RG 142 - Tennessee Valley Authority, Agricultural Relations Correspondence
For questions regarding these records, please contact us at (770) 968-2100 or atlanta.archives@nara.gov
Correspondence Files, 1935-1976
Agricultural Relations Division
National Archives Identifier 4529761
This series contains correspondence regarding the development and management of agricultural resources, farming methods, fertilizer development, and soil conservation.
Box 1
Aa - Ah
Aamodt, O.S
Abernathy, S. G
Adams (A-Z)
Advisory Panel
Ager, Paul W.
Agricultural Defense Relations
Agricultural Economics, Bureau of 1947-1943
Box 2
Agricultural Economics, Bureau of 1942-1941
Agricultural Marketing Administration
Agricultural Relations, Department
Albrecht, William A
Alcorn County Cooperative
Aldred, J.W. H.
Aldrich (A-Z)
Alexander (A-Z)
Allbaugh, L.G
Allen, (A-Z)
Allen, L.N
Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co.
Allred, Charles E.
American Fertilizer
American Health Association
American Institute of Cooperation
American Potash Institute
American Railroads, Association of
Box 3
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
American Youth Commission Project
Anderson (A-Z)
Anderson, Clinton P. 1947-1945
Anderson, F.A.
Andrews (A-Z)
Anthony, J.L.
Appalachian Forest Experiment Station
Ara - Arz
Ashcraft-Wilkinson Company
Associated Cooperatives, Inc 1946-1947 part
Box 4
Associated Cooperatives, Inc 1944-1946 part
Box 5
Associated Cooperatives, Inc 1943-1944 cont.
Bailey, E. W.
Baker (A-Z)
Baker, Gerald F.
Baker, G. Orien
Baker, W.M. 1942-1947
Ball, C. R 1941-1947
Balmer, F. E.
Box 6
Bank for Coops, Central
Bank of Cooperatives, Columbia
Bank of Cooperatives, Louisville
Bank of Cooperatives, New Orleans
Barnett A-Z
Barrett, J.R.
Bass, Neil 1941- 1947
Baumeister, G.F.
Baver, L. D
Beam, Velma
Beckman, F. Woods
Bell, Roscoe E.
Benton County Soil Erosion Control Assn.
Box 7
Black, John D. 1941-1947
Black, Sanna
Bishop, E. L.
Blackmore, John
Bledsoe, R. P.
Bliss, R. K
Bo - Bot
Bosworth, Carl A.
Bou - Bq
Boyd, H. B.
Boye, Charles L.
Br- Bram
Brabham, J. E.
Brackeen, L. O.
Bran - Brh
Brand, Charles J.
Brehm, C. E. 1941 - 1947
Bri- Bt
Brigham, Rheuben
Bromfiled, LewisBrooks, Judd
Brown, A-Z
Brown, H. L.
Brown, John E.
Brown, W. S
Buchanan, C. W.
Buchanan, R. E.
Buck, Robert K.
Box 8
Budget, Bureau of 1939-1947
Budget, Office
Buie, T. S.
Bunting, G. W.
Bureau of Animal Industry
Burlison, W. L.
Burnett, J. P.
C- Caq
Callahan, E. P.
Campbell, A. S.
Campbell Folk School, John C.
Campbell, J. Ed 1935-1947
Carrigan, J. E
Carroll County Coop Supplies Assn.
Carson A-Z
Carter, A-Z
Case H. L.
Case Julian H.
Cassell, S. S.
Cat - Chd
Census, Bureau of
Central Farmers Fertilizer Co. 1946-1947 part
Box 9
Central Farmers Fertilizer Co. 1946-1947 part
Central Service Association
Chafee, C. M.
Chamber of Commerce A-Z
Chance, Frank S.
Chandler, S. G. 1938 - 1947
Chapman A-Z
Chapman, Paul W.
Chattanooga Times
Chemical Engineering Department
Chemical Warfare Service
Chemical A-z
Cheney, Horace B.
Cherry, R. D. 1939 - 1947
Box 10
Chickamauga Producers 1940 - 1947
Civilian Conservation Corps
Civilian Production Administration
Child, Robert B.
Chute, Gordon L.
Cl - Cn
Claiborne Producers Inc.
Clapp, Gordon R. 1940-1947
Clark, W. W.
Clark A-Z
Clayton, Claude F. 1943 - 1948
Cleavenager, E. A
Clement, S. L. 1943-1947
Coa - Col
Colby, Fred W.
Cole, Dr. William E. 1946-1947
Box 11
Cole, Dr. William E. 1944-1945
Coleman, O. T.
Collins, W. B. 1941 - 1947
Colling, W. O.
Coltharp, R. D
Com - Con
Commerce Department (TVA) 1941-1947
Commerce, U.S. Department of
Commodity Credit Corporation
Committee’s A-Z
Conger, Iliff
Connelly, L. B
Conner, A.B.
Cooke, Morris L.
Cooper, Thomas P. 1941-1947
Conner, W. B.
Cooperative League, The
Cooperative Mills Inc.
Copson, R. L. 1934 - 1947
Cop - Cot
Cotney, W. W.
Box 12
Cou - Crh
Crabtree, R. M
Cri - Cz
Cumberland Plateau
Cumberland Valley
Currie, R. E. 1941 - 1947
Curtis, Henry A. 1935 - 1947
Daniel, E. R.
Darby, William J.
Davidson A-Z
Davis, Harry S.
Davis, P. O. 1941-1947
Davis A-Z
Deakins, A. A.
Dent, S. P.
Department of Agriculture, U.S.
Derrick, M. K.
De Sager, W. A.
Dickerson, W. H., Jr.
Dodd, D. R.
Donahue, Roy L.
Dorman, Clarence 1939-1942
Dinkard, A. W. Jr. 1937-1942
Duncan, H. S.
Box 13
Dr - Dz
E- Eb
Eastern States Cooperator
Eason, N. H
Eastern States Coop Milling Corp
Eastern States Farmers Exchange
Eastman Kodak Company
Ec - Ek
Edwards, Max
Eisenhower, M. S.
El - Em
Elliott, Joe
Elwood, Robert
Emerson, H. P.
Evans, R. M
Ewing, J. A
En - Ez
F - Fd
Farm Bureau, American (Resolutions)
Farm Bureau, American 1947
Box 14
Farm Bureau, American 1945 - 1946
Farm Bureau, American - Phos. Exp. Program 1945
Farm Bureau, American, 1944
Farm Bureau, American - Phos. Exp. Program 1944
Farm Bureau, American 1941 - 1942
Farm Bureau American, Assoc. of Women
Box 15
Farm Bureau, Co-op, Indiana
Farm Bureau, Co-op, Iowa
Farm Bureau, Co-op, Kemper County
Farm Bureau, Co-op, Kentucky
Farm Bureau, Mississippi
Farm Bureau, Federation Missouri
Farm Bureau, Southern
Farm Bureau, Tennessee ( Resolutions)
Farm Bureau, Tennessee 1937 - 1947
Farm Bureau, Vermont
Farm Bureau Federation, Virginia
Farm Bureau Association
Farm Credit Administration 1942 - 1947
Box 16
Farm Credit Administration 1938 - 1941
Farm Security Administration
Farmers Cooperative Exchange
Farnham, F. R.
Fe - Fk
Federal Reserve Bank, St. Louis
Federal Security Agency
Fentress Vegetable Growers, Inc.
Ferris, John P.
Fertilizer review
Filler, C. G
Finn, W. G
Finnery, Louis J.
Fippin, E. O. 1941 - 1947
Fish & Wildlife, U. S. 1943 - 1947
Box 17
Fish & Wildlife, U. S. 1941 - 1942
Fitts, W. C. Jr.
Fitts, W.C. 1943
Fl - Fn
Flakall Corporation 1935 -1947
Flately, J. W.
Feming, H. S.
Fo - Frd
Food Production Administration
Forest Service, U. S. 1939-1947
Forester, G. W.
Forestry Relations Department 1938 - 1947
Box 18
Fortune Magazine
Fowlkes, Thomas
Fraser, H. F.
Friant, R. J.
Friends of The Land
Frierson, R. E.
Frink, J. C.
Front Royal Quartermaster Depot
Fry, A. S.
Fre - Fz
Funchess, M. J.
G - Gd
Gant, George F.
General Accounting Office
Georgia Cotton Producers Association
Georgia Mountain Growers 1942 - 1947
Gibb, J. W.
Gl - Gq
Box 19
Goodman, John W.
Goulden, J. J.
Gowder, M. T.
Grange League Federation 19365 - 1947
Gray, F. J.
Greer, Kelly
Gregory, W. H.
Giffee, Fred
Griffin, Thomas J.
Groggisn, P. H.
Gutterman, C. E. F
Gr - Gz
H - Ham
Hall, Jacqualine
Han - Haz
Hardin, L. J
Harmon, A. B.
Harmon, W. T.
Harris A-Z
Hartman, W. A
Harvey, S. A.
Hasty, A. H.
He - Hh
Box 20
Health & Safety
Hegnauer, Leonard
Henderson, G. E.
Hendricks, H. E.
Henle, Maurice
Hi - Hn
Hill, Lister
Hiwassee College
Ho - Hop
Holisington, R. M.
Holmes, Horace C.
Holston Ordnance Works
Hoover, W. R.
Horlacher, W. R.
Hoq - Ht
Hoskins, J. D.
Hu - Hus
Huffman, C. F.
Hurd, C. J.
Hutcheson, John R
Hutcheson, T. B.
Hut - Hz
Ia - In
Ickes, Harold L.
Iddings, E. J.
Illinois Agricultural Association
Illinois Central System
Illinois Farm Supply Co. 1942 - 1947
Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association
Interstate Commerce Commission 1942 - 1947
Box 21
Interior, Department of
International Commerce Commission
Interstate Commerce Commission
Iowa Plant Food Company
Irvine, Alan W.
Im - Iz
J - Jaq
Jacob, M.
Jandrey, A. S.
Jarnagin, Milton P.
Jar - Jor
Johnsgard, Gordon A.
Johnson A - Z
Johnson, E. L.
Jones A- Z
Jones, H. A.
Jones, L. I.
Jones, Dr. Randall J.
Jos - Jz
Junkins, J. N.
K - Kd
Ke - Kh
Kellogg, Charles E. 1944-1942
Box 22
Kellogg, Charles E. 1941
Kennedy, A. L.
Kennedy, Ralph
Kentucky Reservoir Land Use Assoc.
Kentucky Woodlands National Wild Life Refuge
Kerr, Pat
Ki - Kn
Kieffer, Dale C.
Kilbourne, Richard
Kilpatrick, Burce M.
Kimble, Ellis
King, W. A.
Kircher, J. C.
Kirkpatrick, Donald
Knapp, J. G. 1942 - 1947
Ko - Kz
Kohnle, E. L.
L - Ld
Ladd, C. E.
Lamke, E. A.
Lancaster, R. R.
Landess, W. M. 1935 - 1943
Larson, H. W. E.
Lathrope, H. R.
Lauderdale County Soil Conservation Association
Le - Lh
Lee, Atherton
Lee, W. D
Box 23
Lewis, W. W.
Li - Lir
Lilienthal, David E. 1940 - 1947
Lill, J. G.
Little, Malcolm G.
Lis - Ll
Lo - Lor
Longnecker, E. D
Lord, Russell
Louisvillw bank for Cooperatives
Los - Lov
Lowery, J. C.
Low - Lz
Ma - Ms
MacIntire, W. H. 1934 - 1947
MacLeod, Florence L.
Mann, M. G.
Marshall, M. Lee
Martin, W. H.
Martin A - Z
Box 24
Mat - Mc Co
Matthews, J. S
Mauney, Ross R.
McAmis, J. C. 1933 - 1947
McArdle, R. E.
McBroom, Robert B.
McCaslan, C. L.
Mc Cp - Mc Kz
McDade, R. C.
McFee, Fred T. 1939 - 1947
McIntosh, George S. 1934 - 1948
McKellar, Kenneth D.
Box 25
McKitrick, John L. 1941 - 1947
McL - Men
McLeod, J. H 1940 - 1947
McMillan, W. D.
McMinn Farmers Cooperative
McNairy County Supply Association
McNeil, Alex
McNeil, Charlie
McNelly, C. L.
McReynolds, E. C.
Meigs Farmers Cooperative
Menhinick, Howard K.
Mercer, J. C.
Meriweather-Lewis Electric Coop.
Mid-South Cotton Growers Assn.
Middle TN Electric membership Coop
Miller, Arthur M 1941- 1947
Millar, C. E.
Miller, Harold F.
Miller A - Z
Milliman, T. E.
Mim - Min
Mims, Marvin
Mississippi Federated Coops 1944 - 1947
Box 26
Mississippi Federated Coops 1941 - 1943
Mio - Mod
Missouri Farmers Association, Inc.
Mitchell, Morris
Mitchell, Nolan
Monroe County Soil Erosion Control Assn.
Moe- Mor
Monsanto Chemical Company
Montgomery, C. A.
Mooers, C. A.
Moon, J. W.
Morgan, H. A. 1933 - 1947
Organ, E. L. 1936 - 1947
Morrell, Elise
Maurry, Crosby
Mos - Mz
Moyer, R. T.
N - Nd
Nanney, J. P.
National Cooperative Inc.
National Cotton Council
National Cottonseed Products Inc,
National Council of Farmers Coops
National A - Z
National Defense Commission
National Fertilizer Assn. 1946 - 1947
Box 27
National Fertilizer Assn. 1941 - 1945
National Farmers Union
National Nutrition Program
National Planning Association
National Resources Planning Board
Nations Agriculture
Ne - Nn
Neel, L. R.
Neely, John L.
Nelson A - Z
Newcomb, Gerald T.
Newell, Wilmon
Nichols, H. S.
Nichols, T. E.
Nicholson A -Z
No - Nz
Norris , George W. (Senator)
Norris Land Use Association
Oa - Ol
Northeast Mississippi Council
Oakridge Institute of Nuclear Studies
Obernhain, S. S.
O’Biren, R. E.
Oden A - Z
Odom, Lester
Office of Price Administration
Office of Production Management
Box 28
Ol - Ov
Ogg, W. R.
Olson, L. A. 1941 - 1944
Omernik, John T.
O’Neal, Edward A.
Ow - Oz
Owen, Marguerite
P - Paq
Pace, J. V.
Painter, D. T.
