National Archives at Atlanta

RG 156 - Office of Chief of Ordnance, Historical Files - Charleston Ordnance Depot

For questions regarding these records, please contact us at (770) 968-2100 or

Historial Files, 1942-1953

National Archives Identifier 7077665
This series consists of bulletins, memoranda, general orders, historical reports, newspaper clippings, organization charts, manuals, standard operating procedures, reports, and maps from the Charleston Ordnance Depot in Charleston, South Carolina. Records in this series concern subjects related to depot activities, administrative actions, ordnance demilitarization and destruction, hand grenades, explosive ammunition, and explosive chemicals.

Box 9: SOPs 1948-1951

Folder 1: SOPs 1-48 to 10-48

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 1-48 for Demilitarization of Bomb

- See Box 6 Folder 12

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-48 for Acidifying Water at Liberty Hall

- See Box 6 Folder 13

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 3-48 for Demilitarization of Bomb

- See Box 6 Folder 14

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 6-48 for Demilitarization of 105mm Howitzers ammunition

- See Box 6 Folder 16

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-48 for Loading, Segregation, and Restorage of Ammunition

- See Box 6 Folder 17

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 8-48 for Burning Small Arms Ammunition

- See Box 6 Folder 18

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 9-48 for Loading, Segregation, and Restorage of Ammunition

- See Box 6 Folder 19

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 10-48 for Inspection and Modification of  Rocket Motor

- See Box 6 Folder 20


Folder 2: SOPs 12-48 to 23-48

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 12-48 for Segregation of Fuzes by Lot

- See Box 6 Folder 22

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 13-48 for Segregation of Fuzes by Lot

- See Box 6 Folder 23

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 14-48 for Inspection of 75mm Howitzer ammunition

- See Box 6 Folder 24

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 17-48 for Renovation and Demilitarization

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 18-48 for Inspection of Bombs

- See Box 6 Folder 27

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 19-48 for Loading Rocket Motors

- See Box 6 Folder 28

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 20-48 for Loading Rocket Motors

- See Box 6 Folder 29

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 21-48 for Unloading and Storing Metal container

- See Box 6 Folder 30

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 23-48 for Removing Small Arms from Storage

- See Box 6 Folder 31


Folder 3: SOPs 2-49 to 12-49, 1949

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-49 for Ammunition Packed in Wooden Boxes

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 3-49 for Demilitarization of Fuze

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 4-49 for Removing Fuzes

- See Box 6 Folders 33 and 35

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-49 for Supply, Use, Preparation and Distribution of Ammunition Tally

- See Box 6 Folder 37

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 9-49 for Demilitarization of Bomb

- See Box 6 Folder 39

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 10-49 for Shipping Bombs and Receiving Boxed TNT

- See Box 6 Folder 40

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 11-49 for Demilitarization of 75mm Howitzer ammunition

- See Box 6 Folder 41

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 12-49 for Burning Grounds

- See Box 6 Folder 42


Folder 4: SOPs 1-50 to 12-50, 1950

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 1-50 for Shipments of Ammunition

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-50 for Assembly of Fuze

- See Box 7 Folder 1

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 3-50 for Removing 105mm Ammunition in Category and Return to Storage

- See Box 7 Folder 1

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 6-50 for Renovation of 105mm Howitzer ammunition

- See Box 7 Folder 1

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 9-50 for Renovation of 75mm Howitzers ammunition

- See Box 7 Folders 2-3

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 12-50 for Standing Operating Procedure for Handling of Explosives and Ammunition


Folder 5: Change to SOP 2-51, Emergency Plan Map, 1951

▪ Office Memoranda about change to SOP 2-51

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-51 for Renovation of 60mm Mortar ammunition

- See Box 7 Folder 4

▪ Emergency Plan Area Map of Charleston Ordnance District


Folder 6: Changes to SOPs 4-51 and 5-51, Depot General Area Map (1943), 1951

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 4-51 for Renovation of 81mm Mortar ammunition

-See Box 7 Folder 5

▪ Memoranda to change SOP 5-51

▪ Depot General Area Map, 1943


Folder 7: Changes to SOPs 5-51, 6-51, 7-51, 11-51, 13-51

▪ Standing Operating Procedure No. 5-51 for Washout of Loaded Projectiles

▪ Standing Operating Procedure No. 6-51 for Demilitarization of Grenade

- See Box 7 Folder 5

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-51 for Renovation of 105mm Howitzers ammunition

