For The People: Making Government Better
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library
Independence, MO
Featuring Robin Carnahan and Kurt Graham
THE YEAR IS 1947. President Truman’s number one job is creating order out of chaos in a war-torn world. The result? The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO and United Nations—all celebrated pillars of a legacy that continues to serve our nation and the world.
At home, government agencies were struggling to dispose of surplus goods from the global war, preserve historic records, maintain federal facilities and acquire strategic supplies for emergency preparedness. President Truman began hatching another big idea: to drive the nation forward, government needed to work efficiently and for the betterment of its citizens.
On July 1, 1949, Truman’s vision was fulfilled with the creation of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), just in time to manage the massive renovation of a crumbling White House.
Over the past 75 years, the GSA has grown to serve as the backbone of the U.S. government in areas like real estate, acquisition, and technology, while stewarding historic preservation and managing one of the nation’s oldest and largest public art collections.
The GSA’s story is an American story. It starts with an “accidental president” from Missouri and continues today under the leadership of another buck-stops-here Missourian, Robin Carnahan. Explore the story with Truman Library Director Kurt Graham and Administrator Carnahan. They will be joined onstage by Sam Rushay, supervisory archivist of the Truman Library.
Please join us for a fascinating conversation and the official kickoff of GSA’s yearlong 75th anniversary celebration, highlighting one of the most far-reaching and significant legacies of President Truman.

All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.