
Press Release
Press Release · Wednesday, September 9, 1998

Press Release
September 9, 1998
October Lectures at the National Archives Feature Bob Dole, Warren Christopher, and Astronaut Alan Bean

Washington, DC . . . In October, the National Archives and Records Administration presents free lectures and booksignings that relate to political humor, space exploration, and U.S. Foreign Policy. Speakers include former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, former Secretary of State Warren Christopher, and former astronaut Alan Bean.

The programs are free and open to the public and will take place at the National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets, NW. The public may verify times and dates by calling the National Archives public events line at (202) 501-5000. TDD users may call (202) 501-5404.

Please Note: The theater at the downtown National Archives Building is equipped with a system that allows the hearing-impaired to use a set of headphones, or neck loop and a small receiver, to enhance the volume of the public address system. Visitors may request these devices in the projection booth.

Tuesday, October 6 -- Congress/Political Humor
Former Senate Majority Leader and 1996 Republican Presidential nominee Bob Dole has compiled a connoisseur’s collection of bipartisan political humor in his new book, Great Political Wit: Laughing (Almost) All the Way to the White House. He will share some of his favorite personal stories and historical anecdotes. Published by Nan A. Talese/Doubleday. Noon. Theater.

Wednesday, October 7 -- Designs for Democracy series
War Memorials in the Washington, DC, Regional Area. Gary Scott, Chief Historian of the National Capital Region of the National Park Service, will present a slide lecture relating to the historical and artistic evolution of war memorials. The audience may view the exhibit "Designs for Democracy" following the lecture. Noon. Room 105.

Wednesday, October 14 -- Designs for Democracy series
Photographer David Plowden has spent his career documenting life in America. Plowden will show slides from his new book, Imprints: A Retrospective, and from an earlier collection of photographs of bridges. (A retrospective exhibition of his work is on temporary display at the Albin O. Kuhn Library and Gallery, University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus.) Noon. Room 105.

Wednesday, October 14 -- Constitution Program
Trial attorney Gerry Spence is a country lawyer who has not lost a jury trial since 1969. His clients have included the estate of Karen Silkwood (on behalf of her children), Imelda Marcos, and Randy Weaver. Tonight he will discuss the themes of his new book, Give Me Liberty: Freeing Ourselves in the Twenty-First Century, in which he examines historical and contemporary America. Published by St. Martins. 7 P.M. Theater.

Thursday, October 15 -- Foreign Affairs Program
Warren Christopher, Secretary of State from 1993 to 1997, will discuss In the Stream of History: Shaping Foreign Policy for a New Era. Organized around 37 key speeches, the book highlights major foreign policy challenges and describes the state of affairs when Christopher took office. He outlines his strategy for the post-Cold War period, recounts his decision to return to private practice, and provides some recommendations for the future. Published by Stanford University Press. 7 P.M. Theater.

Monday, October 19 -- Space Exploration/NASA Records
Steven J. Dick, astronomer and historian of science at the U.S. Naval Observatory, will discuss his new book, Life on Other Worlds: The Twentieth-Century Extra-Terrestrial Life Debate. The topic of otherworldly life has often titillated and consumed science and the public. A major concern at the dawn of the space program was contamination of the Moon and planets by terrestrial organisms. The author will discuss the lunar quarantine and will put the current extra-terrestrial life debate in historical perspective. Published by Cambridge University Press. Noon. Theater.

Monday, October 19 -- The Twentieth Century
Harold M. Evans, former president of Random House and now vice-chairman and editorial director of US News and World Report, will participate in a discussion on "The American Century: What Was It and Has It Ended?" Other panelists to be announced. Evans’s book, The American Century, is published by Alfred A. Knopf. 6 P.M. Theater.

Tuesday, October 20 -- Vietnam/Biography Program
Lewis Sorley, a third-generation West Point graduate and former executive officer of a tank battalion in Vietnam, will discuss his new book, Honorable Warrior: General Harold K. Johnson and the Ethics of Command. General Johnson was a soldier’s officer, loved by his men and admired by his peers, who became President Lyndon Johnson’s Army Chief of Staff. Published by University Press of Kansas. Noon. Room 105.

Wednesday, October 21 -- Designs for Democracy series
Politics, Architecture, and Construction: 200 Years of Capitol History. William Allen, architectural historian for the Architect of the Capitol since 1982, will provide an overview of the development of the Capitol from George Washington’s Presidency to the present day. Mr. Allen’s lecture will highlight topics such as: the original design by William Thorton and Stephen Hallet, the collaboration between Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Latrobe, the iron dome, and the work of Frederic Law Olmsted. The audience may view the exhibit "Designs for Democracy" following the lecture. Noon. Room 105.

Thursday, October 22 -- Apollo 12/Space Exploration
Alan Bean served as lunar module pilot on Apollo 12 and was the fourth man to set foot on the Moon. Bean also served as spacecraft commander of the Skylab Mission II and was a backup commander for the joint American-Russian Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. Bean, who is currently a full-time artist, will discuss his experience as an astronaut, show video clips of Apollo 12 and his moon walk, and show slides of his paintings. Apollo: An Eyewitness Account by Artist/Astronaut/Moonwalker Alan Bean is published by Greenwich Workshop Press. 7 P.M. Theater.

Wednesday, October 28 -- Designs for Democracy series
Washington’s Controversial Commemorative Landscape. John Parsons, Associate Superintendent for the National Park Service in Washington, DC, serves as chairman of the National Capital Memorial Commission. For 30 years, he has shepherded 20 memorials through the legislative, site selection, design, and construction processes. Mr. Parsons will share his experiences, through an illustrated slide lecture. The audience may view the exhibit "Designs for Democracy" following the lecture. Noon. Room 105.

For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail.


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