- See Box 7 Folder 6 and 7

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 11-51 for 81mm Mortars ammunition

- See Box 8 Folder 1

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 13-51 for Burning Grounds

- See Box 8 Folder 3

Box 10: SOPs, Maps and Drawings 1942-1952

Folder 1: Changes to SOP 13-51, 1951

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 13-51 for Burning Grounds


Folder 2: SOP 1-52, 1952

▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 1-52 for Renovation 75mm Gun ammunition

-See Box 8 Folder 4


Folder 3: Layout of 105mm Breakdown Line, Buildings R-23, R-22, and R-25

▪ Two maps/diagrams


Folder 4: Ammunition Depot and Back Up Storage, 1942

▪ Two General Maps


Folder 5: Magazine Area, Liberty Hall

▪ Two Maps


Folder 6: Ammunition Depot and Back-up Storage, General Area Map-Production Plant

▪ Three Ammunition Depot and Back-up Storage General Plan Maps

▪ General Area Map- Production Plant, 1943


Folder 7: Segregation Point at Ammunition Dock, 1948

▪ Map of Segregation Point

  • Box 8: SOPs, Flow Charts 1946-1952

    Folder 1: SOPs 8-51  thru 12-51 (part 1), 1951

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 8-51 for Repacking of Fuze

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 9-51 for Shipment of Components to and from Renovation Plant

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 10-51 for Unloading and Storing of Bombs

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 11-51 for 81mm Mortar ammunition

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 12-51 for Renovation of 90mm Gun ammunition


    Folder 2: SOP 12-51 (part 2), 1951

    ▪ See Folder 1 for SOP details


    Folder 3: SOPs 13-51 and 14-51, 1951

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 13-51 for Burning Grounds

    - Old Burning Ground Procedures

    - Office Memorandum requesting changes

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 14-51 for Normal Maintenance for some guns


    Folder 4: SOPs 1-52 and 2-52, 1952

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 1-52 for Renovation of 75mm Gun ammunition

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-52 for Segregation of Fuze


    Folder 5: Flow Charts for 75mm Gun- Building R-36

    ▪ Line Layout and Flow of Ammunition

    ▪ 6 flow charts


    Folder 6: SOPs 3-52 and 7-52, 1952

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 3-52 for Inspection, Repacking, and Remarking of Arming Wire Assemblies

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-52 for Shipping HE Bombs


    Folder 7: Typical Procedure for Renovation (Phase II) 105mm Howitzer, 1950


    Folder 8: Shut-down and Decontamination Procedures for FDAP Facilities, 1946


    Folder 9: SOP 12-49, 1950

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure for Burning Grounds


    Folder 10: SOPs 1-47 to 15-47

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 1-47 for Demilitarization of Grenade, Hand, Frag, MK II

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-47 for Demilitarization of 105 mm Howitzer ammunition

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 6-47 for Demilitarization of 75mm Howitzer ammunition

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-47 for Identification of Pipe Lines by Paint Marking

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 8-47 for Determination of TNT Setting Points

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 9-47 for Removing Tail Pate and Washing Out Bomb

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 10-47 for Special TNT Setting Point Determinations

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 14-47 for Inspection of Grenade

    ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No.15-47 for Disposal of Ammunition by Dumping at Sea

    • Box 1: Memoranda, Bulletins, General Order 1939-1950

      Folder 1: Report on the Feasibility of Combining the Charleston Ordnance Depot, the sub-depot back up storage, Liberty Hall, and the Charleston Naval Ammunition Department, 1947

      ▪ Physical Characteristics of Charleston Ordnance Depot

      ▪ Number of Magazines in the Area

      ▪ Map of Charleston Ordnance Depot Area

      ▪ Charleston Ordnance Depot Payroll Costs, personnel breakdown, operating equipment, Ammunition Storage Occupancy Report


      Folder 2: Feasibility Report Continued:

