broadsides, 259-263 Broader, David, papers accessioned, 195 Brophy, Thomas D'Arcy, 230, 231, 233, 234 Bubble gum, marketing of, 79-91 Buck, Solon J., 4, 229, 230, 233 Budget, Bureau of the, records opened, 67 Bulgaria, diplomats in Unites States during World War II, 31-32, 38-39 Burger, Warren E., 141; photo, 168; statement by, 167 Burke, Frank G., 69, 132, 133, 199; "A Special Anniversary," 140-141; "From Slavery to Freedom" 208-209; "Preserving Our Past," 76-77; quoted, 198 Burns, Arthur, papers opened, 197 Burns, James MacGregor, 141; "The Bicentennial Era: A Time to Think Boldly," 143-153; photo of, 150 Burroughs, Wynell C., and Jean West Mueller, "Using Documents to Teach the Constitution," 172-179 Burr, Andrew S., 10, 12, 21; quoted, 20, 22 Burton, Dennis A., James B. Rhoads, and Raymond W. Smock, A Guide to Manuscripts in the Presidential Libraries, 199 Butler, Benjamin F., 214 Butler, Stuart L., Records of Headquarters, Army of the Southwestern Frontier, and Headquarters, Second and Seventh Military Districts, 1835-1853, Register of Letters Received and Letters Received of the Department of Texas, the District of Texas, and the Fifth Military District, 1865-1870, microfilm publications, 130 Butterfield, Alexander, papers accessioned, 68; papers opened, 197 Cabot, John Moors, papers accessioned, 194-195, 264 Calkins, John T., files opened, 196 Cambodia, records relating to declassified, 265 Castro, Nash, papers opened, 127 Catholics, Nazi treatment of, 97 "Celebrating the Constitution: A Symposium," 167-171 Census records, 47-48 Central Intelligence Agency, and FOIA requirements, 71 Central Intelligence Information Act, 132-133 Cheney, Richard, files opened, 196 Children's Bureau, records accessioned, 125, 191 Chinese exclusion files, accessioned, 193 Christie, Howard Chandler, poster by, 142 Civil Aeronautics Board, papers relating to accessioned, 196 Civil War, 211-227; sources on, 214 Clark, Jerry L, "Thus Spoke Chief Seattle: The Story of an Undocumented Speech," 58-65 Clark, Tom, 229, 230, 231; quoted, 231 Coblenz, William, 229, 230 Cofer, John D., papers opened, 196 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, records accessioned, 123 Community Analysis Reports and Community Analysis Trend Reports of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-46, by Jeanne Young, microfilm publication, 130 Concentration camps (World War II, Germany), 97 Confiscation Act, 215, 216, 218 Congo, records relating to declassified, 67 Congressional papers conference, 199 Connor, Theophilius Eugene ("Bull"), 239-240 The Constitution: Evolution of a Government (documentary learning unit), 268-269 Constitution, National Archives Task Force on the Bicentennial of the, 133-134 Constitution Study Group of the National Archives Volunteers, 141, 167, 200 Constitution, U.S., bicentennial of the, 140-141, 143-153, 155-165, 167-171, 181; instructional units, 176, 178-179; sources, 181-190 Cooper, Susan L., "Recent America 1934-1984," 53-57 Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in Japan, 1918-1941, by Charles A. Shaughnessy, microfilm publication, 130 Crow Nation, photographs of on exhibit, 200 Cutler, Lloyd N., 141, 152; photo, 169; statement by, 168 Daniels, Maygene F., and Timothy Walch, compilers, A Modern Archives Reader: Basic Readings on Archival Theory and Practice, 128 Darlington, Charles F., papers declassified, 66 De Angeles, Anthony, records relating to accessioned, 123 "Dear Uncle Sam" (dramatic presentation), 268 Denmark, records relating to declassified, 265 Dennison, Robert L., files declassified, 194 Denver Mint, records accessioned, 122 Devers, Jacob L., papers accessioned, 66 Dewey, Thomas E., 102, 252 Diplomats, treatment of during World War II, 25-43 Document inventory process, 76-77 Document preservation, 76-77; conference on, 198 Documentation History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800, project, 184 Documentary learning units, 268-269 Documentary Sources in the United States: Federal Records, 199 Dollar, Charles M., "Putting the Army on Wheels: The Story of the Twenty-Fifth Infantry Bicycle Corps," 7-23 Donaldson, Ruth and Smart Butler, Records of Headquarters, Army