
Mrs. Gore to Participate in Presentation of National Archives Educational Resource
Press Release · Monday, June 22, 1998

Washington, DC

WHAT: The working press is invited to attend a program to introduce a new National Archives and Records Administration educational publication on women’s contributions to democracy entitled, "Our Mothers Before Us: Women and Democracy, 1789-1920." Through a grant from Jeanette Cantrell Rudy of Nashville, the "Our Mothers Before Us: Women and Democracy, 1789-1920" educational document resource will be distributed to every high school in Tennessee. The project’s national contributors are the Fannie Mae Foundation and Southwest Airlines Co. Developed and distributed with private funding, "Our Mothers Before Us" brings original source material from the records of Congress to Tennessee students.

WHO: Among those participating in the ceremony are: Tipper Gore, wife of the Vice President; Tennessee First Lady Martha Sundquist; Archivist of the United States John W. Carlin; Mrs. Bill Frist; and Mrs. Bob Clement. They will discuss the publication and its importance in offering students a window on the struggles of women in finding a voice in government.

WHERE: House Chamber of the State Capitol, Nashville, Tennessee.

WHEN: Tuesday, June 23, 1998, at 2 P.M.

For additional information regarding the event, contact Michael Gillette, Director of the Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, at (202) 501-5350.

For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail.


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