      ▪ U.S. Naval Ammunition Depot

      - Ammunition Storage Report

      - Operating Equipment and Major Operating Equipment

      - Payroll Costs

      - Physical Properties

      - Map of US Naval Ammunition Depot


      Folder 3: Office Memoranda and General Orders, 1945

      ▪ Listing of workdays and holidays for employees

      ▪ Accumulated leave policy

      ▪ Request for Labor and Transportation Policies

      ▪ Each division must keep a record of all activities, a list of all employees, attend a weekly meeting with the Commanding Officer

      ▪ Assumption of command


      Folder 4: Weekly Bulletins, 1949-1950

      ▪ Duty Rosters

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies


      Folder 5: Weekly Bulletins, 1951

      ▪ Duty Rosters

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies


      Folder 6: Weekly Bulletins, 1952

      ▪ Duty Rosters

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies


      Folder 7: General Orders, January-September 1943

      ▪ Safety Committee members

      ▪ List of Senior Air Raid Wardens

      ▪ Division Activity Reports must be submitted weekly

      ▪ Efficiency Rating Committee Members

      ▪ Safety Committee Members

      - Fire procedures

      ▪ Time and Place for Pay Distribution

      ▪ War Department Beneficial Association

      - Life insurance

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, etc.


      Folder 8: General Orders, July- December 1942

      ▪ Security Clearances

      ▪ Signing of the Espionage Act

      ▪ Residence Inspections

      ▪ Charleston Ordnance Depot Regulations

      ▪ Guard Regulations

      ▪ Articles of War

      ▪ Air Raid Preparation and Procedure

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, etc.


      Folder 9: General Orders, January-July 1942

      ▪ Fire Regulations for Production Plant

      Gasoline Rationing

      ▪ Instructions for Officer of the Day

      ▪ Air Raid Instructions—special for Auxiliary Firefighting Units

      ▪ Security Clearance

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, etc.


      Folder 10: General Orders, February 1940-December 1941

      ▪ Security Authorizations

      ▪ Fire Prevention Inspections

      ▪ Depot Guard Persons and Policies

      ▪ Depot Transportation

      ▪ All male employees must register for Selective Services

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, etc.


      Folder 11: General Orders, January 1938-December 1939

      ▪ Renovation Plant Hours

      ▪ Epidemic of Infantile Paralysis (June 1939)

      ▪ Charleston Ordnance Depot Regulations

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Box 2: General Orders, Memoranda, 1932-1950

      Folder 1: General Orders, 1932-1937

      ▪ Safety Division Established

      ▪ Appointment of a Recreation Officer

      ▪ Efficiency Board Established

      ▪ Fire Prevention Inspection

      ▪ Inspections of the Renovation Plant and storage

      Designated Quarters for Colored Employees

      ▪ Receiving Telegrams

      ▪ Charleston Ordnance Depot General Orders

      ▪ Motor Vehicle Policy

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 2: Administrative Memoranda, 1942-1943

      ▪ Method of expressing date in communications

      ▪ Operating Plan for Depot Property Section


      Folder 3: General Orders, 1949-1950

      ▪ Holiday Leave Dates


      Folder 4: General Orders, 1946

      ▪ Guard Orders

      - Segregation Area at Ordnance Ammunition Dock

      - Orders for Liberty Hall

      ▪ Fire Orders


      Folder 5: General Orders, 1947

      ▪ Establishment of Explosives Job Safety Training

      ▪ Safety Organization

      ▪ Instructions to Ammunition Inspectors Assigned to Demilitarization Projects

      ▪ Organization Chart of the Charleston Ordnance Depot

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 6: General Orders, 1948

      ▪ Hunting and Fishing Prohibited

      ▪ Smoking and Eating while Wearing Contaminated Clothing

      ▪ Wage and Salary Administration Policy

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 7: General Orders, 1951

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 8: General Orders, 1952

      ▪ Table of Distribution Unit

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 9: General Orders, 1953

      ▪ Assumption of Command


      Folder 10: Numbered Depot Memoranda, 1941-1943

      ▪ Use of government owned rail equipment

      ▪ Absence/leave Policies

      ▪ Protection of Pregnant Women Employees

      ▪ Social Security Numbers for Civilian Employees

      ▪ Efficiency Rating Appeals Procedure

      ▪ Housing for occupancy by Depot Employees

      ▪ Transportation Schedule

      ▪ Cards for keeping Alphabetical Lists of employees

      ▪ Gasoline and Tire Rationing

      ▪ Handling Shipments of Ammunition Components

      ▪ Safeguarding Military Information

      ▪ Engineering Defense Training

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 11: Numbered Depot Memoranda, 1945

