RG 156 - Office of Chief of Ordnance, Assorted Files - Augusta Ordnance Depot
For questions regarding these records, please contact us at (770) 968-2100 or atlanta.archives@nara.gov
Assorted Arsenal Files, 1942-1955
National Archives Identifier 7116381
This series contains assorted records from the Augusta Arsenal in Augusta, Georgia: general orders, regulations, standard operating procedures, newsletters, memoranda, weekly directives, circulars, organization manuals, technical instructions, plans, journals, operational diaries, historical records, photographs, maps, charts, death and interment records, staff meeting notes, and newspaper clippings. Records in this series concern subjects related to administration, personnel, ordnance production, World War II, air raid planning, weapons stock and supply, and buildings on the installation. The photographs in this series concern subjects related to women workers, African American workers, medal ceremonies for soldiers, ordnance manufacture, baseball games, the Arsenal bowling team, rifle range practice, buildings, mess halls and cafeterias, and weapons manufacture.
Box 1
General Orders, Post Regulations, Standard Operating Procedures, “Salute Newsletter”
Box 2
“Salute Newsletter”, Memos to Chiefs of Division, Interoffice Memos
Box 3
Interoffice Memos, Unnumbered Memos, Numbered Memos, Memorandum, Weekly Directives
Box 4
Weekly Directives, Circulars, Civilian Personnel Circulars, Organization Manuals
Box 5
Technical Instructions, Air Raid Warning Plan, C.B.R. Plans, Miscellaneous Journal Items
Box 6
Miscellaneous Journal Items, Journals, Diaries
Box 7
Box 8
Diaries, Historical Records of Ordnance Buildings (incl. 1827-1916)
Box 9
Historical Records of Ordnance Buildings, Photographs
Box 10
Photographs, Publicity – Army Week, Functional Chart – Public Relations, Miscellaneous Letters, History
Box 11
History, Permanent Documentary, History Notes, Historical Data
Box 12
Historical Data and Files, History of Augusta Arsenal Documentary, Historical Notes
Box 13
Historical Notes, Miscellaneous History
Box 14
Charts and maps, Stork Club (Births), Medical Activities, Deaths and Burials, Field Service Orders, Copies of Old Documents, Visitors and Inspectors Documentary
Box 15
Notes on Staff Meetings, Newspaper Clippings
Box 16
Newspaper Clippings
Box 17
Spartanburg, S.C; Hyde Park, N.Y; Buffalo, N.Y; Red River Arsenal, Texarkana, TX Files