of the Southwestern Frontier, and Headquarters, Second and Seventh Military Districts, 1835-1853, microfilm publication, 130 Douglass, Frederick, papers published, 208 Dulles, Eleanor Lansing, papers accessioned, 126-127 Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, accessions and openings, 66-67, 126-127, 194-195; records declassified, 195 Economic Opportunity, Office of, records accessioned, 264-265 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 53; medical records accessioned, 195; papers declassified, 67; quoted, 242 Electronic records, archival management of, 270 Emancipation Proclamation, 215, 222, 223 Emergency Rescue Equipment Coordinator, records accessioned, 124 Engineers, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 123, 124 Environmental Protection Agency, records accessioned, 192 Europe, U.S. Special Representative in, reports of declassified, 67 Evaluating Files Maintenance and Records Disposition Programs, 129 Evans, Frank B., 69, 200 Evans, Luther, 230, 233 Ex parte Milligan, 185-188 Fall, Bernard, papers accessioned, 195 Farm Credit Administration, records accessioned, 193 Federal Aviation Administration, records accessioned, 267 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 98, 133, 238; and enemy diplomats during World War II, article about, 25-43 Federal Extension Service, 107, 108; photograph from the files of the, 109 Federal Home Loan Bank Board, records accessioned, 265 Federal Register, 50th anniversary, 134, 198; publications, 129, 270 Federal Reserve Board, files relating to opened, 197 Federal Trade Commission, article about the, 79-91 Fenn, Dan, Jr., 198-199 Fifteenth Infantry, use of bicycles, 7,8 "Fifty Years of Soil and Water Conservation: The Soil Conservation Service" (exhibit), 70-71 Filby, P. William, Passenger and Immigration List Index, 116-117 Files maintenance, guide to available, 129 Ford, Gerald R., files accessioned, 196 Ford, Henry, 105-106 Foreign Service, records declassified and opened, 191, 265 Fort Missoula, Montana, 10-13, 20 Fort Sheridan, Illinois, 7-8 Fortas, Abe, papers relating to opened, 68 Foskett, James H., files declassified, 194 Fox, Cynthia, compiler, American Indians: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 128 Frank H. Fleer Corporation, 79-91 Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Foundation, 270; grants, 134 Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, accessions and openings, 126, 194, 270; grants, 134 Fredericks, Wayne, papers accessioned, 195 Freedmen and Southern Society Project, 214 Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867, 208, 214 Freedom Train, 229-245 Friedersdorf, Max, files opened, 196 "From Slavery to Freedom," by Frank G. Burke, 208-209 Fugitive Slave Law, 216-217 Garvey, Marcus, papers published, 208 Genealogical research, 112-121; workshops, 134 General records schedules, 270 Geological Survey, records accessioned, 123, 124 Gerald R. Ford Commemorative Committee, financial records accessioned, 196 Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 201; grants, 72 Gerald R. Ford Library, accessions and openings, 196-197 German American Bund, article about, 93-106; cultural activities, 101; posters, 95, 99; youth programs, 101 Germany, records relating to accessioned, 126-127 Grants and fellowships, 71-72, 134, 201, 271 "'The Greatest Monstrosity in America': A Brief History of the Old Executive Office Building," by Marie B. Allen, 247-258 Greenbrier Hotel (White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia), 30-32, 34-36, 38-39; advertisements for, 33, 37; photos, 24, 30, 31 Grenada, documents collection opened, 71 Grove Park Inn (Asheville, North Carolina), 38-39 Grover, William D., Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the State of Florida, 1871-1884, and Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of North Carolina, 1871-1884, microfilm publications, 130 Gruber, Robert H., Name Index to Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division of the War Department General Staff, 1917-41, and Summary Statements of Quarterly Returns of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores on Hand in