Carter Library Material Added to NARA Website
Press Release · Wednesday, November 26, 1997
Washington, DC
Press Release
November 26, 1997
Carter Library Material Added to NARA Website
College Park, MD . . . Archivist of the United States John W. Carlin announced today that descriptions of the holdings of the Jimmy Carter Library in Atlanta, GA are now available to the public on the Internet. The holdings, the majority of which were donated to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in 1981 by President Jimmy Carter, include the White House materials of President and Mrs. Carter and their staff. The more than 37,000 descriptions represent 52 collections totaling about 7 million pages of publicly-available textual material. (The Carter Library is one of ten Presidential libraries administered by NARA.)
In making the announcement, Mr. Carlin said, "The 37,000 descriptions documenting the Carter Administration that are now available to Internet users is another example of NARA’s commitment to access. Scholars, researchers and the general public interested in the history and significance of the Carter Presidency will find this to be an invaluable resource."
The Carter material can be accessed on the World Wide Web through the NARA ARCHIVAL INFORMATION LOCATOR (NAIL).
To improve public access to the data, it was transferred to NAIL from the Carter Library’s stand alone system. The conversion is part of NARA’s Electronic Access Project, still in the developmental phase, which will eventually result in a virtual card catalog of all NARA holdings nationwide, including those in the Presidential libraries and regional archives. In addition, copies of more than 100,000 of NARA's most popular and significant manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings, maps, drawings and other documents are currently being digitized and made available for researchers to view online.
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