Parker A - Z
Parker, T. B
Pas -Pe
Pederson, Thomas A.
Permenter, E. S.
Peterson, E. G.
Peterson A - Z
Phillips, G. B
Pierre, W. H.
Pitkin, Walter B.
Pf - Pk
Box 29
Pl - Pz
Pope, J. P.
Porter, H. C.
Porter, J. Frank
Posey, W. B.
Powers, H. A. 1939 - 1947
Prince A-Z
Progressive Farmer
Qa - Q z
R - Ram
Ramey, J. T.
Ramsower, H.C.
Ran - Rek
Rankin A-Z
Rapking, A.H.
Raunderbush, W. H.
Reaves, R. M. 1941 - 1944
Rel - Rob
Box 30
Reservoir Property Management
Reynolds, E. B.
Richardson A-Z
Ricks, J. R.
Rieger, A. D.
Roane County Soil Erosion Control Association
Roark, C. B.
Roberts, George
Roberts A-Z
Robertson, A. J.
Robinson A - Z
Rockwell, L. B.
Rogers A-Z
Rommel, George M. 1936 - 1945
Rood, Paul J.
Roosevelt, F.D.
Rose, Bernard I.
Rot - Rz
Rotary Club
Rowland, Edmond
Rural Electrification Association
Rusk, H. P.
S - Schae
Salter, L. C. 1942-1946
Box 31
Salter, L. C. 1938-1941
Salter, Robert M.
Sandefur, R. M.
Sanders, H. C.
Scarseth, George D.
Schaf - Schuk
Schaub, I. O.
Schnopp, W. C.
Schoenfeld, W. A.
Schoenmann, L. R.
Schoenmann, L. R.
Schul - Seh
Schultz, A-Z
Scott, T. G
Seath, D. M.
Seeber, Clifford
Seigworth, K. J.
Sei - Shh
Seitz, Charles E.
Self, L. L.
Selznick, Philip
Sessions, R. E.
Sharp, M. A.
Sheffield, Board of Trade
Shepard, Ward
Shi - Sj
Shoffner, R. W.
Box 32
Shouse, E. E.
Shultz, George P.
Sims, A. J.
Sims, Vernon W.
Slover, G. L.
Smalley, H. R.
Smith, Charles W.
Smith, Glen P.
Smith, J. P.
Smith, L. H.
Smith. Louis F.
Smithsonian Institute
Snyder, John I
Sk - Sn
So - Spd
Soil Conservation Service Programatic
Soil Conservation Service 1935 - 1944
Box 33
Soil Erosion Control Association
Solomon, Earle
Southern Agriculturist
Southern Agriculturist Marking Service
Southern Highlanders
Southern Highlanders, Inc, Norris Annual report
Southern Highlanders, Inc, Norris Budget
Southern Highlanders, Inc, Norris Contract with TVA
Southern Highlanders, Inc, Norris Finances
Southern Highlanders, Inc, Norris General
Southern Highlanders, Inc, Norris Progress Reports
Southern Highlanders, Inc, Norris Publicity
Southern Highlanders, Inc, Norris Supplies & Equipment
Southern Regional Film Committee
Southern States Cooperative Inc
Southwest Va. Agricultural Association
Box 34
Southwest Virginia Cooperative Inc
Spencer A-Z
Spe - Ss
Spottsword, A. D.
St - Sti
Stitts, T. G.
Stone, J. F
Straw, H. Tompson
Strickland, L. J.
Stucky, H. P.
Sturdevant, W. L.
Stj - Stz
Sunstrom, E. Arnold
Swidler, J. C.
Su - Sz
Symons, T. B.
T- Tao
Tap - Thn
Taylor A-Z
Taylor, Ernest
Tennessee Cooperative Supplies Association
Tennessee Farmers Cooperative
Tennessee Council of Farmers Coops
Box 35
Tennessee Valley Fert. Corp
Terrell, Rufus
Testerman, Ralph
Teutsch, William L
Thomas, Franklin E.
Thomas A - Z
Tho - Trd
Thor, A. U.
Thornton, M. K.
Thorpe, D. M.
Tidmore, J. W.
Townsend, M. Clifford
Treanor, Kenneth
Treasury Department, U.S.
Turner A-Z
Turner, F. H.
Tre - Tz
Union County Soil Club
U. S. Army
U. S. Commercial Company
Va - Vz
Valley Counties of Kentucky Coop 1946 - 1947
Box 36
Valley Counties of Kentucky Coop 1945
Vaughn A-Z
Vaughn, Theo L.
Voltz, P. W.
Vomund, J. W.
Walker, H. B.
W - Wal
Wagner, J. M.
Walker A-Z
Wam - Was
War Department 1942 - 1944
War Food Administration
War Production Board 1942 - 1944
Warrington, S. T.
Watkins, D. W.
Wayne, Clayborn
Weaver, O. T.
Webb, Lina
Box 37
Wengert, Norman
Wau - Wei
Wej - Whi
Wheating, L. C.
Wheeler, National Wildlife
White, E. H. 1941 - 1947
Whittle, W. O.
Whi - Wild
Wickard, C. R.
Wibe, A. H.
Wilcox, W. W.
Wildsmith, V. S.
Wile - Wils
Williamon, P. S.
Williams, D. E.
Williamson, H. H.
Williamson, J. T.
Willis, L. G.
Wilson, M. L.
Wilson, A-Z
West TN Truck Growers’ Association
Wilt, Wz
Winters, R. Y
Woodhouse, W. W.
Woods, R. B.
Worden, P. W.
Work, Joe
Box 38
Works Project Administration
Wyatt, C. E.
Young, Charles H.
Young, J. W. 1940- 1943
Y - Z
1. The Authority May 1941 - 1946
1 B Tennessee Valley Resources - Development & Use 1947
1 B Arrangement for Correlation of Agricultural Programs
1 B Study of Agricultural & Economic Problems of Cotton Belt
1 B TVA Programs & Policies 1946
Box 39
1 B TVA Programs & Policies 1942 -1945
1 B 6 Development of TN Valley Resources Program
Box 40
1 B 6
1 B 6 Conservation
1 B 11 Flood Control
1 B 16
1 C TVA Organization
1 C 6 1945 & 1946
1 C 6 Administrative Policies Procedures & Regulations
1 C 8 Program Authorization
1 C 9 Administrative Bulletins 1 - 50
1 C 10 Administrative Memo 19 - 190
1 C 11 Administrative Codes 31-62
Box 41
1 C 11 Administrative Codes 1 -30
1 C 12 Office Manuals: Handbooks
1 C 13 Forms
1 C 20 1944
1 C 20 Authorization Procedure 1941 - 1947
1 C 28 Progress & Activity Report
1 C 32
1 C 35 Correspondence Relating to TVA Annual Reports
1 E Identification & Pass System
1 F War Activity Aspects of Authority’s Program part
Box 42
1 F War Activity Aspects of Authority’s Program cont.
1 F National Defense
1 F 6 National Defense Housing 1941 - 1942
1 F 18 Post Emergency Planning 1941 - 1943
1 F 18 Post Emergency Planning General Publications
1 F 18 Post Emergency Planning Appalachian Reg. Publications
1 F 18 Post Emergency Planning Southeast Regional
1 F 20 Conservation of Materials Nov -1942 - 1943
Box 43
1 F 20 Conservation of Materials 1942 Cont.
1 F 21
2 Department’s Program
2 B Comparative Agricultural Trends 1935 - 1945
2 B Development of Dept’s Program 1938 - 1942
2 C 1944
2 C Evaluation & Exposition of Department’s Program
Box 44
2 C 7 Effects of Department’s Program on Regional Economy
2 C 13 Patent & Patent Procedures
2 C 20 Department’s Program Exposition
2 C 23 Cooperation with Information Office
2 C 24 Speeches & Articles - General
2 C 24 A
2 C 24 Albrecht, William A.
2 C 24 B
2 C 24 Baker, W. M.
2 C 24 C
2 C 24 Clark, noble
2 C 24 D
2 C 24 Davis A - Z
2 C 24 E
2 C 24 F
2 C 24 Fry, A. S.
2 C 24 G
2 C 24 H
2 C 24 Hill, Lister
2 C 24 I
2 C 24 J
2 C 24 K
2 C 24 L
2 C 24 Landess, W. M. 1941 - 1943
2 C 24 Lillienthal, D. E. 1941 - 1947
2 C 24 Lord, Russell
2 C 24 McAmis
Box 45
2 C 24 McA - McZ
2 C 24 M
2 C 24 Morgan, H. A.
2 C 24 N
2 C 24 O
2 C 24 P
2 C 24 Patton, James G.
2 C 24 R
Box 46
2 C 24 Sa - Sl
2 C 24 Sm - Sz
2 C 24 Salter, L. C.
2 C 24 Schultz, T. W.
2 C 24 T
2 C 24 V
2 C 24 W
2 C 24 White, E. H.
2 C 25 Movies, Slides, Photos
2 C 26 Reception of Visitors 1941 - 1947
2 C 27 1944
2 C 27 General Information 1934 - 1943
Box 47
3 Department Organization
3 (1)
3 (10) 1944
3 (11) Administrative Unit
3 (12) Program Exposition
3 (13) Fertilizer Distribution Staff
3 (15) Preliminary Investigation & Survey Division
3 (16) Test Demonstration Division 1938 - 1943
3 (17) Fertilizer Resources Division
3 (18) Reservoir Adjustment Division
3 (19) Rural Cooperative Research Division
3 (25) Ag. Relations Employee Association
4 B Staff Conference 1941-1943
4 B Staff Meetings & Conferences 1946
4 C Instruction Memoranda
4 E Dept. Administrative Releases 1943 - 1948
4 F Handbooks, etc
4 G Progress & Activity Reports
4 G 4 Monthly Progress Reports 1947 - 1948
Box 48
4 G 4 Monthly Progress Reports 1945 - 1947
4 G 7 Annual Report General 1941 - 1943
4 G 7 Program Exposition
4 G 7 (15) Preliminary Investigation
4 G 7 (16) Test Demonstrations
4 G 7 (18) Reservoir Adjustment
4 G 7 (19) Rural Cooperative Research
5 Cooperation with Outside Agencies
5 B Federal Departments & Agencies
5 C States
5 C Mississippi
5 C Tennessee
5 E Private Concerns & Individuals
6 Laws & Legal Matter6 B Laws & Legislation
6 B 6 Federal Laws 1947 part
Box 49
6 B 6 Federal Laws 1945– 1947 cont
Box 50
6 B 6 Federal Laws 1943–1945 cont.
6 B 7 Section 13
6 B 7 Congressional Investigation Exhibit 14
6 B 16 State & County
6 B 16 Alabama
6 B 16 Florida
6 B 16 Georgia
6 B 16 Mississippi Federal Legislation
6 C Investigations of TVA by Federal Executive
Box 51
6 C 7 Annual Report
6 C 7 Soil Fertility Bill
6 C 7 Congressional Investigation part
Box 52
6 C 7 Congressional Investigation cont.
6 E Financial System & Procedures
12 1939 - 1940
13 Budget & Procedures 1946-1947
Box 53
13 Budget & Procedures 1944 - 1945
Box 54
13 Budget & Procedures - 1943
Box 55
13 (12)
13 (15) Preliminary Investigations & Surveys
13 (16)
