
21st Annual Preservation Conference-University of Maryland University College Inn and Conference Center

21st Annual Preservation Conference

University of Maryland University College
Inn and Conference Center

Adelphi, Maryland

Photos of Venue, Page 2 of 2

Refer to CaptionReception area of the UMUC Conference Center. This space is adjacent to the lobby and is where breaks and the evening reception will take place.
Refer to CaptionUMUC Shuttle parked in front of the Student and Faculty Services Center (SFSC) building in Drazek Circle. This shuttle stops at the College Park and PG Plaza Metro Stations.
Refer to CaptionUMUC Shuttle parked in front of SFSC building. Parking Garage is to the left. The Conference Center is just a short walk from here.
Refer to CaptionEntrance to the UMUC Conference Center from Drazek Circle.
Refer to Caption Inn and Conference Center (ICC) Courtyard. Some overnight guests will stay at the facility in the background. The UMUC Shuttle stops here as well - handy if you are carrying luggage. The UMUC Conference Center is directly across the courtyard from the Inn.

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