National Historical Publications & Records Commission

Archives Leadership Institute

The Archives Leadership Institute

Applying to ALI@Luther

  • Applications are available in the Fall and are due in January.
  • Applicants will be informed by email of their status by March.
  • Tuition and fees are $500, including meals, activities, and lodging during the Leadership Intensive, and the Practices Workshop fee.
  • Tuition and travel scholarships applications are available.

Apply to the Archives Leadership Institute at the Archives Leadership Institute

Further Information:
Please contact Sasha Griffin, Digital Archivist, Luther College ALI Program Coordinator, at 563-387-1725 or

Each June, the annual Archives Leadership Institute will be held at Luther College (ALI@Luther) and will feature a week-long, residential Leadership Intensive, held at the Baker Village complex at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. This immersion program will embrace a distraction-free, focused opportunity for emerging archival leaders to develop theories, skills, and knowledge through Faculty instructors and Steering Committee mentors.

  • June 16-22, 2013
  • June 15-21, 2014
  • June 14-20, 2015

Other elements of the ALI program include a practicum project for participants to connect leadership skills with practical application, the Practices Workshop held in conjunction with the Society of American Archivists' Annual Meeting, the ALI Salon network of online forums, and optional thematic group projects for ALI alumni and participants to collaboratively address global archival issues.

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission, the granting agency of the National Archives, supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America's documentary heritage and the continuing development of professional skills for archivists, records managers and historical editors. First funded in 2008, the Archives Leadership Institute seeks to bring to tomorrow's leaders the insights and understanding necessary for increasing public use and appreciation of archives.
