Press Release
Press Release · Friday, December 8, 1995
Press Release
December 8, 1995
Richard Norton Smith Named Director of the Ford Library and Museum
Washington, DC . . . Archivist of United States John W. Carlin announced today the selection of Richard Norton Smith as the new Director of the Gerald R. Ford Library in Ann Arbor, MI, and the Gerald R. Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, MI. Mr. Smith is currently Director of the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA, and Executive Director of the Reagan Foundation and Center for Public Affairs. Mr. Smith will join the Ford Library and Museum staff in February 1996. His office will be located at the Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, MI.
In making this announcement, Mr. Carlin said, "I am sure that Richard will bring the same high level of energy and dedication to his new position as he has exhibited consistently in the past. Richard has been extremely successful in bringing out the full potential of all the libraries where he has served. I applaud Richard's tremendous ability to involve the public and to make known the tremendous resources available in the libraries. He will be a great asset to the Ford Museum as it continues work toward a major renovation."
Prior to his service at the Reagan Library and the Reagan Foundation, Mr. Smith was Director of the Herbert Hoover Library and served as Acting Director of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library. Mr. Smith is also the author of seven books on American history and politics. These include "Thomas E. Dewey and His Times," which was among three finalists for the 1983 Pulitzer Prize, and his most recent work, "Patriarch: George Washington and the New American Nation." He received a B.A. in history from Harvard University.
The Gerald Ford Library and Museum is one of nine Presidential libraries administered by the National Archives. The Ford Library and Museum preserves and makes available to the public the historic materials donated to the nation by President Ford and many of his associates. The Library and Museum were dedicated in 1981.
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