      ▪ Employee Grievance Procedure

      ▪ Duty Rosters

      ▪ Civilian Savings Bond Program

      Folder 12: Numbered Depot Memoranda, 1948

      ▪ Medical Service

      ▪ Lost Badges

      ▪ Injured’s “Bill of Rights”

      ▪ Policy on Tie Breaking Factors for Reduction in Force

      ▪ Standard of Performance for Civilian Positions

      ▪ Retirement

      ▪ Within-Grade Changes

      ▪ Efficiency Ratings

      ▪ Employee Groups or Organizations

      ▪ Voting Policy

      ▪ Employees Suggestions Program

      ▪ Employee Relations Policy

      ▪ Civilian Training Policy

      ▪ Civilian Personnel Policy

      ▪ SOP for Coin Operated Machines

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 13: Unnumbered Depot Memoranda, 1946

      ▪ Procedure for Reduction in Force Action

      ▪ Policy as to the Return of Furloughed Employees

      ▪ Conservation of coal, heat, manufactured gas, and electricity

      ▪ Reorganization of the Charleston Ordnance Depot

      ▪ Salary and Wage Administration Policy

      Vacancies in colored housing

      ▪ Hospitalization of Military Dependents

      ▪ Schedule of Command Inspection

      ▪ Transporting Work Personnel

      ▪ Summary of Staff Conference

      ▪ Civilian Training Policy

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 14: Unnumbered Depot Memoranda, 1947

      ▪ Max X-Ray Survey

      ▪ Contribution to Army Emergency Relief

      ▪ Duty Officer Roster

      ▪ Election of Welfare Council

      ▪ Foreman’s Daily Time and Distribution Report

      ▪ Handling of Used Pipe Fittings and Equipment

      ▪ New address of the Depot

      ▪ Changes in terminology and procedures

      ▪ Ordnance Department is 135 years old (May 14, 1947)

      - Six major wars

      - Finest weapons in world

      - Now moving on to research and development programs

      ▪ Vaccination of civilian employees

      ▪ Opening of Headquarters Third Army, Atlanta, GA (March 15, 1947)

      ▪ Examination Announcements

      ▪ Orders for Officer of the Day

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 15: Unnumbered Depot Memoranda, 1948

      ▪ Support of the Military Establishment

      ▪ Organizations considered by the Attorney General to have interests in conflict with those of the United States

      ▪ School Transportation

      ▪ Training in preparation of correspondence

      ▪ Administrative pay increase for Ungraded Employees

      ▪ Daily Activities Report

      ▪ Committee Meetings

      ▪ Officer of the Day Roster

      ▪ Bond Purchasing

      ▪ Discontinuance of the Demilitarization Program

      ▪ Movement of Ammunition or Explosive Components

      ▪ Emergency Medical Aid▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 16: Unnumbered Depot Memoranda, 1949-1950

      ▪ Official Performance Ratings

      ▪ Sessions in Performance Appraisal Program

      ▪ Sessions in Development and Responsibilities of Supervisors

      ▪ Complaints

      ▪ Designation of Ordnance Corps

      ▪ Storage Division contacts

      ▪ Handling of Correspondence

      ▪ Annual election of the Civilian Welfare Council

      ▪ Sessions in Loading and Blocking of Cars or Vans of Ammunition

      ▪ Reduction in Force

      ▪ Training in the Administration of Military Justice

      Box 3: Memoranda, Bulletins, Photos, Reports, 1946-1952

      Folder 1: Unnumbered Depot Memoranda, 1952

      ▪ Change to Correspondence Manual

      ▪ Ordnance Corps Manual

      ▪ Sessions in Development of Supervisors

      ▪ 1952 Red Feather Campaign

      ▪ Supervisor Training in Performance Appraisal Program

      ▪ Auxiliary Firefighter Training

      ▪ Turn-in of Salvage

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 2: Unnumbered Depot Memoranda, 1952

      ▪ Demolition Activity

      ▪ Fire Prevention Inspection

      ▪ Political Activity Commonly Asked Questions

      ▪ Provisions of the Revenue Act of 1951

      ▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.


