“Civics for All of US” Teacher Workshop—The Civilian Conservation Corps: Civics at Work
National Archives Museum
Join the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum for this online teacher workshop that will provide resources for exploring how the development of a government "safety net" to protect Americans devastated by the Great Depression affected civic life. The Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) is a great example to use in teaching about how the government responds to crises. By creating opportunities for unemployed young men, the CCC was an innovation in government and a model for future government programs benefiting families, cities, and rural communities.
This program is a part of Civics for All of US, the national civic education initiative from the National Archives. Our interactive teacher workshops draw upon the vast holdings of the National Archives to promote the knowledge, skills, and dispositions students need for civic engagement in the 21st century. Each program is led by one of our educators located at National Archives sites, the Center for Legislative Archives, and Presidential Libraries across the country. Visit civics.archives.gov for more information.

All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.