Federal Records Management

AC 38.2017

August 28, 2017

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Resending Draft GRS 6.4, Communication and Information Sharing Records, for Agency Comment

During comment adjudication, issues were raised internally about the retention period for GRS 6.4, item 060, External and internal agency websites (internet and intranet records), and item 070, Social media records on third-party controlled websites - Content and content logs. The issue was with the GRS allowing for disposal of these records when superseded, obsolete, or no longer needed because of recent public concerns about the disappearance of web content, especially during the past Presidential transition. For this reason, we have revised these items to suggest a 3 year retention after superseded or obsolete. We would appreciate agency feedback on this proposal that specifies the impact on web and social media records separately, as we understand this may be more burdensome for one type of record than the other.

A copy of the proposed GRS 6.4 and a comment form is attached. Note that this version includes revisions made after previous agency and internal comments were adjudicated. We will accept comments through Friday, September 15.

Comments and questions should be directed to GRS_Team@nara.gov.

Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government

AC 38.2017- GRS 6.4 Communication & Information Sharing Records DRAFT 8-2017.pdf
AC 38.2017- GRS 6.4 (Revised) Reviewer Comment Form.docx