      Folder 3: Historical Report and Demilitarization Project, 1946-1948

      ▪ Functions of the Historical Section

      ▪ Charleston Ordnance Depot’s role in demilitarization


      Folder 4: Historical Summary, 1951

      ▪ Fulfill mission as a reserve depot

      ▪ Renovation of ammunition


      Folder 5: Historical Summary, January-June 1952

      ▪ Renovation of ammunition along with normal duties

      ▪ Reduction of Force


      Folder 6: Historical Summary, July-December 1952

      ▪ Charleston Ordnance Depot redesignated as a class II installation under the Charleston Transportation Corps (July 1952)

      ▪ Phasing out program immediately set up

      ▪ When ammunition renovation was done, dismantling of machinery and equipment, moved to storage


      Folder 7: Standard Operating Procedures, 1946-1948

      ▪ SOP for Training in Fork Lift Operation

      ▪ SOP for Firing of Pistol

      ▪ SOP for Demilitarization of 105MM C/R

      ▪ SOP for Demilitarization of Grenade, Hand, Frag., MK II

      ▪ Production plant area diagram

      ▪ SOP for 5’’ Rocket Motors

      ▪ SOP for Wage and Salary Administration

      ▪ SOP for Placement and Promotion

      ▪ SOP for Inspection of 75-mm, 81-mm, and 105mm bundle pack ammunition

      ▪ SOP for Long Time Storage of Condition 6 Ammunition

      ▪ SOP for Government Vehicle Accident

      ▪ SOP for Medical Service

      ▪ SOP for Receipt and Distribution of Intra-Office Mail


      Folder 8: Hand Grenade Disassembly Line Layout, 1947

      ▪ Drawn Diagrams


      Folder 9: History of ARO No. 100- Demilitarization of Ammunition

      ▪ FIRST large scale effort to demilitarize ammunition following WWII

      ▪ New methods of reclaiming and salvaging commercially valuable material from the ammunition