13 (18) Reservoir Adjustment Division
13 (19) Rural Cooperative Research Division
15 B Accounting Distribution & Analysis
15 F Time Payroll & Accounting
15 F
15 F 2 1944
15 F 2 Salary Deductions for War Savings Boards
15 G Transportation Accounting
16 E Distribution of Transfer of Funds
16 E 12 Travel Expense
16 B 12 Black, John D
16 E 12 Abbott, Ouida
16 E 12 Russell, Lord
16 E 12 McCay, C. M.
17 Accounting for Property17 C Property & Plant Accounting
17 C 15 Property Disposal 1944 -1946
17 C 18 Property Clearance Requests
17 C 24 Depreciation of Plant Property & Equipment
18 B
18 C Auditing by Federal Auditors
26 Black, John D.Box 56
26 Clayton, Claude F.
26 Curtis, H. A.
26 Johnson, E. Lavelle26 Lord, Russell
26 McAmis, J. C.
27 General27 Personnel Actions
27 A - Z Candidates & Applicants
27 E Appointments & Transfers 1947
Box 57
27 E Appointments & Transfers 1937 - 1946
27 F 1943 - 1947
27 F Classification, Ratings & Job Descriptions
27 G General
27 G Consultants A-Z
2 7 H
27 J Lists of Employees & Personnel Schedules
27 K General 1940 - 1946
28 B Leave & Absence
28 B 6 Annual & Sick Leave
28 C 6
28 E Retirement Plan
28 F
28 F 6
28 F 12 Duel Compensation
28 F 15
28 G Holiday & Schedules
28 G Working Schedules
29 B Relations With Organized Employees
Box 58
29 B 6
29 B 13
30 C Training Courses 1942 -1947
37 C Promotional Health Work & Public Health
37 E Medical Services
37 E 21 Malaria Control
39 C
40 Safety40 B Safety & Accident Prevention
40 C 6 Accident Reports
46 Office Warehouse Garage46 Murphy NC Mauney Building
46 B Office Equipment
46 C
46 E Mail & Files 1944 - 1947
Box 59
46 E 6 Mail & Files 1941 - 1943
46 E 6 Franking Privileges
46 F Stenographic Services
46 G Drafting & Reproduction 1946 - 1947
Box 60
46 G Drafting & Reproduction 1941 - 1945
46 H Warehousing Service
46 J Library Services
60Travel60 A
60 B Travel Regulations & Allowances
60 B 6 Travel by TVA Car
60 B 9 Garages & Hangars
60 C
66 Procurement66 C Purchase Requisitions
66 J Priorities
69 B Thefts, Vandalism, Sabotage
69 C Fire
70 B 6 Dwellings & Residence
71 J 6 Paint, Varnish, Putty Dyes
72 A Coal
72 B Coke
75 C 26 Containers
76 B Boilers
76 C Farm Machines
76 F Vehicles
76 G (Irrigating Device)
Box 61
78 B 11
78 B 24 Refrigerators
79 A
79 A Ammonia
79 A Chemicals
79 A Minerals & Ores
79 F Explosives
90 B General Office Bulletins
90 C Press Releases & Clippings
90 C 6 Index of TVA News
98 A Mailing Lists & Addresses
98 B Visitors
98 E
98 F Houses & Rentals
98 M Census Data
98 m 6 Agricultural Census
98 M 12
99 B Electrical Power
99 B 6 Power System Studies
99 C Water Control in Rivers 1941 - 1945
99 C 6 Hydrologic & Hydrographic studies
99 C 9 Mapping & Surveying
99 C 15 Dams & Reservoirs General
99 C 15 Appalachia
99 C 15 Azalea
99 C 15 Chatuge
99 C 15 Cherokee Dam
99 C 15 Chickamauga
Box 62
99 C 15 Douglas
99 C 15 Fontana
99 C 15 Fort Loudon
99 C 15 Guntersville
99 C 15 Hiwassee Project
99 C 15 Hiwassee Reservoir
99 C 15 Holston
99 C 15 Kentucky
99 C 15 Norris
99 C 15 Nottely
99 C 15 Ocoee # 3
99 C 15 Pickwick
99 C 15 South Holston
99 C 15 Watauga
99 C 15 Upper Holston
99 C 15 Watts Bar
99 C 15 Wheeler
99 C 18 Highways & Railroads
99 E Chestuee 1946 - 1948
Box 63
99 E Chestuee 1944 -1945
99 E Water Control on the Land
99 E 6 Forestry
99 F Regional Planning
99 F 12 1944
99 F 12 Industrial Development
99 M 12
100 B 1946 - 1947
Box 64
100 B 1942 - 1947
100 B Agreement USDA - TVA
100 B 9 Advisory Committee Soil Conservation Service
100 B 9 Correlating Committee part
Box 65
100 B 9 Correlating Committee cont
100 B 9 Committee on Extensions
100 B 9 Coordinating Committee
100 B 9 Cooperatives 1944 - 1947
100 B 9 Committee of Organization
Box 66
100 B 9 Post War Planning
100 B 9 Committee on Research 1944 -1947
100 B 10 Miscellaneous Committee
100 B 10 Agronomic Committee
100 B 10 Farm Forestry
100 B 10 Food Committee
100 B 10 Land Grant Colleges Post War Planning
100 B 10 Nitrogen
100 B 10 Nitrogen Procedures
100 B 10 Northwestern Phosphate Committee
100B 10 Postwar Inter-Bureau Committee
Box 67
100 B 10 Postwar Planning General 1944 - 1947
100 B 10 Postwar Planning Appalachian Region 1942 - 1945
100 B 10 Postwar Planning Southeast Region 1944 - 1945
Box 68
100 B 10 Postwar Planning Southeast Region 1942 - 1943
100 B 10 Regional Marketing Commission
100 B 10 Technical Committee
100 B 10 Test Demonstration Committee
100 B 10 Reports
100 B 12 Knoxville 1944
100 B 12 Birmingham 1944
100 B 12 Coordinating Committee Meetings 1943
100 B 12 Atlanta 1943
100 B 12 Coordinating Committee Meetings 1941-1942
100 B 13 Valley State Conference 1946 - 1947
Box 69
100 B 13 Valley State Conference 1941 - 1945
100 B 13 Minutes of Directors’ Conference 1 - 15
101 B Elements of Fertility
101 B 6 Elements of Soil Fertility
101 B 9
101 B12
101 B12 Potassium
Box 70
101 B15 Nitrogen 1947 - 1937
101 B 16 Liquid Ammonia
101 B 17 Ammonia
101 B 18 Phosphorus
Box 71
102 Production of Plant Foods & Products
102 A Economics of Plant Food Productions & Cost 1941 - 1947
102 A 3 Deposits of Fertilizers 1941-1947
102 A 6 Manufacturing Cost & Sales 1946-1947
Box 72
102 A 6 Manufacturing Cost & Sales 1936-1941
102 A 6 (1)
102 A 6 (2) 1944
102 A 6 (15)
102 A 6 (18)
102 A 6 (21)
102 A 6 (35)
102 A 6 (38)
102 A 6 (50)
102 A 6 (51)
102 A 6 (52)
102 A 7 -1947
Box 73
102 A 7 1945-1946
102 A 7 National Fertilizer Program 1944 - 1947
Box 74
102 A 7 National Fertilizer Program 1943 - 44
102 A 7 Plant Food Production - Capacity Expansion 1941-1943
102 A 7
102 A 9 Plant Food Consumption
102 A 12 Investigation of Fertilizer Industry
Box 75
102 A 20 Processing Fertilizer Size of Granulation
102 A 23
102 B
102 B Research in New Plant Foods
102 C
102 E
102 E Fertilizer and By-Products
102 E 12
102 E 15
102 E 15 Discalcium Phosphate
102 E 16 Sulphuric Acid Experimental
102 E 18 Superphosphate 1942 - 1947
102 E 19 Limestone-Ferrophosphorus
102 E 21 Phosphate Rock, Ground, Raw & Fused 1941 - 1947
102 E 22 Diamonium Phosphate
Box 76
102 E 24 Ground Raw Rock
102 E 27 Fused Rock
102 E 31 Calcium Metaphosphate 1939 - 1946
102 E 34 Potassium Metaphosphate 1949-1947
102 E 35
102 E 37 Potassium Calcium Meta.
102 E 38 Limestone
102 E 40 Phosphoric Acid
102 E 46 Fluorine
102 E 50 Anhydrous Ammonia
102 E 51 Ammonium Liquor 1942 - 1946
102 E 52 1944 -1947
Box 77
100 E 52 1943 - 1944
102 E 53 Sodium Nitrate
102 E 90 1940 -1946
102 E 100 Guntersville
102 E 100 Norris Limestone
102 E 100 Crushed Limestone Salvages
102 E 100 (K) Salvaging Linestone Kentucky
103 Estimate of Fertilizer Needs 1944 - 1947
Box 78
103 Estimate of Fertilizer Needs 1940 - 1943
104 B Contracts 1942 - 1947
104 B 2 Contract Projects 1940 -1947
104 B 4 Water Shed Project
104 B 8 Procedure Policy
104 B 9 Budget
Box 79
104 B 10 Appropriation : Account Numbers
104 B 12 Training
104 B 12 Personnel
104 B 13 Retirement System
104 B 14 Selective Service System
104 B 15 Expenditures
104 B 18 Laws and Regulations : Funds
104 B 21 Accounting for Funds
104 B 24 Supplies and Equipment
104 B 25 Photos, Movies, Slides 1940-1947
104 B 26
104 B 27 Inventory 1944–1947
Box 80
104 B 27 Inventory 1941 - 1943
104 B 30 Salaries
104 B 33 Travel
104 B 40 Claims and Reimbursements
104 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1945 - 1947
Box 81
104 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1940 - 1944
104 B 50 Agricultural Conservation
104 B 50 Agricultural Engineers
104 B 50 Agronomists and Animal Husbandry
104 B 50 Agronomists
104 B 50 American Society of Agronomy
104 B 50 American Institute of Cooperation
104 B 50 Ammonium Liquor Wilson Dam
104 B 50 Ammonium Nitrate
104 B 50 Ammonium Nitrate Muscle Shoals
104 B 50 Assistant Agents Training Tour
Box 82
104 B 50 County Agent Training Tour 1st Phase
104 B 50 County Agent Training Tour 2nd Phase
104 B 50 County Agent Training Tour 3rd Phase
104 B 50 Coops Chicago
104 B 50 Coops Baltimore
104 B 50 Division Managers
104 B 50 Division Managers Power Conference
104 B 50 Extension Editors
104 B 50 Farm Machinery
104 B 50 Farm Bureau Federation
104 B 50 Farm Bureau, American Chicago
104 B 50 Farm Bureau, TN
104 B 50 Cooperatives, Baltimore MD
104 B 50 Fertilizer Coops Chicago
104 B 50 Wholesale Purchasing Coops
Box 83
104 B 50 Land Grant Colleges Chicago 1942 - 1947
104 B 50 Farmers Coops Birmingham
104 B 50 Fertilizer Coops Muscle Shoals 1941 - 1942
104 B 50 National Nutrition
104 B 50 Nitrogen Producers Industry Advisory Comm.
104 B 50 Producers Industry Advisory Commission
104 B 50 Nitrogen Muscle Shoals
104 B 50 Phosphate Deposit Conference
104 B 50 Poultry men
104 B 50 Regional Marking Commission
104 B 50 Rural Electrification
104 B 50 Rural Housing Meetings & Conferences
104 B 50 Soil Survey
104 B 50 Southern Agriculture. Workers 1941 -1947
104 B 50 Southern Agriculture Workers Memphis 1943
Box 84
104 B 50 Southern Agriculture Workers New Orleans 1942
104 B 50 Southern Agriculture Workers Atlanta 1941
104 B 50 Southern Mountain Workers
104 B 50 Southern Pasture and Forge
104 B 50 Southwestern Virginia Soil Conservation
104 B 50 State Demonstration Supervisors
104 B 50 Supervisors 1944 -1947
104 B 50 Supervisors & Editors 1941
104 B 50 Supervisors & Agronomists
104 B 50 Supervisors Knoxville
Box 85
104 B 50 Supervisors Tour of Georgia 1942
104 B 50 Tennessee Valley Advisory Committee
104 B 50 United Nations Food Conference
104 B 55 Food & Grass Roots
104 B 55 General Information Materials 1941 - 1947
104 C Testing Program & Related Activities
104 C 6 Soil Survey 1935 -1947
Box 86
104 C 11 Map & Mapping 1935 - 1947
104 C 16 Distribution of Fertilizers
104 C 16 (1) Slag 1940 - 1947
104 C 16 (2) Limestone 1940 - 1947
Box 87
104 C 16 (3) Chickasaw Limestone
104 C 16 (4) Kentucky Limestone 1940 - 1943
104 C 16 (15) Dicalcium Phosphate
104 C 16 (18)
104 C 16 (19)
104 C 16 (21) Fused Rock
104 C 16 (22) Diammonium Phosphate
104 C 16 (35) Distribution Potash Phosphate Ash
104 C 16 (38)
104 C 16 (50) Anhydrous Ammonia
104 C 16 (50) WPB Allocations Anhydrous Ammonia
104 C 16 (51) Ammonia Liquor
104 C 16 (51) WPB Allocations Ammonium Liquor
104 C 16 (52) Ammonium Nitrate 1944 - 1947
Box 88
104 C 16 (52) Ammonium Nitrate 1943
104 C 16 (52) Ammonium Nitrate A-Z
104 C 16 (52) WPB’S Allocation of Ammonium Nitrate
104 C 16 (52) Brokers A-Z
104 C 16 (52) U.S. Commercial Company
104 C 16 (53)
104 C 16 (90) Rate - Calcium Silicat Slag
104 C 19 Policies - Distribution of TVA Plant Foods
104 C 22 Distribution for Testing Programs
104 C 23 Sale of Ammonium Nitrate
104 C 25 Transfer at Cost
104 C 27
104 C 31
104 C 33 Improved Packaging Methods 1941 - 1947
104 C 37 Cooperatives Estimates of Plant Food Needs
104 C 40 General Distribution - Fertilizer 1947
Box 89
104 C 40 General Distribution- Fertilizers 1941 -1946
104 C 40 (51)
104 C 40 (52) Shipments of Ammonium Nitrate
104 C 43 Freight Rates 1943 -1947
Box 90
104 C 43 Freight Rates 1935 -1942
104 C 43 (52) Rates on Ammonium Nitrate
104 C 46 Rates
104 C 50 Records of Orders
104 C 59
104 C 65 Daily Orders Placed
Box 91
104 C 66 Shipments March - Dec 1947
Box 92
104 C 66 Shipments April 1946 - Feb 1947