Regular and Volunteer Army Organizations, 1862-1867, 1870-1876, microfilm publications, 129 "Gruber's Letters," accessioned, 122 Gruenther, Alfred M., papers accessioned and opened, 66, 195 Guardian of Heritage: Essays on the History of the National Archives, 268 Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives, 116 Guide to Manuscripts in the Presidential Libraries, comp. and ed. by Dennis A. Burton, James B. Rhoads, and Raymond W. Smock, 199 Guide to the Records in the National Archives Relating to American Indians, compiled by Edward E. Hill, 128 Halperin, Morton H., papers accessioned, 68 Hamer, Elizabeth E., 230, 233 Hamilton, Alexander, 167; portrait of, 161 Harry S. Truman Library, accessions and openings, 66, 126; records declassified, 194 Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs, 201; fellowships and grants, 71, 134 Harry S. Truman (President's Secretary Files), papers declassified, 66 Headquarters Records of Fort Scott, Kansas, 1869-1873, by Howard H. Wehmann, microfilm publication, 129 Hendrick, Elinor S., papers accessioned, 126 Hendrick, James P., papers accessioned and opened, 126 Henry Woison as Treasurer of the Friends of New Germany v. Anton Haegele, et al., 101 Herbert Hoover Library, accessions and openings, 125-126, 194 Hill, Edward E., Guide to the Records in the National Archives Relating to American Indians, 128 Holland, Henry F., records accessioned, 264 Homestead Hotel (Hot Springs, Virginia), 30-32, 34-36, 38-39; photos, 29 Hoover, Lou Henry, papers opened, 125, 194 Howard, A.E. Dick, 141, 200; photo, 159, 170; quoted, 131; The Road from Runnymede: Magna Carta and Constitutionalism in America, 131; statement by, 169-170; "Why Celebrate the Constitution Today?", 155-165 Hull, Cordell, 28, 255; quoted, 256 Hungary, diplomats in United States during World War II, 31-32, 38-39 Hunt, E. Howard, 54 Iceland, records relating to declassified, 265 Immigration and Naturalization Service, 115; records accessioned, 193; records transferred, 267 Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 116 Immigrant genealogical research, 112-121 "In Splendid Isolation: Enemy Diplomats in World War II," by Arnold M. Krammer, 25-43 Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, Texas, 1886-1906, microfilm publication, 130 Indexes to Naturalization Records of the King County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1864-1889 and 1906-1928, by Phillip E. Lothyan and David M. Piff, microfilm publication, 130 Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Pierce County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1853-1923, by Phillip E. Lothyan and David M. Piff, microfilm publication, 130 Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Snohomish County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1876-1974, by Phillip E. Lothyan and David M. Piff, microfilm publication, 130 Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for the District of Oregon, 1859-1956, by Phillip E. Lothyan and Joyce Justice, microfilm publication, 130 Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington, Southern Division (Tacoma) 18901953, by Phillip E. Lothyan and David M. Piff, microfilm publication, 130 Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 63; records accessioned and opened, 192, 193, 267 Internal Affairs of Guatemala (file 814), 1930-44, microfilm publication, 130 Internal Affairs of the Ukraine (file 860e), 1918-49, microfilm publication, 129 Internal Affairs of Turkey (file 867), 1945-49, microfilm publication, 129-130 Internal Revenue Service, records accessioned, 124 International Archives Week in the United States, 4-5 International Boundary Commission, records accessioned, 191 International organizations, records relating to accessioned, 264 International relations, during World War II, 25-43 International Student Service, papers relating to accessioned, 126 Interrogation Records Prepared for War Crimes Proceedings of Nuernberg, 1945-47, microfilm publication, 129 Interstate commerce, 79-91 Irons, Peter, New Deal Lawyers, 188 Isolationists (World War II), 93, 97, 98, 99 Italy, and diplomats in the United States during World War