      ▪ Began June 1947 completed March 1948

      ▪ List of ammunition

      Map of Charleston Ordnance District Buildings


      Folder 10: History of ARO No. 100- Demilitarization of Ammunition

      25 Photographs from construction to the end of the project


      Folder 11: History of ARO No. 100- Demilitarization of Ammunition

      ▪ Cost Analysis and Breakdown

      ▪ Grenade Operations, Drawings and SOP

      ▪ 105 MM Operations, Drawings and SOP

      ▪ 100lb Bomb Operations, Drawings and SOP

      ▪ Composition B Operations (2000lb Bomb), Drawings and SOP


      Folder 12: Semi-Weekly Bulletins, 1946

      ▪ Duty Officer Rosters

      ▪ Civil Service Announcements of Position Vacancies

      ▪ Overseas Position Vacancies

      ▪ Civil Service Examination

      ▪ Employee Right to Appeal

      ▪ National Service Life Insurance

      ▪ Memorandum from Commanding Officer to all Employees

      ▪ Safety Rules

      ▪ Medical Services


      Folder 13: Semi-Weekly Bulletins, 1947

      ▪ Chest X-Rays

      ▪ Duty Officer Rosters

      ▪ Army Emergency Relief and Army Relief Society

      ▪ Individual Employment Record Cards

      ▪ Examination for Explosive Operator and Munitions Handler

      ▪ Civil Service Examination Announcements


      Folder 14: Local Emergency Plan, August 24, 1949

      ▪ Air Raid Warning System Plan

      ▪ Explosion Plan

      ▪ Emergency Plan data

      ▪ Hurricane Plan

      ▪ Fire Plan

      ▪ Personnel Evacuation

      Box 4: SOPs, Org Charts, Reports 1945-1952

      Folder 1: Standard Operating Procedures, 1951

      ▪ Functions and Responsibilities of Safety and Security Division

      ▪ Administrative Branch, Mail and Records Section

      ▪ Preparation of Foreman’s Daily Time and Distribution Report

      ▪ Records Administration Program

      ▪ Intra-Depot Supply


      Folder 2: Standard Operating Procedures, 1952

      ▪ Records Administration Program

      ▪ Distribution and Supply of Publications and Blank Forms


      Folder 3: Org Charts, 1949

      ▪ Chart of each Division

      ▪ Breakdown of division responsibilities


      Folder 4: Org Charts, February 1951

      ▪ Recapitulation of Personnel Authorization and  Strength

      ▪ Chart of each Division

      ▪ Breakdown of division responsibilities

      ▪ Distribution List


      Folder 5: Org Charts, September 1951

      ▪ Recapitulation of Personnel Authorization and Strength

      ▪ Chart of each Division

      ▪ Breakdown of division responsibilities

      ▪ Distribution List


      Folder 6: Org Charts, 1950-1952

      ▪ Chart of each Division

      ▪ Breakdown of division responsibilities


      Folder 7: Field Service Plan for Readjustment and Demobilization, Period III, 1945

      ▪ Book IV, Part II—Field Service Establishments

      ▪ Plan is to determine Field Service Installations for retention and establish missions

      ▪ Provide housing and training facilities for postwar active Army in the US

      ▪ Proposed Missions of Ordnances


      Folder 8: Demilitarization of Frag Bombs, 1949


      Folder 9: Rocket Motors and Fins, 1946


      Folder 10: Reports for Comparison Productions vs. Manhours, 1952


      Folder 11: Completion Report of 90 mm Ammunition, 1950


      Folder 12: Report on Demilitarization of 75mm Ammunition, 1949


      Folder 13: Completion Report of 105mm Renovation Program, 1951


      Folder 14: Completion Report of 90mm Renovation Program, 1952

      Box 5: Scrapbook, SOPs 1946-1952

      Folder 1: Record of Events, April-August 1951

      ▪ Handwritten Record of events at Charleston Ordnance District


      Folder 2 and 3: Scrapbook

      ▪ Newspaper Clippings


      Folder 4: 105mm Category Breakdown


      Folder 5: Standard Operating Procedure for 105mm Howitzer, 1951


      Folder 6: Register of Standard Operating Procedures, 1947-1951


      Folder 7: Decontamination Procedures for Buildings, 1948


      Folder 8: Standard Operating Procedure for GP Bombs, 1946


      Folder 9: Renovation of 105mm Shell


      Folder 10: Demilitarization of Hand Grenade, 1947


      Folder 11: Standard Operating Procedures for Demilitarization of 105mm, 1947-1948


      Folder 12: Standard Operating Procedure of 105mm Canister, 1947


      Folder 13: Demilitarization of ammunition 1947


      Folder 14: Demilitarization of 75mm ammunition, 1947


      Folder 15: Demilitarization of 75mm Howitzer ammunition, 1948

      Box 6: SOPs 1947-1949

      Folder 1: Identification of Pipe Lines by Paint Markings, 1947


      Folder 2: Determination of TNT Setting Points, 1947


      Folder 3: Standard Operating Procedure No. 9, Base Plate Removal and Washout of Bombs


      Folder 4: Standard Operating Procedure No. 10, Special TNT Setting Point Determinations, 1947


      Folder 5: Standard Operating Procedure No. 11, Demilitarization of 75mm Gun ammunition, 1947


      Folder 6: Standard Operating Procedure No. 12, Demilitarization of 75mm Gun ammunition, 1947


      Folder 7: Standard Operating Procedure No. 13, Demilitarization of 75mm Gun ammunition, 1947


      Folder 8: Standard Operating Procedure No. 14, Inspection of Grenade, 1947


      Folder 9: Standard Operating Procedure No. 15, Disposal of Ammunition by Dumping at Sea, 1947


      Folder 10: Standard Operating Procedure No. 16, Demilitarization of 75mm Gun ammunition, 1947


      Folder 11: Standard Operating Procedure No. 17, Demilitarization of 90mm Gun ammunition


      Folder 12: Standard Operating Procedure No. 1-48, Demilitarization of Bomb, 1948


      Folder 13: Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-48, Acidifying Water at Liberty Hall 1948


      Folder 14: Standard Operating Procedure No. 3-48, Demilitarization of Bomb, 1948


      Folder 15: Standard Operating Procedure No. 4-48, Demilitarization of Bomb, 1948


      Folder 16: Standard Operating Procedure No.6-48, Demilitarization of 105mm Howitzer