Box 93
104 C 66 Shipments May 1945 - March 1946
Box 94
104 C 66 Shipments May 1944 - April 1945
Box 95
104 C 66 Shipments July 1943 - April 1944
Box 96
104 C 66 Shipments March 1942- June 1943
Box 97
104 C 66 Shipments Jan 1941 - Feb 1942
104 C 68 Orders receipts & Shipments 1946 - 1947
Box 98
104 C 68 Orders receipts & Shipments 1941 - 1945
104 C 85 Fertilizer Inquiries
104 C 85 Fertilizer Inquiries Alabama - Michigan
Box 99
104 C 85 Fertilizer Inquiries Minnesota - Wisconsin inc. Puerto Rico & S. America
104 C 91 TVA Inquiries & Orders
104 C 113 Storage
104 C 116 Inventory
104 C 119 Mechanical Condition of Plant Foods 1941 - 1947
104 C 123 Grinding Tests
104 C 125
104 C 141 Accounting for Funds
104 C 144
Box 100
104 C 147 (4)
104 C 148
104 C 160 (6)
104 C 168 (4) Unpaid Invoices Kentucky Limestone
104 C 180 Plant Food Investigation
104 C 183 Cooperatives Project
104 C 186 Controlled Soil & Fertilizer Investigations 1940 - 1943
104 C 187 Rate of Application
104 C 192 Analysis of Fertilizer
104 C 211 Greenhouse
104 C 214 Chemical Properties of Soil
104 C 218 Experimental Plots
104 C 222 Animal Feeding Tests 1943 - 1946
104 C 255
104 C 288 Phosphorous Nutrition
104 C 235 Human Nutrition
Box 101
104 C 233 Farm Planning & Activities
104 C 234 Farm Management & Production Goals 1942 - 1947
Box 102
104 C 234 Farm Management & Production Goals 1941 - 1942
104 C 235 Pasture & Meadow Test
104 C 238
104 C 244 Soil Erosion & Water Runoff
104 C 250 Insecticide & Fungicide
104 C 251 Copper Arsenite Insecticide- Fungicide
104 C 257 Phosphoric Acid - Silgage Preservative
104 C 268
104 C 300 Test Demonstration 1946 - 1947
Box 103
104 C 300 Test Demonstration 1936 - 1946
104 C 302 Garden Project
104 C 305 Reports on Demonstration 1939 - 1947
104 C 305 Reports on Demonstration
104 C 332
104 C 335 Coordination of Programs
104 C
104 C 330
Box 104
104 C 338 Farm Forestry
104 C 240 Program & Studies
104 C 341 Commerce Department
Box 105
104 C 344 Agricultural Engineering
104 C 347 Demonstrations of Agricultural machinery
104 C 350 Furrow Seeder
104 C 351 Portable Saw Mill
104 C 352 Hay Dryer
104 C 353 Economy Thresher
104 C 354 Fertilizer Crushing & Pulverizing
104 C 357 Demonstration of Electrical Processes
104 C 359 Irrigation Demonstrations
104 C 361 Ag. Processing Research
104 C 362 Flax
104 C 368 Quick Freezing 1942 - 1947
Box 106
104 C 368 Quick Freezing 1939 - 1941
104 C 368 Spring City
104 C 371 Wood Utilization Project
104 C 372 Sweet Potato Dehydrator
104 E Assistant to Coops 1935 - 1947
104 E 6 Organization of Farmers Cooperatives
104 E 9 Management of Farmers Cooperatives
104 E 12 Business Activities of Farmers Coops
104 E 15 Cooperative Use of Farm Equipment
104 E 18
104 E 22 Cooperative Educational & Promotional Program
104 E 25
Box 107
104 E 30
104 E 35 Marketing Agricultural Products
104 F Agricultural Adjustments
104 F 6 Agricultural Aspects of TVA Land
104 F 11 Effects of TVA Land on Economy
104 F 16 Relocation & Readjustment
104 F 28
104 F 28 (1) Reservoir Relocation & Readjustment
104 F 41 Norris
104 F 44
104 F 45 Hiwassee Relocation & Readjustment
104 F 47 Chickamauga
104 F 49 Kentucky Relocation & Readjustment 1941 -1944
104 F 49 (1) Agricultural Education & Training
104 F 50 Watts Bar Relocation
104 F 51 Ft. Loudon
104 F 53 Cherokee
104 F 59 Douglas Reservoir
104 F 60 Hales Bar
104 F 60 (1) Hales Bar
104 F 65 Hiwassee Project
104 F 65 Hiwassee Project Apalachia, Chatuge, Nottely & Ocoee
104 F 66 Upper Holston Project
104 F 68 Fontana
104 F 119
104 F 150 Use of TVA Lands 1938 - 1947
Box 108
104 F 155 (6)
104 F 156 Taking Line
104 F 160 Land Acquisition General
104 F 160 (1) Land Acquisition General 1941-1947
104 F 160 (6) 1940 -1944
104 F 160 (9) Agricultural Studies
104 F 171 Norris Properties
104 F 171 (1)
104 F 172 Wheeler Land Use
104 F 173 Wilson
104 F 173 (1)
104 F 174 Pickwick Land Use
104 F 175 Hiwassee Reservoir
104 F 175 (1) Hiwassee Taking Line
104 F 176 Guntersville
104 F 177 Chickamauga Land Use
Box 109
104 F 179 Kentucky Dam 1941 - 1946
104 F 179 (1) Kentucky Land 1942 - 1943
Box 110
104 F 179 (1) Kentucky Land 1941
104 F 179 (6) Social & Economic Problem
104 F 180 Watts Bar
104 F 180 (1) Watts Bar Land
104 F 180 (6) Social & Economic Problems
104 F 181 Fort Loudoun
104 F 181 (1) Fort Loudoun Land
104 F 181 (6) Social & Economic Problems
104 F 182 Hales Bar
104 F 182 (1) Hales Bar Land
104 F 183 Cherokee
104 F 183 (1) Cherokee Land
104 F 184 Ocoee # 1
104 F 185 Ocoee # 2
104 F 189 Douglas
104 F 189 (1) Douglas Purchase Boundaries
Box 111
104 F 189 (6) Social & Economic Problems
104 F 190 Hiwassee Projects (Chauge, Nottely )
104 F 190 (1) Apalachia
104 F 190 (1) Chatuge
104 F 190 (1) Hiwassee Project Purchase Boundaries
104 F 190 (6) Hiwassee Project
104 F 191 Watauga
104 F 191 Upper Holston Project
104 F 191 (1)
104 F 193 Fonatana
104 F 193 (1) Fontana Purchase Boundaries
104 F 200 Management of TVA Land 1939- 1947
104 F 206
104 F 209 Interdepartmental Coordination Committees
104 F 213 Management Areas
Box 112
104 F 216 Kentucky Reservoir 1939- 1947
104 F 219 Muscle Shoals Area 1946 - 1948
Box 113
104 F 219 Muscle Shoals Area 1939 -1946
104 F 222
104 F 226 Guntersville - Wheeler Area 1943 - 1947
Box 114
104 F 226 Guntersville - Wheeler Area 1939 -1942
104 F 229 Chattanooga Area (Chickamauga)
104 F 232 Great Falls Area
104 F 235 Knoxville Management Area
Box 115
104 F 238 1942 - 1947
104 F 241 Norris - Cherokee Area 1939 - 1948
Box 116
104 F 244 Douglas
104 F 250 Disposition of Authority Owned Lands
104 F 253 County Soil Conservation Association 1940- 1946
104 F 256 Contracts for licensing Lands
104 F 259 License issued to Farmers
104 F 266 Sale of Surplus Land 1941 -1947
Box 117
104 F 266 Sale of Surplus Land 1939 - 1940
110 War Department119 Farm Products
119 B Crops
119 B 2 Cost of Production
119 C
119 C 1 Corn
119 C 2 Wheat
119 C 3 Oats
119 C 4
119 C 5 Barley
119 E Grasses (hay)
119 E 1 Sudan Grass
119 F Legumes
119 F 1
119 F 2 Clovers
119 F 3 Alfalfa
119 F 4 Beans
119 F 5 Peas
119 F 6 Irish Potatoes
119 F 7 Sweet Potatoes
119 F 8 Beets
119 F 13 Vetch
119 F 14 Kudzu
119 F 15 Mushrooms
119 F 24 Lwspedeza
119 G 1
119 G 2 Cotton
119 G 4 Cottonwood
119 H 1 Apples
119 H 2 Peaches
119 H 5 Strawberries
119 H 6 Raspberries
119 H 8
119 J Tobacco
Box 118
119 M Livestock
119 M 1 Poultry
119 M 2
119 M 3 Cattle
119 M 5 Hogs & Pigs
119 N Poultry Products
119 N 1 Eggs
119 P Dairy Products
119 P 1 Cheese
119 P 2
119 P 4 Milk
119 R Trees
119 R 7 Black Locust
120 USDA 1943 - 1947
Box 119
120 USDA 1935 - 1942
120 B 40 Claims
120 B 50
120 B 55
120 C 235
130 Agricultural Adjustment Agency 1940-1947130 C 16 (1)
130 C 38 Statement of Orders, Shipments
130 C 71 Distribution
Box 120
130 C 74
130 C 99 Shortages Damages Claims
130 C 166 Invoices
130 C 168
131 ECR General 1940 - 1945131 Receiving Reports
131 B 10 Appropriations & Allotment Symbols
131 C 16 (1) ECR Slag Shipments
131 C 16 (3) ECR Chickamauga Limestone
131 C 59 ECC Statement of Orders
131 C 71 Distribution
131 C 74 ECR Orders 1942 -1944
Box 121
131 C 74 ECR Orders 1940 -1942
131 C 99 Damages & Loss
131 C 141
131 C 168 Unpaid Invoices
143 North Central Region143 B 10 Appropriations
143 C 68 Status of Orders
143 C 71 Distribution
143 C 74 NCR Orders
143 C 99 Damage & Loss Claims
154 C 68
154 C 71 Distribution
163 SR General163 (1) Southeast Region Slag
163 B 10 Appropriation & Allotment Symbols
163 B 50
163 C 16 (1) Distribution of Slag
163 C 16 (2)
163 C 43
163 C 46
163 C 68 Status of Orders
163 C 71 Distribution
Box 122
163 C 74 Request for Shipment 1941 - 1943
163 C 162 Invoices
163 C 168 Unpaid invoice
173 WRT General173 Appropriations & Allotment Symbols
173 C 68 Status of Orders
173 C 74 WR Orders
173 C 99 Shortages
173 C 162 WR Invoices
173 C 168 WR Unpaid Invoices
178 B 10
183 C 74 Transmittal Letters
184 Western Division190 Bureau of Plant Industry 1943 - 1947
Box 123
190 Bureau of Plant Industry 1934 -1942
190 B 2
190 B 40 Claims
190 B 50
190 B 186
200 Land Grant Colleges201
201 B Contracts
201 B 2
201 B 4 Watershed Area
201 B 8 Procedure & Policy
201 B 9 Budgets 1941-1948
201 B 12 Training
201 B 12 Personnel 1943-1947
Box 124
201 B 12 Personnel 1935 - 1942
201 B 14 Selective Service Alabama
201 B 21 Accounting for Funds
201 B 24 Supplies Equipment
201 B 25 Photos Slides
201 B 26
201 B 27 Inventory
201 B 30 Salaries
201 B 33 Travel & Subsistence
201 B 40 Claims & Reimbursements201 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1942 - 1947
Box 125
201 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1941
201 B 55 Informational Material
201 C 6 Soil Survey
201 C 7 Inspection Reports
201 C 11 Maps & Mapping
201 C 16 (1)
201 C 19
201 C 23 Request for Purchase Sale of Phosphate
201 C 33 Development of Improved Packaging Methods
201 C 37 Estimate of Plant Foods 1941 -1947
201 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
201 C 43 Freight Rates
201 C 113 Storage
201 C 116 Inventory
201 C 119201 C 148
201 C 183 Belle Mina Sub-Station
201 C 186 Fertilizer Experiments
Box 126
201 C 187 Rate of Applications
201 C 211 Greenhouse Tests
201 C 222 Animal Feeding
201 C 233 Planning, Farm & Land
201C 234 Production Goals
201 C 235 Pasture & Meadow Tests
201 C 244
201 C 300 Test Demonstration 1939-1947
201 C 300 Inactive Test Demonstrations
201 C 302 Garden Project
201 C 305 Reports of Demonstration 1940 - 1947
Box 127
201 C 306 Special
201 C 320 State Summaries
201 C 332201 C 338 Forestry 1940 -1947
201 C 340
201 C 341
201 C 344 Agricultural Engineering Development
201 C 347 Demonstration of improved Agriculture Machinery
201 C 353 Economy Thresher
201 C 361 Agricultural Processing Research
201 C 368 Quick Freezing
201 E Activities of Coops
201 E 6 Organization of Farmers’ Coops
201 E 12
201 E 35 Marketing Agricultural Products
201 F 16 Relocation & Readjustment
201 F 160 (6)
201 F 250 Licenses Issued To Farmers
202 Alabama
202 C 330 Co. Practical Demonstrations
202 C 116 Autauga: C 330
202 C 116 Bullock: C330
202 C 330 Butler
202 C 116 Calhoun
202 C 330 Carroll
202 C 116 Chambers: C330
202 C 116 Clark: C330
202 C 116 Clay: C330
202 C 16 (1) Cleburne: C116, C330
202 Coffey
202 C 16 (1) Colbert: C116, C330
202 C 330 Conecuh
202 C 116 Cullman: C330
202 C 116 Dallas: C330
202 C 116 DeKalb: C330
Box 128
202 C 116 Escambia: C330
202 C 116 Etowah: C330
202 C 116 Fayette: C330
202 C 16 (35) Franklin: C116, C330202 C 330 Geneva
202 C 330 Greene
202 C 116 Hale: C330
202C 330 Henry
202 B 4 Jackson: C16 (1), C116, C330, C 338
202 C 330 Lamar
202 C 16 (1) Lauderdale: C116, C330, C338
202 C 7 Lawrence: C 16 (1), C116, C330
202 C 16 (1) Limestone: C 116, C 306, C330
202 C 116 Lowndes: C330
202 Madison: B 4, C 7, C 16 (1), C 330
202 C 16 (1) Marion: C116, C 330,
202 C 16 (1) Marshall: C116, C330
202 C 116 Montgomery: C330
202 Morgan: C 16 (1), C116, C330
220 C 116 Perry: C330
202 C 330 Pickens
202 C 116 Pike: C330
202 C 16 (1) Randolph: C116, C330
202 C 116 St. Clair: C330
202 C 116 Shelby: C330
202 C 116 Sumpter: C330
Box 129
202 C 116 Tuscaloosa: C330
202 C 330 Walker