II, 28-29, 30, 35, 38-39 Jefferson, Thomas, 157; quoted, 168, 179 John F. Kennedy Library, 198-199, 271; accessions and openings, 195-196, 268 Johnson, Andrew, 186, 187; photo, 185 Johnson, Marion M., "Key Persons" Files of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, 1963-1964, microfilm publication, 130 Joslin, Theodore G., papers accessioned, 125 The Journal of Impeachment Proceedings Before the U.S. Senate, 1789-1805, by David R. Kepley, microfilm publication, 130 The Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the U.S. Senate, 1789-1823, by David R. Kepley, microfilm publication, 130 The Journal of the Proceedings of the U.S. Senate, 1789-1817, by David R. Kepley, microfilm publication, 130 The Journal of the Secretary of the Senate, 1789-1813, by David R. Kepley, microfilm publication, 130 Justice, Department of, 230, 231 Justice, Joyce, Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for the District of Oregon, 1859-1956, microfilm publication, 130 Kansas State Historical Society, records held by transferred, 267 Kennan, George F., 29; quoted, 30, 40 Kennedy, Edward M., files accessioned, 196 Kennedy, Jacqueline, photo, 56; quoted, 53 Kennedy, John F., 53, 54; letter to, 176; photo, 176 Kennedy, Robert F., records relating to opened, 70 Kepley, David R., The Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the U.S. Senate, 1789-1823; The Journal of Impeachment Proceedings Before the U.S. Senate, 1789-1805; The Journal of the Proceedings of the U.S. Senate, 1789-1817; The Journal of the Secretary of the Senate, 1789-1813, microfilm publications, 130 "Key Persons" Files of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, 1963-1964, by Marion M. Johnson, microfilm publication, 130 King, Martin Luther, Jr., papers published, 208 Kleeman, Rita Halle, papers opened, 194 Klugar, Richard, Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality, 188 Korean War, records relating to declassified, 66 Krammer, Arnold M., "In Splendid Isolation: Enemy Diplomats in World War II," 25-43 Kuhn, Fritz, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 102; photo, 101 Kunze, Wilhelm, 93, 98 Kurland, Philip, quoted, 159 Kuropas, Myron, files opened, 196 Labor Statistics, Bureau of, records accessioned, 191 LaGuardia, Fiorello, 93, 102 Land Management, Bureau of, records accessioned, 124, 193 Lane, Rose Wilder, papers opened, 125 Lash, Joseph, papers accessioned, 126 Latin America, and Axis diplomats during World War II, 32, 34; records relating to accessioned, 264 Law, Weathers and Richardson, files accessioned, 196 League of American Wheelmen, 8, 18 Lee, Ernest R. "Tex," papers opened; 195 "Legacy of Hatred: The Records of a Nazi Organization in America, A," by Bruce F. Ashkenas, 93-106 Legislative intent, 181, 184 Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the State of Florida, 1871-1884, by Mary A. Zimmerman and William D. Grover, microfilm publication, 130 Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the State of North Carolina, 1871-1884, by William D. Grover, microfilm publication, 130 Letters Sent by Headquarters Department of Texas, 1870-1894 and 1897-1898, by James C. Stambaugh, microfilm publication, 130 Letters Sent by the Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, 1838-1841 and 1845-1902, by Herbert Leventhal, microfilm publication, 130 Leventhal, Herbert, Letters Sent by the Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, 1838-1841 and 1845-1902, microfilm publication, 130 Levi, Edward, papers accessioned, 196 Lincoln, Abraham, 211,214, 222, 225 List of Record Groups of the National Archives and Records Service, 129 Long, Breckinridge, 30; quoted, 25 Long, John Davis, 251-252 Lothyan, Phillip E., 269; and David M. Piff, Indexes to Naturalization Records of the King County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1864-1889 and 1906-1928; Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Pierce County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1853-1923; Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Snohomish County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1875-1974; and Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington, Southern