      Folder 17: Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-48, Loading, Segregation, and Restorage Ammunition, 1948


      Folder 18: Standard Operating Procedure No. 8-48, Burning Small Arms Ammunition 1948


      Folder 19: Standard Operating Procedure No. 9-48, Loading, Segregation, and Restorage of Ammunition, 1948


      Folder 20: Standard Operating Procedure No. 10-48, Inspection and Reconditioning of Rocket Motors, 1948


      Folder 21: Standard Operating Procedure No. 11-48, Segregation of Fuze and Boosters, 1948


      Folder 22: Standard Operating Procedure No. 12-48, Segregation of Fuzes by Lot, 1948


      Folder 23: Standard Operating Procedure No. 13-48, Segregation of Fuzes by Lot (R-32), 1948


      Folder 24: Standard Operating Procedure No. 14-48, Inspection of 75mm ammunition, 1948


      Folder 25: Standard Operating Procedure No. 15-48, Repacking, 1948


      Folder 26: Standard Operating Procedure No. 16-48, Maintenance and Repacking of Mines, 1948


      Folder 27: Standard Operating Procedure No. 18-48, Inspection of Bombs, 1948


      Folder 28: Standard Operating Procedure No. 19-48, Loading Rocket Motors, 1948


      Folder 29: Standard Operating Procedure No. 20-48, Unloading Rocket Motors, 1948


      Folder 30: Standard Operating Procedure No. 21-48, Unloading and Storing Metal Container, 1948


      Folder 31: Standard Operating Procedure No. 23-48, Removing Small Arms from Storage, 1948


      Folder 32: Standard Operating Procedure No. 1-49, Normal Maintenance of 75mm Gun ammunition, 1949


      Folder 33 and 35: Standard Operating Procedure No. 4-49, Removing Fuzes from Storage, 1949


      Folder 34: Standard Operating Procedure No. 5-49, Shipments of Suspended Ammunition, 1949


      Folder 36: Standard Operating Procedure No. 6-49, Removal from Storage and Return to Storage of 250lb Bombs, 1949


      Folder 37: Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-49, Supply, Use, Preparation, and Distribution of Ammunition Tally


      Folder 38: Standard Operating Procedure No. 8-49, Demilitarization of bombs


      Folder 39: Standard Operating Procedure No. 9-49, Demilitarization of Bomb, 1949


      Folder 40: Standard Operating Procedure No. 10-49, Shipping Bombs, and Receiving Boxed TNT, 1949


      Folder 41: Standard Operating Procedure No. 11-49, Demilitarization of 75mm Howitzer ammunition, 1949


      Folder 42: Standard Operating Procedure No. 12-49, Burning Grounds, 1949


      Box 7: SOPs 1950-1951

      Folder 1: SOPs 2-50 thru 7-50

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-50 for Assembly of Fuze

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 3-50 for Removing from Storage, Segregating  Ammunition

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 4-50 for Cleaning and Disinfecting Respirators

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 5-50 for Inspection from Modification of 90mm

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 6-50 for Renovation of Shell

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-50 for Inspection and Renovation of Grenade Projection


      Folder 2: SOP 9-50, 1950 (Folder 1 of 2)

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 9-50 for Renovation of 75mm Howitzers ammunition


      Folder 3: SOP 9-50, 1950 (Folder 2 of 2)

      ▪ See Folder 2 for SOP details

      ▪ Changes made to SOP


      Folder 4: SOPs 1-51 thru 2-51, 1951

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 1-51 for Preparation of Grenades for Dumping at Sea

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 2-51 for Renovation of 60mm Mortars ammunition


      Folder 5: SOPs 4-51 thru 6-51, 1951

      ▪ Standing Operating Procedure No. 4-51 for Renovation of 81mm Mortar ammunition

      ▪ Standing Operating Procedure No. 5-51 for Washout of Loaded Projectiles

      ▪ Standing Operating Procedure No. 6-51 for Demilitarization of Grenade


      Folder 6: SOP 7-51, 1951 (Folder 1 of 2)

      ▪ Standard Operating Procedure No. 7-51 for Renovation of 105mm Howitzers ammunition


      Folder 7: SOP 7-51, 1951 (Folder 2 of 2)

      ▪ See Folder 6 for SOP details