202 C 330 Washington
202 C 330 Whitlock
202 C 116 Wilcox: C330
202 C 16 (1) Winston: C116, C330
203 Georgia203 B Contracts
203 B 2 Projects
203 B 4
203 B 8
203 B 9 Budget 1941 - 1947
203 B 12 Georgia Personnel
203 B 14 Selective Service
203 B 15 Expenditures
203 B 21 Accounting for Founds
203 B 24 Supplies & Equipment Georgia
203 B 25 Photos & Slides 1943-1947
Box 130
203 B 25 Photos & Slides 1940 -1942
203 B 27 Inventory
203 B 30 Salaries
203 B 33 Travel & Subsistence Georgia
203 B 36 Other Expenditures
203 B 40 Claims Georgia
203 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1935 -1947
203 B 55 General Information 1942 -1947
Box 131
203 B 55 General Information 1935 - 1941
203 C 6 Soil Survey 1941 -1947
203 C 11 Maps & mapping
203 C 16 (1)
203 C 19 Policies - Distribution
203 C 22 Sample Shipments of Fertilizer
203 C 23 Request for Purchase - Phosphate
203 C 33 Development of Improved Methods
203 C 37 Cooperator’s Estimates of Plant Food Needed 1941 -1947
203 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
203 C 43 Routing & Dispatching Materials
203 C 46 Freight Rates
203 C 50
203 C 113 Storage
203 C 116 Inventory
203 C 119 Mechanical Conditions of Plant Foods
203 C 125
203 C 144
203 C 148
203 C 183 General Cooperatives Projects 1936 -1947
203 C 186
203 C 187 Rate of Application
203 C 192
203 C 222
203 C 233 Farm & Land Planning
Box 132
203 C 234 Farm Management
203 C 235 Pasture & Meadow Tests
203 C 244 Soil Erosion & Water Run Off
203 C 300 Test Demonstration 1939-1947
203 C 300 Test Demonstrations Inactive
203 C 302 Garden Project
203 C 305 Reports of Test Demonstration -1947
203 C 332
203 C 338 Forestry Department - Soil Erosion & Water Control
203 C 341
203 C 344 Agricultural Engineering Development
203 C 347 Demonstration Improved Agricultural Machinery
203 C 351
203 C 352 Hay Drier
203 C 233 Economy Thresher
203 C 357 Rural Electrification
203 C 359 Irrigation Demonstration
203 C 361 Agricultural Processing Research
203 C 362 Flax Growing Experiment
203 C 368 Quick Freezing
Box 133
203 E Assisting Farmers Coops
203 E 6 Organization of Farmers Cooperatives
203 E 9 Management of Farmers Cooperatives
203 E 12
203 E 15
203 E 18
203 E 35 Marketing Agricultural Products
203 F 16 Relocation & Readjustment
203 F 65 Hiwassee Project
203 F 330 Test Demonstrations
204 C 330 Barrien GA Test Demonstration
204 C 116 Barrow - Inventory & C330 Test Demonstration
204 C 330 Bartow
204 C 330 Ben Hill
204 C 116 Benton Hill
204 C 16 (1) Bibb; C 116; C 330
204 C 330 Bullock
204 C 16 Carroll; C 116, C 330
204 B 4 Catoosa County; B 24, C 6, C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
204 C 16 (1) Chattooga, C 16 (2), C 116, C 330
204 C 116 Clarke; C 330
204 C 330 Clay
204 C 116 Cobb; C 330
204 Colquitt; C 330
204 C 330 Crisp
204 C 6 Dade; C 16 (1), C 116, C 168, C 330
204 C 116 Dawson; C 330
204 C 116 DeKalb; C 330
204 C 116 Evans; C 330
204 B 4 Fannin; C 6, C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
Box 134
204 C 330 Fayette
204 C 16 (1) Floyd; C 330
204 C 116 Forsyth; C 330
204 C 6 Fulton; C 116, C 330
204 C 16 (1) Gilmer; C 116, C 144, C 330
204 C 16 (1) Gordon; C 116, C 330
204 C 16 (1) Greene; C 116, C 330
204 C 116 Gwinnette; C 330
204 C 116 Habersham; C 330
204 C 116 Hall; C 330
204 C Hancock; C 330
204 C 330 Haralson
204 C 116 Harris; C330
204 C 116 Hart; C330
204 C 30 Jones
204 C 330 Long
204 C 116 Lumpkin; C 330
204 Macon,; C 330
204 C 116 Meriwether; C 330
204 C 330 Mitchell
204 C 16 (1) Murray; C 116, C 150, C 330
204 C 116 Muskagee; C 330
204 C 116 Oconee; C 330
204 C 116 Oglethorpe; C 330
204 C 16 (1) Pickens; C 116; C 330
204 C 330 Pierce
204 C 330 Polk
204 C 330 Pulaski
204 C 116 Putman; C 330
204 B 4 Rabun; C 116, C 302, C 330
204 C 330 Schley
204 C 330 Screven
204 C 330 Teliferro
204 Towns; C 116, C 330
204 C 330 Treutlen
Box 135
204 C 16 (1) Union; C 16 (52), C 116, C 235, C330
204 Walker: B 4, C 6, C 16 (1), C 116, C 325, , C 330
204 C 116 Walton; C 330
204 C 330 Ware
204 C 116 White; C 330
204 Whitfield; B 4, C 116,
204 C 16 (1) Winston
205 Kentucky
205 B
205 B 2
205 B 4 Watershed
205 B 6 Contract - Kentucky
205 B 8 Procedure & Policy
205 B 9 Budget 1941 - 1947
205 B 12 Personnel 1943-1947
Box 136
205 B 12 Personnel 1935 - 1942
205 B 13 Retirement System
205 B 14 Selective Service Kentucky
205 B 18 Laws & Regulations Funds
205 B 24 Equipment & Supplies 1941 - 1947
205 B 25 Photos, & Slides
205 B 27 Inventory
205 B 30
205 B 33 Travel & Subsistence
205 B 40 Claims
205 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1941 - 1945
205 B 55 General Informational Material
Box 137
205 C 6 Soil Survey
205 C 11 Maps
205 C 16 (1)
205 C 16 (2) Limestone Fines
205 C 16 (4)
205 C 16 (18)
205 C 16 (21)
205 C 16 (52)
205 C 19
205 C 20
205 C 33 Development of Improved
205 C 37 Estimates of Plant Foods 1935 -1947
205 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
205 C 43
205 C 46 Freight Rates
205 C 50 Distribution of Fertilizer
205 C 68 Records & Statistics
205 C 113 Storage
205 C 116 Inventory
205 C 119 Damage & Loss
205 C 148
205 C 150
205 C 186 Controlled Soil & Fertilizer Test
205 C 187 Rate of Application
205 C 192
205 C 211 Greenhouse Pot Tests
205 C 218
205 C 222 Animal Feeding
205 C 232
205 C 233 Farm & Land Use Planning
Box 138
205 C 234
205 C 235 Farm Management Production
205 C 300 Test Demonstration 1940-1947
205 C 302 Garden Demonstrations
205 C 305 Report - Test Demonstration 1941-1947
205 C 332 Farm Records
205 C 338 Forestry
205 C 340 Program & Studies on Ag. Development
205 C 344 Agricultural Engineering Development
205 C 347 Demonstration of Improved Agricultural Machinery
205 C 350 Furrow Seeder
205 C 353 Economy Thresher
205 C 357 Demonstrations of Rural Electrification Process
205 C 359 Irrigation
205 C 361 Agricultural Processing Research - Dehydration
205 C 362 Flax
205 C 368 Quick Freezing
205 E
205 E 6 Organization of Farmers Coops
Box 139
205 E 9 Management of Farmer Cooperatives
205 E 12
205 E 35 Marketing of Agricultural Products
205 E 49 Kentucky - Gilbertsville
205 F 16 Relocation & Readjustment
205 F 160 (6)
205 F 259 Licenses Issued to Farmers
206 C 330 General Counties
206 C 16 (4) Ballard; C 330
206 C 330 Boone
206 C 116: Bracken; C 330
206 C 330 Caldwell
206 B 4 Calloway; C 6, C 16 (1), C 16 (40, C 116, C 150, C 330
206 C 330 Casey
206 C 330 Christian; C 347
206 C 116 Fleming; C 330
206 C 330 Fulton
206 C 16 (1) Graves; C 16 (4), C 116, C150, C 330
206 C 330 Grayson
206 C 116 Hart; C 330
206 C 330 Henderson
206 C 116 Hickman
206 C 116 Hopkins; C 330
206 C 116 Laurel
206 C 16 (2) Livingston, C 16 (40, C 116, C 144, C 150, C 330
206 B 24 Lyon; C 16 94), C 116, C 141, C 150, C 330
206 Marshall; C 16 (1), C 16 (2), C 16 (4), C 116, , C 150, C 330, C 338,
206 C 16 (1) McCracken; C 16 (2); C 16 (4), C 116, 330,
Box 140
206 C 16 (1) Trigg; C 16 (4); C 116, C 150, C 330,
206 Union; C 116
206 C 330 Webster
206 F 259 Licenses Issued to Farmers
207 Mississippi
207 B
207 B 2
207 B 4 Cooperative Contracts
207 B 8 Procedure & Policy
207 B 9 Budget 1941-1947
207 B 12 Personnel 1935 -1947
207 B 13
207 B 14 Selective Service
207 B 25 Facilities, Equipment, Supplies
207 B 25 Photos, Movies, Slides
207 B 27 Equipment Inventory
Box 141
207 B 30
207 B 33 travel Subsistence
207 B 40 Claims & Reimbursements
207 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1935 -1948
207 B 55 General Informational Material
207 C 6
207 C 7
207 C 11
207 C 11
207 C 16
207 C 16 (1) Distribution of TVA Phosphate
207 C 16 (52)
207 C 19 Policies
207 C 23 Request for Sale of Phosphate
207 C 33 Development of Improved Methods & Practices
207 C 37 Cooperatives Estimates 1941-1947
207 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
207 C 43
207 C 46 Rate Quotations
207 C 90
Box 142
207 C 113 Storage
207 C 116 Inventories
207 C 119 Mechanical Conditions of Plant Food
207 C 141
207 C 144 Financial Statement
207 C 148
207 C 150
207 C 186
207 C 187 Rate of Application
207 C 192
207 C 218
207 C 222 Animal Feeding Tests
207 C 234
207 C 235
207 C 300 Test Demonstrations 1941 - 1947
207 C 302 Garden Project
207 C 305 Report of Test Demonstration
207 C 306 Special Report
207 C 308
207 C 322 Supervisor & Farm Management
Box 143
207 C 332 Demonstration Farm Record
207 C 338 Forestry Relation - Soil Erosion
207 C 341
207 C 344 Agricultural Engineering Development
207 C 347 Demonstrations of Improved Agricultural Machinery
207 C 353 Economy Thresher
207 C 362 Flax
207 C 368
207 E
207 E 6 Organization of Farmer’s Coops
207 E 9 Management of Farmers Cooperatives
207 E 12
207 E 22
207 E 30
207 E 35 Marketing Agricultural Products
207 F 16 Relocation & Readjustment
208 B 4 Alcorn; C 16 (1), C 116, C330
208 C 330 Ackerman
208 C 16 (1) Benton; C 116, C 300
208 C 116 Calhoun; C 330
208 C 16 (1) Chickasaw; C 116, C 330
208 C 330 Clay
208 C 330 Christian
208 C 16 (1) Copiah; C 116, C 330
208 C 116 Covington; C 330
208 C 330 DeKalb
208 C 116 DeSoto; C 119, C 330
208 C 116 Forrest; C 330
208 C 116 Franklin; C 330
208 C 116 Grenda
208 Holmes; C 116, C 330
208 C 16 (1) Itawamba
208 C 330 Iuka
208 C 116 Jackson; C 330
208 C 116 Jefferson
208 C 116 Jones; C 330
208 C 16 (1) Kemper, C 330
208 C 330 Lauderdale
Box 144
208 Lee; C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
208 C 116 Lincoln, C 330
208 Lowndes, C 116, C 330
208 C 16 (1) Madison
208 C 16 (1) Marion, C 16 (2), C 116, C 330
208 C 116 Marshall, C 330
208 C 116 Monroe, C 330
208 C 330 Newton
208 C 16 (1) Noxubee; C 116, C 330
208 C 116 Oktibbeha; C 330
208 C 330 Panola
208 C 16 (1) Pike
208 C 116 Pontatock; C 330
208 C 16 (1) Prentiss
208 C 116 Rankin; C330
208 C 116 Smith; C 330
208 C 16 (1) Tate; C 116, C 330
208 C 116 Teppah; C 330
208 Tishomingo, C 6, C 16 (1), C113, C 116, C 144, C 330
208 C 116 Union; C 330
208 C 16 (1) Walthall; C 116
208 C 16 (1) Yalobusha, C 330
209 North Carolina Flood Control 1943 -1947
Box 145
209 B Cooperative Contacts
209 B 2 Projects 1937 - 1947
209 B 4 Watersheds
209 B 6
209 B 8 Procedure & Policy
209 B 9 Budget 1941-1947
209 B 12 Training
209 B 12 Personnel 1942 -1947
Box 146
209 B 12 Personnel 1935 -1941
209 B 13 Retirement System
209 B 14 Selective Service
209 B 18
209 B 21 Accounting for Funds
209 B 24 Facilities & Equipment
209 B 25 Movies, Slides & Etc
209 B 27 Inventories
209 B 30 Salaries
209 B 33 Travel
209 B 40 Claims
209 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1941 -1948
Box 147
209 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1935 - 1941
209 B 50 Supervisors Tours
209 B 55 Informational Material, General 1941-1947 **
209 C 6 Soil Survey
209 C 7
209 C 9
209 C 11 Maps
209 C 16 (1) Distribution of Slag
209 C 16 (52)
209 C 33 Development of Improved Methods of Packages
209 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates 1941 -1947
209 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
209 C 43
209 C 50 Shipments
209 C 59 Records of Government Bills
209 C 113 Storage
209 C 116 Inventories
209 C 119 Mechanical Conditions of Plant Food
209 C 148
209 C 186
209 C 187 Rates of Application
Box 148
209 C 192