Division (Tacoma) 1890-1953, microfilm publications, 130; and Joyce Justice, Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for the District of Oregon, 1859-1956, microfilm publication, 130 Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 201; fellowships and grants, 71, 72, 134 Lyndon B. Johnson Library, accessions and openings, 67-68, 127, 196 MacArthur, Douglas, 252, 255 Madison, James, 145, 156; portraits of, 148, 160 Madison Square Garden, 93, 94, 96; photo, 94 Magna Carta, on exhibit, 131 Manuscript processing and reference system, 269 Market Opinion Research of Detroit, papers accessioned, 196 Markman, Sherwin J., papers accessioned, 68 Mason, George, 165; portrait of, 146 McCormack, John, quoted, 242, 244 McNaughton, John T., files opened, 127; papers relating to accessioned, 67 McNeil Island Federal Penitentiary, records accessioned, 193 McReynolds, R. Michael, 199; "Studying the Constitution: Resources in the National Archives," 181-190 "Matter of Identity: Chronicles of the Family in the National Archives, A," by Christina Rudy Smith, 45-52 Means, Gardiner, papers opened, 126 Melby, John F., papers declassified, 194 Memphis, Tennessee, 238-239 Microfilm publications, 70, 116, 119, 129-130; Argentina, 130; assassination of President Kennedy, 130; Central America, 130; Colombia, 1'30; Department of Justice, 130; Department of State, 129-130; Europe, 129; Germany, 129; Guatemala, 130; Immigration and Naturalization Service, 130; ordnance, 129; Presidential proclamations, 129; Turkey, 129; Ukraine, 129; U.S. Army continental commands, 129, 130; U.S. district courts, 130; U.S. Military Academy, 130; U.S. Senate, 129, 130; war crimes, 129; War Department, 129; War Relocation Authority, 130 Microfilming of documents, 76 Miles, Nelson A., 7, 10, 19-20, 21; photo, 9; quoted, 8, 12 Miller, Edward G., records accessioned, 264 Miller, Fred E., photograph collection exhibit, 200 Milligan, Lambdin, 185-188 Mint, Bureau of the, records accessioned, 122, 123 Mitchell, Stephen A., papers relating to opened, 66 Moss, James A., 8-14, 19-20; photo, 6, 13; quoted, 10, 11, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 Mueller, Jean West, "Using Documents to Teach the Constitution," 172-179 Mulford v. Smith, 189, 190 Munger, William, files accessioned, 192 Murphy, Robert, papers accessioned, 196 Mussolini, Benito, 28-29 Name Index to Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division of the War Department General Staff, 1917-41, by Robert H. Gruber, microfilm publication, 129 National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policy, records accessioned, 191 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, records appraisal, 270-271 National Archives, history of the, 268 National Archives and Records Administration, accessions and openings, 66-68, 122-127, 191-197, 264-267; Atlanta Branch, 122, 266; Boston Branch, 267; Central Information Division, 264; Chicago Branch, 122; Civil Archives Division, 125, 191-192, 264-265; declassified records, 191, 264, 265, 266; Denver Branch, 122, 192, 267; Document Conservation Branch, 132; exhibits, 131, 134, 140; Federal Records Centers, 269; Kansas City Branch, 192, 267, 270; Legislative Records Division, 199; Los Angeles Branch, 123, 193-194; Military Archives Division, 124, 265-266, 269; New York Branch, 123, 192-193, 267; news and notices, 69-72, 131-134, 198201,268-271; Philadelphia Branch, 123; Seattle Branch, 193-194; 269 National Archives and Records Service (NARS) Twenty-Year Preservation Plan, 69 The National Archives of the United States, by Herman J. Viola, 128 National Archives Task Force on the Bicentennial of the Constitution, 133-134 National Archives Volunteers, Constitution Study Group, 141, 167, 200 National Association of Government Archives and Records Administration, 133 National Bureau of Standards, Center for Applied Mathematics, 69; records accessioned, 123 National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 131-132, 133, 199, 200, 201, 208, 214; grants, 134 Naval Personnel, Bureau of, records opened, 125 National Security Affairs, Office of the Special Assistant for, papers declassified, 