RG 156 - Office of Chief of Ordnance, Records of the Volunteer Ordnance Works - Chattanooga, Tennessee
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Records of the Volunteer Ordnance Works, 1942-1945
National Archives Identifier 6851117
This series consists of historical records, personnel bulletins, memoranda, policies and procedures, meeting minutes, and program files of the Volunteer Ordnance Works in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The historical records include information related to several topics: construction and operation contracts, plant production and operation, administrative problems, and labor. These records also contain charts and graphs depicting production statistics, as well as aerial photographs of the installation.
Box 1: Historical Files, 1942- 1945
ALL: Record of the activities of contracting, financing, and executing the massive TNT production effort—contracts, construction, labor, problems, production amounts, administration, inspection, safety record, health and sanitation
Folder 1: Historical Record, December 1942
▪ Volunteer Ordnance Works approved in June 1941 as a TNT producer
▪ Chosen for its ample TVA water source, inland protection, and transportation setup
▪ Government contracts
▪ First TNT is produced in July 1942
Folder 2: Historical Record (Appendix), December 1942
▪ Map of Ordnance
▪ Photographs- general view of area, acid and TNT Area, magazine area, administration area
▪ Field Progress Reports
▪ Organization Charts
▪ Organization Explanations
▪ General memoranda concerning policies
Folder 3: Historical Record, January-March 1943
▪ Cost statements
▪ Field Progress Reports
Folder 4: Historical Record, April-June 1943
▪ Formal termination of construction on the plant—completed project
▪ Cost statements
▪ Field Progress Reports
▪ TNT Production Graphs
Folder 5: Historical Record, July-September 1943
▪ Commanding Officer wanted to strengthen perception of Ordnance Plant by inviting them to be informed about the importance of plant through radio broadcasts
▪ Salvage Operations began
▪ TNT Production Graphs
▪ Cost statements
Folder 6: Historical Record, October-December 1943
▪ Cost statements
Folder 7: Historical Record, January-March 1944
▪ Personnel decreases beginning to take place
▪ Organization Charts
▪ TNT Process Chart
▪ Materials Flow Sheet
Folder 8: Historical Record, April-June 1944
▪ TNT exposure questions
Folder 9: Historical Record, July-September 1944
Folder 10: Historical Record, October-December 1944
▪ General disrepair is being attended to as the plant continues to operate
Folder 11: Historical Record, January-March 1945
▪ Job Training Program began
▪ Expenditure Orders
▪ Statement of Material Consumption
▪ Summary of Personnel Cost
Folder 12: Historical Record, April-June 1945
▪ Expenditure Orders
▪ Statement of Material Consumption
▪ Beginning Negotiations for Contract Termination
Box 2: Records, 1946-1950
Folder 1: Personnel Bulletins, 1949-1950
▪ March of Dimes and Community Chest Donations
Folder 2: General Memos, 1949-1950
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
▪ Toxicity of TNT by-products
Folder 3: General Bulletins, 1949-1950
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
▪ War Claims Act 1948
▪ March of Dimes Donations
Folder 4: Personnel Bulletins, 1946-1948
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
▪ Procedure for applying for federal employment after war services jobs are terminated
▪ Civil Service Examinations
Folder 5: Safety and Protective Division Bulletins, 1947
▪ Accident Rates
▪ Vehicular Fires
▪ Catwalk Safety
Folder 6: Safety and Protective Division Bulletins, 1946-1948
▪ Smoking
▪ Motor Vehicle Procedures
▪ Occupational Injuries
▪ Fire Drills
▪ Safety Meetings
Folder 7: Personnel Memoranda, 1946-1950
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
▪ Organizations considered by the Attorney General to have interests in conflict with those of the United States
▪ March of Dimes Donations
Folder 8: Office MGMT Group Memos, 1946-1948
▪ Operation of Service Station
▪ Property and Supply Procedures
▪ Preparation and Assembly of Correspondence
▪ Operating Cost Codes
Folder 9: General Memos, 1947-1948
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
▪ Hunting Area Map
▪ Badges and Passes Policies
Folder 10: History
▪ Plant Data Book
Box 3: Records, 1946-1950
Folder 1: Meetings, Conferences, 1949-1950
▪ Accident Prevention Conference
▪ Suggested Conference to discuss soil erosion and other repairs and utilities problems
▪ Property and Fiscal Officers Conference
▪ Meetings of Property and Fiscal Officers
▪ Operating Plan and Repairs and Utilities Maintenance Program for Standby Industrial Installations
▪ Maintenance at Volunteer Ordnance Works
Folder 2: Procedures and Policies
▪ Phase I Industrial Mobilization Planning Study
▪ Standing Operating Procedures for TNT
- Each division has an SOP
- Layout plan for conveyer set up, loading truck, common carrier
▪ Review of Management Control Functions
- Organization charts
▪ Mobilization and Familiarization Exercise
▪ Mobilization Plan
- Changes to plan
▪ Guides for Rehabilitation of Inactive Facilities for Mobilization
▪ Master Planning
▪ Repackaging of Mortar Increments Diagram (2)
▪ Standard Operating Procedure for Burning Ground
▪ Progress Map
▪ Repairs and Utilities Operating Policy
Folder 3: Staff Meetings, December 1949-December 1950
▪ Minutes of Meetings
Folder 4: Safety and Protective Division Memos, 1949
▪ Fire Extinguishers
Folder 5: Personnel Memos, 1949-1950
▪ Limitation on personnel activities
▪ Granting of Annual Leave
▪ Abuse of Sick Leave
▪ Employee Grievance Policy
▪ Administrative Work Week and Regulations
▪ Blood Donations
▪ Employee Utilization Program
▪ Salary and Wage Administration Policy
▪ Training Policy
▪ Civilian Personnel Policy
▪ Clearance of Employees leaving Volunteer Ordnance Works