209 C 211
209 C 218
209 C 222 Animal Nutrition
209 C 233 Farm & Land Planning
209 C 234 Farm Management
209 C 235
209 C 244 Soil Erosion
209 C 300 Test Demonstrations 1937 -1947
209 C 302 Garden Project
209 F 16 Relocation & Readjustment
209 F 28
209 F 160 (1)
209 F 160 (6)
209 F 305 Reports 1941 - 1947
Box 149
209 C 307
209 C 332
209 C 338 Forestry Relations
209 C 340 Agricultural Development & Watershed
209 C 341
209 C 344 Agricultural Engineering Development
209 C 347 Demonstrations of Improved Ag. Machinery
209 C 350 Furrow Seeder
209 C 352 Hay Dryer
209 C 353 Thresher (NC)
209 C 357 Rural Electrification
209 C 361
209 C 362 Flax
209 C 368 Quick Freezing
209 E Studies of Farmers Cooperative Organizations
209 E 6 Re: Organization of Farmers Coops
209 E 9 Management of Farmers Cooperatives
209 E 12
209 E 30
209 E 35 marketing Ag. Products
210 C 330 Counties
210 C 116 Almance; C 330
210 C 116 Alexander;
210 C 116 Alleghany; C 330
210 C 116 Anson; C 330
210 C 116 Ashe; C 330
210 B 4 Avery; C 116, C 330
210 B 4 Buncombe, C 116, C 330
210 C 116 Burke
210 C 116 Cabarrus
210 C 116 Caldwell; C 330
210 Caswell
210 C 116 Catawba; C 330
210 C 116 Chatham
210 Cherokee; C 116, C 330, E 6
210 Clay; C 6, C 16 (52), C 116, C 330
Box 150
210 Cleveland; C 330
210 C 116 Craven
210 C 116 Davidson; C 330
210 C 116 Davies; C 330
210 C 116 Forsyth
210 C 116 Gaston
210 C 116 Gates
210 C 7 Graham; C 116, C 330, C 338
210 C 116 Granville
210 C 116 Guilford; C 330
210 Haywood; C 116, C 330
210 C 6 Henderson, C116, C 330
210 C 116 Hertford
210 C 116 Iredell; C 330
210 B 4 Jackson, C 116, C 330
210 Jones
210 C 116 Lee
210 C 116 Lincoln; C 330
210 C 116 Macon; C 330
210 Madison; B 4, C 6, C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
210 C 330 McDowell
210 C 116 Mecklenburg; C 330
210 B 4 Mitchell; C 116, C 330
210 C 116 Montgomery
210 C 116 Orange
210 C 116 Person; C 330
210 C 116 Pitt; C 330
210 C 116 Polk
210 C 116 Randolph; C 330
210 C 116 Rockingham; C 330
210 C 116 Rowna; C 330
210 C 116 Rutherfoard; C 330
210 C 116 Stokes; C 330
210 C 116 Surry; C 330
Box 151
210 Swain; C 6, C 116, C 330
210 B 4 Transylvania; C 116, C 330
210 C 116 Unicoi
210 C 116 Union; C 330
210 C 116 Wake
210 C 116 Warren; C 330
210 Watauga; B 15, C 116, C 308, C 330, C 338
210 C 116 Wayne
210 C 330 Wilkes
210 C 330 Yadkin
210 C 330 Yancey; C 330
211 Tennessee
211 B
211 B 2 Projects 1941 - 1947
211 B 4 Watershed Projects
211 B 8 Procedure Policy
211 B 9 Budget 1943- 1947
Box 152
211 B 9 Budget 1941-1942
211 B 12 Training
211 B 12 Personnel 1941 - 1947
Box 153
211 B 14 Selective Service
211 B 15 Expenditures
211 B 18 Laws & Regulations
211 B 21 Accounting for Funds
211 B 24 Supplies & Equipment 1941-1947
211 B 25 Photos, Slides
211 B 27 Inventories
211 B 30 Salaries
211 B 33 Travel & subsistence
211 B 40 Claims & Reimbursements
211 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1946 -1947
Box 154
211 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1941 -1945
Box 155
211 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1935 -1941
211 B 50 Food Conference
211 B 50 Supervisors
211 B 55 General Information Material 1941 -1947
211 C 6 Soil Survey 1941-1947
211 C 7
211 C 11 Maps & Mapping 1942-1947
Box 156
211 C 11 Maps & mapping 1941
211 C 16 Distribution of Fertilizer
211 C 16 (1)
211 C 16 (2)
211 C 16 (52)
211 C 19 Policies Regarding Distribution of Fertilizer
211 C 22 Sample Shipments of Fertilizer
211 C 33 Development of Improved Packaging Methods
211 C 37 Coops Estimate of Plant Food Needs
211 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer 1937-1947
211 C 43
211 C 46 Freight Rates
211 C 113 Storage of Distribution
211 C 116 Inventories
211 C 119 Mechanical Conditions at Food Plants
211 C 144
211 C 148
211 C 150
211 C 183 Kennedy Project
211 C 186
211 C 187 Rate of Application
211 C 208
211 C 211 Greenhouse Pot Test
211 C 218
211 C 222 Animal Feeding Test
211 C 228
211 C 232
211 C 233 Land Use Planning
211 C 234 Farm Management 1943-1944
Box 157
211 C 234 Farm Management 1941-1942
211 C 235 Pasture & meadow Test
211 C 244 Soil Erosion
211 C 250 Insecticide & Fungicide
211 C 300 Test Demonstration 1941-1947
Box 158
211 C 302 Garden Project
211 C 305 Report of Demonstration 1939 - 1947
211 C 306 Special
211 C 319 Annual Progress Report
211 C 322 Supervisor & Extension Specialist
211 C 332 Farm Records
211 C 338 Farm Forestry - 1939-1948
211 C 340 Programs & Studies - Agricultural Development
211 C 341
211 C 344 Agricultural Engineering Development
211 C 347 Demonstration of Improved Agricultural Machinery
211 C 350 Furrow Seeder
211 C 352 Hay Seeder
211 C 353 Economy Thresher
211 C 357 Rural Electrification
Box 159
211 C 359 Irrigation Demonstration
211 C 361 Agricultural Processing Research
211 C 362 Flax
211 C 368 Quick Freezing
211 C 371
211 C 374
211 E Assistance to Farmers Coops
211 E 6 Organizations of Farmers Cooperatives
211 E 12 Business Activities of Farmers Cooperatives
211 E 22 Cooperative Program For use of Electric Power
211 E 30
211 E 35 Marketing Agricultural Products
211 F Agricultural Adjustments - Land Acquisition
211 F 6 Agricultural Aspect of Land Acquisition
211 F 16 Relocation & Readjustment
211 F 28
211 F 150 Land Use
211 F 160 (1)
211 F 160 (6)
212 C 113 Storage & Distribution
212 Anderson: C 166, C 330, C 357,
212 Bedford: C 6, C 116, C 330
212 Benton County: B 4, B 24, C 116, C 330
212 C 116 Bledsoe; C 330
Box 160
212 C 116 Blount: C 330
212 C 6 Bradley: C 116, C 330
212 C 116 Campbell; C 330
212 Carroll County; C 16(1), C 116, C 330
212 Carter; C 116, C330
212 Claiborne; C 16 (1), C 116, C 306, C 330
212 C 7 Cocke; C 116, C 306, C 330
212 C 116 Coffee; C 330
212 C 116 Cumberland; C 330, C 362
212 Decatur; C 116, C 1125, C 330
212 C 116 Dickson; C 330
212 C 16 (1) Dyer; C 330
212 C 116 Fentress; C 330
212 C 116 Franklin; C 330
212 Gibson
212 Giles; C 116; C 144; C 244; C 330
Box 161
212 Grainger; C 116; C 330
212 Green; C 16 (1); C 116, C 330
212 Grundy; C 116, C 330
212 Hamblen; C 6, C 116, C 330
212 Hamilton; B 4, C 6, C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
212 Hancock; C 16 (1), C 330,
212 Hardin, C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
Box 162
212 Hawkins; C 116, C 330
212 Henderson; C 116, C 330
212 Henry; C 116, C 150, C 330
212 Hickman; C 16 (21), C 116, C 330, C 338
212 C 6 Houston; C 116, C 330
212 Humphreys; B 4, C 6, C 116, C 144, C 330, C 338, E 9
212 Jefferson; C 6, C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
212 Johnson ; C 116, C 330
212 C 11 Knox; C 16 (10, C 116, C 330
212 Lawrence; C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
Box 163
212 C 116 Lewis; C 116, C 330
212 C 338 Limestone
212 Lincoln; C 6, C 116, C 330, C 357, E 22
212 C 116 Loudon; C 330+
212 Madison; C 16 (1), C 330
212 Marion; C 16 (2), C 116, C 330
212 Marshall; C 116, C 244, C 330
212 Maury; C 6, C 116, C 330
212 C 116 McMinn, C 330
212 B 24 McNairy, C 116, C 330
212 Meigs; B 4, C 113, C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
212 C 116 Monroe; C 330
212 B 4 Morgan; C 116, C 330
212 C 330 Murrey
212 C 144 Norris,
212 C 330 Obion
212 C 16 (1) Perry, C 116, C 330, E 9
212 C 116 Polk; C 330
212 C 116 Putnam
212 C 116 Rhea; C 330, C 358
212 C 6 Roane; C 116, C 330,
Box 164
212 Rutherford; C 116, C 330, C 359
212 C 116 Scott; C 330
212 C 16 (1) Sequatchie; C 116, C 330
212 Sevier; C 116, C 330, F 160 (6)
212 C 16 (1) Shelby; C 16 (52), C 330
212 C 116 Stewart; C 330
212 C 113 Sullivan; C 116, C 330
212 C 16 (1) Unicoi; C 116, C 330
212 C 113 Union, C 116, C 330
212 C 16 (1) Van Buren
212 Washington; B 4, C 11, C 123, C 330
212 Wayne; C 16 (1), C 116, C 330
212 Weekly
212 C 116 Williamson; C 330
213 Virginia
213 B Cooperative Contract
213 B 2 Contract Project
213 B 4 Watershed Project
213 B 8 Procedure & Policy
213 B 9 Budget 1941 - 1947
213 B 10 Appropriations & Allotments
213 B 12 Training/ Personnel 1945 -1947
Box 165
213 B 12 Training/ Personnel 1935 -1944
213 B 13 Retirement Plans
213 B 14 Selective Service
213 B 15 Expenditures & Reimbursements
213 B 18 Laws & Regulations - Funds
213 B 21 Accounting for Funds
213 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
213 B 25 Photos & Slides 1941 -1945
213 B 27 Inventory
213 B 30 Salaries
213 B 33 Travel & Subsistence
213 B 40 Claims & Reimbursements
213 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1945 -1947
Box 166
213 B 50 Conferences & Meetings 1935 -1944
213 B 50 Supervisors
213 B 50 Southwestern Virginia Association
213 B 55 General Information Material 1941 - 1947
213 C 6 Soil Survey
213 C 7 Inspection Report
213 C 11 Maps 1941 -1944
213 C 16 (1) Limestone Fines
213 C 19 Policies Governing Distribution - Plant Foods
213 C 22 Sample Shipments of Fertilizer
213 C 33 Development of Improved Packaging Methods
213 C 37 Cooperative Estimates on Plant Food 1941-1947
Box 167
213 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
213 C 43
213 C 113 Storage
213 C 116 Inventories
213 C 141 Accounting for Funds
213 C 148
213 C 186
213 C 187 Rates of Application
213 C 192 Comparative Analysis TVA - Commercial Fertilizer
213 C 222
213 C 228
213 C 232 Human Nutrition 1942 -1947
213 C 234 Farm Management
213 C 235
213 C 244 Soil Erosion & Water Run-Off Control
213 C 300 Test Demonstration 1946 - 1947
Box 168
213 C 300 Test Demonstration 1941- 1945
213 C 302 Garden Projects
213 C 305 Reports of Demonstrations 1934 -1946
213 C 319 Annual Progress Reports
213 C 322 Supervisor & Farm Management
213 C 325 Watershed
213 C 332 Demonstration Records
213 C 338 Forestry Relations Erosion & Water Run-Off Control
213 C 344 Agricultural Engineering Development
213 C 347 Demonstration of Improved Agricultural Machinery
213 C 350 Furrow Seeder
213 C 352 Hay Dryer
213 C 353 Economy Thresher
Box 169
213 C 361 Agricultural Processing Research
213 C 362 Flax
213 C 368 Quick Freezing
213 E Advisory Services & Assistance to Cooperatives
213 E 6 Organizations of Farmers Cooperatives
213 E 22 Coop. Program - Electric Power
213 F 6 Agricultural Aspects of Authority’s Land Acquitition
213 F 16 Relocation & Readjustment
214 C County Demonstrations
214 C 330 Alleghany
214 C 330 Amelia
214 B 4 Amherst; C 330
214 C 330 Appomattox
214 C 330 Augusta
214 C 330 Bedford
214 C 116 Bland; C 330
214 C 330 Botetourt
214 C 330 Brunswick
214 C 330 Buckingham
213 C 330 Campbell
214 C 330 Carroll
214 C 330 Charlotte
214 C 330 Clarke
214 C 330 Craig
214 C 330 Culpepper
214 C Dickenson; C 116, C 330
214 C 330 Fairfax
214 C 330 Fauquier
214 C 330 Floyd
214 C 116 Franklin; C 330
214 C 116 Frederick; C 330
214 C 330 Giles
214 C 116 Goochland
214 C 116 Grayson; C 330
214 C 330 Grundy
214 C 330 Halifax
214 C 330 Hanover
214 C 330 Hawkins
214 C 330 Henry
214 C 330 Highland
214 C 330 King William
214 C 16 (1) Lee; C 16 (52), C 116, C 330
214 C 330 Louisa
214 C 330 Madison
214 C 330 Mecklenburg
214 C 330 Montgomery
214 C 330 Nelson
214 C 330 Northcumberland
214 C 330 Nottaway
214 C 330 Orange
214 C 330 Page
214 C 330 Pittsylvania
214 C 330 Powhatan
214 C 330 Prince Edward
214 C 330 Pulaski