67 National Security Council, papers opened, 67; policy papers declassified, 67; records declassified, 195 National Weather Service, records accessioned, 267 Naturalization records, accessioned, 192, 193 Naval and Shore Establishments, records declassified and opened, 267 Navy, Department of the, 248; records accessioned, 265 Nessen, Ron, papers opened, 197 "The New Deal in Philadelphia: Works By and For the People" (exhibition), 268 New Deal Lawyers, by Peter Irons, 188 New Jersey, anti-hate laws, 97, 102, 105 New Orleans, Louisiana, 188 New York Times, 7, 105; quoted, 240 Newman, Debra L, Black History: A Guide to Civilian Records in the National Archives, 128, 208 Niles, David K., papers accessioned, 66 Nimetz, Matthew, files opened, 68 Nixon Presidential Materials Project, 71 Nixon, Richard M., 133, 159 Novins, Louis A., 230, 231, 233, 240; quoted, 239 Numerical List of Presidential Proclamations 1-2317, 1789-1938, microfilm publication, 129 Nuernberg Trials Records: Register Cards to the NG Document Series, 1946-49, microfilm publication, 129 O'Brien, Lawrence F., papers accessioned, 195 Old Executive Office Building, 247-258 Optical Digital Image Storage System, 70 "Our American Heritage" (film), 237, 241 "Our Heritage in Documents," 172-179 Pacific Islands, Trust Territories of the, records relating to declassified, 266 Pantuhoff, Oleg, Jr., papers accessioned, 194 Passenger and Immigration List lndex, by P. William Filby, 116-117 Paul, Charles H., papers accessioned, 66 Peace Corps, records accessioned, 265 Perot, H. Ross, 131 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 237, 268 Philippines, records relating to accessioned, 265 Pierce, Franklin, letter to, 60, 61 Piff, David M., 269; Indexes to Naturalization Records of the King County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1864-1889 and 1906-1928; Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Pierce County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1853-1923; Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Snohomish County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1875-1974; and Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington, Southern Division (Tacoma) 18901953, microfilm publications, 130 Political parties, 150-153; development of, 146, 148 Pope John XXIII, letter by, 176 Population censuses, use in immigrant genealogical research, 119 Porter, Paul, papers opened, 68 Posters, 259-263 Potter, Constance, editor, American Indians: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 128 "Preserving Our Past," by Frank G. Burke, 76-77 Presidential libraries, accessions and openings, 66-68, 125127, 194-197, 268-271; grants and fellowships, 71-72, 134, 201, 271 Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, 133 President's Science Advisory Committee, records declassified, 195 Presley, Elvis, 53; letter about, 56 "PRESNET" Project, 269 Pribilof Islands Program, records accessioned, 193 Prisons, Bureau of, records accessioned, 193 Public Buildings Service, records accessioned, 124 Public Health Service, records accessioned, 122 Public Papers of the Presidents, 129 Public Roads, Bureau of, records accessioned, 193 Publications, 128-130 "Putting the Army on Wheels: The Story of the Twenty-Fifth Infantry Bicycle Corps," by Charles M. Dollar, 7-23 Quartermaster General, Office of the, records transferred, 124 Radio Propagation Laboratory, records accessioned, 123 Railroad Retirement Board, records accessioned, 122 Railroad work rules dispute, presidential tapes relating to opened, 268 Railroads and western expansion, conference on, 270 Randall, Clarence, papers accessioned, 194 Reagan, Ronald W., 4, 199, 241; Public Papers of the Presidents, 129; quoted, 198 "Recent America, 1934-1984," by Susan L. Cooper, 53-57 Reclamation, Bureau of, 107-108; photographs from the files of 108, 110; records accessioned, 267 Reconstruction, 211-227; sources on, 214 Record groups, list of available, 129 Records appraisal, 270-271 Records disposition, guide to available, 129 Records of Headquarters, Army of the Southwestern Frontier, and Headquarters, Second and Seventh Military Districts, 1835-1853, by Ruth Donaldson and Stuart Butler, microfilm publication, 130 Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Argentina (file 835), 1940-44, microfilm publication, 130 Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Central America (file 813), 1930-49, microfilm publication, 130 Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Colombia (file 821), 1919-29, microfilm publication, 130 Records of the Office of European Affairs (Matthews-Hickerson File), 1934-47, microfilm publication, 129 Records preservation plan, 69 Records retention schedules, 270 Register of Letters Received and Letters Received of the Department of Texas, the District of Texas, and the Fifth Military District, 1865-1870, by Stuart L. Butler, microfilm publication, 130 The Registers of Vessels Arriving at the Port of New York from Foreign Ports, 1789-1919 (microfilm publication), 119 Remington, Frederic, quoted, 12 Revolutionary War, pension records, 46-47 Roadway, Sharon L., 269 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards, materials relating to accessioned, 195 Roberts, Chalmers, papers accessioned, 195-196 Roberts, Frank N., Jr., papers accessioned, 126 Roberts, Roy A., papers relating to accessioned, 66 Roosevelt, Eleanor, papers relating to accessioned, 126 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 148-150, 184, 256; quoted, 150 Roosevelt, Sara Delano, papers relating to accessioned, 194 Roosevelt Study Center, 270 Roosevelt, Theodore, 251; quoted, 252 Ross, Charles G., papers accessioned, 66 Rossman, Ken, 133 Rowe, James H., Jr., papers accessioned, 126 Ryan, Mary C., "Summer Images," 107-111 Sachs, Alexander, papers accessioned, 194 Sahli, Nancy, 133; "Automation and Documentary Editing Projects," 131-132 Savannah River Plant, records accessioned, 266 Sawyer, Charles, papers accessioned, 66; papers declassified, 66; papers opened, 126 Seaton, Fred A., papers opened, 67 Second Tactical Air Force, records declassified, 266 Selective Service System, records accessioned, 192 Serene, Frank H., "American Immigrant Genealogy: Ship Passenger Lists," 112-121 Shaughnessy, Charles A., Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in Japan, 1918-1941, microfilm publication, 130 Sherman, William T., quoted, 218, 220-221 Ship passenger lists, 112-121; samples, 113, 116-117 Sirhan, Sirhan B., exhibits from trial of opened, 70 Slaughterhouse Cases, 185-188 Slavery, 211-227 Smith, Christina Rudy, "A Matter of Identity: Chronicles of the Family in the National Archives," 45-52 Smith, Henry A., 62-63; photo, 64 Soil Conservation Service, 107, 108; anniversary exhibit, 7071; photographs from the files of, 111; records accessioned, 123 Soundex indexing system, 116 "Sources at the National Archives for Genealogical and Local History Research," 112-121 Southern Claims Commission, records of the, 48-49 Sprague Committee, records opened, 67 Spruks, H. Charles, 31, 32, 36, 38 Stambaugh, James C., Letters Sent by Headquarters Department of Texas, 1870-1894 and 1897-1898, microfilm publication, 130 State, Department of, 248; and immigrant genealogical research, 114-115; microfilm publications relating to, 129130; records accessioned, 125, 264; records declassified and opened, 66, 191, 265; records relating to accessioned, 126-127 Steinberg, Gerald, papers accessioned, 195 Stevens, Isaac Ingalls, 58, 61-63; photo, 64 Stiles, Jack, papers relating to opened, 196-197 Stine, Oscar Clement, papers opened, 125 Strategic Services, Office of, records accessioned, 124 "Studying the Constitution: Resources in the National Archives," by R. Michael McReynolds, 181 Summary Statements of Quarterly Returns of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores on Hand in Regular and Volunteer Army Organizations, 1862-1867, 1870-1876, by Robert H. Gruber, microfilm publication, 129 "Summer Images," by Mary C. Ryan, 107-111 Supreme Court, U.S., 149-150, 159, 162-163, 176, 181, 184, 185-190 "Taking America's Heritage to the People: The Freedom Train Story," by James Gregory Bradsher, 229-245 Tax increase (1963-1968), Legislative Background File on opened, 127 "Teaching the Constitution in American Schools" (conference), 172 Teeter, Robert