214 C 330 Rockbridge
214 C 330 Rockingham
214 Russell; C 6, C 23, C116, C 224,
Box 170
214 RussellC 325, C 330, C 340214 C 116 Scott: C 330, C 338
214 C 330 Shenandoah
214 C 16 (1) Smyth; C 116, C 330, C 338
214 C 116 Tazewell; C 6, C 330
214 B 4 Washington; C 6, C 116, C 330, C338
214 C 16(1) Wise; C 116, C 330
214 B 24 Wythe; C 116, C 330
215 B 55
217 Arkansas Land Grant College
217 B 2 Projects
217 B 8
217 B 12 Personnel
217 B 24 Facilities, Equipment & Supplies
217 B 25 Photos, Movies & Slides
217 B 30 Salaries
217 B 40 Claims
217 B 50 Meetings Tours Etc.
217 B 55 General Informational Material
217 C 16(1)
217 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
217 C 40
217 C 43
217 C 46
217 C 116 Inventory
217 C 119 Mechanical Conditions of Plant Food
217 C 186 Controlled Soil Fertilizer Tests
217 C 187
217 C 218
217 C 222 Animal Nutrition
Box 171
217 C 300 Test Demonstration
217 C 305 Reports of Demonstration
271 C 332
217 F 160 (6)
218 C 330 General Ark.
218 C 330 Benton
218 C 113 Clark; C 116
218 C 330 Clay
218 C 330 Columbia
218 C 330 Craighead
218 C 330 Greene
218 C 330 Hempstead
218 C 330 Howard
218 C 330 Independence
218 C 330 Izard
218 C 330 Jefferson
218 C 116 Johnson; C 330
218 C 116 Logan, C 330
218 C 330 Madison
218 C 116 Marion; C330
218 C 330 North Sebastian
218 C 330 Pope
218 C 116 Prairie
218 C 330 Randolph
218 C 330 Saline
218 C 330 Sebastian
218 C 116 Stone; C 330
218 C 116 Van Buren
218 C 330 Yell
219 California
219 B 50 Meetings & Conferences
219 B 55 General Information
219 C 19
219 C 186 Experiments
219 C 300 Test Demonstrations
221 B Contracts Colorado
221 B 2 Contract Projects
221 B 9 Budget
221 B 12 Personnel
221 B 25 Photos, Slides
221 B 50 Conferences & Meetings
221 B 55 Informational Material
221 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
221 C 186 Experiments
221 C 300 Demonstration
223 Connecticut
223 B 50 Conferences & Meetings
223 B 55 General Informational Material
223 C 186
223 C 222
223 C 300 State Agencies
225 B 50 Meetings & Tours
225 B 55 General Informational Material
Box 172
227 B Cooperative Contracts
227 B 50 Trips Meetings
227 B 55 General Informational Material
227 C 186 Fertilizer Investigation
227 C 235
229 Idaho
229 B Contracts
229 B 2 Contract Projects
229 B 9 Budget
229 B 12 Personnel
229 B 24 Equipment & Supplies
229 B 25 Photos, Slides
229 B 40 Claims
229 B 50 Meetings & Conferences
229 B 55 Informational Material
229 C 37 Plant Food Estimates
229 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
229 C 43 Routing & Dispatching
229 C 49 Freight Rates
229 C 116 Inventories
229 C 141 Accounting Funds
229 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
229 C 234 Production Goals
229 C 300 Test Demonstration 1941-1947
229 C 305 Report of Demonstrations
229 C 330 Demonstration Counties
229 C 332
229 C 330 General Idaho
230 C 330 Bingham Idaho
230 C 330 Booneville
230 C 116 Freemont
230 C 330 Jerome
230 C 330 Lincoln
230 C 330 Oneida
230 C 330 Pocatello
230 C 330 Power
230 C 330 Skoshone
230 C 330 Washington
231 B
231 B 2
231 B 4 Watershed
231 B 9 Budgets
231 B 12 Personnel
231 B 13
231 B 24 Equipment & Supplies
231 B 25 Movies & Slides
231 B 40 Reimbursement
Box 173
231 B 50 Trips & Meetings 1941-1945
231 B 55 General Information Illinois
231 C 16 (1)
231 C 22 Sample Shipment
231 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
231 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
231 C 43
231 C 46 Rate Quotations
231 C 116 Inventories & C 119
231 C 183 Dixon Springs
231 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
231 C 187
231 C 192 Analysis of Fertilizer
231 C 211 Greenhouse
231 C 218 Experimental Plots
231 C 222 Animal Feedings Tests
231 C 228 Phosphate Nutrition
231 C 232
231 C 235 Pasture & Meadow Tests
231 C 300 Test Demonstration 1941-1946
213 C 305 Reports of Demonstration
231 C 332 Farm Records
231 C 338
232 C 330 Adams County IL
232 C 330 Edwards
232 C 330 Gallatin
232 C 330 Hardin
232 C 330 Henry
232 C 330 Jefferson
232 C 330 Johnson
232 C 330 Livingston
232 C 330 Marion
232 C 330 McHenry
232 C 330 Pope
232 C 330 Wayne
233 B 2
233 B 9
233 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
233 B 25 Photos & Slides
233 B 50 Meetings & Conferences
Box 174
233 B 55 General Information Indiana
233 C 16 (1)
233 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
233 C 40
233 C 43 Rating & Dispatching
233 C 116 Inventories
233 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
233 C 187 Rates of Application
233 C 234
233 C 235
233 C 300 Test Demonstrations 1942 -1947
233 C 305 Report of Demonstration
233 C 319 Annual Indiana
233 C 332
234 C 330 Elkhart
234 C 330 Hancock
234 C 330 Huntington
234 C 116 Jasper
234 C 330 Jay
234 C 330 Miami
234 C 330 Orange
234 C 330 Scott
234 C 330 Whitley
235 Iowa
235 B 2 Projects Iowa
235 B 4 Watershed
235 B 8 Procedure & Policy
235 B 9 Budget
235 B 12 Personnel
235 B 18 Laws & regulations
235 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
235 B 25 Photos & Slides
235 B 40 Reimbursements & Claims
235 B 50 Meetings 1941-1947
235 B 55 General Informational Material
235 C 22 Sample Shipment
235 C 33 Packaging & Tagging Methods
235 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
235 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
235 C 43 Routing & Dispatching Material
235 C 46 Rate Quotations
235 C 113
235 C 116 Inventory
235 C 119 Mechanical Condition of Plant Food
235 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
Box 175
235 C 187
235 C 218 Experimental Plots
235 C 222
235 C 232 Human Nutrition
235 C 300 Test Demonstration 1941 -1947
235 C 305 Report of Demonstration
236 C 330 General Iowa
236 C 306 Adair; C330
226 C 116 Allamakee; C 330
236 C 330 Appanoose
236 C 116 Audubon: C 330
236 C 116 Benton; C 330
236 C 116 Butler; C 330
236 C 116 Clarke; C 330
236 C 330 Clayton
236 C 330 Crawford
236 C 330 Dallas
236 C 330 Davis
236 C 330 Decatur
236 C 116 Fayette
236 C 330 Floyd
236 C 330 Hamilton
236 C 116 Howard; C 330
236 C 330 Iowa
236 C 116 Jasper; C 330
236 C 116 Lee; C 330
236 C 330 Monroe
236 C 330 Poweshiek
236 C 330 Ringgold
233 C 330 Scott
236 C 116 Tama; C 330
236 C 330 Union
236 C 330 Van Buren
236 C 330 Washington
236 C 330 Winneshiek
236 C 116 Woodbury; C 330
237 B 2 (Kansas)
237 B 9
237 B 24 Facilities & Equipment
237 B 25 Photos & Slides
237 B 50 Trips & Meetings
Box 176
237 B 55 General Informational Material
237 C 22 Shipments
237 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
237 C 43 Routing & Dispatching
237 C 74 Transmittal Letters
237 C 116 Inventory
237 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
237 C 234 Farm Management
237 C 300 Test Demonstrations 1941-1947
237 C 302 Garden Project
237 C 332 Farm Records
238 C 330 Counties - General
238 C 116 Allen; C 330
238 C 330 Bourbon
238 C 116 Cherokee; C 330
238 C 330 Coffey
238 C 116 Crawford
238 C 330 Franklin
238 C 330 Jefferson
238 C 330 Neosho
238 C 330 Osage
238 C 330 Riley
238 C 116 Wilson
238 C 116 Woodson
239 Louisiana
239 B 2 Contract Project
239 B 4 Watershed Project
239 B 9 Budget
239 B 12 Personnel
239 B 24
239 B 25 Photos & Slides
239 B 33 Travel & Subsistence
239 B 40 Reimbursements
239 B 50 Trips
239 B 55 General Material
239 C 16 (1)
239 C 16 (52)
239 C 22 Sample Shipments
239 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
239 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
239 C 43 Shipments
239 C 46 Fertilizer Rates
239 C 116 Inventory
239 C 119 Mechanical Conditions of Plant Food
239 C 186 Soil 7 Fertilizer
239 C 187 Rates of Application
239 C 234
239 C 235
239 C 244 Erosion Control
Box 177
239 C 300 Test Demonstration 1941 -1947
239 C 305 Reports of Demonstrations
239 C 332
239 C 338 Farm Forestry
239 E 35 Marketing Agricultural Products
240 C 116 Beaureguard LA; C 330
240 C 116 Claiborne; C 330
240 C 330 DeSoto
240 C 16 (1) East Carroll;
240 C 116 Grant; C 330
240 C 330 LaSalle
240 C 330 Morehouse
240 C 116 Rapides; C 330
240 C 16 (1) Tangipahoa
240 C 330 West Carroll
240 C 338
241 Maine
241 B Cooperative Contract
241 B 9 Budget
241 B 50 Conferences & meetings
241 B 55 General Informational Material
241 C 68 Statement of Orders
241 C 300 State Agencies & Territorial Division
243 Maryland
243 B
243 B 2 Contract Projects
243 B 9
243 B 12 Personnel
243 B 24 Facilities & Equipment
243 B 25
243 B 33
243 B 50 Trips & Meetings
243 B 55 General Informational Material
243 C 7
243 C 37
243 C 46 Freight Rates
243 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer
243 C 222
243 C 300 Test Demonstrations 1941-1947
243 C 305 Report of Demonstration
243 C 332
244 C 330 (Maryland)
244 C 116 Calvert, MD; C 330
244 C 330 Federick
244 C 330 Garrett
244 C 330 Hartford
244 C 330 Kent
244 C 330 St. Mary’s
244 C 330 Washington
245 Massachusetts
245 B 8 Procedures
245 B 50 Conferences & Meetings
245 B 55 General Information
245 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
245 C 300 State Agencies
247 B
247 B 2 Contract Projects (Michigan)
Box 178
247 B 9
247 B 12 Personnel
247 B 24 Facilities & Equipment
247 B 25 Movies & Slides
247 B 50 Trips & Meetings
247 B 55 Informational Material
247 C 11 Maps
247 C 37 Fertilizer Investigation
247 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
247 C 43
247 C 46 Rate Quotation
247 C 116 Inventories
247 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
247 C 187
247 C 222 Animal Feeding
247 C 234
247 C 244 Soil Erosion
247 C 300 Test Demonstrations 1940 - 1946
247 C 305 Report of Demonstration
247 C 332
247 E Organization of Farmers Coops
248 C 330 Demonstrations
248 C 330 Allegan
248 C 330 Arenac
248 C 116 Barry
248 C 330 Bay
248 C 330 Cass
248 C 330 Chippewa
248 C 330 Clinton
248 C 330 Gariot
248 C 330 Genesee
248 C 116 Gladwin; C 330
248 C 330 Ingham
248 C 330 Iosco
248 C 330 Isabella
248 C 330 Jackson
248 C 116 Kalamazoo; C 330
248 C 116 Lenawee
248 C 116 Livingston; C330
Box 179
248 C 330 Mason
248 C 330 Montgomery
248 C 330 North Muskegon
248 C 330 Oakland
248 C 330 Ogemaw
248 C 330 Ontonagon
248 C 330 Saginaw
248 C 330 St. Joseph
248 C 330 South Muskego
248 C 330 Tuscola
248 C 330 Van Buren
249 B
249 B 2
249 B 9 Budgets
249 B 12 Training
249 B 24 Supplies
249 B 25 Photo & Slides
249 B 30
249 B 33
249 B 40 Reimbursements by TVA
249 B 50 Trips & Meetings
249 B 55 General Informational Material
249 C 6 Maps & C 11 Soil Survey
249 C 16 (1)
249 C 22 Sample Shipments
249 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
249 C 40
249 C 43
249 C 46 Freight Rates
249 C 116 Inventories
249 C 119 Mechanical Conditions of Plants
249 C 135
249 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
249 C 187 Rate of Application249 C 192
249 C 234
249 C 300 Test Demonstrations
249 C 305
249 C 332
250 C 330 Becker MN
250 C 330 Clinton
250 C 330 East Polk
250 C 330 Jackson
250 C 330 Kandiyohi
250 C 330 Martin
250 C 330 Mohnomen
250 C 330 Murray
250 C 330 Nobles
250 C 330 Pennington
250 C 330 Red Lake
250 C 330 Roseau
Box 180
250 C 330 Stevens
250 C 330 Swift
250 C 330 Watonwan
250 C 116 Yellow Medicine; C 330
251 (Missouri)