M., papers accessioned, 196 Tennessee Valley Authority, records accessioned, 266 Tenth International Conference of American States at Caracas (1945), records accessioned, 125 Terasaki, Gwendolyn, quoted, 32, 36, 38-39, 40 Thomsen, Hans, 28, 34, 35, 98 Thorp, Clayton, materials relating to declassified, 194 Thurmond, Strom, 141; photo, 171; statement by, 171 "Thus Spoke Chief Seattle: The Story of an Undocumented Speech," by Jerry L. Clark, 58-65 Timmons, William, files opened, 196 Tocker, Herman, 83, 85, 87; quoted, 83, 85, 87 Tom L. Evans Research Grant, 71, 134, 201 Topps Chewing Gum, Inc., 79-91 Treasury, Department of the, 98; records accessioned, 191 Truman, Harry S., 233, 238, 241; quoted, 229-230, 257 Twenty-fifth Infantry Bicycle Corps, article about, 7-23; photos, 6, 14, 15 "Uncle Sam Speaks: Broadsides and Posters from the National Archives," by Nancy E. Allyn, 259-263 United Kingdom, records relating to declassified, 265 United Nations, records relating to accessioned, 264 U.S. Air Force, Headquarters of the, records declassified, 266 U.S. Army Unit Records, Sixtieth Armored Infantry Battalion Series opened, 195 U.S. Coast Guard, Coast Guard cutter logbooks accessioned, 122; merchant marine vessel logbooks accessioned, 123; records accessioned, 193-194 U.S. courts of appeals, records accessioned, 122, 124, 192-193 U.S. district courts, records accessioned, 122, 123, 192, 193, 266, 267; records transferred, 267 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, records accessioned, 193 U.S. Geological Survey, records accessioned, 194 U.S. President's Committee on Information Activities Abroad, records opened, 67 Universal Negro Improvement Association, records published, 208 "Using Documents to Teach the Constitution," by Wynell C. Burroughs and Jean West Mueller, 172-179 Valenti, Jack, papers opened, 196 Vander Till, Gordon, papers opened, 196-197 Vernon, John, and Richard E. Woods, "Baseball, Bubble Gum, and Business: The Making of an Archives Exhibit," 79-91 Vietnam, papers relating to accessioned, 195 Vietnam war, 133; papers relating to accessioned, 67, 68 Viola, Herman J., The National Archives of the United States, 128 Virginia, Declaration of Rights for, quoted, 165 Voting Rights Act of 1965, files relating to opened, 196 Walch, Timothy, editor, A Modern Archives Reader: Basic Readings on Archival Theory and Practice, 128 War bonds, records relating to accessioned, 192 War Department, 107, 108, 248; photographs from the files of the, 109, 111 Warner, Robert M., "Archives and the International Scene," 4-5 Warnke, Paul C., papers accessioned, 67; papers opened, 127 Washington, George, 143, 144, 145, 247; portraits of, 145, 151 Watergate, 54; tapes available, 71 Watergate Committee, material relating to accessioned, 68 Wehmann, Howard H., Headquarters Records of Fort Scott, Kansas, 1869-1873, microfilm publication, 129 Welles, Sumner, quoted, 28, 29, 242 White House Central Files, opened, 196; records declassified, 67 White House Conference on Children and Youth (1960), records transferred, 195 White House General File, files opened, 125 White House Office, papers opened, 67; records declassified, 67, 195 White House Social Files, opened, 125 White, Walter, 239, 240; quoted, 234, 244 Wilson, James, portrait of, 175 Winant, John Gilbert, papers relating to opened, 194 Wood, Richard E., "Baseball, Bubble Gum, and Business: The Making of an Archives Exhibit," 79-91 World War II, 93, 97-98, 261; film series on, 132; records relating to accessioned, 265; records relating to declassified, 266; war crimes records, microfilm publications, 129 "Writing Freedom's History: The Destruction of Slavery," by Ira Berlin, et al., 211-227 "Why Celebrate the Constitution Today?" by A. E. Dick Howard, 155-165 Whyte, William C., scrapbook accessioned, 196 Yarmolinsky, Adam, papers accessioned, 196 Young, Jeanne, Community Analysis Reports and Community Analysis Trend Reports of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-46, microfilm publication, 130 Zimmerman, Mary A., and William D. Grover, Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the State of Florida, 1871-1884, microfilm publication, 130 |