251 B
251 B 2
251 B 4 Watershed
251 B 9
251 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
251 B 25 Photos, Slides, Etc
251 B 40
251 B 50 Conferences 7 Meetings
251 B 55 General Informational Material
251 C11 Maps
251 C 16 (52)
251 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
251 C 40
251 C 43
251 C 116 Inventories
251 C119 Mechanical Condition of Plant Food
251 C 125
251 C 187 Rate of Application
251 C 234 Farm Management
251 C 235
251 C 300 Test Demonstration
251 C 302 Garden Project
251 C 305 Reports of Demonstration
251 C 332 Farm Records
252 C 330 (Missouri)
252 C 330 Carter
252 C 330 Clinton
252 C 330 Dade
252 C 330 Dent
252 C 330 Franklin
252 C 330 Greene
252 C 330 Henry
252 C 330 Jasper
252 C 116 Laclede; 330
252 C 116 Lawrence; C 330
252 C 330 Lewis
252 C 330 Lincoln
252 C 116 Marion; C 330
Box 181
252 C 330 Nodaway
252 C 330 Perry
252 C 330 St. Charles
252 C 330 Schuyler
252 C 330 Stoddard
252 C 330 Sullivan
253 Montana Land Grant Colleges
253 B 55 General Informational Material
253 C 186
255 Nebraska Land Grant Colleges
255 B 50 Trips & Meetings
255 B 55 General Informational Material
255 C 186
255 C 90 Unit & Area Demonstration
255 C300
257 B 50 Trips & Meetings
257 B 55 General Informational Material
257 B 244 Soil Erosion
259 New Hampshire
259 B 8
259 B 25 Photos & Slides
259 B 50 Conferences & Meetings
259 B 55 General Informational Material
259 C 300
261 New Jersey Extension Service
261 New Jersey Land grant Colleges
261 B 50 Conferences & meetings
261 B 55 General Informational Material
261 C 186
261 C 234
261 C 235
261 C 300 State Agencies
261 C 305
263 B 2 Projects
263 B 9 Budget (New Mexico)
263 B 12 Personnel
263 B 24 Facilities & Equipment
263 B 25 Photos & Slides
263 B 33 Travel
263 B 40 Claims
236 B 50 Trips & Meetings
263 B 55 Informational Material
263 C 22 Distribution of Fertilizer
263 C 37 Cooperators Estimates
263 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
263 C 46 Freight Rates
263 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
263 C 187 Rate of Application
263 C 290 Units & Area Demonstrations
263 C 300 Test Demonstrations
263 C 305 Reports
263 C 332
264 C 330 Bernalillo
264 C 330 Chaves
264 C 330 Colfax
264 C 330 Hidalgo
364 C 330 Lincoln
264 C 330 Roosevelt
264 C 330 Sandovall
264 C 330 San Juan
264 C 330 Socorro
265 B 2 Contract Projects
265 B 9 Budgets
265 B 12 Personnel
Box 182
265 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
265 B 25 Photos & Slides
265 B 40 Claims
265 B 50 Trips & Meetings
265 B 550 General Informational Material
265 C 6 Soil Survey
265 C 22 Sample Shipments
265 C 33 Development of Improved Packaging Methods
265 C 37 Estimates New York
265 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
265 C 43
265 C 46 Rate Quotation
265 C 116 Inventories 1940 -1947
265 C 125
265 C 186 Soil &Fertilizer Tests
265 C 187
265 C 211 Greenhouse Tests
265 C 218
265 C 234
265 C 235
265 C 244
265 C 300 Testy Demonstrations 1941-1947
265 C 305 Reports
265 C 332 Demonstration Farm
Box 183
265 C 116 Albany
265 C 116 Allegany; C 330
266 C 116 Broome; C 330
266 C 116 Cattaraugus
266 C 116 Cayuga
266 C 116 Chautauqua; C 330
266 C 116 Chemung; C 330
266 C 116 Chenongo; C 330
266 C 116 Columbia
266 C 116 Cortland; C 330
266 C 330 Delaware
266 C 116 Erie; C 330
266 C 116 Franklin; C 330
266 C 116 Genesee
266 C 116 Jefferson; C 330
266 C 116 Lewis
266 C 116 Livingston; C 330
266 C 116 Madison; C 330
266 C 116 Montgomery;
266 C 116 Niagara
266 C 330 Oneida
266 C 116 Onondega
266 C 116 Orleans
266 C 116 Otsego; C 330
266 C 116 Rensselaer; C 330
266 C 116 St. Lawrence
266 C 116 Saratoga; C 330
266 C 116 Schenectady; C 330
266 C 116 Schuyler; C 330
266 C 116 Seneca
266 C 116 Steuben; C 330
266 C 116 Tioga; C 330
266 C 116 Tompkins
266 C 330 Ulster
266 C 116 Wyoming; C 330
267 B 25
267 B 55 General Informational Material
267 C 46 Freight Rates
267 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests North Dakota
267 C 300
269 Ohio Land Grant College
269 B
269 B 2 Projects
269 B 4 Watershed Projects
269 B 9 Budget
269 B 12 Personnel
269 B 24 Equipments & Supplies
269 B 25 Photos & Slides
269 B 40 Claims
269 B 50 Trips & Tours
269 B 55 General Informational Material
269 C 11 Maps
269 C 16 (52)
269 C 22
269 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
269 C 40 Shipments
269 C 46 Freight Rates
Box 184
269 C 119 Mechanical Condition of Plant Food
269 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
269 C 187
269 C 232
269 C 234
269 C 244 Soil Erosion
269 C 300 Test Demonstrations
269 C 305 Reports of Demonstration
269 C 332
269 C 347
270 C 330 County Demonstrations
270 C 330 Allen
270 C 330 Columbiana
270 C 330 Gallia
270 C 330 Greene
270 C 330 Holmes
270 C 330 Huron
270 C 330 Lawrence
270 C 330 Licking
270 C 330 Linn
270 C 116 Meigs; C 330
270 C 330 Noble
270 C 330 Portage
270 C 330 Richland
270 C 330 Vinton
270 C 330 Warren
271 Oklahoma Land Grant College
271 B
271 B 2
271 B 9
271 B 25
271 C 37 C 40 & C 43 (Inc.)
271 B 50 Meetings & Visits
271 B 55
271 C 116
271 C 186
271 C 300 Test Demonstration
271 C 305 reports
271 C 332
271 C 350
271 E
Box 185
272 C116 Counties; C 330
273 Oregon State Colleges
273 B Oregon Contracts
272 B 2 Contract Projects
273 B 12 Personnel
273 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
273 B 25 Photos & Slides
273 C 40 Claims
273 B 50 Trips & meetings
273 B 55 Informational Material
273 C 6 Soil Survey
273 C 16 952)
272 C 37 Estimates of Plant Food
273 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
273 C 43 Routing & Dispatching
273 C 46 Freight Rates
272 C 116
272 C 141 Accounting For Funds
273 C 168 Invoice - unpaid
273 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
273 C 187 Rate of Application
273 C 235 Pasture & Meadow
273 C 300 Demonstration
273 C 305 Reports
273 C 332
273 C 359
273 C 362 Flax
274 C 330 Benton
274 C 330 Crook
274 C 330 Deschutes
274 C 16 (52) Lynn; C 330
274 C 330 Polk
274 C 330 Tillamook
275 B 50 Pennsylvania
275 B 55 General Informational Material
275 C 186
275 C 244 Soil Erosion
277 B 50 Meetings & Visits
279 B 55 General Informational Material
277 C 300 Test Demonstration
279 South Carolina
279 B Cooperative Contracts
279 B 2 Contract Projects
279 B 4 Watershed
279 B 9 Budgets
279 B 12 Personnel
279 B 14 Military Services
279 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
279 B 25 Photos & Slides
279 B 30
Box 186
279 B 40 Claims
279 B 50 Meetings & Tours
279 B55 General Informational Material
279 C 22 Sample Shipments
279 C 16 (52)
279 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
279 C 43
279 C 116
279 C 186 Soil &Fertilizer Tests
279 C 187 Rate of Application
279 C 234
279 C 300 State Agencies
279 C 305 Reports
279 C 309 Field Progress Reports
279 C 332
279 C 344 Agricultural Engineering
279 C 353 Thresher
279 C 361 Dehydration
279 C 362 Flax
279 C 368 Quick Freezing
280 C 330 Counties
280 C 330 Abbeville
280 C 330 Aiken
280 C 330 Allendale
280 Anderson; C 330
280 C 330 Cherokee
280 C 330 Chester
280 C 116 Colleton; C 330
280 C 330 Fairfield
280 C 330 Greenville
280 C 330 Greenwood
280 C 116 Jasper; C 330
280 C 330 Lancaster
280 C 330 McCormick
280 C 116 Newberry; C 330
280 C 330 Oconee
280 C 330 Orangeburg
280 C 330 Pickens
280 C 330 Richland
280 C 330 Spartanburg
280 C 330 Union
280 C 330 York
281 B 8 South Dakota; B 55, C 186
281 C 300
283 Texas
283 B Contracts
283 B 2 Projects
Box 187
283 B 4 Watershed
283 B 8
283 B 9
283 B 12 Personnel
283 B 24 Supplies Equipment
283 B 25 photos & Slices
283 B 33 Travel
283 B 40 Claims
283 B 50 Trips & Meetings 1942 -1947
283 B 55 Informational Material 1941 -1947
283 C 6
Box 188
283 C 11 Maps
283 C 22 Sample Shipments
283 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
283 C 40
283 C 43 Routing & Dispatching
283 C 116 Inventories
283 C 119 Mechanical Conditions of Plant Food
283 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer
283 C 187 Rate of Application
238 C 222
283 C 228
283 C 232
283 C 235
283 C 300 Test Demonstrations
283 C 305 Reports of Demonstration
283 C 332
283 C 344
283 C 347
284 Deaf Smith County
284 C 330 New Counties/County Demonstration
284 C 330 Atascosa
284 C 330 Bowie
284 C 330 Brazos
284 C 330 Brown
284 C 330 Burleson
284 C 330 Camp
Box 189
284 C 330 Cass
284 C 330 Chambers
284 C 330 Cherokee
284 C 330 Cook; C 116
284 C 330 Dallam
284 C 330 Delta
284 C 330 Eastland
284 C 330 Erath
284 C 330 Fisher
284 C 330 Floyd
284 C 330 Franklin
284 C 330 Gonzales
284 C 330 Gregg
284 C 330 Grimes
284 C 330 Harris
284 C 330 Harrison
284 C 330 Henderson
284 C 330 Hood
284 C 330 Hopkins
284 C 116 Jackson; C 330
284 C 330 Jasper
284 C 16 (52) Jefferson; C 330
284 C 330 Karnes
284 C 16 (1) Kemper
284 C 330 Lamar
284 C 330 Liberty
284 C 116 Marion; C 330
284 C 330 Menard
284 C 330 Mills
284 C 330 Montague
284 C 330 Montgomery
284 C 330 Morris
284 C 330 Nacodgodoches
284 C 330 Parker
284 C 330 Pierce
284 C 330 Polk
284 C 116 Rains; C 330
284 C 330 Red River
284 C 330 Refugio
284 C 330 Rusk
284 C 330 San Saba
284 C 330 Shelby
284 C 330 Smith
284 C 116 Titus; C 330
284 C 330 Trinity
284 C 330 Tyler
284 C 330 Upshur
284 C 330 Van Zandt
284 C 330 Walker
284 C 330 Waller
284 C 116 Washington; C 330
284 C 330 Williamson
284 C 330 Wise
284 C 330 Wood
Box 190
284 C 330 Young
285 Vetch
285 B 50 Trips & Meetings
285 B 55 General Information
285 C 46
285 C 222
287 Vermont
287 B 2 Contract Projects
287 B 9 Budget
287 B 12 Personnel
287 B 24 Facilities & Equipment
287 B 25 Photos, Slides
287 B 40 Claims & Reimbursements
287 B 50 Meetings & Tours
287 B 55 Informational Material
287 C 22 Sample Shipments
287 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
287 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
287 C 43 Dispatching & Routing
287 C 46 Freight Rates
287 C 122 Techniques for Reconditioning Plants
287 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer
287 C 187
287 C 300 Test Demonstrations
287 C 305 Reports of Demonstration
287 C 332
288 C 330 Addison
288 C 330 Bennington
288 C 330 Caledonia
288 C 330 Crittenden
288 C 330 Franklin
288 C 330 Orleans
288 C 330 Rutland
288 C 330 Washington
288 C 330 Windham
288 C 330 Windsor
289 B
289 B 2 Contract Projects
289 B 4
289 B 9 Budgets
289 B 12 Personnel
289 B 24 Facilities & Equipment
289 B 25 Pictures & Slides
289 B 33 Travel
289 B 40 Reimbursement
289 B 50 Meetings & Trips
289 B 55 Informational material
289 C 11
Box 191
289 C 16 (1)
289 C 16 (15)
289 C 16 (52)
289 C 22 Sample Shipments
289 C 37 Cooperatives Estimates of Plant Food
289 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
289 C 43 Routing & Dispatching
289 C 46 Freight Rates
289 C 119
289 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
289 C 187 Rate of Application
289 C 22
289 C 300 Test Demonstrations
289 C 305 Reports of Demonstrations
289 C 300 County Demonstrations
289 C 347 Demonstrations of Improved Ag Machinery
289 C 352
290 C 330 Cowlitz
290 C 330 Gray Harbor
290 C 330 Island
290 C 330 Kittitas
290 C 330 Lewis
290 C 330 Okanagan
290 C 330 Pend Oreille
290 C 16 91) Skagnite; C 330
290 C 330 Skamania
291 West Virginia
291 B 2
291 B 4 Watershed
291 B 8
291 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
291 B 25 Photos & Slides
291 B 50 Meetings & Tours
291 B 55 General Information
291 B 55 Informational material
291 C 11 Maps
291 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
291 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
291 C 116 Inventories
291 C 125
291 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
291 C 300 Test Demonstrations
291 C 305 Reports of Demonstrations
291 E 6
292 C 330
292 C 330 Barbour
292 C 330 Berkley
292 C 330 Monroe
292 C 330 Nicholas
292 C 330 Pocahontas
292 C 116 Preston; C 330
292 C 330 Putnam
292 C 330 Wetzel
293 Wisconsin Land Grant College
293 B Cooperative Contracts
293 B 2 Projects
293 B 4 Watershed
293 B 8 Procedures & Policy
293 B 9 Budget
293 B 12 Personnel
293 B 24 Supplies & Equipment
293 B 25 Photos , Slides & Movies
Box 192
293 B 40 Reimbursements & Claims
293 B 50 Trips & Meetings
293 B 55 Informational Material
293 C 11
293 C 22 Sample Shipments
293 C 37 Fertilizer Estimates
293 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
293 C 43 Routing & Dispatching
293 C 46 Rates & Routing
293 C 113 Storage
293 C 116 Mechanical Condition of Plant Food
293 C 183 Soil & Fertilizer Tests
293 C 187
293 C 192
293 C 222
293 C 234
293 C 235
293 C 300 Test Demonstration 1942-1947
Box 193
293 C 300 Test Demonstrations 1941
293 C 305 Reports
293 C 330 County Test Demonstrations
293 C 332
293 E Studies & Assistance to Farmers Coops
293 F 160 (6)
294 C 330 Demonstration in Wisconsin Counties
294 C 300 Adams
294 C 330 Barron
294 C 330 Columbia
294 C 116 Crawford; C 330
294 C 330 Dodge
294 C 339 Door
294 C 116 Douglas; C 330
294 C 330 Dunn
294 C 330 Eau Claire
294 C 330 Fon du Lac
294 C 330 Gaylor
294 C 330 Grant
294 C 330 Green
294 C 116 Green Lake, C330
294 C 330 Jackson
294 C 330 Juneau
294 C 116 Langlade; C 330
294 C 330 Lincoln
294 C 330 Maintowoc
294 C 116 Marguette; C 330
294 C 116 Monroe; C 330
294 C 116 Outagamie; C 330
294 C 330 Ozaukee
294 C 330 Pierce
294 C 330 Portage
294 C 116 Sauk; C 330
294 C 330 Shawnee
294 C 116 Sheboygan; C 330
294 C 330 Taylor
294 C 116 Trempealeau; C 330
294 C 330 Waupaca
294 C 116 Wood; C 330
295 B 55 General Informational Material
295 C 43 Routing & Dispatching
295 C 186
295 C 300
303 Alaska
303 C 353 Economy Thresher
309 Hiwaii
309 C 235 Pasture & Meadow Tests
311 Puerto Rico
311 C 119
311 C 186 Soil & Fertilizer
311 C 218 Experimental Plots
311 C 235 Pasture & Meadow
400 C 186 Controlled Soil & Fertilizer Tests (Germany)
405 Ireland
410 Great Britain 1944-4945
Box 194
410 Great Britain 1941-1943
410 B
410 (52)
410 C 16(1)
410 C 33
410 C 37
410 C 40
410 C 85 Non-Cooperators Orders part
Box 195
410 C 85 Non-Cooperators Orders cont.
410 C 119 Mechanical Condition of Plant Foods
410 C 141 Accounting for Funds
410 C 186 Controlled Soil & Fertilizer Tests
410 C 244 Soil Erosion
410 C 305 Reports of Demonstrations
411 England
411 C 40 Distribution of Fertilizer
412 India
413 British West Indies
415 Canada
415 C 330 Canada
416 New Zealand
417 Australia
419 Palestine
420 China
421 South Korea
425 Mexico
430 France
431 West Africa
432 South Africa
434 U.S.S.R
435 Egypt
440 Cuba
445 Holland
450 Spain
450 C 16 (52)
455 South America
460 Iceland
470 Chile
480 Greece
485 Belgium
490 Italy
497 Netherlands
498 Philippines
Additional Files Found Code does not match Country
415.2 Land Use
Box 196
415.21 Crop Data
415.3 Soil Erosion Control
416 Soil Conservation
420 Dams
420.1 Chickamauga
420.5 Guntersville
420.6 Norris
420.7 Pickwick
420.9 Wheeler
609.3 Tests, Research
633 Fertilizer Data
640 Machines, Machinery
Watershed Inventory
Box Oversize 197
Wheat Study Area Map
Farm Bureau Form, NC
Drawing -Chart